Unable to use any windows drives in WSL [closed] - windows-subsystem-for-linux

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Closed last year.
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I was tiring to access files inside /mnt in WSL(Ubuntu). But when I typed ls ./d it gave the following error:
ls: cannot open directory '.': Input/output error
This is happening while using any command in any file of the windows drives, I also typed cd ./d/<any-folder> and it gave the following:
cd: Input/output error: <folder-name>

As pointed here, just go to the PowerShell and run the command wsl.exe --shutdown and restart the WSL.

I don't understand as to why I was getting that error.
But try restarting your device.
It worked for me.


Install Mosh on Almalinux 9 [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I don't find the mosh-package for Almalinux 9. I have installed the EPEL as well as REMI repo. I have even tried to install from source, but get the error C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check. Anyone who has information about how to install it?
OK, the error message was due to lack of c++ compiler. When installed, the build managed.

Is there a way to install configuration profiles by code or cmd on MacOS Big Sur? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I use to connect 802.1x network by configuration profiles and install it by system cmd 'profiles' before.But Starting with macOS Big Sur, this cmd cannot be used to install configuration profiles. User should add profiles using the System Preferences panel.
This change is inconvenient to user at all,is there a way to install profiles more silent or convenient? May be by code or cmd?
I am also very curious how does System Preferences install profiles on Big Sur.

Firebird installation on Linux as non-root [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm trying to install firebird under Linux on a machine where I don't have root access, but install.sh fails with the error "You need to be 'root' user to do this change." How can this be done?
I also tried building from source:
./configure.sh --prefix=/home/sergei/firebird
These go through fine, but then 'make install' gives:
(cd ../gen; ./install/makeInstallImage.sh)
You must be root to build package
To be clear, I'm only interested in running it in embedded/standalone mode (single process accessing single file), as an SQLite replacement.
short answer, you can't
Firebird full install need to create a Linux user and to activate a service, so it need root access
you can try a fakeroot, a chroot, or as said Jonathan modify the install script.
or you can try to run it in place if is for testing purpose see http://www.ib-aid.com/articles/item111
but what is your goal ?

Where to find documentation on earlier version of GDB? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Where to find documentation on earlier version of GDB? The documentation located at http://sourceware.org/gdb/documentation/ is for current version only.
I am specifically looking for the document "Debugging with gdb" for GDB version 7.3.1. The document currently available at http://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/ is not preferable, since it is for later GDB version
At my workplace, we are using GDB 7.3.1, and hence this need.
At my workplace, we are using GDB 7.3.1, and hence this need.
Download the 7.3.1 tar ball, and (these may need to be adjusted, typing them from memory):
cd gdb-7.3.1
cd gdb/doc
make html

GNUstep installation [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How will I install GNUStep in Linux ?
First, make sure you path the start up scripts. They were necessary to be invoked once per shell before running any GNUstep binary. Something like this
. /usr/local/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
(Don't miss the first dot and a space after it)
You can install things directly from trunk. Here are some useful scripts from Etoile project. It fetch the svn and install things for you. You may also look into the script and ignore the Etoile bits.
AFAICR, it is not a good idea to use distributor's packages, they were badly maintained, broken and should be avoided.
And you should ditch gcc for clang.
Also, take a look at Philippe Roussel's package repository. I've never use them.