Sybase IQ - Pull the last 30 days of data where the most recent date is not today - sql

Objective: Pull the last 30 days of data from a table that has a variable end date
Background: I have a table that contains purchase information but this table is only updated every two weeks therefore there's a lag in the data. Some day it can be 14 days behind and others 13 or 15 days behind.
My table contains a DATE_KEY column which joins to the DATE_DIM table on this key which is where I pull my date field from. I would use GETDATE or CURRENT_DATE but this is not appropriate in my case due to the lag.
I am using Sybase IQ and I believe I can't use a select statements in the where clause to compare dates, I got the following error:
Feature, scalar value subquery (at line 63) outside of a top level SELECT list, is not supported.
This is what I was trying to do
How can I pull the most recent 30 days of data given the constraints above?

According to the Sybase IQ documentation, you can use a comparison to a subquery, hence you could add a join to the DATE_DIM to the main FROM clause, and then compare that to a subquery similar to yours, just with the DATEADD moved into it. In the following code, I assume the alias for DATE_DIM in the main FROM clause is TIME0.


SQL: Dynamic Join Based on Row Value

I am working with some complicated schema and have got many CTEs and joins to get to this point. This is a watered-down version and completely different source data and example to illustrate my point (data anonymity). Hopefully it provides enough of a snapshot.
Data Overview:
I have a service which generates a production forecast looking ahead 30 days. The forecast is generated for each facility, for each shift (morning/afternoon). Each forecast produced covers all shifts (morning/afternoon/evening) so they share a common generation_id but different forecast_profile_key.
What I am trying to do: I want to find the SUM of the forecast error for a given forecast generation constrained by a dynamic date range based on whether the date is a weekday or weekend. The SUM must be grouped only on similar IDs.
Basically, the temp table provides one record per facility per date per shift with the forecast error. I want to SUM the historical error dynamically for a facility/shift/date based on whether the date is weekday/weekend, and only SUM the error where the IDs match up.. (hope that makes sense!!)
Specifics: I want to find the SUM grouped by 'week_part_grouping', 'forecast_profile_key', 'forecast_profile' and 'forecast_generation_id'. The part I am struggling with is that I only want to SUM the error dynamically based on date: (a) if the date is a weekday, I want to SUM the error from up to the 5 recent-most days in a 7 day look back period, or (b) if the date is a weekend, I want to SUM the error from up to the 3 recent-most days in a 16 day look back period.
Ideally, having an extra column for 'total_forecast_error_in_lookback_range'.
Specific examples:
For 'facility_a', '2020-11-22' is a weekend. The lookback range is 16 days, so any date between '2020-11-21' and '2020-11-05' is eligible. The 3 recent-most dates would be '2020-11-21', '2020-11-15' and '2020-11'14'. Therefore, the sum of error would be 2000+3250+1050.
For 'facility_a', '2020-11-20' is a weekday. The lookback range is 7 days, so any date between '2020-11-19 and '2020-11-13'. That would work out to be '2020-11-19':'2020-11-16' and '2020-11-13'.
For 'facility_b', notice there is a change in the 'forecast_generation_id'. So, the error for '2020-11-20' would be only be 4565.
What I have tried: I'll confess to not being quite sure how to break down this portion. I did consider a case statement on the week_part but then got into a nested mess. I considered using a RANK windowed function but I didn't make much progress as was unsure how to implement the dynamic lookback component. I then also thought about doing some LISTAGG to get all the dates and do a REGEXP wildcard lookup but that would be very slow..
I am seeking pointers how to go about achieving this in SQL. I don't know if I am missing something from my toolkit here to go about breaking this down into something I can implement.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS seventh__error_calc;
create temporary table seventh__error_calc
facility_name varchar,
shift varchar,
date_actuals date,
week_part_grouping varchar,
forecast_profile_key varchar,
forecast_profile_id varchar,
forecast_generation_id varchar,
count_dates_in_forecast bigint,
forecast_error bigint
Insert into seventh__error_calc
FROM seventh__error_calc
This achieved what I was trying to do. There were two learning points here.
Self Joins. I've never used one before but can now see why they are powerful!
Using a CASE statement in the WHERE clause.
Hope this might help someone else some day!
select facility_name,
sum(forecast_error) forecast_err_calc
from (
select rank() over (partition by forecast_profile_id, forecast_profile_key, facility_name, a.date_actuals order by b.date_actuals desc) rnk,
a.facility_name, a.forecast_profile_key, a.forecast_profile_id, a.shift, a.date_actuals, a.week_part_grouping, a.forecast_generation_id, b.forecast_error
from seventh__error_calc a
join seventh__error_calc b
using (facility_name, forecast_profile_key, forecast_profile_id, week_part_grouping, forecast_generation_id)
where case when a.week_part_grouping = 'weekend' then b.date_actuals between a.date_actuals - 16 and a.date_actuals
when a.week_part_grouping = 'weekday' then b.date_actuals between a.date_actuals - 7 and a.date_actuals
) src
where case when week_part_grouping = 'weekend' then rnk < 4
when week_part_grouping = 'weekday' then rnk < 6

