Quantile regressing using RcppEnsmallen diverge - optimization

I am trying RcppEnsmallen to estimate quantile regression models. I noticed that the results seemed not convergent. Every time it pops up different results. I set up its first order condition in my code. I guess the divergence may be owing to the fact that the objective function is not differentiable at zero. I am not sure about that.
Here the code
#include <RcppEnsmallen.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEnsmallen)]]
class QuantileRegressionFunction
// Construct the QuantileRegressFunction with the given data.
QuantileRegressionFunction(const arma::mat& X,
const arma::colvec& y,
const double tau
) : X(X),y(y),tau(tau){}
// Define the objective function.
double EvaluateWithGradient(const arma::mat& beta, arma::mat& gradient ){
const arma::mat fit = y - X * beta;
const arma::vec eval =0.5* arma::abs(fit) + (tau - 0.5 )*fit;
const arma::vec v= tau - arma::ones<arma::vec>(y.n_rows) % ( fit < 0 ) ;
gradient = - (X.t() * v)*(1/X.n_rows) ;
return arma::accu( (1/y.n_rows) *eval ) ;
const arma::mat& X;
const arma::vec& y;
const double tau;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat qr_reg(const arma::mat& X, const arma::vec& y,const double& tau){
QuantileRegressionFunction qrf(X,y,tau);
ens::L_BFGS lbfgs;
lbfgs.MaxIterations()= 1000 ;
//lbfgs.MaxLineSearchTrials() = 10000;
//lbfgs.ArmijoConstant() = 1e-18;
arma::mat beta(X.n_cols, 1 , arma::fill::randn);
return beta;
Here is a simple simulation exercise:
n <- 1000
beta <- c(-2, 1.5, 3, 8.2, 6.6)
p <- length(beta)
X <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(n), ncol = p - 1))
y <- X %*% beta + rnorm(n / (p - 1))
Every time qr_reg(X,y,.1) report divergent estimates.


How to sample from a sum of two distributions: binomial and poisson

Is there a way to predict a value from a sum of two distributions? I am getting a syntax error on rstan when I try to estimate y here: y ~ binomial(,) + poisson()
BH_model_block <- "
int y;
int a;
real <lower = 0, upper = 1> c;
real <lower = 0, upper = 1> b;
y ~ binomial(a,b)+ poisson(c);
BH_model <- stan_model(model_code = BH_model_block)
BH_fit <- sampling(BH_model,
data = list(y = 5,
a = 2),
iter= 1000)
Produces this error:
error in 'model2c6022623d56_457bd7ab767c318c1db686d1edf0b8f6' at line 13, column 20
12: model{
13: y ~ binomial(a,b)+ poisson(c);
14: }
Error in stanc(file = file, model_code = model_code, model_name = model_name, :
failed to parse Stan model '457bd7ab767c318c1db686d1edf0b8f6' due to the above error.
Stan doesn't support integer parameters, so you can't technically do that. For two real variables, it'd look like this:
parameters {
real x;
real y;
transformed parameters {
real z = x + y;
model {
x ~ normal(0, 1);
y ~ gamma(0.1, 2);
Then you get the sum distribution for z. If the variables are discrete, it won't compile.
If you don't need z in the model, then you can do this in the generated quantities block,
generated quantities {
int x = binomial_rng(a, b);
int y = poisson_rng(c);
int z = x + y;
The drawback of doing this is that none of the variables are available in the model block. If you need discrete parameters, they need to be marginalized as described in the user's guide chapter on latent discrete parameters (also in the chapter on mixtures and HMMs). This is not so easy with a Poisson, because support isn't bounded. If the expectations of the two discrete distributions is small, then you can do it approximately with a loop over plausible values.
It looked from the example in the original post that z is data. That's a slightly different marginalization over x and y, but you only sum over the x and y such that x + y = z, so the combinatorics are greatly reduced.
An alternative is to substitute the Binomial with a Poisson, and use Poisson additivity:
BH_model_block <- "
int y;
int a;
real <lower = 0, upper = 1> c;
real <lower = 0, upper = 1> b;
y ~ poisson(a * b + c);
This differs in that if b is not small, the Binomial has a lower variance than the Poisson, but maybe there is overdispersion anyhow?

Look-at quaternion using up vector

I have a camera (in a custom 3D engine) that accepts a quaternion for the rotation transform. I have two 3D points representing a camera and an object to look at. I want to calculate the quaternion that looks from the camera to the object, while respecting the world up axis.
This question asks for the same thing without the "up" vector. All three answers result in the camera pointing in the correct direction, but rolling (as in yaw/pitch/roll; imagine leaning your head onto your ear while looking at something).
I can calculate an orthonormal basis of vectors that match the desired coordinate system by:
lookAt = normalize(target - camera)
sideaxis = cross(lookAt, worldUp)
rotatedup = cross(sideaxis, lookAt)
How can I create a quaternion from those three vectors? This question asks for the same thing...but unfortunately the only and accepted answer says ~"let's assume you don't care about roll", and then goes about ignoring the up axis. I do care about roll. I don't want to ignore the up axis.
A previous answer has given a valid solution using angles. This answer will present an alternative method.
The orthonormal basis vectors, renaming them F = lookAt, R = sideaxis, U = rotatedup, directly form the columns of the 3x3 rotation matrix which is equivalent to your desired quaternion:
Multiplication with a vector is equivalent to using said vector's components as the coordinates in the camera's basis.
A 3x3 rotation matrix can be converted into a quaternion without conversion to angles / use of costly trigonometric functions. Below is a numerically stable C++ snippet which does this, returning a normalized quaternion:
inline void CalculateRotation( Quaternion& q ) const {
float trace = a[0][0] + a[1][1] + a[2][2];
if( trace > 0 ) {
float s = 0.5f / sqrtf(trace + 1.0f);
q.w = 0.25f / s;
q.x = ( a[2][1] - a[1][2] ) * s;
q.y = ( a[0][2] - a[2][0] ) * s;
q.z = ( a[1][0] - a[0][1] ) * s;
} else {
if ( a[0][0] > a[1][1] && a[0][0] > a[2][2] ) {
float s = 2.0f * sqrtf( 1.0f + a[0][0] - a[1][1] - a[2][2]);
q.w = (a[2][1] - a[1][2] ) / s;
q.x = 0.25f * s;
q.y = (a[0][1] + a[1][0] ) / s;
q.z = (a[0][2] + a[2][0] ) / s;
} else if (a[1][1] > a[2][2]) {
float s = 2.0f * sqrtf( 1.0f + a[1][1] - a[0][0] - a[2][2]);
q.w = (a[0][2] - a[2][0] ) / s;
q.x = (a[0][1] + a[1][0] ) / s;
q.y = 0.25f * s;
q.z = (a[1][2] + a[2][1] ) / s;
} else {
float s = 2.0f * sqrtf( 1.0f + a[2][2] - a[0][0] - a[1][1] );
q.w = (a[1][0] - a[0][1] ) / s;
q.x = (a[0][2] + a[2][0] ) / s;
q.y = (a[1][2] + a[2][1] ) / s;
q.z = 0.25f * s;
Source: http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToQuaternion
Converting this to suit your situation is of course just a matter of swapping the matrix elements with the corresponding vector components:
// your code from before
F = normalize(target - camera); // lookAt
R = normalize(cross(F, worldUp)); // sideaxis
U = cross(R, F); // rotatedup
// note that R needed to be re-normalized
// since F and worldUp are not necessary perpendicular
// so must remove the sin(angle) factor of the cross-product
// same not true for U because dot(R, F) = 0
// adapted source
Quaternion q;
double trace = R.x + U.y + F.z;
if (trace > 0.0) {
double s = 0.5 / sqrt(trace + 1.0);
q.w = 0.25 / s;
q.x = (U.z - F.y) * s;
q.y = (F.x - R.z) * s;
q.z = (R.y - U.x) * s;
} else {
if (R.x > U.y && R.x > F.z) {
double s = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0 + R.x - U.y - F.z);
q.w = (U.z - F.y) / s;
q.x = 0.25 * s;
q.y = (U.x + R.y) / s;
q.z = (F.x + R.z) / s;
} else if (U.y > F.z) {
double s = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0 + U.y - R.x - F.z);
q.w = (F.x - R.z) / s;
q.x = (U.x + R.y) / s;
q.y = 0.25 * s;
q.z = (F.y + U.z) / s;
} else {
double s = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0 + F.z - R.x - U.y);
q.w = (R.y - U.x) / s;
q.x = (F.x + R.z) / s;
q.y = (F.y + U.z) / s;
q.z = 0.25 * s;
(And needless to say swap y and z if you're using OpenGL.)
Assume you initially have three ortonormal vectors: worldUp, worldFront and worldSide, and lets use your equations for lookAt, sideAxis and rotatedUp. The worldSide vector will not be necessary to achieve the result.
Break the operation in two. First, rotate around worldUp. Then rotate around sideAxis, which will now actually be parallel to the rotated worldSide.
Axis1 = worldUp
Angle1 = (see below)
Axis2 = cross(lookAt, worldUp) = sideAxis
Angle2 = (see below)
Each of these rotations correspond to a quaternion using:
Q = cos(Angle/2) + i * Axis_x * sin(Angle/2) + j * Axis_y * sin(Angle/2) + k * Axis_z * sin(Angle/2)
Multiply both Q1 and Q2 and you get the desired quaternion.
Details for the angles:
Let P(worldUp) be the projection matrix on the worldUp direction, i.e., P(worldUp).v = cos(worldUp,v).worldUp or using kets and bras, P(worldUp) = |worldUp >< worldUp|. Let I be the identity matrix.
Project lookAt in the plane perpendicular to worldUp and normalize it.
tmp1 = (I - P(worldUp)).lookAt
n1 = normalize(tmp1)
Angle1 = arccos(dot(worldFront,n1))
Angle2 = arccos(dot(lookAt,n1))
Notice that there is no need to compute transcendental functions. Since the dot product of a pair of normalized vectors is the cosine of an angle and assuming that cos(t) = x, we have the trigonometric identities:
cos(t/2) = sqrt((1 + x)/2)
sin(t/2) = sqrt((1 - x)/2)
If somebody search for C# version with handling every matrix edge cases (not input edge cases!), here it is:
public static SoftQuaternion LookRotation(SoftVector3 forward, SoftVector3 up)
forward = SoftVector3.Normalize(forward);
// First matrix column
SoftVector3 sideAxis = SoftVector3.Normalize(SoftVector3.Cross(up, forward));
// Second matrix column
SoftVector3 rotatedUp = SoftVector3.Cross(forward, sideAxis);
// Third matrix column
SoftVector3 lookAt = forward;
// Sums of matrix main diagonal elements
SoftFloat trace1 = SoftFloat.One + sideAxis.X - rotatedUp.Y - lookAt.Z;
SoftFloat trace2 = SoftFloat.One - sideAxis.X + rotatedUp.Y - lookAt.Z;
SoftFloat trace3 = SoftFloat.One - sideAxis.X - rotatedUp.Y + lookAt.Z;
// If orthonormal vectors forms identity matrix, then return identity rotation
if (trace1 + trace2 + trace3 < SoftMath.CalculationsEpsilon)
return Identity;
// Choose largest diagonal
if (trace1 + SoftMath.CalculationsEpsilon > trace2 && trace1 + SoftMath.CalculationsEpsilon > trace3)
SoftFloat s = SoftMath.Sqrt(trace1) * (SoftFloat)2.0f;
return new SoftQuaternion(
(SoftFloat)0.25f * s,
(rotatedUp.X + sideAxis.Y) / s,
(lookAt.X + sideAxis.Z) / s,
(rotatedUp.Z - lookAt.Y) / s);
else if (trace2 + SoftMath.CalculationsEpsilon > trace1 && trace2 + SoftMath.CalculationsEpsilon > trace3)
SoftFloat s = SoftMath.Sqrt(trace2) * (SoftFloat)2.0f;
return new SoftQuaternion(
(rotatedUp.X + sideAxis.Y) / s,
(SoftFloat)0.25f * s,
(lookAt.Y + rotatedUp.Z) / s,
(lookAt.X - sideAxis.Z) / s);
SoftFloat s = SoftMath.Sqrt(trace3) * (SoftFloat)2.0f;
return new SoftQuaternion(
(lookAt.X + sideAxis.Z) / s,
(lookAt.Y + rotatedUp.Z) / s,
(SoftFloat)0.25f * s,
(sideAxis.Y - rotatedUp.X) / s);
This realization based on deeper understanding of this conversation, and was tested for many edge case scenarios.
Quaternion's constructor is (x, y, z, w)
SoftFloat is software float type, so you can easyly change it to built-in float if needed
For full edge case safe realization (including input) check this repo.
If you normalize this 3 vectors, it is a components of rotation matrix 3x3. So just convert this rotation matrix to quaternion.

Collision Angle Detection

I have some questions regarding collision angles. I am trying to code physics for a game and I do not want to use any third party library, actually I want to code each and every thing by myself. I know how to detect collisions between two spheres but I can't figure out, how to find the angle of collision/repulsion between the two spherical objects. I've tried reversing the direction of the objects, but no luck. It would be very nice if you link me to an interesting .pdf file teaching physics programming.
There's a lot of ways to deal with collision
To model a impulsion, you can directly act on the speed of each objects, using the law of reflection, you can "reflect" each speed using the "normal of the impact"
so : v1 = v1 - 2 x ( v1 . n2 ) x n2
and v2 = v2 - 2 x ( v2 . n1 ) x n1
v1 and v2 speeds of sphere s1 and s2
n1 and n2 normal at collision point
Here, we have 2 object interpenetrating, and we model the fact that they tend to not interpenetrate anymore, so you create a force that is proportional to the penetration using a spring force
I didn't speak about all the ways, but this are the two simplest I know
the angle between two objects in the 2D or 3D coordinate space can be found by
A * B = |A||B|cosɵ
Both A and B are vectors and ɵ is the angle between both vectors.
the below class can be used to solve basic Vector calculations in games
class 3Dvector
float x, y, z;
// purpose: Our constructor
// input: ex- our vector's i component
// why- our vector's j component
// zee- our vector's k component
// output: no explicit output
3Dvector(float ex = 0, float why = 0, float zee = 0)
x = ex; y = why; z = zee;
// purpose: Our destructor
// input: none
// output: none
~3Dvector() { }
// purpose: calculate the magnitude of our invoking vector
// input: no explicit input
// output: the magnitude of our invoking object
float getMagnitude()
return sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z);
// purpose: multiply our vector by a scalar value
// input: num - the scalar value being multiplied
// output: our newly created vector
3Dvector operator*(float num) const
return 3Dvector(x * num, y * num, z * num);
// purpose: multiply our vector by a scalar value
// input: num - the scalar value being multiplied
// vec - the vector we are multiplying to
// output: our newly created vector
friend 3Dvector operator*(float num, const 3Dvector &vec)
return 3Dvector(vec.x * num, vec.y * num, vec.z * num);
// purpose: Adding two vectors
// input: vec - the vector being added to our invoking object
// output: our newly created sum of the two vectors
3Dvector operator+(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return 3Dvector(x + vec.x, y + vec.y, z + vec.z);
// purpose: Subtracting two vectors
// input: vec - the vector being subtracted from our invoking object
// output: our newly created difference of the two vectors
3Dvector operator-(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return 3Dvector(x - vec.x, y - vec.y, z - vec.z);
// purpose: Normalize our invoking vector *this changes our vector*
// input: no explicit input
// output: none
void normalize3Dvector(void)
float mag = sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z);
x /= mag; y /= mag; z /= mag
// purpose: Dot Product two vectors
// input: vec - the vector being dotted with our invoking object
// output: the dot product of the two vectors
float dot3Dvector(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return x * vec.x + y * vec.y + z * vec.z;
// purpose: Cross product two vectors
// input: vec- the vector being crossed with our invoking object
// output: our newly created resultant vector
3Dvector cross3Dvector(const 3Dvector &vec) const
return 3Dvector( y * vec.z – z * vec.y,
z * vec.x – x * vec.z,
x * vec.y – y * vec.x);
I shouldn't be answering my own question but I found what I needed, I guess. It may help other people too. I was just fingering the wikipedia's physics section and I got this.
This link solves my question
The angle in a cartesian system can be found this way:
Because this is a retangle triangle where you know the catets (diferences of heights and widths). This will calc the tangent. So the arctan will calc the angle thats have this tangent.
I hope I was helpful.

How to create an own struct and constants for this struct?

I want to create a struct which is like a CGPoint, but with 3 coordinates instead of 2.
I create it in the following way:
typedef struct {CGFloat x;CGFloat y;CGFloat z;} CG3Vector;
CG_INLINE CG3Vector CG3VectorMake(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z)
CG3Vector p; p.x = x; p.y = y; p.z = z; return p;
It works fine. But I now want to improve this struct so that it has the constants like for CGPoint: CGPointZero
Also what is the way to introduce the limits for particular components of the struct, like it is for the CGSize, where components are never lower than 0?
You could create constants like this:
const CG3Vector CG3VectorZero = { 0, 0, 0 };
If you want limits, I suppose you can do some checking like this:
CG_INLINE CG3Vector CG3VectorMake(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat z)
// normalize the values
x = fmod(x, 360);
y = fmod(y, 360);
z = fmod(z, 360);
x = (x < 0) ? 360 + x : x;
y = (y < 0) ? 360 + y : y;
z = (z < 0) ? 360 + z : z;
return (CG3Vector) { x, y, z };

How to calculate points on a circle on the globe centred on GPS coordinates?

Draw a circle in KML
How do you take the GPS coordinates of a point on the globe (say in decimal degree format) and generate the coordinates for a polygon approximating a circle centred on that point?
A polygon with 20+ data points looks like a circle. The more data points - the better looking the circle.
I am writing a program that will generate KML and dont know how to calculate the coordinates of the polygon vertices.
Example of data inputs:
Latitude, Longitude, Circle radius (in feet), NumberOfDataPoints
26.128477, -80.105149, 500, 20
I don't know if this is the simplest solution and it assumes the world is a sphere.
R is the radius of the sphere (i.e. the earth).
r is the radius of the circle (in the same units).
t is the angle subtended by a great-circle arc of length r at the centre of the sphere so t=r/R radians.
Now suppose the sphere has radius 1 and is centred at the origin.
C is a unit vector representing the centre of the circle.
Imagine a circle round the North pole and consider the point where the plane of the circle intersects the line from the centre of the earth to the North pole. Clearly this point will be somewhere below the North pole.
K is the corresponding point "below" C (i.e. where the plane of your circle intersects C) so K=cos(t)C
s is the radius of the circle measured in 3D space (i.e. not on the sphere) so s=sin(t)
Now we want points on the circle in 3D space with centre K, radius s and lying in the plane passing through and perpendicular to K.
This answer (ignore the rotation stuff) explains how to find a basis vector for the plane (i.e. a vector orthogonal to the normal K or C). Use the cross product to find a second.
Call these basis vectors U and V.
// Pseudo-code to calculate 20 points on the circle
for (a = 0; a != 360; a += 18)
// A point on the circle and the unit sphere
P = K + s * (U * sin(a) + V * cos(a))
Convert each point to spherical coordinates and you are done.
Being bored, I coded this up in C#. The results are plausible: they are in a circle and lie on the sphere. Most of the code implements a struct representing a vector. The actual calculation is very simple.
