PostgreSQL - how to loop over a parameter to make union of different queries of the same table - sql

I need to count the number of events still occurring in a given year, provided these events started before the given year and ended after it. So, the query I'm using now is just a pile of unparametrized queries and I'd like to write it out with a loop on a parameter:
count("starting_date" ) as "number_of_events" ,'2020' "year"
from public.table_of_events
where "starting_date" < '2020-01-01' and ("closing_date" > '2020-12-31')
union all
count("starting_date" ) as "number_of_events" ,'2019' "year"
from public.table_of_events
where "starting_date" < '2019-01-01' and ("closing_date" > '2019-12-31')
union all
count("starting_date" ) as "number_of_events" ,'2018' "year"
from public.table_of_events
where "starting_date" < '2018-01-01' and ("closing_date" > '2018-12-31')
and so on for N years
So, I have ONE table that must be filtered according to one parameter that is both part of the select statement and the where clause
The general aspect of the "atomic" query is then
count("starting_date" ) as "number_of_events" , **PARAMETER** "year"
from public.table_of_events
where "starting_date" < **PARAMETER** and ("closing_date" > **PARAMETER** )
union all
Can anyone help me put this in a more formal loop?
Thanks a lot, I hope I was clear enough.

You seem to want events that span entire years. Perhaps a simple way is to generate the years, then use join and aggregate:
select gs.yyyy, count(e.starting_date)
from public.table_of_events e left join
interval '1 year'
) as gs(yyyy)
on e.starting_date < gs.yyyy and
e.closing_date >= gs.yyyy + interval '1 year'
group by gs.yyyy;


PL-SQL query to calculate customers per period from start and stop dates

I have a PL-SQL table with a structure as shown in the example below:
I have customers (customer_number) with insurance cover start and stop dates (cover_start_date and cover_stop_date). I also have dates of accidents for those customers (accident_date). These customers may have more than one row in the table if they have had more than one accident. They may also have no accidents. And they may also have a blank entry for the cover stop date if their cover is ongoing. Sorry I did not design the data format, but I am stuck with it.
I am looking to calculate the number of accidents (num_accidents) and number of customers (num_customers) in a given time period (period_start), and from that the number of accidents-per-customer (which will be easy once I've got those two pieces of information).
Any ideas on how to design a PL-SQL function to do this in a simple way? Ideally with the time periods not being fixed to monthly (for example, weekly or fortnightly too)? Ideally I will end up with a table like this shown below:
Many thanks for any pointers...
You seem to need a list of dates. You can generate one in the query and then use correlated subqueries to calculate the columns you want:
select d.*,
(select count(distinct customer_id)
from t
where t.cover_start_date <= d.dte and
(t.cover_end_date > + interval '1' month or t.cover_end_date is null)
) as num_customers,
(select count(*)
from t
where t.accident_date >= d.dte and
t.accident_date < + interval '1' month
) as accidents,
(select count(distinct customer_id)
from t
where t.accident_date >= d.dte and
t.accident_date < + interval '1' month
) as num_customers_with_accident
from (select date '2020-01-01' as dte from dual union all
select date '2020-02-01' as dte from dual union all
. . .
) d;
If you want to do arithmetic on the columns, you can use this as a subquery or CTE.

How can I get a user's activity count for today and this month in a single SELECT query

In my table I have:
Activity : Date
doSomething1 : June 1, 2020
doSomething2 : June 14, 2020
I want to be able to make a query so that I can get the following result (assuming today is June 1, 2020):
Today : ThisMonth
1 : 2
I looked at group by but I wasn't sure how to do that without a lot of additional code and I think there's very likely a much simpler solution that I'm missing. Something that will just return a single row with two results. Is this possible and if so how?
you can write subqueries to get data in single row,
Select today , month
( query to get today's count ) as today,
( query to get month's count ) as month
) t;
yes, u can do group by on dates to get todays nd months count.
Hope this will give u some perception to go on.
Is this what you want?
select array_agg(activity) filter (where date = current_date) as today,
array_agg(activity) filter (where date <> current_date) as rest_of_month
from t
where date_trunc('month', date) = current_date;
This uses arrays so it can handle more than one activity in either category.
Assume you want to query based on a particular date -
select count(case when = :p_query_date then 0 end) day_count
,count(0) month_count
from d -- your table name
where between date_trunc('month', :p_query_date)
and date_trunc('month', :p_query_date + interval '1 month') - interval '1 day'
The above query assumes you have index defined on column. If you have index defined on date_trunc('month', date), the query condition can be simplified to:
date_trunc('month', = date_trunc('month', :p_query_date)

