VBA PowerPoint Slides set custom layout to refresh the layout - vba

I have created a script processing many slides and at the end, some slides seem to have glitches in their layout. For example, slide numbers have moved on some slides but not on others. It can be fixed manually by re-assigned the custom layout to the slide.
How can I do this automatically?
I could just loop over all slides, find out it's custom layout and re-assign it. But how? This code seems to loop infinitely:
Dim sld As Slide
Dim layoutName As String
Dim layoutIndex As Integer
Set sld = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide
layoutName = sld.CustomLayout.Name
layoutIndex = getLayoutIndexByName(layoutName)
ActivePresentation.Slides(y).CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(y).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(layoutIndex)
Function getLayoutIndexByName(xName As String) As Integer
ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts.Item (1)
With ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts
For i = 1 To .Count
Debug.Print ("inLoop Name: " + .Item(i).Name)
If .Item(i).Name = xName Then
getLayoutIndexByName = i
Exit Function
End If
End With
End Function

To simply reapply the layout already assigned, you only need this:
ActivePresentation.Slides(y).CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Slides(y).CustomLayout
Occasionally, that command doesn't work, then this workaround is worth a try:
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("SlideReset")
To apply a new layout, then you need to use something like this code, which is pretty similar to yours:
ActivePresentation.Slides(y).CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(GetLayoutIndexFromName("Text Page", ActivePresentation.Designs(1)))
My version of GetLayoutIndexFromName:
Function GetLayoutIndexFromName(sLayoutName As String, oDes As Design) As Long
Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To oDes.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts.Count
If oDes.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(x).Name = sLayoutName Then
GetLayoutIndexFromName = x
Exit Function
End If
End Function


Replace a text box with a placeholder (Title or Body)

I received a PowerPoint file with multiple slides which were supposed to be templates (designs - customlayouts) but instead were regular slides.
Transforming them into SlideMaster and custom layouts and replacing the titles and bodys (textboxes) with actual placeholders by hand was a pain.
So I came with this script to make the process faster.
If anybody has a better approach, it's welcome.
Had to look for a workaround to get the customlayout object.
Several things are missing, for example error handling.
To test it, copy a textbox into a slidemaster layout slide, select it and run the ReplaceWithPHTitle macro
Option Explicit
Public Sub ReplaceWithPHTitle()
ReplaceTexboxWithPlaceholder ppPlaceholderTitle
End Sub
Public Sub ReplaceWithPHBody()
ReplaceTexboxWithPlaceholder ppPlaceholderBody
End Sub
Private Sub ReplaceTexboxWithPlaceholder(ByVal placeholderType As PpPlaceholderType)
Dim targetLayout As CustomLayout
Dim activeShape As Shape
Dim newPlaceHolder As Shape
Set activeShape = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
Set targetLayout = activeShape.Parent
Set newPlaceHolder = targetLayout.Shapes.AddPlaceholder(Type:=placeholderType, Left:=activeShape.Left, Top:=activeShape.Top, Width:=activeShape.Width + 15, Height:=activeShape.Height)
With newPlaceHolder.TextFrame
.TextRange.Font.Name = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name
.TextRange.Characters.Font.Color.RGB = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters.Font.Color.RGB
.TextRange.Font.Size = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size
.TextRange.Font.Bold = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Bold
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceWithin = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceWithin
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.BaseLineAlignment = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.BaseLineAlignment
.TextRange.Text = activeShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text
End With
With newPlaceHolder.TextFrame2
.TextRange.Font.Spacing = activeShape.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Spacing
End With
newPlaceHolder.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End Sub
Any improvements are welcome too.

How to select several slides using For Loop?

