How to write conditional within html element in blazor? - conditional-statements

#if (unit.unitNum != null)
<div>#unit.unitNum - #unit.type</div>
Is there a way to right conditional within div element?
I have to write conditional for unit.type too so it will be many ifs.

Yes you can write a conditional within a div element.
#if(unit.unitNum != null)
#unit.unitNum - #unit.type
else {
#* just do whatever you want here or don't write an else clause *#
Note that you can also use String interpolation
#if(unit.unitNum != null)
#($"{unit.unitNum} - {#unit.type}")
You could even simplify this a bit more. Also since you didn't specify this, the type of unit.unitNum doesn't really matter here, e.g. it could be an int, or a string.
#($"{(unit.unitNum != null ? unit.unitNum : "no number found")} - {#unit.type}")


Comparing with previous iteration in v-for

Here's my code:
<div v-for="(message) in messages">
<div class="message-divider sticky-top pb-2" data-label="Test"> </div>
What I need to achieve is, if current iteration's message.createdAt.seconds differs by day from the previous one to show message-divider element.
So the time format is in seconds like this: 1621515321
How can I achieve this?
You can do variable assignment as part of the template, so you could assign the previous value and compare, but this is not a very good idea. Instead you can use a computed to prepare your array to only have the objects you want, with the data you need. So in this case, you could use a computed to create a new array with objects that have additional flags like className or showDivider etc.
let lastCreatedAt;
return => {
const ret = {
showDivider: lastCreatedAt + 3600*24 < message.createdAt.seconds // your custom logic here
lastCreatedAt = message.createdAt.seconds
return ret
the logic to determine when the divider gets shown is up to you there, I suspect it may be a bit more complicated than differing by a day.
You need something like this:
<div v-if="compEqRef">
<div v-else >!!OK!!</div>
Here compEqRef could be in computed:
computed: {
compEqRef() {
//do something

Find duplicate value Vuejs

I have an array of names, and if a user try to update one of them and is duplicate, I want to do something (error message) The problem is that is always duplicate. Pname will be changed on every keypress. I am not sure how to store the initial array and to compare with it.
for(let element of this.customer_names){
if(this.Pname =={
duplicateValue = +1;
You can do something as simple as:
if(this.customer_names.indexOf(this.Pname) != -1) {
// there is a duplicate somewhere
Put that code in your change/key-up event listener
You can use #blur like this:
function findDuplicate () {
if(this.customer_names.indexOf(this.Pname) != -1) {
// There is a duplicate
So, by this when you click outside, after you are done with typing, it will run that findDuplicate function.

Conditional HTML tag on Body tag

On an ASP.NET Core 2.1 view I have the following:
<div #{if (1==1) { <text>style="background-image: url('image.png')"</text> }}></div>
Note: I am using 1==1 just for testing ...
This renders fine but I need to apply this to body tag:
<body #{if (1==1) { <text>style="background-image: url('image.png')"</text> }}>
In this case I get the error:
The tag helper 'body' must not have C# in the element's attribute declaration area.
How to solve this?
What you are writing doesn't seem to result in valid HTML.
Here are a few ideas (in order of complexity) to get you started.
Traditional conditional
#if (1 == 1)
<div style="background-image: url('image.png')"></div>
Ternary Operator
<div style="#((1 == 1) ? "background-image: url('image.png')" : "")"></div>
Move logic to separate block
var divStyle = "";
if (1 == 1)
divStyle = "background-image: url('image.png')";
<div style="#divStyle"></div>
Logic done server side and stored in model
#model MyViewModel
<div style="#Model.DivStyle"></div>
Inject service into View (Dependency Injection)
#inject StyleService _styleService
<div style="#_styleService.GetStyleIfTrue(1 == 1)"></div>

Vuejs append data-attribute conditionally

I try to add conditionally a data attribute value to my vue list on loop and I try the following
<ul data-parent="{{model.parent_id !== null ? model.parent_id : 0}}"></ul>
but in this case the list do not renders anymore, if dump out outside html tag {{model.parent_id !== null ? model.parent_id : 0}} than I see the correct output
Use : before that and I would create a computed property like this.
computed: {
parentId() {
if (this.model.parent_id !== null)
return this.model.parent_id
return 0;
<ul :data-parent="parentId"></ul>
The right Syntax
<ul :data-parent="{{(model.parent_id !== null) ? model.parent_id : 0}}"></ul>

A complex condition inside v-if

I want to create a complex condition to pass to the v-if directive.
I have tried the following.
<div v-if="(order.order_products[key].statuses[0].id) != 3 || order.status != 3" >
Can I add a complex condition in Vue's v-if? This is not working.
I also tried with && but that wasn't working, either. I haven't found anything in the documentation about this.
Firstly, to answer your question.
Can I add a complex condition in Vue's v-if?
You can pass an arbitrary JavaScript expression to the v-if directive in Vue, including a complex boolean expression which contains operators || or &&.
You can test this on your own. For example, try having the following template.
<div v-if="true && false">I am not visible!</div>
Of course, you might try out something less trivial, too:
<div v-if="1 == 2 || (1 + 2 == 3 && 4 == 4)">I am visible!</div>
Your expression looks good, but based on the provided information it's impossible to deduce what exactly is wrong.
Your problem is something else: maybe the data is not in the format you thought it would be, or maybe your logic has a flaw in it.
Yes, you can set complex condition. I suggest you to use Vue computed fields, so you will have better highlight (through Vue Devtools) of variables which use in v-if expression. I suppose that order is data field, so you can set computed fields like this:
computed: {
orderStatusId: function () {
// Write some checks is variable defined/undefined
return this.order.order_products[key].statuses[0].id
orderStatus: function () {
return this.order.status
and v-if expression should look like this:
<div v-if="orderStatusId !== 3 || orderStatus !== 3" >
In this approach you can review values of variables in your v-if expression.
Yes, you can use any JavaScript expresion inside v-if quotes.
But I recommend you to create a function or computed function and to call it inside your if statement, for better readability.
computed: {
shouldDisplay: function () {
return this.order.order_products[key].statuses[0].id) !== 3 || this.order.status !== 3;
<div v-if="shouldDisplay"> ... </div>
v-if="(segmento != 4) && (segmento != 2) && (segmento != 8)"
Works like a breeze for me!