NetSuite Advanced PDF condition to display text - pdf

I am trying to design a custom invoice for my company and I am stuck on a couple of issues.
I want to have a text line disclaimer appear only when the invoice is for an export inside of EU (my company is based in EU, so the line would have to display only for countries in EU other than my country);
I have very basic HTML skills however and I can't seem to figure out how the code should look like in order to set this up. Can anyone provide any insight on this?

I suggest one of the following approaches, #2 would be easier but #1 addresses your direct question of using the templates.
Create at least 2 Custom Transaction Forms, one for invoices within EU and one for outside of EU. Create a Custom Transaction Body Field (text field with a default value) to hold the EU disclaimer, and display it on Form 1. If needed, create a Custom Advanced PDF/HTML Template to position all the fields (including disclaimer) the way you want it, and attach it to Form 1. *You actually don't need to create the custom field. the Custom Advanced PDF/HTML Template allows you to add free text.
Create a Description Item to hold the disclaimer text. That item can be manually added to all invoices, or you can do some programming to add the item to invoices. For the programming you can achieve this using NetSuite (javascript based) SuiteScript. You can create a beforeSubmit User Event Script to determine if disclaimer is needed and add one as the last line. Or a saveRecord Client Script to determine if disclaimer is needed, if one is present, and not allow user to save the record until adding one.


How to add crawl rule to the SharePoint 2010 fast search

We have one Document Library with some set of columns like Type, Name, Active.
We have already configured the SharePoint Fast Search to search the content in the site.
When I am searching with any particular keyword that showing the result as expected.
We got requirement that need to exclude the content form the doc library when the column “Active” is set to ”No”.
Could you please suggest me how can I add crawl rule for the particular doc library.
You are asking to fulfill this requirement using crawl rule. But crawl rule is generic for the content source and it will effect all the content source which is not recommended(and also not possible) for excluding some result depending on item values. So I like to solve this using scope which is described below.
For excluding that, first of all you need to add new managed property for the column "Active".
For that go to search service application-> Managed Property-> New managed property. Give property name and map it to the field "Active". Also select the type of the field "Active". Tick the box for allow this property to be used in scopes.
Then go to corresponding scope-> new rule-> choose property query
then choose from "Add property restriction" corresponding managed property name(property name given by you during managed property creation) and "=" "No"(please use exact field value of the document library), then choose Exclude and click "ok".
Add this scope in the search page and run full crawl in the central admin.
I hope this will fulfill your requirement.

Data entry form in sharepoint

I was wondering if anyone knows what a simplest way to create a data entry form in Sharepoint 2010 Foundation would be. Basicly I am looking to create a form that will submit its data to a custom list on the site, I don't want the users to interact with the list directly but use the form to enter data instead.
Also I can't use Designer or InfoPath, not being able to use these is what is causing the problem it seems. Just curious if anyone else has done something like this or could point me in the right direction.
Every list is born with forms by default - one for item creation, one for edition and one for displaying. If you use content types, then you get a trio of these for each different type.
You never interact with the list directly, you do it through these forms. If you can't use either Infopath nor Sharepoint Designer, you can still edit them by clicking on the Page tab, then the Edit Page button. From there you can add or remove web parts, and connect them among themselves.
However, the amount of control you have is too limited when compared to editing pages through either of the tools or mentioned, or Visual Studio. For example, there is no straightforward way to add or remove list fields based on content type. Be prepared for ever increasing frustration if you can't use those tools.

Add Data to Child List from Parent List form in SP 2010

I have 2 custom lists. Purchase Order (PO) and Purchase Order Items (POI). The POI list has a column PO ID, which is a lookup field to a column PO ID in the PO list. For every row in PO, there can be multiple rows in POI (one to many relationship).
When user tries to enter new items in the PO form, he needs to fill in the purchase items too, which will be stored in the POI list. The issue I am facing is, how do I allow the user to enter the data in both the lists at the same time, OOTB?
I have to do this using the list forms itself. Infopath is not an option available. SPD techniques are welcomed.
I don't believe this can be done OOTB or with SharePoint Designer. Out of the box, SharePoint only allows you to enter one new item to one list at a time.
Using Edit In Datasheet is as close as you can some to editing or entering multiple list items at once. But even in this case, it is limited to a single list.
I have done a project similar to what you described using custom programming. I created custom forms along with custom field types that required custom javascript on the client and event receivers on the server. It was an interesting project, but it required a lot of moving parts.

Print two copies of the same data

I've a Crystal Reports report of one page. Only one. I want to clone that page, so when you print that report, you get two copies with the same data.
I know it can be done manually, but I want to avoid setting up the printer and write "Yes, I want two copies of this!".
Timelines ->
NOW ->
Use software, generate the Crystal Reports report, go to the in-built Crystal Reports viewer print button, write '2' in copies, print.
Use software, generate Crystal Reports report, print dialog come up (this is done), you hit 'Enter' and two copies will be printed (AKA two pages which are the same)
I looked up sub.reports, but I don't want them in the same page.
If you duplicate all the content, you can use the New Page After Section option to place a page break between those two copies.
If you need to avoid duplicating the content, use the hack I describe in this answer. Just include two records in your dummy table, or to make it reusable, follow the recipe as described and use Select Expert to specify {dummytable.key} <= 2.

Custom Tables and Dashlets in Sugar CRM

I have been tasked to create a custom Dashlet which displays graphs of marketing data that is imported into a custom table in SugarCRM. I have been trying to read up on the subject but most of what I find is confusing and doesn't address what I need:
A custom table that stores events.
A Dashlet which pulls info from the above custom table and related Account information from the foreign key (account_id) in the custom table.
Suggestions, resources, etc?
Depending on the graphs you want to display, you may be able to use a custom report feature. You can create a dashlet based on a graphical report and display it on the home page.
create a custom report the utilizes the data you need from the custom module. Make sure you save it as your assigned to and team - also it MUST be a "summation" or "summation with details" report
pull up the "add sugar dashlets" on your homepage and locate the report you made in the "my reports" section at the bottom of your charts tab.
When you click on it it will load as a chart style dashlet.
Install the zucker report module and generate the graphical report .