Nuxt + Vuetify using Content Security Policy (CSP) header inline styling - vue.js

For my company I need to update our Nuxt + Vuetify application to make use of a Content Security Policy (CSP) header.
'unsafe-inline' is not allowed for 'default-src'. The problem we are currently facing is that Vuetify adds style attributes at runtime to the DOM elements.
So for example:
<div id="app">
<v-system-bar app>
Results in:
<div class="v-system-bar v-system-bar--fixed theme--light" style="height: 24px;">
<div class="container">Content</div>
The CSP header does not allow the style="height: 24px". This gives me the following error:
Refused to apply inline style because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "style-src 'self'". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-gGKtWVlwtb9dj1Sa7K4ybKpqUOE61nkachaCJ1LfmFY='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution.
This problem also occurs for other vuetify components, the v-system-bar is just an example. I know that adding a nonce for <style> elements is possible, but not for style attributes. Is there a way to solve this problem, besides setting the header to unsafe-inline? I want to keep using Vuetify together with the CSP header.
Here is a codepen link:
Thanks in advance!

The constructions like style="height: 24px" appear in the code as result of vue.js (not vuetify.js) script work. A vue.js uses a el.setAttribute() func to set style= property. The el.setAttribute('style', ...) is counted by CSP as unsafe therefore vue.js is not CSP-compatible.
But = '...' is safe, so in order to make vue.js a CSP compatible, it need to replace all el.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#e2e2e2; height: 24px; display:inline;') by the according sets of: = '#e2e2e2'; = '24px'; = 'inline';
There is a rough hack to do this - globally redefine setAttribute() when it's called with a 'style' argument.
Before output the page into browser, you can catch and replace all style='...' by data-style='...' in the html code, and then use script like:
styleList = document.querySelectorAll("[data-style]");
styleList.forEach( function(style) {
// convert a 'background-color:#e2e2e2; height: 24px; display:inline;' strings
// to the set of ' = '#e2e2e2'; ... = 'inline';'<br> });`
Yes, these are patches, but understanding the essence of the problem, you may be able to find a more elegant solution.


SFC styles not being applied with testing-library

I'm adding unit tests to our vue codebase and finding difficult to test an element visibility.
I render the component as usual and as recommended in the examples of the testing-library documentation, but the styles are not being applied to the DOM debugging (using screen.debug). Any clue on this?
Inside the component
<span class="error-message>content here</span>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.error-message {
display: none
In the (failing) test file:
expect(screen.getByText(/content here/i)).not.toBeVisible();
The test fails because the element is visible. The debug prints the DOM as expected, except for the data-v-* classes that we usually see on browser inspect.
I ended up changing the way the assertion was being made.
As i understand, the styles being applied through the class error-message is not going to be seen by the jest-dom because it wont be inject to the DOM's header in the test environment. So what i did was to assert the class names in the element.

Vue.js showing content that should be hidden by a v-if tag when user refreshes page

I have a Vue.js app that loads content in the created() method. I use a v-if tag to hide all of my UI until that content is loaded and ready to go. It works fine on the initial load, but if a user were to hit refresh in Chrome then the app displays (flashes momentarily) content that would not otherwise be displayed (based on the data being loaded in created).
From what I understand using the v-if tag, with a flag from my vuex store that indicates when the load has completed, is the proper way to hide content until I am ready to display it.
How can I avoid having the content flash on the refresh?
Vue.JS has solved this using the v-cloak directive. (see docs)
You add the v-cloak directive to your application's root element:
<div id="app" v-cloak>
Then add this CSS rule to your application's stylesheet:
[v-cloak] {
display: none;
Everything within the app div will then be hidden until Vue has initialized.

Vue cli image wont load with webpack

What am I doing?
I am using the intersection observer API to make lazy loading.
What have I tried?
I tried the code in a simple HTML page and it works perfect, but when I use the code in vue, the images won't load (local images). If I put a htttp source images (online images) it works perfect, too. I think this is a webpack error config. Am I right? How can I fix it?.
Whats the error?
When i use a local image the code doesnt work, if only change that src with something else like this image the code WORKS, why i cant make it work with local images?
<div class="container" id="section3">
<span class="containerTitle">Galeria</span>
<div class="wrapper">
<img v-lazyload data-src="#assets/images/001.jpg" class="card">
import lazyload from '../directives/lazyload'
export default {
export default{
inserted: el =>{
const options = {
// root:
rootMargin: '0px 0px 0px 0px',
var observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries,observer) =>{
entries.forEach(entry => {
el.src = el.dataset.src
The issue is with your image path.
You can fix it with either using public folder and give it in path.
You can also check for auto suggestion which come up while typing, this may help you to check whether your path is correct or not.
Like this
Your path is wrong. You gave ../assets/images/001.jpg as the path to the image (as stated in your question), but according to your directory tree it's ../assets/001.jpg (or write it like #/assets/001.jpg, # points to root of project). That should fix it.
As far as I remember you can't use # sign inside <template>.
So you can either:
require it
<img v-lazyload :data-src="require('#assets/images/001.jpg')" class="card">
import it
<img v-lazyload data-src="image" class="card">
import img from '#assets/images/001.jpg';
data() {
return {
image: img,
use relative path
<img v-lazyload data-src="../assets/images/001.jpg" class="card">
You can check how it works in Vue docs
I can't remember why this works, but you need to use the following syntax:
<img v-lazyload data-src="~assets/images/001.jpg" class="card">
with the ~ replacing the ../.
I will update the answer if I figure out exactly why.
doing extensive research i found this article about vuejs and static assets.
They said that this kind of problems occurs "because" of webpack,like i though, so the solution for this (i hope not the only solution), but this is the solution so far...
All asset URLs such as , background: url(...) and CSS #import are resolved by Webpack as module dependencies like require('./logo.png').
We then use loaders for Webpack, such as file-loader and url-loader, to process them. Webpack template has already configured these loaders.
File-loader helps to determine the final file location and how to name it using version hashes for better caching. Thus you can put your static assets near your .vue files and use relative paths. There is no need to put them strictly into the ‘assets’ folder.
Url-loader helps to conditionally inline assets such as base64 data URL, reducing the amount of HTTP requests.
So what the hell should I do with it?
The answer is: put your assets in the ‘src’ folder.
I tested this and it works perfect BUT you CANT make a subfolder and this for me, is disorganized.
This is the final folder structure to get this done using intersection observer api as vue directive!

anchor is not redirecting to display inside ng-view, rather reloading with new page

I wrote a simple angular application in a learning purpose. However the controllers are working in my system but not in plunker. But, that is not my concern. My concern is I am unable to see the linked pages inside ng-view. They are rather opening as a new page replacing the home page. Secondly, the expressions are not reflecting their values. Kindly help me out. I have uploaded the codes in plunker.
Link to Plunker
<div ng-controller="RamFirstCtrl">{{name}}</div>
<div ng-include="'navbar-top.html'"></div>
<div style="border:1px solid green; position:relative;" ng-view></div>
Noticed couple thing:
http to https, there is error in console, it might be the reason it doesn't work in plunker
<script src = ""></script>
you have to use the url define in your router:
ng-href="aboutUS.html" to ng-href="#!/aboutUS"
.when("/aboutUS", {
templateUrl : "aboutUS.html"
<a ng-href="#!/aboutUS">
Note:#! will be added to url by angular router by default

Non-scoped styling in components applied only once when switching routes

Vue.js documentation for Scoped CSS mentions that
You can include both scoped and non-scoped styles in the same component
I built the example application for vue-router and used two single file components instead of the string templates of the example - the rendering is as expected.
I then tried to apply both scoped and non-scoped styles in the components. In the first one I have
<style scoped>
div {
color: white;
background-color: blue;
body {
background-color: green;
and the second one
<style scoped>
div {
color: white;
background-color: red;
body {
background-color: yellow;
The idea is to have the whole body background switch when choosing a specific route.
The scoped styles are OK - they change depending on the route.
The non-scoped ones do not (screenshots are from Chrome Dev Tools):
on initial application load (non routed yet) the background is white (which is OK - this is the default one and there is no route for /).
when choosing a route, the style for the body is applied correctly (say, green from the first component)
when switching routes and loading the second component the background changes to the new color, it looks like from Chrome Dev Tools that the current style for background-color is overwritten. All the other components elements are correctly rendered (content and scoped styling)
further switches keep the same background (and again, other elements of the relevant component are rendered correctly). There are no changes in Chrome Dev Tools (the last view above is unchanged)
In other words, it looks like the style is stacked and previously overwritten properties are not updated Is this expected behaviour?
I opened a bug report for this and it ended up being expected behaviour. The summary from the report comments:
Thorsten Lünborg:
Yes, this is expected. Vue (or rather, webpack) does not insert and
remove these styles, as you seem to think. They are injected into the
head once the component renders, and never removed.
A common pattern is to extarct all CSS into a single .css file in
production, which would have the same result.
My summary in the context of the question:
initially (no route, no component rendered) nothing was injected
the first component is rendered on route switch, its style is injected
the second component is rendered on route switch, its style is injected and overwrites the previous style
further route switches do not inject anything as each component was already rendered once. The last style used therefore stays as the authoritative one.
I will therefore fallback on binding the body class to the current component's data