Go over a simple quote in a Where of a SQL query - sql

I have a SQL query where I have to pass a string in my where, my string can have a simple quote in the name of the program and at the same time break the string and create an error in my request.
Yes I would just like to skip the code, but the actual logic has been done so that we are able to modify the code, so I can't just trust that.
Here is the query in my ASP.NET MVC 5 project:
IQueryable<ListeProgrammesCol> query = db.Database.SqlQuery<ListeProgrammesCol>(
"SELECT id AS offreID, nomProgramme AS nom, codeProgramme AS code, dateAjout, dateLastUpdate, gestionEnLigne " +
"FROM tbl_offreCol " +
"WHERE FK_etablissement = " + instId +" AND offreType = 3 AND archive = 0 AND codeProgramme = '" + code + "' AND nomProgramme = '" + progNom + "' " +
"ORDER BY nomProgramme").AsQueryable();
And here is the query if you want to text in SQL Server Management Studio:
id AS offreID, nomProgramme AS nom, codeProgramme AS code,
dateAjout, dateLastUpdate, gestionEnLigne
FK_etablissement = 923000
AND offreType = 3
AND archive = 0
AND codeProgramme = '351.A0'
AND nomProgramme = 'RAC en Techniques d'éducation spécialisée'
This is the problem: d'éducation
I decided to use linq to make my request, so I no longer need to use quotes. Here is the query:
var query = (from oc in db.tbl_offreCol
where oc.FK_etablissement == instId
&& oc.offreType == 3
&& oc.archive == 0
&& oc.codeProgramme == code
&& oc.nomProgramme == progNom
select new ListeProgrammesCol
offreID = oc.id,
nom = oc.nomProgramme,
code = oc.codeProgramme,
dateAjout = oc.dateAjout,
dateLastUpdate = oc.dateLastUpdate,
gestionEnLigne = oc.gestionEnLigne
}).OrderBy(x => x.nom).AsQueryable();


How to pass multiple values in a native query and retrieve that data in a Map<String, List<Data>>?

Here I want to pass a list of Ids and date as a parameter to the database query and I want the query to return data in a Map so the key is the id and List is the data against that id.
Query<Data> query = rdsSession.createNativeQuery(DBQueries.DATA_QUERY,
Data.class).setParameterList("performance_id", listOfIds).setParameter("fromdate", fromDate);
List<Data> listDBRecords = null;
Map<String, List<Data> records=listDBRecords.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Data::getId));
So how can I achieve this result by passing multiple values(ie. ids) in the query and return that data? This is the query I have written
public static final String SELECT_PORTFOLIO_SECURITY_DATA = "select capl.corporate_action_portfolio_level_id, " +
"capl.performance_id, capl.forwardlooking_sequence_no, " +
"capl.as_of_date, capl.price, casl.currency, capl.exchange_rate, " +
"capl.gross_dividend, capl.net_dividend, capl.sub_portfolio_guid, capl.effective_date, capl.adjustment_weighted_factor, capl.price_adjustment_factor, " +
"casl.share_adjustment_factor, casl.float_adjustment_factor, capl.index_shares, capl.input_tos_live, casl.input_float_live, capl.prediction_type from " +
ConfigurationManager.getProperties().getProperty("rdsConnection.schema") +
".corporate_action_portfolio_level capl inner join " +
ConfigurationManager.getProperties().getProperty("rdsConnection.schema") +
".corporate_action_security_level casl " +
"on capl.performance_id = casl.performance_id and capl.as_of_date = casl.as_of_date and capl.prediction_type = casl.prediction_type and " +
"capl.forwardlooking_sequence_no = casl.forwardlooking_sequence_no " +
"where capl.performance_id = :performance_id and capl.as_of_date = :as_of_date and capl.prediction_type = 'PREDICTED' or capl.prediction_type = 'LIVE'";
Can someone tell what is the right way?

How to create a dynamic query using collection-valued named parameters?