I have a presentation to split into several smaller ones depending on the text in the header.
I've managed to find and compile a code that finds the last slide that has the text), then it selects several previous slides, copies them to a new presentation, saves it, and repeats that for the next value.
This would be fine if number of slides with every text was the same (and all the slides with the same text were in the same order), but it's not always the case in my presentation. I need to modify the function.
Basically, it should return not just a slide, but a slide range, and it should be resized with every loop where if function is true. I know how to get all the slide indexes as a string, but I don't know how to use that string to select those slides.
Function FindSlideByTitle(sTextToFind As String) As slide
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.slides
With oSl.Shapes.Title.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
If InStr(1, .TextRange.Text, sTextToFind, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Set FindSlideByTitle = oSl
End If
End If
End With
I don't see an advantage to creating a slide range in this instance. A function for this isn't going to work, since it can only return one slide at a time, as you've discovered.
Instead, create a Sub using your loop, then replace
Set FindSlideByTitle = oSl
with a routine to add the found slide to an array:
Option Base 1
Dim FoundSlide() As Integer
Dim oSl As Slide
Sub FindSlideByTitle()
ReDim Preserve FoundSlide(1)
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
With oSl.Shapes.Title.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
If InStr(1, .TextRange.Text, "Ham", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Count% = UBound(FoundSlide)
ReDim Preserve FoundSlide(Count% + 1)
FoundSlide(Count% + 1) = oSl.SlideNumber
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Then process that subset of slides one at a time:
Sub DoSomethingWithSlide()
For X = 1 To UBound(FoundSlide)
With ActivePresentation.Slides(FoundSlide(X))
'Process each slide here
End With
Next X
End Sub
Anyway, this is what I came up with in the end, and it (almost) seems to be working.
Dim sSlides() As String
sSlides() = Split(FindSlide(sCountry), ";|;")
Dim n As Long
Dim iSlides() As Integer
ReDim iSlides(LBound(sSlides) To UBound(sSlides))
For n = LBound(sSlides) To UBound(sSlides)
iSlides(n) = CInt(sSlides(n))
Next n
Dim rCountrySlides As SlideRange
Set rCountrySlides = ActivePresentation.slides.range(iSlides)

VBA in MS Visio - highlighting connectors of selected shape

After selecting a shape (f.e. square or more squares) all the connectors glued to this shape would highlight red, yellow whatever.
The found code below is not working for me, any advice? (I am not coder, so please have patience with me)
Set shpAtEnd = cnx(1).ToSheet
' use HitTest to determine whether Begin end of connector
' is outside shpAtEnd
x = shpAtEnd.HitTest(shpTaskLink.Cells("BeginX"), _
shpTaskLink.Cells("BeginY"), 0.01)
If x = visHitOutside Then
Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2
' do other stuff
End If
This is my first answer on stackoverflow and I hope the following VBA code can solve your problem on how to highlight connectors or connected shapes in Visio!
Public Sub HighlightConnectedShapes()
Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape
Dim connectedShapeIDs() As Long
Dim connectorIDs() As Long
Dim intCount As Integer
' Highlight the selected shape
Set vsoShape = ActiveWindow.Selection(1)
vsoShape.CellsU("Fillforegnd").FormulaU = "RGB(146, 212, 0)"
vsoShape.Cells("LineColor").FormulaU = "RGB(168,0,0)"
vsoShape.Cells("LineWeight").Formula = "2.5 pt"
' Highlight connectors from/to the selected shape
connectorIDs = vsoShape.GluedShapes _
(visGluedShapesAll1D, "")
For intCount = 0 To UBound(connectorIDs)
ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(connectorIDs(intCount)).Cells("LineColor").FormulaU = "RGB(168,0,0)"
ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(connectorIDs(intCount)).Cells("LineWeight").Formula = "2.5 pt"
' Highlight shapes that are connected to the selected shape
connectedShapeIDs = vsoShape.connectedShapes(visConnectedShapesAllNodes, "")
For intCount = 0 To UBound(connectedShapeIDs)
ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(connectedShapeIDs(intCount)).Cells("LineColor").FormulaU = "RGB(168,0,0)"
ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(connectedShapeIDs(intCount)).Cells("LineWeight").Formula = "2.5 pt"
End Sub
To run the macro, you can consider associating with double-click behavior of shapes.
If you only need to highlight incoming/outgoing connectors and incoming/outgoing shapes, replace visGluedShapesAll1D with visGluedShapesIncoming1D/visGluedShapesOutgoing1D and visConnectedShapesAllNodes with visConnectedShapesIncomingNodes/visConnectedShapesOutgoingNodes.
Learn more at visgluedshapesflags and visconnectedshapesflags. Good luck!
The following code will loop though all 1d-Shapes glued to the first shape in your Selection and write their name to the Immediate window. This should be a good starting point.
Visio has no Event that fires if a Shape is selected (at least not without some workarounds), so maybe bind the macro to a keybind.
The visGluedShapesAll1D flag can be replace with another filter as described here: Microsoft Office Reference
Sub colorConnectors()
If ActiveWindow.Selection(1) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim selectedShape As Shape
Set selectedShape = ActiveWindow.Selection(1)
Dim pg As Page
Set pg = ActivePage
Dim gluedConnectorID As Variant 'variant is needed because of "For Each" Loop
For Each gluedConnectorID In selectedShape.GluedShapes(visGluedShapesAll1D, "")
Debug.Print pg.Shapes.ItemFromID(gluedConnectorID).NameU
Next gluedConnectorID
End Sub

