Is there any way to make a config file "interactive"? - config

I am working with a config file from Python that, depending on the configuration, some variables should not be filled (adding values to these variables will have no effect).
I was wondering if there is an easy and clean way to make an "interactive" config file. With this I mean, I would like to make a configuration application that, for example, shows some new variables to be filled, depending on a previously given value, or even limits the input values with sliders.
I have searched for something like this, but I haven't found anything. Is there any way to make the config files more "interactive" (preferably Python-based)?


Is there an easy way to temporarily turn off parts of the scenario?

My aim is to temporarily turn off some of the Text Sinks for a specific batch run. My motive is that I want to save processing time and disk space. My wider aim is to easily switch not only between different text sinks but also parameter files, data loaders, etc.
A few things I've tried:
manually put the xml-files linked to the text sinks in a different folder --> this creates an error message (that possibly can be ignored?) and does not serve my wider aim of having different charts/data loaders/displays/etc.
create a completely new scenario-tree by copying the .rs folder and creating a new Run Configuration for that .rs folder --> if I want to change the parameters in all the scenarios at once, then I need to do it manually
try to create a new scenario.xml file (i.e., scenario2.xml) in the hope this would turn up as an alternative in the scenario tree --> nothing turned up in the GUI
Thus: Is there another easy way to temporarily turn off parts of the scenario?
What we've done in the past is create different scenarios for each type of run (your second option). Regarding the parameters in the scenario folders, you could potentially run a script to copy the version you want to all the scenario folders so you don't have to manually adjust each one.

EXRM - Can I set vm.args values from the config.exs file?

Somewhat related to this question - Parametrizing node name in Elixir Exrm - is there a way to dynamically set the content of the rel/vm.args file?
In the title, I suggest the use of config.exs, but I'm interested in any scheme that will allow me to add, remove and edit vm arguments at build time.
A bash script might be an idea, but a solution that would also work on Windows, and is preferably based on Elixir code would be the idea.
You can commit to your project repo a rel/vm.args file that you would like to be used instead of the Exrm generated one. Exrm will automatically use this file instead.

Infinispan Configurations Using property file

Is it possible to load values for infinispan-config.xml file from some property file so that we can get rid of hard coded values. If possible then can somebody show me the way how i load property file in infinispan-config.xml file because there is no Pre defined tag for configuration.
This is possible by setting respective system properties.
For example here is one specific Infinispan configuration file which is using this approach:
and here is a test which is working with that file:
This looks to be the most straightforward way how to achieve this.
The last thing which needs to be done is to simply read all lines in your configuration file and put them correctly to system properties.

Intellij 11.1.5 - Project specific path variable

I am using the Intellij 11.1.5. We are a large team, and have a pretty complex project setup. so we've made a template and when someone needs a new project set up, we just clone it and she is pretty much ready to go. One other thing i would like to automate is the creation of run configurations. One such configuration starts a custom bat file that requires a parameter representing a path that is user specific. I wanted to know if can store that value as a path variable specific to each project. Maybe somewhere in the .idea folder in my project. I know that Intellij stores it in its .IntelliJIdea11\config\options\path.macros.xml file, but is there a way to tweak that?
Any other idea that would allow me to locally store a parameter passed to the run config script would be usefull.
I'm afraid you can't do it in IDEA, but you can use some environment variable directly in the .bat file instead of using the parameter (or rewrite the batch script to detect this value automatically, if possible). Instruct your users to define this environment variable.
IDEA Path variables are global and cannot be made project specific.

How do I dynamically set a file source based on a property in WIX?

We have four regions (dev, test, qa, prod) that all require environment specific config files. I am trying to develop a WIX install that will accept a property assignment from the msiexec command line and dynamically set the file source of a config file. I've tried just about everything and read about every page and I can't seem to make it work. This seems like a trivial probleml.
While there are probably ways to pull off what you ask, the traditional approach would be to include all four files, with their respective components conditioned such that your command line property selects exactly one of them to be installed.