Is there a shortcut to "Script to Clipboard" in SSMS - ssms

Do you know how can I set shortcut for SCRIPT to Clipboard?
I can't find anything relating to this in Options -> Keyboard.
Thanks for help.


Shortcut to open source files in Source Insight

I am new to Source Insight and wuld like to know the keyboard shortcuts.
For example - in eclipse to open source file we can use Ctrl+Shift+R. Is there such shortcuts in source insight?
You can set up all the keyboard shortcuts via the "Options->Key assignments" menu. The standard shortcut for "file open" is CTRL-O but you can change it if you like.

How to disable auto show hints in JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm) on mouse over

How to disable auto show hints in IntelliJ IDEA on mouse over?
This hint could be very big if you call existing method with incorrect parameters. It's very uncomfortable.
There are the same behaviour in PyCharm:
and WebStorm:
Those popups (or tooltips) has been my worst annoyance in the editor for a while. There is how I fixed it:
On the editor, at the bottom-right of the window, there is a head icon. Click it and uncheck the box "Import popup".
You can have a look at this guide (with images) to help you finding the checkbox:
I hope that can help you
TOTALLY: Open Settings (or Pereferences, if you are OS X user) dialog, choose Editor | Inspections. On the Mange tab (right pane of the dialog) select Copy. Then click the language node. Here you can find the setion that is probably responsible for your tooltips and disable it. Or disable the whole language node, if you like. This way you have all the IDE features working and no tooltips at all. You can return back to Project Default inspections profile when you need it.
PARTIALLY: Try to disable the respected intention action. Press Alt+Enter when you see the tooltip, select the action from the list and press the right arrow key. In the context menu, select "Disable".
From JetBrains Forum.
You probably need to uncheck the Inlay Hints.
For Windows 10 & PyCharm Community 2020.3.3 :
File > Settings > Editor > Inlay Hints
Uncheck Show hints for:

Changing keyboard shortcut of "Available databases" in SQL Management Studio

Please read my question before posting general help links.
I can't change or remove the shortcut CTRL+U from "Available databases" in the SQL Editor toolbar. (I want CTRL+U to unindent the selection in the text editor.)
What I tried:
I assigned CTRL+U to the unindentation command, but still CTRL+U just moves the focus to the "Available databases" combo box. (I checked and I set up my shortcut correctly, actually I set up CTRL+I for indent and it works fine.)
I tried to find CTRL+U in Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard with all places, only my definition shows up.
I tried to find "Available databases" in Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard with "...containing" set to "database" (checked all entries) and "available" (again, checked all entries).
I went to tool bar customization, selected the component, but no keyboard shortcut option/menu/button there. The "Keyboard" button only opens Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard with nothing set.
I actually do use "Available databases" every once in a while, so I rather not delete it from the tool bar.
Anyone have any feasible options apart from the above?
You can "debug" and analyse your shortcut assignments with SSMSBoost add-in for SSMS.
(I am developer of it). It has "Dump Shortcuts" function which will allow you to get quick overview which functions Ctrl-U is assigned to and you can also use it to re-define shortcuts.

How to disable help in IntelliJ Idea?

I have mapped 'tilde' key (under escape on mac) to autocomplete, I just find it easier that way. At times I instead hit F1 accidentally and the IntellJ help pops up. Is there a way that I can disable F1 from activating help?
Yes. Press Ctrl+Alt+S and go to the Keymap tab in settings. Then find the "Context Help" node in All Actions/Other/Context help, and remove the shortcut.
You can look for other bound shortcuts in the future (by the key used to activate them) using the "filter" icon to the right of the search box.

How to get rid of the Aptana Ctrl-q shortcut

I'm using ctrl+q very often to get to the last edit location.
However, in the Aptana editor, I get a content menu where I have to choose between "Reformat comment" and "Last edit location".
This drives me nuts, I just want to jump to the last edit location
I can't find the "Reformat comment" binding in the list of shortcuts so I could delete it (or bind to another shortcut), there is only "Last edit location".
Thanks for any ideas
I did it, I did it!
In the file:
{Aptana standalone location}\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\88\1.cp\bundles\source.ruble\commands\reformat_comment.rb
Change key binding to something like:
cmd.key_binding = 'CONTROL+Q,Q,Q'
Restart IDE.
Disabling this command in "Customize workspace" didn't help.