Recyclerview range selection - android-recyclerview

I work currently on implementing recyclerview-selection library.
I flowed integration process from the official documentation, but i want to deactivate range selection.
Anyone already know how to do it ?

You can deactivate certain items from being selected (long-press) by using a SelectionPredicate<K>.
An example on how to do that can be found here:
More specifically in the class ItemsAdapter, which only allows selection on those items that match a certain predicate.


Display tag ver 1.2

I have an issue with displaytag 1.2 and struts.
I am using pagination of display tag. when i 'go' in page 2 and I click sumbit I lost all the value of the list.
How can I keep track of those values?
I mean, in my action i have only the value of the elements current displayed, I need all the value.
Thanks in advance
Kind regards
If you use the value list pattern as they said at their site then you need to handle partial values from your customized class which will implement the org.displaytag.pagination.PaginatedList interface.
But there is another way too where you don't have to do anything except giving some parameter.
Read this Doc carefully

Creating an interactive events scheduler

I'm attempting to create something with a similar layout to this schedule page.
See attached screenshot also.
So what I need is:
- "Categories" across the top of the scheduler (Vertical dividers).
- "Timeslots (07:00 07:30, etc..)" down the left of the scheduler.
User's can then add events via modal screens and assign them "Timeslots" and "Categories".
They should then appear in the Schedule in the appropriate locations.
The above mentioned example appears to be using Dojo.
I found this calendar widget but am unsure of how to get it to represent "Categories" across the top when using the "Day" view.
Is this possible with the dojo calendar widget? (I've never worked with Dojo before)
Any suggestions as to other frameworks or example's that would provide me with this functionality would be very welcome also.
I've looked at JQuery's fullCalendar plugin and it doesn't seem to provide this functionality (Would be great if someone could prove me wrong!).
After looking at Dojo's widget documentation I think the Sub-Column display is what you are looking for. So each Calendar in this case will represent a category.
I don't think FullCalendar is capable of the category layout, but I think its cool enough to request:
Hope that helps!

Virtual TableViewer sorting causes selection problems

Our application is an RCP appliction and needs to display table of several thousands items. For this reason, we're using SWT.VIRTUAL in our TableViewer. That works pretty well except for selection.
We're having following issue :
Our TableViewer support sorting and filtering. When we use a virtual tableviewer, changing the selection does not preserve the current selected item but the row currently selected.This leads to another item being selected.
e.g: If Item 'A' present at the 5th row is selected by user and sorting is performed, then after sorting the Item at the 5th row gets selected instead of the Item 'A'.
Using a non virtual TableViewer, everything works fine.
We tried to go into debug and found out that the cache from the AbstractTableViewer.VirtualManager class seems to be up to date with the model.
Forcing the cache to be used in the AbstractTableViewer.virtualSetSelectionToWidget() can be a possible approach.
We have tried to implement a solution suggested in However it didn't work.
Please suggest some pointers or alternative work around.
Thanks for the answers.
As a workaround for working with huge tables I would suggest you to take a look at the Nattable project It supports everything you need (sorting, filtering, tree structured elements, lazy loading etc.). We successfully use it in our project, where it is necessary to display hundreds of thousands elements as a tree with around 160 columns. It also has some pretty cool styling features, which can make your table more user-friendly and interactive. Hope this helps

Sencha Touch: Ability to have a dot next to unread items in a list

I'm just wondering if there's a way to have a dot next to unread items in a list and then to keep track of which items were read and which weren't? (Like the Mail app on iOS)
I know I could do this manually but I'm wondering if this is already catered for in the framework. My extensive hunting has turned up nothing so I thought I'd ask here before looking to write something myself.
Add the dot as a css class by default to the list item. in the itemtap event remove the class.
While this can be done manually, there doesn't seem to exist a plugin or capability to do it as part of the list module.

Extend Page Property with custom controls in Sharepoint

Sharepoint is quite limited when it comes to multi-Lookups because it saves that information in strings. So I changed the Page-Property
"Elements (MultiLookup-> elementIds" on the propertyPage
to an inserted List "PageElements":
(SingleLookup)pageId , (singleLookup) elementId"
Because this is quite hard to maintain for my content admins I want that they can enter that information in the page properties like before instead of adding lines into "PageElements"
Therefore I want to add a control that handles that.
I do not need a solution for the task how to achieve that specific function, but a general hint how to add any custom control into a Page property.
I starting point link would be very nice. I just doen't seem to find the right words to feed google with my topic.
Solved this by using a custom field type with that logic. Basicly Described here: