Vuetify - mutliple select, but instead of chips, display selected value - vue.js

I am trying to select multiple items in my Vuetify v-select component, but instead of showing them (in a line or using chips) I would like the text to just say 'selected'. New to Vue so not really sure where to start, but here's my code for the v-select component:

Just use the selection slot to customize the display of the selected item...
<template v-slot:selection="{ item, index }">
<span class="pr-3">{{ item }}</span>


How can I pass a v-data-table row information to child element

I have creating a list of users want to add them tags. I am using a data-table to display them and a combo box using chips to add or remove tags. How can I pass the user information to the method called when I add / remove a tag? Here is my code:
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="usersInfos" :search="search" :items-per-page="-1">
<template v-slot:[`item.tags`]="{ item }">
<v-combobox v-model="item.tags" :items="roles" chips clearable label="RĂ´les" multiple>
<template v-slot:selection="{ attrs, item, select, selected }">
{{ item }} <!-- the tag -->
Don't know if I understood it correctly but you can do following pass your item with your click event to your methods - call the function and use the passed parameter there.
in your template
in your script
methods: {
getSelectedItem(usersInfos) {
//do code here
and than you have to use this where you have written your child element:
<child :usersInfo="usersInfo">
and in your child.vue you have to set props in your script like this:
props: ["usersInfo"]

How to show default string in v-autocomplete field?

Here's my v-autocomplete component.
class="pt-3 pb-0"
:filter="v => v"
<template v-slot:item="data">
<v-list-item-title v-html="data.item.title" />
When it's empty and the user first sets their address it works just fine but if they reload the page the autocomplete field is empty. I want to set its value according to user's information I get from the server but I can't figure out how.
What I've tried so far:
Set locationList[0] to the item I need and used auto-select-fist on autocomplete. It shows the needed location in the dropdown but doesn't display the value in the input.
Same as first but also set v-model to "locationList[0]". It displays the value in the input but doesn't let me change or clear it. When I select and remove the text it just jumps back in.
I guess auto-select-first should do the job, but it doesn't, am I trying to use it wrong?

Vuetify: v-autocomplete doesn't highlight text when using the item and selection slots

I'm losing the text highlighting when using the slots
I've used parent.genFilteredText(item.title) but doesn't solve it. I don't know what it is actually
You can comment the item and selection slots and click the v-autocomplete box to see the difference
you have to omitted hide-selected in v-autocomplete tag and after that, you need to use the below code inside v-autocomplete tag.
slot-scope="{ parent, item, tile }"

Vuetify data table - manually display expandable rows

I have a bunch of dynamic columns in a v-data table which I need to loop through and interrogate in order to display the correct info. It looks a bit like this (taken from the answer here: Vuetify format cell based on item type)
<v-data-table :item="items" ... >
<template v-for="header in headers" v-slot:[`item.${header.value}`]="{ item } ">
<template v-if="header.type === 'foo'">
<span style="color: red;">{{ item[header.value] }}</span>
<template v-else-if="header.value === 'data-table-expand'">
<template v-else>
{{ item[header.value] }}
Since I need the v-if statement, all other types default to the v-else. However, the v-else is not suitable for when a type is an expandable row. It will display a blank value for that column. So I created a v-else-if template to be able to capture the expandable row column and correctly render it to the screen.
The problem is that I don't know what to put in the template to indicate it's a column with expandable rows ( In other words it does not render the carat icon that shrinks/expands the subtable, nor does it render the clickable actions. How would I modify the v-else-if template to correctly render its contents?
I came up with a workaround using computed properties.
Instead of using
v-for="header in headers"
I changed it to a computed headers which is filtered.
<template v-for="header in headersIWant" v-slot:[`item.${header.value}`]="{ item } ">
<span style="color: red;">{{ item[header.value] }}</span>
computed: {
headersIWant() {
return this.headers.filter(x => x.type === 'foo');

bootstrap-vue issues with checkboxes in b-table

I'm having an issue getting the checkboxes to work correctly. The checkboxes that are being rendered for each row in the "selected" slot are not binding to the correct row. When you click the checkbox, it sets the top rows' checkbox to true/false position.
1) How to bind the true/false state of the checkbox for the row to it's row item? I'm trying to bind it to data.item.selected and then loop through the data to find the "selected" objects and perform the necessary action. I even tried adding the row object to a new data array, but it only adds the top row?
2) What would be the best way to turn all of the row checkbox's true/false based on the HEAD_selected slot checkbox?
<template slot="HEAD_selected" slot-scope="data">
<b-form-checkbox #click.native.stop v-model="allSelected">
//Not working. data.item.selected is always the top row in all of the results, not it's current position
<template slot="selected" slot-scope="data">
<b-form-checkbox id="checkbox" #click.stop v-model="data.item.selected">
The issue was the id in the b-form-checkbox. id="checkbox" was binding to the same checkbox. Once I changed it to :id="'checkbox'+data.index" it worked!