Tensorflow: Change input and output of tensorflowhub model - tensorflow

I would like to change the input and output size of a convolutional model of tensorflow, which I am importing from the tensorflow hub.
Would I like to know what is the best way to do this? If I could convert the model to kaeras format I think it would be easier, but I'm not succeeding either.
This is the model https://tfhub.dev/intel/midas/v2_1_small/1

The format of the input is determined by the publisher of the model. Some models could be flexible on the dimensions of the input and some require input with very specific dimensions. In that case, the best way would be to resize the input as needed before feeding it to the model.


Convolutional network returning a matrix with a image as input

I have been trying to code a model that looks at an image with a grid and returns a matrix with the contents of that grid.
Here is an example of the input image:
And this should be the output:
With 0: Blue, 1: Pink, 2: Lavender, 3: Green
I have a hard time finding resources on how to do this. What would be the simpelst way?
Thanks in advance!
There could be multiple design choices to generate this type of output. I suggest using Autoencoders.
Here is some information about Autoencoders taken from Wikipedia -
An autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used to learn
efficient codings of unlabeled data (unsupervised learning).1 The
encoding is validated and refined by attempting to regenerate the
input from the encoding. The autoencoder learns a representation
(encoding) for a set of data, typically for dimensionality reduction,
by training the network to ignore insignificant data (“noise”).
While autoencoders are typically used to reconstruct the input, you have a slightly different problem of mapping the input to a specific matrix.
You'd want to set up the architecture by providing images as input and the corresponding matrices as your "labels." The architecture can be further optimized by using Convolutional layers instead of MLP layers.

Define TF model with variable input dimensions

I want to implement a tf model with a tweets-set as input and sentiment (or price movement prediction of the underlying asset) as output. Notice that my input is not a single tweet, but a set of tweets published over the same narrow time frame. The model architecture would look something like this:
I use the same model Trainable Model to predict the single sentiments s_i. I then take the average over these sentiments to compute the overall tweets-set sentiment, which I consider as my output.
Now my question is: Can I implement something like this in tensorflow?
One of the main difficulties I can think of, is that the input shape is not fixed. It depends on the the number of tweets n published in that time frame. I read about tf.placeholder, but it doesn't seem to be suitable here, because it still requires a constant input dimension (How to feed input with changing size in Tensorflow).
Also what possibilities does tensorflow offer in order to define such custom models (not fully connected, custom computations e.g. averaging the sentiments etc.)?

How to make a keras model take a (None,) tensor as Input

I am using the tf.keras API and I want my Model to take input with shape (None,), None is batch_size.
The shape of keras.layers.Input() doesn't include batch_size, so I think it can't be used.
Is there a way to achieve my goal? I prefer a solution without tf.placeholder since it is deprecated
By the way, my model is a sentence embedding model, so I want the input is something like ['How are you.','Good morning.']
Currently, I can create an input layer with layers.Input(dtype=tf.string,shape=1), but this need my input to be something like [['How are you.'],['Good morning.']]. I want my input to have only one dimension.
Have you tried tf.keras.layers.Input(dtype=tf.string, shape=())?
If you wanted to set a specific batch size, tf.keras.Input() does actually include a batch_size parameter. But the batch size is presumed to be None by default, so you shouldn't even need to change anything.
Now, it seems like what you actually want is to be able to provide samples (sentences) of variable length. Good news! The tf.keras.layers.Embedding layer allows you to do this, although you'll have to generate an encoding for your sentences first. The Tensorflow website has a good tutorial on the process.

Extract the output of the embedding layer

I am trying to build a regression model, for which I have a nominal variable with very high cardinality. I am trying to get the categorical embedding of the column.
the embeddings of the column.
I want to use the op of the embedding column alone since I would require that as a input to my traditional regression model. Is there a way to extract that output alone.
P.S I am not asking for code, any suggestion on the approach would be great.
If the embedding is part of the model and you train it, then you can use functional API of keras to get output of any intermediate operation in your graph:
if you do it before you train the model, you'll have to define custom loss function, that deals only with part of the output. The other way is to train the model with just one output, then create identical model with two outputs and set the weights of the second model from the trained one.
If you want to get the embedding matrix from your model, you can just use method get_weights of the embedding layer which returns the weights in numpy array.

How does keras choose the input from its shape

In Keras, we don't specify what the input is, we rather specify its shape. How does Keras choose what array to use as an input?
For example, I have two models that have different input, but the two inputs have the same shape. How can I specify which input goes to which model?
Models in Keras/Tensorflow are first "designed", only when they are ready you feed them with data.
The model receives the data when you call any of these: