Reload Keras-Tuner Trials from the directory - tensorflow

I'm trying to reload or access the Keras-Tuner Trials after the Tuner's search has completed for inspecting the results. I'm not able to find any documentation or answers related to this issue.
For example, I set up BayesianOptimization to search for the best hyper-parameters as follows:
## Build Hyper Parameter Search
tuner = kt.BayesianOptimization(build_model,
project_name='lstm_dense_bo'), X_train_num), y_train_cat,
validation_data=((X_val_seq, X_val_num), y_val_cat),
callbacks=[callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=3,
I see this creates trial files in the directory kt_dir with project name lstm_dense_bo such as below:
Now, if I restart my Jupyter kernel, how can I reload these trials into a Tuner object and subsequently inspect the best model or the best hyperparameters or the best trial?
I'd very much appreciate your help. Thank you

I was trying to do the same thing. I was looking into the keras docs for an easier way than this but could not find one - so if any other SO-ers have a better idea, please let us know!
Load the previous tuner. Make sure overwrite=False or else you'll delete your trials.
workdir = "mlp_202202151345"
obj = "val_recall"
tuner = kt.Hyperband(
objective=kt.Objective(obj, direction="max"),
Look for a trial you want to load. Note that TensorBoard works really well for this. In this example, I'm loading 1a38ebaba07b77501999cb1c4ab9413e.
Here's the part that I could not find in Keras docs. This might be dependent on the tuner you use (I am using Hyperband):'1a38ebaba07b77501999cb1c4ab9413e')
Returns a Trial object (also could not find in the docs). The Trial object has a hyperparameters attribute that will return that trial's hyperparameters. Now:
Gives you the trial's model for training, evaluation, predictions, etc.
NOTE This seems convuluted and hacky, would love to see a better way.

j7skov has correctly mentioned that you need to reload previous tuner and set the parameter overwrite=False(so that tuner will not overwrite already generated trials).
Further if you want to load first K best models then we need to use tuner's get_best_models method as below
# This will load 10 best hyper tuned models with the weights
# corresponding to their best checkpoint (at the end of the best epoch of best trial).
best_model_count = 10
bo_tuner_best_models = tuner.get_best_models(num_models=best_model_count)
Then you can access a specific best model as below
best_model_id = 7
model = bo_tuner_best_models[best_model_id]
This method is for querying the models trained during the search. For best performance, it is recommended to retrain your Model on the full dataset using the best hyperparameters found during search, which can be obtained using tuner.get_best_hyperparameters().
tuner_best_hyperparameters = tuner.get_best_hyperparameters(num_trials=best_model_count)
best_hp = tuner_best_hyperparameters[best_model_id]
model =
If you want to just display hyperparameters for the K best models then use tuner's results_summary method as below
For further reference visit this page.

Inspired by j7skov, I found that the models can be reloaded
by manipulating and tuner.load_model.
By assigning to a variable, we can find that it is a dict object containing all relavant trials in the tuning process.
The keys of the dictionary are the trial_id, and the values of the
dictionary are the instance of the Trial object.
Alternatively, we can return the best few trials by using
To inspect the hyperparameters of the trial, we can use the summary method of the instance.
To load the model, we can pass the trial instance to tuner.load_model.
Beware that different versions can lead to incompatibilities.
For example the directory structure is a little different between keras-tuner==1.0 and keras-tuner==1.1 as far as I know.
Using your example, the working flow may be summarized as follows.
# Recreate the tuner object
tuner = kt.BayesianOptimization(build_model,
# Return all trials from the oracle
trials =
# Print out the ID and the score of all trials
for trial_id, trial in trials.items():
print(trial_id, trial.score)
# Return best 5 trials
best_trials =
for trial in best_trials:
model = tuner.load_model(trial)
# Do some stuff to the model

tuner = kt.BayesianOptimization(build_model,
will load the tuner again.


TF object detection: return subset of inference payload

I'm working on training and deploying an instance segmentation model using TF's object detection API. I'm able to successfully train the model, package it into a TF Serving Docker image (latest tag as of Oct 2020), and process inference requests via the REST interface. However, the amount of data returned from an inference request is very large (hundreds of Mb). This is a big problem when the inference request and processing don't happen on the same machine because all that returned data has to go over the network.
Is there a way to trim down the number of outputs (either during model export or within the TF Serving image) so allow faster round trip times during inference?
I'm using TF OD API (with TF2) to train a Mask RCNN model, which is a modified version of this config. I believe the full list of outputs is described in code here. The list of items I get during inference is also pasted below. For a model with 100 object proposals, that information is ~270 Mb if I just write the returned inference as json to disk.
dict_keys(['detection_masks', 'rpn_features_to_crop', 'detection_anchor_indices', 'refined_box_encodings', 'final_anchors', 'mask_predictions', 'detection_classes', 'num_detections', 'rpn_box_predictor_features', 'class_predictions_with_background', 'proposal_boxes', 'raw_detection_boxes', 'rpn_box_encodings', 'box_classifier_features', 'raw_detection_scores', 'proposal_boxes_normalized', 'detection_multiclass_scores', 'anchors', 'num_proposals', 'detection_boxes', 'image_shape', 'rpn_objectness_predictions_with_background', 'detection_scores'])
I already encode the images within my inference requests as base64, so the request payload is not too large when going over the network. It's just that the inference response is gigantic in comparison. I only need 4 or 5 of the items out of this response, so it'd be great to exclude the rest and avoid passing such a large package of bits over the network.
Things I've tried
I've tried setting the score_threshold to a higher value during the export (code example here) to reduce the number of outputs. However, this seems to just threshold the detection_scores. All the extraneous inference information is still returned.
I also tried just manually excluding some of these inference outputs by adding the names of keys to remove here. That also didn't seem to have any effect, and I'm worried this is a bad idea because some of those keys might be needed during scoring/evaluation.
I also searched here and on tensorflow/models repo, but I wasn't able to find anything.
I was able to find a hacky workaround. In the export process (here), some of the components of the prediction dict are deleted. I added additional items to the non_tensor_predictions list, which contains all keys that will get removed during the postprocess step. Augmenting this list cut down my inference outputs from ~200MB to ~12MB.
Full code for the if self._number_of_stages == 3 block:
if self._number_of_stages == 3:
non_tensor_predictions = [
k for k, v in prediction_dict.items() if not isinstance(v, tf.Tensor)]
# Add additional keys to delete during postprocessing
non_tensor_predictions = non_tensor_predictions + ['raw_detection_scores', 'detection_multiclass_scores', 'anchors', 'rpn_objectness_predictions_with_background', 'detection_anchor_indices', 'refined_box_encodings', 'class_predictions_with_background', 'raw_detection_boxes', 'final_anchors', 'rpn_box_encodings', 'box_classifier_features']
for k in non_tensor_predictions:'Removing {0} from prediction_dict'.format(k))
return prediction_dict
I think there's a more "proper" way to deal with this using signature definitions during the creation of the TF Serving image, but this worked for a quick and dirty fix.
I've ran into the same problem. In the exporter_main_v2 code there is stated that the outputs should be:
and the following output nodes returned by the model.postprocess(..):
* `num_detections`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form [batch]
that specifies the number of valid boxes per image in the batch.
* `detection_boxes`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form
[batch, num_boxes, 4] containing detected boxes.
* `detection_scores`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form
[batch, num_boxes] containing class scores for the detections.
* `detection_classes`: Outputs float32 tensors of the form
[batch, num_boxes] containing classes for the detections.
I've submitted an issue on the tensorflow object detection github repo, I hope we will get feedback from the tensorflow dev team.
The github issue can be found here
If you are using file to export your model, you can try this hack way to solve this problem.
Just add following codes in the function _run_inference_on_images of file:
detections[classes_field] = (
tf.cast(detections[classes_field], tf.float32) + label_id_offset)
############# START ##########
ignored_model_output_names = ["raw_detection_boxes", "raw_detection_scores"]
for key in ignored_model_output_names:
if key in detections.keys(): del detections[key]
############# END ##########
for key, val in detections.items():
detections[key] = tf.cast(val, tf.float32)
Therefore, the generated model will not output the values of ignored_model_output_names.
Please let me know if this can solve your problem.
Another approach would be to alter the signatures of the saved model:
model = tf.saved_model.load(path.join("models", "efficientdet_d7_coco17_tpu-32", "saved_model"))
infer = model.signatures["serving_default"]
outputs = infer.structured_outputs
for o in ["raw_detection_boxes", "raw_detection_scores"]:
signatures={"serving_default" : infer},

Learning to rank how to save model

I successfully managed to implement learning to rank by following the tutorial TF-Ranking for sparse features using the ANTIQUE question answering dataset.
Now my goal is to successfully save the learned model to disk so that I can easily load it without training again. Due to the Tensorflow docs, the estimator.export_saved_model() method seems to be the way to go. But I can't wrap my head around how to tell Tensorflow how my feature structure looks like. Due to the docs here the easiest way seems to be calling tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(), which returns me the required inpur receiver function which I have to pass to the export_saved_model function. But how do I tell Tensorflow how my features from my learning to rank model look like?
From my current understanding the model has context feature specs and example feature specs. So I guess I somehow have to combine those two specs into one feature description, which I then can pass to the build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn function?
So I think you are on the right track;
You can get a build_ranking_serving_input_receiver_fn like this: (substitue context_feature_columns(...) and example_feature_columns(...) with defs you probably have for creating your own context and example structures for your training data):
def example_serving_input_fn():
context_feature_spec = tf.feature_column.make_parse_example_spec(
example_feature_spec = tf.feature_column.make_parse_example_spec(
servingInputReceiver =,
return servingInputReceiver
And then pass this to export_saved_model like this:
ranker.export_saved_model('path_to_save_model', example_serving_input_fn())
(ranker here is a tf.estimator.Estimator, maybe you called this 'estimator' in your code)
ranker = tf.estimator.Estimator(

In Tensorflow-Serving, is it possible to get only the top-k prediction results?

When using the code in, but with a DNNClassifier Estimator model, the curl/query request returns all the possible label classes and their associated scores.
Using a model with 100,000+ possible output/label classes, the response becomes too large. Is there any way to limit the number of outputs to the top-k results? (Similar to how it can be done in keras).
The only possibility I could think of is feeding some parameter into the predict API through the signatures, but I haven't found any parameters that would give this functionality. I've read through a ton of documentation + code and googled a ton, but to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any responses. <3
AFAIC, there are 2 ways to support your need.
You could add some lines in tensorflow-serving source code referring to this
You could do something like this while training/retraining your model.
Hope this will help.
Putting this up here in case it helps anyone. It's possible to override the classification_output() function in (which is used by in order to filter the top-k results. You can insert this snippet into your / file, and whenever you save an DNNClassifier model, that model will always output at most num_top_k_results when doing inference/serving. The vast majority of the method is copied from the original classification_output() function. (Note this may or may not work with 1.13 / 2.0 as it hasn't been tested on those.)
from tensorflow.python.estimator.canned import head as head_lib
num_top_k_results = 5
def override_classification_output(scores, n_classes, label_vocabulary=None):
batch_size = array_ops.shape(scores)[0]
if label_vocabulary:
export_class_list = label_vocabulary
export_class_list = string_ops.as_string(math_ops.range(n_classes))
# Get the top_k results
top_k_scores, top_k_indices = tf.nn.top_k(scores, num_top_k_results)
# Using the top_k_indices, get the associated class names (from the vocabulary)
top_k_classes = tf.gather(tf.convert_to_tensor(value=export_class_list), tf.squeeze(top_k_indices))
export_output_classes = array_ops.tile(
input=array_ops.expand_dims(input=top_k_classes, axis=0),
multiples=[batch_size, 1])
return export_output.ClassificationOutput(
# `ClassificationOutput` requires string classes.
# Override the original method with our custom one.
head_lib._classification_output = override_classification_output

How to store best models checkpoints, not only newest 5, in Tensorflow Object Detection API?

I'm training MobileNet on WIDER FACE dataset and I encountered problem I couldn't solve. TF Object Detection API stores only last 5 checkpoints in train dir, but what I would like to do, is to save best models relative to mAP metric (or at least leave many more models in train dir before deletion).
For example, today I've looked at Tensorboard after next night of training and I see that overnight model has over-fitted and I can't restore best checkpoint, because it was deleted already.
EDIT: I just use Tensorflow Object Detection API, it by default saves last 5 checkpoints in train dir which I point. I look for some configuration parameter or anything that will change this behavior.
Has anyone have some fix in code/config param to set/workaround for that? It seems like I'm missing something, it should be obvious that what's in fact important is the best model, not the newest one (which can overfit).
You can modify (hardcoding in your fork or opening a pull request and adding the options to protos) the arguments passed to tf.train.Saver in:
You will probably want to set:
max_to_keep: Maximum number of recent checkpoints to keep. Defaults to 5.
keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours: How often to keep checkpoints. Defaults to 10,000 hours.
You can change config.
class RunConfig(object):
"""This class specifies the configurations for an `Estimator` run."""
def __init__(self,
You may be interested by this Tf github thread that tackles the newest/best checkpoint issue. A user developed his own wrapper, chekmate, around tf.Saver to keep track of the best checkpoints.
You can follow up this PR. Here your best checkpoint is saved within your checkpoint directory, sub-directory named as best.
You just need to integrate the best_saver() and (method call in _run_checkpoint_once()) inside ../object_detection/
Additionally it will also create a json for all_evaluation_metrices.
For saving more checkpoints, you can write a simple python script that will store the checkpoints in a timely manner to a specific.
import os
import shutil
import time
while True:
training_file = '/home/vignesh/training' # path of your train directory
archive_file = 'home/vignesh/training/archive' #path of the directory where you want to save your checkpoints
files_to_save = []
for files in os.listdir(training_file):
if files.rsplit('.')[0]=='model':
for files in files_to_save:
if files in os.listdir(archive_file):
time.sleep(600) # This will make the script run for every 600 seconds, modify it for your need

How is tf.summary.tensor_summary meant to be used?

TensorFlow provides a tf.summary.tensor_summary() function that appears to be a multidimensional variant of tf.summary.scalar():
tf.summary.tensor_summary(name, tensor, summary_description=None, collections=None)
I thought it could be useful for summarizing inferred probabilities per class ... somewhat like
op_summary = tf.summary.tensor_summary('classes', some_tensor)
# ...
summary =
However it appears that TensorBoard doesn't provide a way to display these summaries at all. How are they meant to be used?
I cannot get it to work either. It seems like that feature is still under development. See this video from the TensorFlow Dev Summit that states that the tensor_summary is still under development (starting at 9:17): It will probably be better defined and examples should be provided in the future.