As the title suggests, i'm currently trying to add parts to the JPQL-query using collection-valued named parameters (:queryLst).
Function call:
List<PanelSet> psetLst = setRepository.getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(p.getCustomerNumber(), p.getDrawingNumber(), queryLst);
// Is used to store values from scanned and convert them into parts of a query
ArrayList<String> queryLst = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
scanEdvRev = scanned.get(i).toString();
queryLst.set(i, "and left(a.drawingnumber, 8) != left('" + scanEdvRev + "', 8)");
public interface SetRepository extends CrudRepository<PanelSet, Integer> {
#Query("select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber "
+ "and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber (:queryLst) "
+ "group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)")
List<PanelSet> getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(#Param("customerNumber") String customerNumber,
#Param("drawingNumber") String drawingNumber,
#Param("queryLst") ArrayList<String> queryLst);
When i run the project i get the following exception:
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: ( near line 1, column 159 [select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from com.asetronics.qis2.model.PanelSet a where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber (:queryLst) group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)]
I'm unsure whether my approach to this problem is the correct way of doing this and whether this exception is caused by a simple syntax error or by my usage of collection-valued named parameters.
I've followed this guide trying to solve the problem.
EDIT: I'm basically trying to add each String from ArrayList<String> queryLst to the parametrized query inside setRepository.
#Query("select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber "
+ "and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber (:queryLst) "
+ "group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)")
If successful, the query behind the function
List<PanelSet> getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(#Param("customerNumber") String customerNumber,
#Param("drawingNumber") String drawingNumber,
#Param("queryLst") ArrayList<String> queryLst);
should look like this:
queryStr = "select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = " + customerNumber + ""
+ "and a.drawingNumber != " + drawingNumber + "";
for (String s : queryLst) {
queryStr = queryStr + s;
queryStr = queryStr + " group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)";
I hope this clarifies what i'm trying to do with queryLst.
It can't be done using your approach of passing in a list of query chunks.
The closest you'll get is by adding every possible condition to the query and provide values for all those conditions in a way that allows conditions to be ignored, typically by providing a null.
You code might look like this:
#Query("select distinct max(a.drawingNumber) from PanelSet a "
+ "where a.customerNumber = :customerNumber "
+ "and a.drawingNumber != :drawingNumber "
+ "and a.myTextColumn = coalesce(:myTextColumn, a.myTextColumn) "
+ "and a.myIntegerColumn = coalesce(:myIntegerColumn, a.myIntegerColumn) "
// etc for all possible runtime conditions
+ "group by left(a.drawingNumber, 8)")
List<PanelSet> getMaxZchnrGroupByLeftEight(
#Param("customerNumber") String customerNumber,
#Param("drawingNumber") String drawingNumber,
#Param("myTextColumn") String myTextColumn,
#Param("myIntegerColumn") Integer myIntegerColumn);
Passing null for myTextColumn or myIntegerColumn will allow that column to be any value (except null).
You'll have to find SQL that works for the type of conditions you have and the data type of the columns involved and whether nulls are allowed.
If passing nulls doesn't work, use a special value, perhaps blank for text columns and some "impossible" date like 2999-01-01 fir date columns etc and code the condition like:
and (a.myCol = :myCol or :myCol = '2999-01-01')

Generating SQL query that will ignore where clause if no condition is given in it using sequelize & node.js

