Invoke receiver function declared in interface - kotlin

I'm trying to create an easy-to-use html generator for a personal project. I thought I would use extension functions to be able to generate an html programmatically using something like this:
html {
head {
title("Site title")
body {
div {
// stuff in div
For that I declared an interface:
fun interface TagBlock {
operator fun Tag.invoke()
Where Tag would be the class designating the specific tags, like html, body, div etc:
class Tag(val name: String)
I now tried to create a function which accepts the earlier mentioned interface and returns a tag:
fun html(block: TagBlock): Tag {
val html = Tag("html")
// invoke `block` with `html`
return html
I'm stuck on how to invoke the provided parameter block. The following all don't work:
block(html) // Unresolved reference
block.invoke(html) // unresolved reference
html.block() // Unresolved reference: block
Where am I doing something wrong?

The invoke() operator you're declaring has 2 receivers:
the dispatch receiver TagBlock
the explicit receiver Tag
You need to provide the dispatch receiver in the context of your call for it to work. You can do this with the library function with():
fun html(block: TagBlock): Tag {
val html = Tag("html")
with(block) {
return html
This may or may not be the usage experience you were looking for, though.
A more idiomatic approach in Kotlin would be to just take a function type as input:
fun html(block: Tag.() -> Unit): Tag {
val html = Tag("html")
return html


mockk, how to verify a function is called with Map type and interface type

The class has a function:
fun theFunc(uri: Uri, theMap: Map<String, String>?, callback: ICallback) {
and would like to verify it is called with proper params type
io.mockk.verify { mock.theFunc(ofType(Uri::class), ofType(Map<String, String>::class), ofType(ICallbak::class)) }
the ofType(Uri::class) is ok,
the ofType(Map<String, String>::class got error:
the ofType(ICallbak::class) got error:
ICallback does not have a companion object, thus must be initialized
How to use the ofType() for Map and interface?
The problem is that generic parameters are lost at runtime due to type erasure, and for this reason the syntax doesn't allow generic parameters to be specified in that context. You can write Map::class but not Map<String, String>::class because a Map<String, String> is just a Map at runtime.
So, you can call it like this:
verify { mock.theFunc(ofType(Uri::class), ofType(Map::class), ofType(ICallback::class)) }
that will work. However, there is also a version of function ofType which takes generic parameters, so you can use this:
verify { mock.theFunc(ofType<Uri>(), ofType<Map<String, String>>(), ofType<ICallback>()) }
You need to use mapOf<String,String>::class
io.mockk.verify { mock.theFunc(ofType(Uri::class), ofType(mapOf<String,String>()::class), ofType(ICallbak)) }
For interface, you can create mocck object. And put it into ofType.
val callbackMock: ICallback = mockk()
io.mockk.verify { mock.theFunc(ofType(Uri::class), ofType(mapOf<String,String>()::class), ofType(callbackMock::class)) }

Kotlin script - "extension method" is a member and an extension at the same time

I have Kotlin some code that works as a class but when I try and run it as a Kotlin script I am getting " error: 'getNameAndVersion' is a member and an extension at the same time. References to such elements are not allowed"
enum class Env { Test, Sit }
data class ImageVersions(val apiName: String, val versions: Map<Env, String?>)
fun String.getNameAndVersion() = substringBefore(':') to substringAfter(':')
val testList = listOf("api-car-v1:0.0.118", "api-dog-v1:0.0.11", "api-plane-v1:0.0.36")
val sitList = listOf("api-car-v1:0.0.119", "api-plane-v1:0.0.37", "api-dog-v1:0.0.12")
Env.Test to testList,
Env.Sit to sitList
fun getVersions(envMap: Map<Env, List<String>>): List<ImageVersions> {
val envApiNameMap = envMap.mapValues { it.value.associate(String::getNameAndVersion) }
val allApiNames = envApiNameMap.flatMap { it.value.keys }.distinct()
return { apiName ->
ImageVersions(apiName, envApiNameMap.mapValues { it.value[apiName] })
I don't think I'm doing anything wrong with the way I'm using the method reference but according to my compiler I'm wrong. Appreciate some help with this. thanks
kotlinc -script .\myscript.kts
error: 'getNameAndVersion' is a member and an extension at the same time. References to such elements are not allowed
I don't have any experience with scripts but this error occurs when you try to reference a function inside a class that is also an extension function. (Here it is pointing to String::getNameAndVersion). Maybe when you run a script, the entire code is wrapped inside a class and then executed.
To fix this you can do one of the following:
Convert the function to a normal function which accepts a String parameter.
fun getNameAndVersion(s: String) = s.substringBefore(':') to s.substringAfter(':')
And replace String::getNameAndVersion with just ::getNameAndVersion in associate function
Other option is to directly call the function in the associate's lambda instead of passing a reference of this function.
.associate { it.getNameAndVersion() }