Creating a template to create, add, and format text boxes to a slide based on user input in PPT using VBA

I have another questions that asks about the logic behind using several boolean radio buttons to ask survey questions, located here. The largets issue I have had was getting the text boxes to populate a separate slide to display the systems that will affect the customer based on their radio button input.
This post is an attempt to find a way to reduce the code needed to create, place, and format the text boxes. The below code is what I have so far, but it keeps telling me it expects an "=" when I run it.
Public Sub textBox(t As Integer, l As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, Sys As String)
Dim myTB As Shape
With ActivePresentation.Slides(7)
Set myTB = .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHotizontal, l, t, w, h)
myTB.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Sys
myTB.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255,255,255)
myTB.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 20
End With
End Sub
I think I may have the logic wrong in declaring the variables. What I want to be able to do is simply place textBox(200,300,200,25, "ERP Name") into my If Then or Case statement to format the boxes. Is there a better way to do this?
You'd need to use
CALL textBox(parm, parm, ... , parm)
or leave out the parentheses.
For clearing everything out, here's a starting point:
Sub ClearTheField()
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim oSh As Shape
For Each oSl In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each oSh In oSl.Shapes
If oSh.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
If Left$(oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Name, Len("TextBox")) = "TextBox" Then
oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Text = ""
End If
If Left$(oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Name, Len("CheckBox")) = "CheckBox" Then
oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Value = False
End If
If Left$(oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Name, Len("CommandButton")) = "CommandButton" Then
oSh.OLEFormat.Object.Caption = "I changed too"
End If
End If
End Sub