Executing a Aggregate function within a case without Group by

I am trying to assign a specific code to a client based on the number of gifts that they have given in the past 6 months using a CASE. I am unable to use WITH (screenshot) due to the limitations of the software that I am creating the query in. It only allows for select functions. I am unsure how to get a distinct count from another table (transaction data) and use that as parameters in the CASE I have currently built (based on my client information table). Does anyone know of any workarounds for this? I am unable to GROUP BY clientID at the end of my query because not all of my columns are aggregate, and I only need to GROUP BY clientID for this particular WHEN statement in the CASE. I have looked into the OVER() clause, but I am needing my date range that I am evaluating to be dynamic (counting transactions over the last six months), and the amount of rows that I would be including is variable, as the transaction count month to month varies. Also, the software that I am building this in does not recognize the PARTITIONED BY parameter of the over clause.
Any help would be great!
it is not letting me attach an image... -____- I have added the two sections of code that I am looking for assistance with!
WITH "6MonthGIftCount" (
AS (
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "GiftView"."GiftID" FROM "GiftView" WHERE MONTHS_BETWEEN("GiftView"."GiftDate", getdate()) <= 6 GROUP BY "GiftView"."ConstituentID")
WHEN "6MonthGiftCount"."GiftCount" >= 4
THEN 'A010'
Perform your grouping/COUNT(1) in a subquery to obtain the total # of donations by ConstituentID, then JOIN this total into your main query that uses this new column to perform its CASE statement.
case when timesDonated > 5 then 'gracious donor'
when timesDonated > 3 then 'repeated donor'
when timesDonated >= 1 then 'donor'
else null end as donorCode
from gifthistory hist
left join ( /* your grouping subquery here, pretending to be a new table */
count(1) as timesDonated
from gifthistory i
WHERE abs(months_between(giftDate, sysdate)) <= 6
group by personid ) grp on hist.personid = grp.personID
order by 1;
*Naturally, syntax changes will vary by DB; you didn't specify which it was based on, but you should be able to use this template with whichever you utilize. This works in both Oracle and SQL Server after tweaking the month calculation appropriately.

SQL INNER JOIN tables with different row names

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it is probably a very basic question. Most search queries I did seemed a bit more in depth to the INNER JOIN operator.
Basically my question is this: I have a shipping and receiving table with dates on when the item was either shipped or received. In the shipping table (tbl_shipping) the date row is labeled as trans_out_date and for the receiving table (tbl_receiving) the date row is labeled as trans_in_date.
I can view transactions set on either table from a user entered form but I want to populate a table with information pulled from both tables where the criteria meets. ie. If the receiving table has 10 transactions done in April and 5 in June and the shipping table has 15 transactions in April and 10 in June... when the user wants to see all transactions in June, it will populate the 15 transactions that occurred in June.
As of right now, I can pull only from 1 table with
FROM tbl_shipping
WHERE trans_out_date >= ‘from_date’
AND trans_out_date <= ‘to_date’
Would this be the appropriate syntax for what I am looking to achieve?
FROM tbl_shipping
INNER JOIN tbl_receiving ON tbl_shipping.trans_out_date = tbl_receiving.trans_in_date
tbl_shipping.trans_out_date >= ‘from_date’
AND tbl_shipping.trans_out_date <= ‘to_date’
Thank you again in advance for reading this.
You appear to want union all rather than a join:
SELECT s.item, s.trans_out_date as dte, 'shipped' as which
FROM tbl_shipping S
WHERE s.trans_out_date >= ? AND
s.trans_out_date <= ?
SELECT r.item, NULL, r.trans_in_date as dte, 'received'
FROM tbl_receiving r
WHERE r.trans_out_date >= ? AND
r.trans_out_date <= ?
A JOIN can cause problems due to data that goes missing (because dates don't line up) or data that gets duplicated (because there are multiple dates).
The ? is for a parameter. If you are calling this from an application, use parameters!
You can include additional columns for more information in the result set.
This may not be the exact result format you want. If not, ask another question with sample data and desired results.

Need your assistance with a SQL Server query to get result days between two dates

How can I display the query in such a way to show each day between date?
SELECT job.wo_id
FROM [MES].[MESDB].[dbo].[job] AS job
WHERE job.init_sched_ent_id = 227
AND job.sched_start_time_local >= #paramStartDate
AND job.sched_finish_time_local <= #paramEndDate
I can select each day separately by function from this post but I don't know how to combines these two tables.
You can generate dates in mySql and cross join with your select.
The good description is here : generate days from date range

How to have GROUP BY and COUNT include zero sums?

I have SQL like this (where $ytoday is 5 days ago):
$sql = 'SELECT Count(*), created_at FROM People WHERE created_at >= "'. $ytoday .'" AND GROUP BY DATE(created_at)';
I want this to return a value for every day, so it would return 5 results in this case (5 days ago until today).
But say Count(*) is 0 for yesterday, instead of returning a zero it doesn't return any data at all for that date.
How can I change that SQLite query so it also returns data that has a count of 0?
Without convoluted (in my opinion) queries, your output data-set won't include dates that don't exist in your input data-set. This means that you need a data-set with the 5 days to join on to.
The simple version would be to create a table with the 5 dates, and join on that. I typically create and keep (effectively caching) a calendar table with every date I could ever need. (Such as from 1900-01-01 to 2099-12-31.)
ON Calendar.calendar_date = People.created_at
Calendar.calendar_date >= '2012-05-01'
You'll need to left join against a list of dates. You can either create a table with the dates you need in it, or you can take the dynamic approach I outlined here:
generate days from date range