Use $emit without a click event - vue.js

I'm new to Vue and there are some things I didn't understand yet.
In the first child there's a click event to $emit information to the next child. But in the other one, the second child, is there anyway to pass the information to the next child using $emit without a click event or any other event (like scroll, hover etc)? I just want to pass it ahead. Can I use mounted()?

Yes! What you're looking for is $emit(), in combination with the v-on directive, both of which it sounds like you're already using.
In the child component that you mention, the lowest one on the chain, you're already capturing a click event from some component, and then presumably using $emit('my-event', [...some data...]) to emit a new event out from the child component itself.
All you need to do now is to add event listeners and handlers in the components up the chain, using Vue's custom events mechanic, so that they can receive and emit their own events, and the data can make it up to the parent. Custom events allow your components to emit and listen for events of any name, which may carry any data they'd like (this means they're not limited to being click/ hover/ blur/ etc.).
Here's the step-by-step of that approach:
(Structure: Parent <--> Child #1 <--> Child #2 <--> Child #3)
Child #3 captures a click event, and emits an event in its handler
Child #2 is listening for this event on #3, captures it, and $emits its own event in its handler
Child #1 is listening for this event on #2, captures it, and emits own event in its handler
Parent captures event, and executes handler
In code, you'll have a listener and handler in each of your components, which can look something like this:
(I've used inline handlers here for brevity, but you can use defined methods as handlers too, just call this.$emit(...) from the method.)
Child #3:
<component ... #click="$emit('my-event-a', $event)" />
Child #2:
<ChildComponent3 ... #my-event-a="$emit('my-event-b', $event)" />
Child #1:
<ChildComponent2 ... #my-event-b="$emit('my-event-c', $event)" />
<ChildComponent1 ... #my-event-c="myHandler" />
$event here is just special Vue syntax for referencing the event data in an inline handler, which in this case allows your new event to contain the same data.
The events in the various child components can be named whatever you'd like, just make sure that the respective listeners are listening for the correct event name (eg. #event-x="..." for $emit('event-x') and #pizza-eaten="..." for $emit('pizza-eaten')).
I also wanted to mention that passing the event object (or any data at all) with an emitted event is completely optional. To do so, just invoke $emit with the event name and no other arguments: $emit('my-event'). This is useful when you simply care that an event has occurred, and the handler requires no further info.
There are many ways to approach this problem, but this is the most straightforward to understand, and works great as long as you don't need tons of direct interaction between a component and its deeply nested children.
If you do find your component structure getting more complicated, then you may want to look into a fully realized state management solution, like Vuex, which allows your components to interact with a state manager rather than having to deal with tons of events through a complicated component structure.


Is there a way to be notified when event listeners are added to a Vue component?

I have a custom Vue component that does not render to HTML.
When the component is first mounted, I am able to loop through this.$listeners and optimize the underlying non-HTML event implementation accordingly (e.g. not to emit mousemove type events unless something is listening).
To complete this process I'd like to know when listeners are programatically added later through $on().
Is there any non-polling way to be notified of this? My current workaround is to listen for and emit everything but that is a poor solution.
Note that in some instances I want to be able to use the events in question, and others not. For example:
<custom-component #eventThatWouldFireOften="doSomething" #anotherEvent="doMoreStuff"/>
and another usage might be simply.
<custom-component ref="custom"/>
mounted() {
this.$refs.custom.$on('anotherEvent', ...)
So in the first case the result would be:
CustomComponent tells the underlying API it wants to listen for eventThatWouldFireOften and anotherEvent
CustomComponent receives eventThatWouldFireOften and anotherEvent events from the underlying API and re-emits them as Vue events that can be listened to using v-on or # syntax.
..and the second case the result would be:
CustomComponent tells underlying API it doesn't want to listen for anything just yet
When the parent of CustomComponent is mounted it programatically listens for anotherEvent. That needs to be communicated down to the base API (what I'm trying to solve).