Explanation needed for Kotlin receiver function use for DSL

I'm trying to understand the following code (source).
class HTML {
fun body() { ... }
fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML {
val html = HTML() // create the receiver object
html.init() // pass the receiver object to the lambda
return html
html { // lambda with receiver begins here
body() // calling a method on the receiver object
What I really cannot grasp is the line
html.init() // pass the receiver object to the lambda
What is happening here?
Can somebody please explain in simple words what is going on here?
First, let's make this example a little easier and see what the problem is then.
We could build the html function like this:
fun html(init: (HTML) -> Unit): HTML {
val html = HTML()
return html
This would be easier to grasp (at first), because we are just passing a usual one-parameter lambda to the html function.
But now the call-site is not builder like:
html { it: HTML -> // just for clarity
it.body() // not very nice
Wouldn't it be nice if we could invoke body() inside html without it? That's possible! All we need is a lambda with receiver.
fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML { // <-- only this changed
val html = HTML()
return html
See how html is passed as an argument to init like before?
Of course, we can invoke it like this too: html.init() as shown in the example. The instance of HTML becomes this inside the block of the lambda.
Now, we can do this:
html {
Since this can be omitted, we arrive here:
html {
So, in the end lambdas with receivers make the code more concise and allow us to use a nice builder syntax.
Here is step by step explaination:
1. Creation of function, receiver type lambda.
fun html(init: HTML.() -> Unit): HTML {
here function html accept a parameter init of type HTML.() -> Unit i.e. it indicated that it is a receiver of HTML and can only be called with help of a real HTML object. And : HTML indicates that the function obviously returns HTML object.
2. call of init at html
Here init() function is called as a receiver of HTML by a real HTML object.
Alright enough of formal talking, Here is what a receiver is:
So if you remember extension function defined as fun A.myFun(...): ReturnType {}, in that case you get a variable this which act as an instance of type A it was called on.
Similarly receiver lambda gives you a this variable inside that,
In a particular example:
class A {
fun thisCanBeCalledByAInstance() {
println("I've got called")
fun main() {
val receiver: A.() -> Unit = { // this: A
thisCanBeCalledByAInstance() // prints: I've got called
// or traditional way this.thisCanBeCalledByAInstance()
val a: A = A()
Here you were able to call the method(function) from the instance of A even if it was lambda because it was a receiver.
PS: For simple langauge you can think html.init() as init(html) but html is not a parameter but instead works as this vaiable inside the lambda
This is why you were able to call body() on that lambda, because implicitly you were calling this.body() and this has came from html.init()'s html object.

Wrong "this" being used in nested closures

I'm trying to keep this minimal, but let me know if I'm being too minimal.
Suppose you have a class hierarchy like this, designed for generating HTML (inspired by the Kotlin tutorial; semi-pseudocode follows):
class Tag {
protected val children = arrayListOf<Tag>()
operator fun String.unaryPlus() = children.add(Text(this))
class TagWithChildren : Tag() {
fun head(init: Head.() -> Unit) = initializeTag(Head(), init)
fun script(init: Script.() -> Unit) = initializeTag(Script(), init)
fun <T : Tag> initializeTag(tag: T, init: T.() -> Unit): T {
return tag
class Head : TagWithChildren()
class Script : Tag()
class Text(val str: Text) : Tag()
Notice that Head has head and script methods while Script doesn't.
Now you can construct a template that looks like this:
head {
script {
Which works great! However, if the block passed to script tries to call methods that aren't available on Script, it can call the method on Head instead. For example,
head {
script {
script {
not only isn't a compile error, it's actually equivalent to
head {
script {
script {
which is super confusing, from a template author's perspective.
Is there any way to prevent method lookups from traveling up the scope like that? I only want it to look at the innermost scope.
UPDATE 11/24/2016:
Kotlin 1.1-M03 has introduced scope control, which I believe solves exactly this problem.
The current behavior is intentional. Code in a lambda has access to receivers of all enclosing scopes. It is possible that a future version of Kotlin will add a modifier that will restrict a lambda with receiver to calling methods on that receiver only and not the enclosing scopes, but in the current version there's no way to change that behavior.
As a workaround, I can have it fail at runtime if I change the classes to look like this:
open class Tag {
operator fun String.unaryPlus()
// pulled up from TagWithChildren, call protected method
fun head(init: Head.() -> Unit) = addChild(Head())
fun script(init: Script.() -> Unit) = addChild(Head())
// throws in Tag
open protected fun addChild(t: Tag) = throw IllegalArgumentException()
class TagWithChildren : Tag() {
// overridden to not throw in subclass
protected override fun addChild(t: Tag) = children.add(t)
This way, every Tag has the builder methods (solving the scoping problem), but actually calling them may result in a runtime failure.

Getting access to an instance in a wrapper function

In Kotlin I have this function to wrap a transaction:
fun wrapInTransaction(code: () -> Unit) {
How can I get access to realmInstance in the invoked code?
The easy solution here is to make code a function with receiver:
fun wrapInTransaction(code: Realm.() -> Unit) {
Inside a lambda which you pass as code you will be able to use this to reference the RealmInstance and to use its members directly as if inside a member function.
Calling realmInstance.code() is just calling code with passing realmInstance as a receiver to it.
The other answers correctly demonstrate how to pass the RealmInstance object to the lambda. In addition, you can make the whole function an extension function which makes the call site a bit prettier:
fun Realm.wrapInTransaction(code: Realm.() -> Unit) {
//this is implicit
The call site will look like this:
Realm.getInstance(this).wrapInTransaction {
Change the wrapInTransaction function to accept an extensions method on realmInstance like so:
fun wrapInTransaction(code:Realm.() -> Unit){
Then you can use it like:
wrapInTransaction {
println("realm instance is $this, instanceId: $instanceId")
Where for the sake of the example the Realm looks like:
class Realm {
val instanceId = 42
fun beginTransaction() {
fun commitTransaction() {
The above technique is possible thanks to Kotlin's Function Literals with Receiver that make it possible to set the this instance (receiver) within lambda function body. It makes it easy to build type safe builders that reassemble ones from Groovy or Ruby.
This answer provides more samples on the technique.