using System;
namespace gpsCircle
struct Gps
// In degrees
public readonly double Latitude;
public readonly double Longtitude;
public Gps(double latitude, double longtitude)
Latitude = latitude;
Longtitude = longtitude;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("({0},{1})", Latitude, Longtitude);
public Vector ToUnitVector()
double lat = Latitude / 180 * Math.PI;
double lng = Longtitude / 180 * Math.PI;
// Z is North
// X points at the Greenwich meridian
return new Vector(Math.Cos(lng) * Math.Cos(lat), Math.Sin(lng) * Math.Cos(lat), Math.Sin(lat));
struct Vector
public readonly double X;
public readonly double Y;
public readonly double Z;
public Vector(double x, double y, double z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;
public double MagnitudeSquared()
return X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z;
public double Magnitude()
return Math.Sqrt(MagnitudeSquared());
public Vector ToUnit()
double m = Magnitude();
return new Vector(X / m, Y / m, Z / m);
public Gps ToGps()
Vector unit = ToUnit();
// Rounding errors
double z = unit.Z;
if (z > 1)
z = 1;
double lat = Math.Asin(z);
double lng = Math.Atan2(unit.Y, unit.X);
return new Gps(lat * 180 / Math.PI, lng * 180 / Math.PI);
public static Vector operator*(double m, Vector v)
return new Vector(m * v.X, m * v.Y, m * v.Z);
public static Vector operator-(Vector a, Vector b)
return new Vector(a.X - b.X, a.Y - b.Y, a.Z - b.Z);
public static Vector operator+(Vector a, Vector b)
return new Vector(a.X + b.X, a.Y + b.Y, a.Z + b.Z);
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("({0},{1},{2})", X, Y, Z);
public double Dot(Vector that)
return X * that.X + Y * that.Y + Z * that.Z;
public Vector Cross(Vector that)
return new Vector(Y * that.Z - Z * that.Y, Z * that.X - X * that.Z, X * that.Y - Y * that.X);
// Pick a random orthogonal vector
public Vector Orthogonal()
double minNormal = Math.Abs(X);
int minIndex = 0;
if (Math.Abs(Y) < minNormal)
minNormal = Math.Abs(Y);
minIndex = 1;
if (Math.Abs(Z) < minNormal)
minNormal = Math.Abs(Z);
minIndex = 2;
Vector B;
switch (minIndex)
case 0:
B = new Vector(1, 0, 0);
case 1:
B = new Vector(0, 1, 0);
B = new Vector(0, 0, 1);
return (B - minNormal * this).ToUnit();
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Phnom Penh
Gps centre = new Gps(11.55, 104.916667);
// In metres
double worldRadius = 6371000;
// In metres
double circleRadius = 1000;
// Points representing circle of radius circleRadius round centre.
Gps[] points = new Gps[20];
CirclePoints(points, centre, worldRadius, circleRadius);
static void CirclePoints(Gps[] points, Gps centre, double R, double r)
int count = points.Length;
Vector C = centre.ToUnitVector();
double t = r / R;
Vector K = Math.Cos(t) * C;
double s = Math.Sin(t);
Vector U = K.Orthogonal();
Vector V = K.Cross(U);
// Improve orthogonality
U = K.Cross(V);
for (int point = 0; point != count; ++point)
double a = 2 * Math.PI * point / count;
Vector P = K + s * (Math.Sin(a) * U + Math.Cos(a) * V);
points[point] = P.ToGps();
I have written Polycircles, small open-source package in Python that does it. It uses geographiclib for the geospatial calculation.