Bigcommerce is it possible to pull all bigcommerce files into a local environment where I can test changes locally? - bigcommerce

is it possible to push all files I have in bigcommerce into a github repo which I can clone and edit and test locally? And whenever I merge a new pull request to that repo, it automatically updates the website in production?

I believe this can be done with Github Actions, as they can be set up to allow you to make changes locally then push your changes to the main GitHub repository. The actions can be set to automatically upload and apply the theme files to your BigCommerce store.
Some other ref docs for you can be found here:
Github Marketplace
How to use Github actions
Stencil CLI


shopware app doesn't work in test environment without running build-storefront.js from console?

I have an app for shopware 6 which has a javascript file.
After i upload it to my shopware6 site, install and activate it, it doesn't work unless i run the from console.
Is there a way to make the app work without running ?
I tested it with shopware
All assets like the javascript of your app need to be uploaded inside your app, so the app automatically works without the need to rebuild the storefront after installing your app.
Therefore to create a zip folder for publishing or for uploading you should always execute the script, either locally or in a CI step. That command should build all the necessary assets and put them under the Resources/app/storefront/dist folder inside your app.
Please ensure that that folder is included in the zip file you upload to your shop.

Best way to send source maps to Sentry but keep them off production website and app

I have a Ionic Vue web-based PWA and web-based mobile app. Recently I added Sentry into the mix and used the Sentry webpack plugin to upload source maps to Sentry. Everything works great when the Vue/JavaScript crashes I get the proper line/column info on the error but I noticed on the web-based version of the app that webpack shows the source code for the entire Vue app. I'd like to prevent that.
Here is my workflow: I commit to github main and it kicks off a github action which builds the project and finally deploys to Firebase hosting. I'm thinking I need to have two actions, one for building and sending to Firebase, and another for building and uploading source maps. I also use Ionic AppFlow for deploying to mobile apps (iOS/Android) so I'm thinking I need to prevent AppFlow from building/sending sourcemaps too.
So... how do I do this? Both Github actions and AppFlow see things as "production" mode. And AppFlow doesn't support environment variables at the pay level I'm at. Is there a way to have multiple vue.config.js files I can have?

How can i store API Keys or API Paths on Github Actions to make Expo read it on Build?

I am currently building expo ios and android locally, but now i am going to use github actions to build it automatically, but when i do, My expo build doesnt read the env, where can i store and secure .env files to make my expo builds have it again?

shopify cli: theme deploy changed file only

using shopify cli, theme deploy will push entire directory, which is slow. I changed a few files and only want push them to shopify.
is there any theme deploy changed files only cmd?
Without config.yml setup
theme deploy --password=[your-api-password] --store=[] --themeid=[your-theme-id] --env=[environemnt-name] [path-to-file/file-name]
theme deploy --password=AFSJASFLDJ32R424 --themeid=3242435425 --env=development assets/test.min.js
With config.yml and environment setup
EXP: Deploy One file
theme deploy --env=development assets/test.min.js
EXP: Deploy Mutiple Files
theme deploy --env=development assets/test.min.js assets/test-2.min.js
config.yml example configurations
password: 1232134124124adfasd32423
theme_id: "93204212432"
If you use theme kit, you can just use upload command. It is very similar to shopify-cli.
Theme Kit is a tool kit for manipulating shopify themes
Theme Kit is a fast and cross platform tool that enables you to build shopify themes with ease.
Complete documentation is available at
theme [command]
Available Commands:
bootstrap Bootstrap will create theme using Shopify Timber
configure Create a configuration file
deploy deploy files to shopify
download Download one or all of the theme files
get Get a theme and config from shopify
help Help about any command
new New will create theme using Shopify Timber
open Open the preview for your store.
remove Remove theme file(s) from shopify
replace Overwrite theme file(s)
update Update Theme kit to the newest version.
upload Upload theme file(s) to shopify
version Print the version number of Theme Kit
watch Watch directory for changes and update remote theme

Custom Branding for application

I am having trouble with branding the application in cumulocity.
I tried to test branding by cloning the cockpit app to use our Branding.
If i see in the manage application window i am not able to customize the branding/logo. I don't see the option to customize the branding Although i removed the cumulocity branding plugin from the app now I only see the name of my application as the logo.
In the plugins window i saw only cumulocity branding, nothing for custom branding. Can you please correct me if i missed something?
Here is how I would do it. Clone or download the cumulocity-ui-plugin-examples from the cumulocity repository then:
Go to plugins folder
Find myBranding folder
Now go to the img folder and changes the logo-main.svg and logo.svg for your desire logos. Also, you can check the colors.less file in the variables folder and change the colors of your application UI.
Now go to the main folder (where you download the repository) and run c8y deploy:plugin myBranding. This command create a .zip file of the plugin.
Next, go the administration app in Cumulocity , find the app your cloned and click on edit, then go to the plugins tab. There you can find the list of the plugins that your app is using.
Find the Branding: Cumulocity plugin and click on remove like .
Next, in the same menu, click on add plugin.
Look on your computer for the .zip file you create on the 4 step and load it.
Click on save.
Open your app.
Note: If you haven't installed the c8y tool and assuming you have installed nodejs , just run npm i cumulocity-tools -g to get the tool. See this great documentation for more info.
You can find a documentation related to this in: branding guide.
Hope this helps!