I am using node.js as backend language & Microsoft SQL as database. And I am using sequelize (http://docs.sequelizejs.com) to query with SQL. Below is my Web API route handler code :
const sequelize = require('sequelize');
module.exports = {
getinfo(req, res) {
let {search, id, fromDate, toDate, firstName, lastName} = req.body;
const condition = "";
if(search != null && search != '')
condition += "id LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += "fromDate LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += "toDate LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += "firstName LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += "lastName LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
if(fromDate != null && toDate != null && fromDate != '' && toDate != '')
condition += "date BETWEEN" + fromDate + "AND" + toDate;
const query = "";
query = " SELECT * from TABLE where" + condition;
sequelize.query(query, type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT)
.then( ...)
I wanted to make a scenario where even if condition is empty, the query should return the database. Initially I thought of using if in condition variable to check if condition variable has anything there or not.
if(condition != '' && condition != null) {
query = " SELECT * from TABLE where" + condition;
} else {
query = " SELECT * from TABLE " ;
But it wasn't working as expected (due to asynchronous nature of JavaScript). I want to make an SQL query itself that will check if there is any condition present in where clause or not, if not then it should return the whole table. Any help would be appreciated
The standard trick is to prepend 1=1 to the list of conditions. And (maybe) later append the extra conditions using AND condition:
const condition = " 1=1";
if(search != null && search != '')
condition += " AND id LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += " AND fromDate LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += " AND toDate LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += " AND firstName LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
condition += " AND lastName LIKE '%" + search + "%'";
if(fromDate != null && toDate != null && fromDate != '' && toDate != '')
condition += " AND date BETWEEN " + fromDate + " AND " + toDate;
const query = "";
query = " SELECT * from TABLE where" + condition;
sequelize.query(query, type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT) ...

SQL Server advanced sorting out

I am an asp.net web pages developer I am developing a website in which I need advanced sorting like www.olx.com which is a classifieds website but the problem is that I have more than 25 categories I am using SQL Server & have my tables broken into parts.
Now, as I have many categories so when i sort them for example if I search for samsung but at the same time I want to sort search data by price (high to low or low to high) & also at same time I want to filter data which has a description now I would need to make 100's of queries by using if's but is there a more convenient solution to this problem
Currently I am using this query:
sql = "SELECT * FROM users_table INNER JOIN response_table ON users_table.ID = response_table.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN miscellaneous_table ON users_table.ID = miscellaneous_table.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN response_table2 ON users_table.ID = response_table2.ID";
sql = sql + " where response_table.sub_category='" + incat + "'";
if (Request["search"] != "" && Request["search"] != null)
var search = Request["search"].Trim();
string[] querynew = search.Split(' ');
var searchquery = " and ";
foreach (string word in querynew)
searchquery += " users_table.adtitle LIKE '%" + word + "%' OR ";
sql = sql + searchquery.Remove(searchquery.Length - 4);
if (Request["min"] != "" && Request["min"] != null && Request["max"] != null && Request["max"] != "")
sql = sql + " and (CAST(response_table.price AS Float)) between " + Request["min"].Trim() + " AND " + Request["max"].Trim();
You can use this short hand in the WHERE clause
Assuming your filter are #col1, #col2, #col3
FROM ...
WHERE (#col1 = 0 OR col1 = #col1)
AND (#col2 = '' OR col2 = #col2)
AND (#col3 = 0 OR col3 = #col3)
So with the above where clause, if the user only supply filter for col2 then just pass 0 in for col1 & col2 and it will unfilter these.

Upper Function Input parameter in Oracle

I try to prevent SQL injection in SQL query. I used following code to do it but unfortunately I faced some problem. The query is not running in oracle DB:
strQuery = #"SELECT PASSWORD FROM IBK_USERS where upper(user_id) =upper(:UserPrefix) AND user_suffix=:UserSufix AND STATUS_CODE='1'";
//strQuery = #"SELECT PASSWORD FROM IBK_CO_USERS where user_id = '" + UserPrefix + "' AND user_suffix='" + UserSufix + "' AND STATUS_CODE='1'";
ocommand = new OracleCommand();
if (db.GetConnection().State == ConnectionState.Open)
ocommand.CommandText = strQuery;
ocommand.Connection = db.GetConnection();
ocommand.Parameters.Add(":UserSufix", OracleDbType.Varchar2,ParameterDirection.Input);
ocommand.Parameters[":UserSufix"].Value = UserSufix;
ocommand.Parameters.Add(":UserPrefix", OracleDbType.Varchar2,ParameterDirection.Input);
ocommand.Parameters[":UserPrefix"].Value = UserPrefix.ToUpper();
odatareader = ocommand.ExecuteReader();
if (odatareader.HasRows)
Your parameters shouldn't contain the semicolon :. This is just an indicator in your query that the variable that follows is a parameter, but you don't have to supply that on the .NET side:
ocommand.Parameters["UserSufix"] = ...