Try to understand Vue2's $emit

I wonder how Vue2's $emit works?
On its API(, it says:
Trigger an event on the current instance. Any additional arguments
will be passed into the listener’s callback function.
If current instance means the component defined, while its main usage is to send signal to parent(
I wonder how to understand this(the way how the event passed is pretty confused to me)?
The wording on the docs might create confusion to some people.
Maybe something in the lines of: "Makes the vm current instance dispatch an event" would be clearer?
In the end it is just a classic pub/sub pattern: your component instance emits / dispatches / fires an event, and other components (typically the parent one) listen / subscribe (v-on / #) to that event.
Simply put, $emit register an event in a component, and then you can listen to this event in other places wherever the component is used.
Say if you have a Child.vue and somewhere in this component, you did:
Then you can listen to this event when Child component is reused, for instance in another component SomeComponent.vue, you can do:
<child #some-event="doSomething"></child>
So here the event is triggered in the child component, but you decide what to do in the parent component with doSomething. Hope this makes sense!

Firing an event from parent to child element in Polymer 2.0

Can somebody provide an example of sending an event from parent to child in Polymer 2.o custom element?
I tried with following:
this.addEventListener('dbinit', this._evdbInitStatus);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dbinit', {detail: {kicked: true}}));
The call back does not get invoked.
This is not really related to Polymer itself, as you can see in the documentation on how events work, here, events capturing stops at the element that triggered the event and the event bubbling (as the name suggests, the events bubble up) starts from the element and goes up in the tree.
So, in other words, an event fired by a parent element won't be captured by a child element. You will need to use a data binding to pass data down.
To keep a consistent, predictable flow of data, in general, it's better anyway if data travels down via data binding and up via events.

How to communicate between components within a certain component?

Suppose I have a tree of component like this:
Now supposed I want the panel-toggle component to be able to toggle the visibility of the panel component. I could have it affect a prop passed down from widget through to each component, but that didn't seem like the best solution. I tried sending an event with this.$emit(eventName) but the event is only picked up by the immediate parent of the element emitting the event. In this case, that would be panel-toggle emitting the event and only widget-header being able to pick it up. I tried sending the event across the root element with this.$root.$emit(eventName) and picking it up with this.$root.$on(eventName), but then it is picked up by all widget components and that is no good. What I ended up doing is sending the event with this.$parent.$parent.$emit(eventName) and then picking it up from panel with this.$parent.$parent.$on(eventName). While that worked, it doesn't seem like the right way to go about this.
What would be the correct way to achieve this communication between components within the component widget only with Vue? Is the answer somehow related to the ref feature?
Since you're concerned (and with good reason) about the globalness of a global event bus, the solution is a localized event bus. Create a data item in the parent:
panelBus: new Vue()
and pass it to each of the children as a prop. Now they have a private communcation channel for just the two of them.

Vue common component communicate with different parent

I have a requestion, how about vue.js's common component's best practice when communicating with different parent component.
for example, in my scenario, a basic modal component, trigger a 'close' method, but it has two different parent component
I find two solutions:
parent need pass an additional prop, and then baisc component just
trigger event which event's name is the prop value, so the listener
parent component attched on could be called
in basic modal just use this.$parent to visit parent component methods, or this.$parent.trigger('xxx'), and then parent knows what to do
But, both above I think not very good, the first may need pass an additional prop, this let others who write a third, a forth parent component use the basic component not very handy. And the second may be felt more hard coded.
So, is there is better solution in this case?
Use this.$dispatch('eventName', data) (for Vue 2.x, use this.$emit('eventName', data)), to trigger an event to any parent, grandparent and further up the chain (you can use this.$broadcast('eventName', data) to trigger events down the chain in Vue < 2.x).
If the parent has an event called 'eventName' then it will fire this event.
If you have multiple parents, you can give them each a different event and from the child fire this specific event via dispatch. You can also give each parent the same event and pass a data prop that specifies what the parent should do. Third option is to refer to the specific parent:
var parent = new Vue({ el: '#parent' })
// access child component instance
Each option has pros and cons. The best solution depends on the context. But I think that the best solution in general is option 1. Then you don't need an additional data parameter. Option 3 is not loosely coupled.
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