SQL Loop Count of people in program during specified duration

I'm not sure if there should be a loop for this or what the easiest approach would be.
My data consists of a list of people participating in our program. They have various start and end dates, but the following equation is able to capture the number of people who participated on a specific date:
DECLARE #PopulationDate DATETIME = '2018-06-01 05:00:00';
select count(People)
FROM Program_Log
START_TIME <= #PopulationDate
AND (END_TIME >= #PopulationDate OR END_TIME IS NULL)`
Is there a way I can loop in different date values to get the number of program participants each day for an entire year?
Multiple years?
One simple way is to use a CTE to generate the dates and then a left join to bring in the data. For instance, the following gets the counts as of the first of the month for this year:
with dates as (
select cast('2018-01-01' as date) as dte
union all
select dateadd(month, 1, dte)
from dates
where dte < getdate()
select d.dte, count(pl.people)
from dates d left join
program_log pl
on pl.start_time <= d.dte and (pl.end_time >= d.dte or pl.end_time is null)
group by d.dte
order by d.dte;
Note that this will work best for a handful of dates. If you want more than 100, you need to add option (maxrecursion 0) to the end of the query.
Also, count(people) is highly suspicious. Perhaps you mean sum(people) or something similar.

SQL Code for counts over different time periods

I need to figure out how to answer this:
Find the number of property views per branch within 1 month, 2 months, and 3 months of client registration in one query.
I'm struggling with how to put this in one query, would CASE be the best way?
Thanks for any input.
You could probably just use UNION
select '1 month' as type, count(*) from tablename where month < 1
select '2 month' as type, count(*) from tablename where month < 2
select '3 month' as type, count(*) from tablename where month < 3
This would yield your counts as 3 different rows.

Find employee tenure for a company

I have written the following query to get the employees tenure yearwise.
Ie. grouped by "less than 1 year", "1-2 years", "2-3 years" and "greater than 3 years".
To get this, I compare with employee staffed end_date.
But I am not able to get the correct result when comparing with staffed end_date.
I have pasted the complete code below, but the count I am getting is not correct.
Some employee who worked for more than 2 years is falling under <1 year column.
DECLARE #Project_Id Varchar(10)='ITS-004275';
With Cte_Dates(Period,End_date,Start_date,Project_Id)
SELECT '<1 Year' AS Period, GETDATE() AS End_Date,DATEADD(YY,-1,GETDATE()) AS Start_date,#Project_Id AS Project_Id
SELECT '>3 Years', DATEADD(YY,-3,GETDATE()),'',#Project_Id
--select * from Cte_Dates
--ORDER BY Start_date DESC
SELECT FK_Project_ID,EMP_ID,MAX(End_Date)AS END_DATE FROM DP_Project_Staffing
WHERE FK_Project_ID=#Project_Id
SELECT D.PROJECT_ID,D.Start_date,D.End_date,COUNT(S.EMP_ID) AS Count,D.Period
FROM Cte_Staffing S
AND S.END_DATE<D.End_date AND S.END_DATE>D.Start_date
GROUP BY D.PROJECT_ID,D.Start_date,D.End_date,D.Period
i think this will solve the problem
as you can see, you should use is like this:
DATEADD(year, -1, GETDATE())
you should also get the GETDATE() to a parameter
I find your query logic a little bit messy. Why don't you just compute the total period for every employee and use CASE clause? I can help you with code if you'll give me DP_Project_Staffing table structure. Do you have begin_date field in it?
You are taking the MAX(End_date) of the CTE staffing table. In that case, when an employee has several entries, only the most recent will apply. You want to use MIN instead.
Like this:
FROM DP_Project_Staffing
Re-reading your question, you probably don't want the staffing end_date for tenure calculation; you'd want to use the start_date. (Or whatever the column is called in DP_Project_Staffing)
I would also change the WHERE/JOIN clause to be inclusive on one of the sides, so you have either
AND S.END_DATE <= D.End_date AND S.END_DATE > D.Start_date
AND S.END_DATE < D.End_date AND S.END_DATE >= D.Start_date
Since you are using miliseconds in the date-comparison it won't make any difference in this case. However, should you change the granularity to be only the date, which would make more sense, you would lose all records where the employee started exactly 1 year, 2 years, etc. ago.
SELECT FK_Project_ID,E.Emp_ID,MIN(Start_Date) AS Emp_Start_Date ,MAX(End_Date) AS Emp_End_Date,
E.Competency,E.First_Name+' '+E.Last_Name+' ('+E.Emp_Id+')' as Name,'Period'=
WHEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,MIN(Start_Date),MAX(End_Date))<=12 THEN '<1 Year'
WHEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,MIN(Start_Date),MAX(End_Date))>12 AND DATEDIFF(MONTH,MIN(Start_Date),MAX(End_Date))<=24 THEN '1-2 Years'
WHEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,MIN(Start_Date),MAX(End_Date))>24 AND DATEDIFF(MONTH,MIN(Start_Date),MAX(End_Date))<=36 THEN '2-3 Years'
WHEN DATEDIFF(MONTH,MIN(Start_Date),MAX(End_Date))>36 THEN '>3 Years'
FROM DP_Project_Staffing PS
ON E.Emp_Id=PS.Emp_ID
GROUP BY FK_Project_ID,E.Emp_ID,E.Competency,First_Name,Last_Name