Animated slides conversion to static PDF

For all of you, people who make ppt slides with animations like:
Showing bullet points one by one
Showing images one by one or zooming a plot
Showing a border on an active element
Internal navigation / menu / link to another slide
Transitions between slides
Is there a tool that can convert the ppt to PDF and keep each animation in a separate slide, for example?
I know you can create animated slides with LaTeX Beamer that convert nicely to PDF, I have made some of those, but I also have some ppt files that I want to convert to PDF.
This is what I have tried so far:
Slideshare, however not only it doesn't support animations, but internal navigation doesn't work, and the fonts are all messed up.
PDFcreator, the quality is quite superior in comparison, but it doesn't support the animations neither. As Slideshare, it will just put one image over the other. Also, it doesn't support transparency (for example, a text box with a semitransparent bg over an image)
LaTeX Beamer, already mentioned, but I would prefer to avoid typing these ppts content and animations into LaTeX just so that the animations are displayed correctly in PDF.
I have searched SO and didn't find a satisfactory answer to deal with animations. What do you use?
I found a small plugin that splits your powerpoint slides whenever they have animations. So if you have 3 animations on 1 slide he will generate 3 slides with each animation step by step. Then export it in PDF :-)
It worked for me on powerpoint 2010. I would recommend you do a backup file of presentation before splitting. And don't forget to uncheck the "Split on click-triggered animations".
I also found this (but the first solution was free and worked so :-))
This blog post provides a VBA macro script that will split every slide that has animations (e.g. images or bullet points that appear one by one) into multiple slides, and then you can save as PDF and voila!
Importantly, since it's a VBA script it should work both for Windows and Mac. I've only tried it on OSX (yosemite) with powerpoint 2011, and it worked pretty well. The only issue I had was that slides with animated bullet points (that appear one by one) were split into multiple slides but every slide contained all the bullet points, so I had to delete some manually. Still, for everything else it worked perfectly and it's a small price to pay compared to doing it all manually, especially image animations. Of course you may/may not encounter the same issue on Windows or other versions of PP. In any case, for OSX it's the only working solution I've found so far.
Instructions for adding VBA macros to powerpoint can be found here.
Hope it works for you too!
This blog post provides a VBA macro script that will split every slide that has animations into multiple slides, without keeping the original slides in front of the expanded slides (as is the case in this answer).
The problem that remains with this macro and the other macro, is that the content of a text block with multiple animations is always shown as a whole (e.g. if each sentence of the same text block has a separate animation, all sentences will always be shown together).
VBA Code:
Private AnimVisibilityTag As String
Sub ExpandAnimations()
AnimVisibilityTag = "AnimationExpandVisibility"
Dim pres As Presentation
Dim Slidenum As Integer
Set pres = ActivePresentation
Slidenum = 1
Do While Slidenum <= pres.Slides.Count
Dim s As Slide
Dim animationCount As Integer
Set s = pres.Slides.Item(Slidenum)
If s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count > 0 Then
Set s = pres.Slides.Item(Slidenum)
PrepareSlideForAnimationExpansion s
animationCount = expandAnimationsForSlide(pres, s)
animationCount = 1
End If
Slidenum = Slidenum + animationCount
End Sub
Private Sub PrepareSlideForAnimationExpansion(s As Slide)
' Set visibility tags on all shapes
For Each oShape In s.Shapes
oShape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "true"
Next oShape
' Find initial visibility of each shape
For animIdx = s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim seq As Effect
Set seq = s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Item(animIdx)
On Error GoTo UnknownEffect
For behaviourIdx = seq.Behaviors.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim behavior As AnimationBehavior
Set behavior = seq.Behaviors.Item(behaviourIdx)
If behavior.Type = msoAnimTypeSet Then
If behavior.SetEffect.Property = msoAnimVisibility Then
If behavior.SetEffect.To <> 0 Then
seq.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
seq.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "false"
seq.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
seq.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "true"
End If
End If
End If
Next behaviourIdx
On Error GoTo 0
Next animIdx
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Encountered an error while calculating object visibility: " + Err.Description)
Resume NextSequence
End Sub
Private Function expandAnimationsForSlide(pres As Presentation, s As Slide) As Integer
Dim numSlides As Integer
numSlides = 1
' Play the animation back to determine visibility
Do While True
' Stop when animation is over or we hit a click trigger
If s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count <= 0 Then Exit Do
Dim fx As Effect
Set fx = s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Item(1)
If fx.Timing.TriggerType = msoAnimTriggerOnPageClick Then Exit Do
' Play the animation
PlayAnimationEffect fx
' Make a copy of the slide and recurse
If s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count > 0 Then
s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Item(1).Timing.TriggerType = msoAnimTriggerWithPrevious
Dim nextSlide As Slide
Set nextSlide = s.Duplicate.Item(1)
numSlides = 1 + expandAnimationsForSlide(pres, nextSlide)
End If
' Apply visibility
rescan = True
While rescan
rescan = False
For n = 1 To s.Shapes.Count
If s.Shapes.Item(n).Tags.Item(AnimVisibilityTag) = "false" Then
rescan = True
Exit For
End If
Next n
' Clear all tags
For Each oShape In s.Shapes
oShape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
Next oShape
' Remove animation (since they've been expanded now)
While s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count > 0
expandAnimationsForSlide = numSlides
End Function
Private Sub assignColor(ByRef varColor As ColorFormat, valueColor As ColorFormat)
If valueColor.Type = msoColorTypeScheme Then
varColor.SchemeColor = valueColor.SchemeColor
varColor.RGB = valueColor.RGB
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PlayAnimationEffect(fx As Effect)
On Error GoTo UnknownEffect
For n = 1 To fx.Behaviors.Count
Dim behavior As AnimationBehavior
Set behavior = fx.Behaviors.Item(n)
Select Case behavior.Type
Case msoAnimTypeSet
' Appear or disappear
If behavior.SetEffect.Property = msoAnimVisibility Then
If behavior.SetEffect.To <> 0 Then
fx.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
fx.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "true"
fx.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
fx.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "false"
End If
' Log the problem
End If
Case msoAnimTypeColor
' Change color
If fx.Shape.HasTextFrame Then
Dim range As TextRange
Set range = fx.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange
assignColor range.Paragraphs(fx.Paragraph).Font.Color, behavior.ColorEffect.To
End If
Case Else
' Log the problem
End Select
Next n
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Encountered an error expanding animations: " + Err.Description)
Exit Sub
End Sub
For those of you using LibreOffice or OpenOffice,
there is a plugin available on github that does this very well :
In my experience, all of the standard appear/disappear animations are nicely split. Object movement animations also work (you get a slide with start position and one with end position of the object). I haven't had the chance to test other animation types, but that should cover about all standard needs :-)