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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm currently starting to work with clickhouse for our in-house analytics system, but it looks like there are no automated ways to configure policies for data retention. The only thing I saw was the ALTER ... MOVE PARTITION (, but it looks like the process has to be manual / implemented in our application layer.
My objective is to move data older than 3 months directly to an S3 cluster for archival and price reasons, while still being able to query it.
Is there any native way to do so directly in clickhouse with storage policies?
Thanks in advance.
This answer was based out of #Denny Crane's comment:, where I did put comments where there were not enough explanations, and keeping it in the event that the link dies.
Add your S3 disk to a new configuration file (Let's say /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/storage.xml:
<!-- This tag is the name of your S3-emulated disk, used for the rest of this tutorial -->
<!-- Set this to the endpoint of your S3-compatible provider -->
<!-- Set this to your access key ID provided by your provider -->
<!-- Set this to your access key Secret provided by your provider -->
<!-- Don't leave this file yet! We still have things to do there -->
Add a storage policy for your data storage:
<!-- Put this after the three dots in the snippet above -->
<!-- Default is the disk that is present in the default question -->
Once that is done, you can create your tables with the following insert statement:
CREATE TABLE visits (...)
ENGINE = MergeTree
TTL toStartOfYear(time) + interval 3 year to volume 'your_s3'
SETTINGS storage_policy = 'shared';
Where shared is your policy name, and your_s3 is the name of your disk in that policy.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have an application table that has columns like quoteId, accountNumber, and few others. I have created a REST endpoint to update the account number on the basis of quoteId i.e Update account no. in the application that has quoteId = {quoteId}. Here is the endpoint:
PUT /applications/quotes/{quoteId}/accountNumber
Is it the correct REST convention?
Is it the correct REST convention?
If your PUT/PATCH/POST request uses the same URI as your GET request, then you are probably on safe ground. If PUT/PATCH/POST are using different URI, then something has Gone Wrong somewhere.
In other words, if /applications/quotes/{quoteId}/accountNumber is a resource that you link to, then it is the right idea that you send unsafe requests to that URI.
But if accountNumber is information normally retrieved via /applications/quotes/{quoteId}, then /applications/quotes/{quoteId} should be the target resource for edits (instead of creating a new resource used for editing only).
The reason for this is cache-invalidation, as explained in RFC 7234.
If this isn't immediately clear to you, then I suggest reviewing Jim Webber's 2011 talk on REST.
You should use PATCH instead of PUT for partial object updates.
In my opinion, your url must be:
PUT /applications/quotes/{quoteId}
payload: {
accountNumber: <number>,
... any other field...
Because you only want to update a part of an object of the list of quotes that you identify uniquely with quoteId.
About the use of PUT or PATCH, it's true that PUT means that you want to keep the object as the updated copy that you are sending (you must send in this case the entire object to make the update) but the fact is (I think) that many of us use PUT like you, to do partial updates of object.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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My domain is hosted on
The subdomain is hosted on
I have created an MX record on the server tr8 for the domain but when I check this
it says that "No Records Exist"
How can I have a proper mx recort for ?
PS: I can send an email from my gmail account to the address without a problem.
Thank you all!
As this is sub domain of TLD:, make sure that you are adding MX for your subdomain “” in's DNS zone as long as you do not have separate DNS zone of your sub domain.
→ Collect exact MX value, you need to set for
→ Open DNS zone of and add MX record:
Record type: MX
Record name: tr1
Priority: 0
Value: MX value of
Once it is done, check in any online tool
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am very new to SEO and trying to explore it reading all day. I have finally created my dream carpooling site and working on the seo aspect now. I want do it on my own so I get to know about SEO better.Its is dynamic website. User post their trip details every day like given below ( IN quotes)
site :
Trip detail page :,,,,
( trips like this will be added regularly everyday)
I have already have a program which dynamically insert this into my sitemap.
My main question is , is that I need to resubmit my site to GOOGLE every day or will it do on its own. ?
Trip detail page is the only page will be dynamically added to sitemap. Please let me know . If I need to resubmit the page regularly ,is there any tools to do that ?
is that I need to resubmit my site to GOOGLE every day or will it do on its own. ?
No. Once Google knows where to find your sitemap they will continue to recrawl it periodically.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Google Apps has an "Google Apps Email Settings API" which allows to create a new mail filter via an API call.
Is there any (perhaps undocumented) way to get the list of current filters and update them?
A Filter object was added to the API that allows for filter processing, including retrieval, creation and deletion.
Listing Filters
Returns a JSON list of Filter objects
Retrieving a specific Filter
Returns a single JSON Filter object
Deleting a specific Filter
Creating a Filter
With a JSON encoded Filter in the request body.
While the REST URLs have v1 in the address, they are linked from the current documentation. Also note, GMail API migration is currently in progress, and the deprecated API will cease to function as of July 2016. Keep this in mind, as the API may change.
No. There is no API to retrieve filters, only create new ones (as you found).
However, users can export all of their filters from the UI and re-import them into another account manually:
Using Filters
I haven't tried it, but according to the Google Admin SDK docs, it looks like you can:
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Closed 10 years ago.
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We are implementing an IP based geolocation service, and we need to find some IP's from various markets (LA, NY etc) to fully test the service.
Does anybody know of a directory where we could find what IP ranges are used where?
EDIT: We have already implemented the system, it uses a 3rd party DB and a webservice. We just want some IP's from known markets to verify its working properly.
I'm going to see if I can get what I need from the free maxmind database.
Not sure if cost is a factor but there are a few open source databases knocking about. This one claims 99.3% accuracy on its free version with 99.8% for its paid version. They've also got a Free & Open Source City Database (76% accuracy at city level).
They're both available as CSV-based databases so you can easily take a known location and get an IP range for ISPs in the area.
The tougher part is getting access to a computer in that IP range.
Try looking for sites providing lists of anonymizers. They usually list the countries for the anonymizer sites. Then either use the IP provided or do a lookup on the anonymizer name.
Also try searching for lists of anonymous proxies.
We trawled the logs for our huge web site and built up a test collection.
Sorry I can't pass it on. )-:
maybe this database will be useful for you:
it's a collection of ip adresses with countries and cities.
Many open source projects have worldwide mirrors; you can find a country-indexed list of Debian mirrors and mirrors. (Note that specifically has many mirrors per country; there are eleven United States mirrors, which are located in different regions of the country and would give different information.)
You could try using an automation tool, such as AutoIT, to fire off a series of IP addresses at a whois database service such as arin or RIPE, and harvest the addressed responses, probably just varying the first two parts of the IP.
Use Tor with a strict exit node.
You'll need to use these options in your config:
ExitNodes server1, server2, server3
StrictExitNodes 1
You'll also need to identify exit nodes that work for you in the region that you want. I suggest using the Search Whois feature at ARIN to see it's location if the Tor country icon isn't good enough. It can be a bit of a pain to identify working Tor nodes in each region that you wish to test, but it's possible and free.