Showing Values in which there is a Substring that starts with a letter in range 'A' to 'X' followed by 2 letter of which second one is 'A' in Oracle - sql

I need to find all the FIRST_NAMES in the table that looks like - There is a substring of 3 letter in the name of which first letter is in range 'A' to 'X' and 3rd one is 'A'. Moreover, the substring should be like '[A-X]_A' and the Name should be like '%[A-X]_A%'. But however ORACLE is showing NO DATA FOUND . Whenever I try with '[]' ORACLE can't find any data. Can anyone give me the solution?
For more information: I am using HR SCHEMA in for the purpose.

You want a regular expression:
where regexp_like(col, '[A-X].A')


SQL Find names that contain a letter (without using Like)

I need to write a select statement that returns all last names from a column that contains the letter A. I can't use LIKE. I am trying to do so with SUBSTR.
I don't think substr is the way to go. instr, on the other hand, may do the trick:
SELECT last_name
FROM mytable
WHERE INSTR(last_name, 'A') > 0
As David Bachmann Jeppesen mentioned, Oracle is case sensitive, so if you want to find last names containing any case of "A", you could do something like this:
SELECT last_name
FROM mytable
WHERE INSTR(UPPER(last_name), 'A') > 0

Oracle RegExp For Counting Words Occuring After a Character

I want to identify the number of words occurring after a comma, in a full name field in Oracle database table.
The name field contains format of "LAST, FIRST MIDDLE"
Some names may have up to 4 to 5 names, such as "DOE, JOHN A B"
For example, if the Name field = 'WILLIAMS JR, HANK' it would output 1 (for 1 word occurring after the comma.
If the Name field = 'DOE, JOHN A B' i want it to output 3.
I would like to use a regexp_count function to determine this count.
I am using the following code to identify how many words exist in the field and would like to modify it to include this functionality:
REGEXP_COUNT(REPLACE(fieldname, ',',', '), '[^]+')
It would likely have to remove the replace function in order to find the comma, but this was the best I could do so far.
Help is much appreciated!
How about the following:
REGEXP_COUNT( fieldname, "\\w", INSTR(fieldname, ",")+1)
I have updated the code as follows, which appears to be working as desired:
REGEXP_COUNT(fieldname, '[^ ]+', (INSTR(fieldname, ',')+1))

Finding first and second word in a string in SQL Developer

How can I find the first word and second word in a string separated by unknown number of spaces in SQL Developer? I need to run a query to get the expected result.
Hello Monkey this is me
Different sentences have different number of spaces between the first and second word and I need a generic query to get the result.
Expected Result:
I have managed to find the first word using substr and instr. However, I do not know how to find the second word due to the unknown number of spaces between the first and second word.
select substr((select ltrim(sentence) from table1),1,
(select (instr((select ltrim(sentence) from table1),' ',1,1)-1)
from table1))
from table1
Since you seem to want them as separate result rows, you could use a simple common table expression to duplicate the rows, once with the full row, then with the first word removed. Then all you have to do is get the first word from each;
WITH cte AS (
SELECT value FROM table1
SELECT SUBSTR(TRIM(value), INSTR(TRIM(value), ' ')) FROM table1
SELECT SUBSTR(TRIM(value), 1, INSTR(TRIM(value), ' ') -1) word
FROM cte
Note that this very simple example assumes that there is a second word, if there isn't, NULL will be returned for both words.
An SQLfiddle to test with.
While Joachim Isaksson's answer is a robust and fast approach, you can also consider splitting the string and selecting from the resulting pieces set. This is just meant as hint for another approach, if your requirements alter (e.g. more than two string pieces).
You could split finally by the regex /[ ]+/, and so getting the words between the blanks.
Find more about splitting here: How do I split a string so I can access item x?
This will strongly depend on the SQL dialect you are using.
Try this with REGEXP_SUBSTR:
FROM table1;
1 2 3 4 5
Hello Monkey Monkey this this is_me
Learn more about REGEXP_SUBSTR reference to Using Regular Expressions With Oracle Database
Test use SqlFiddle:!4/8e9ef/9
If you only want to get the first and the second word, use REGEXP_INSTR to get second word start position :
REGEXP_SUBSTR(sentence,'\w+\s+') AS FIRST,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(sentence,'\w+\s',REGEXP_INSTR(sentence,'\w+\s+')+length(REGEXP_SUBSTR(sentence,'\w+\s+'))) AS SECOND
FROM table1;

Select rows that has mixed charcters in a single value e.g. 'Joh?n' in name column

In an oracle table:
1- a value in a VARCHAR column contains characters that are not letters.
Consider a scenarion where a name in 'last_name' column contains regular characters (A - Z, a - z) as well as characters that are not english letters (e.g. '.', '-', ' ','_', '>' or similar).
The challenge is to select the rows that has names in 'last_name' as '.John' or 'John.' or '-John' or 'Joh-n'
2- Is it possible to have non-date values in a Date defined column? If yes, how can such records be selected in an oracle query?
I believe this will do the trick:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(last_name, '[^A-Za-z]');
As for your 2nd question, I am unsure. I would be glad if someone else could add on to what I have to answer your 2nd question. I have found this website thought that might be of help.
It explains the DATE format.
If I properly understand your goal, you need to select rows with last_name column containing the name 'John', but it may also have additional characters before, after, or even inside the name. In that case, this should be helpful:
select * from tab where regexp_replace(last_name, '[^A-Za-z]+', '') = 'John'

Matching exactly 2 characters in string - SQL

How can i query a column with Names of people to get only the names those contain exactly 2 “a” ?
I am familiar with % symbol that's used with LIKE but that finds all names even with 1 a , when i write %a , but i need to find only those have exactly 2 characters.
Please explain - Thanks in advance
Table Name: "People"
Column Names: "Names, Age, Gender"
Assuming you're asking for two a characters search for a string with two a's but not with three.
select *
from people
where names like '%a%a%'
and name not like '%a%a%a%'
Use '_a'. '_' is a single character wildcard where '%' matches 0 or more characters.
If you need more advanced matches, use regular expressions, using REGEXP_LIKE. See Using Regular Expressions With Oracle Database.
And of course you can use other tricks as well. For instance, you can compare the length of the string with the length of the same string but with 'a's removed from it. If the difference is 2 then the string contained two 'a's. But as you can see things get ugly real soon, since length returns 'null' when a string is empty, so you have to make an exception for that, if you want to check for names that are exactly 'aa'.
select * from People
length(Names) - 2 = nvl(length(replace(Names, 'a', '')), 0)
Another solution is to replace everything that is not an a with nothing and check if the resulting String is exactly two characters long:
select names
from people
where length(regexp_replace(names, '[^a]', '')) = 2;
This can also be extended to deal with uppercase As:
select names
from people
where length(regexp_replace(names, '[^aA]', '')) = 2;
SQLFiddle example:!4/09bc6
select * from People where names like '__'; also ll work