Starting Synergy during gdm startup (greeter) in CentOS8 - centos8

This is similar to Starting synergy automatically on RHEL/CentOS
However this doesn't seem to be working anymore.
What I basically want to do is execute a program when the greeter is shown. THis has been working before by adding it to the /etc/gdm/Init/Default script.
However right now the script doesn't seem to be called anymore (tested with a 'logger' call).
SElinux is in permissive mode. The script is executable. synergyc is specified with the full path.

The below resolves the issue. So to make synergyc always running at the GDM greeter use the PostSession script below and put the /usr/share/gdm/greeter/autostart/synergyc.desktop file into place:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Synergy Client
# Kill old process
/usr/bin/killall synergyc
while [ $(pgrep -x synergyc) ]; do sleep 0.1; done
# Get the xauthority file GDM uses, setup DISPLAY var and start synergyc again
xauthfile=$(ps aux |grep Xauth | grep '^gdm' | grep -oP '\-auth \K[\w/]+')
export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=${xauthfile}
exit 0


Find httpd.conf file location after it's been changed by -f flag

Httpd processes use a non-default configuration file if they are run with the -f flag.
For example
/home/myuser/apache/httpd-2.4.8/bin/httpd -f /confFiles/apache/2.4.8/apache.conf -k start
will use this configuration file: /confFiles/apache/2.4.8/apache.conf
I need to get this location and would rather not have to check for possible -f flags used to start httpd.
The answer here says to run /path/to/httpd -V and concatenate
-D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"
-D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd"
to get the final path to the config file.
However, this path will not be the correct one if the -f flag is used to start the httpd process.
Is there a command that can get the config file that is actually being used by the process?
The answer you refer to mentions the paths httpd was compiled with, but as you say those can be manually changed with parameters.
The simple way to check is the command line, if process is called "httpd" (standard name), a simple ps will reveal the config file being used:
ps auxw | grep httpd
Or querying the server if server has mod_info loaded, in command line or with your favourite browser:
curl "" | grep -i "config file"
Note: mod_info should not be publicaly available for everyone to see.

How to add EnvironmentFile directive to systemctl using Docker with centos7/httpd base image

I am not sure if this is possible without creating my own base image, but I use environment variables in /etc/environment on our servers and typically make them accessible to apache by doing the following:
$ printf "HTTP_VAR1=var1-value\n\
>> /etc/environment
$ mkdir /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d
$ printf "[Service]\n\
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/environment.conf
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl restart httpd
$ reboot
The variables are then available in any PHP calls to getenv('HTTP_VAR1'); and etc. However, in running this from a docker file I get dbus errors on the systemctl commands. Without the systemctl commands it seems the variables are not available to apache as it seems the new EnvironmentFile directive doesn't take effect. My docker file snippet:
FROM centos/httpd:latest
RUN printf "HTTP_VAR1=var1-value\n\
>> /etc/environment
RUN mkdir /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d &&\
printf "[Service]\n\
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/environment.conf
RUN systemctl daemon-reload &&\
systemctl restart httpd
So I happened upon the answer to the issue today. It seems that systemd drops backslashes inside single quotes, but it may effect double-quotes too from what I saw in testing. I found the systemd development mailing list thread from April 2014 where patching the issue was being discussed. It seems as though the fix never made it in. So we have to work around it.
In attempting to work around it I noticed some issues with actually reading the variables at all. It seemed as though either Apache or php-cli would get the correct variables, and sometimes not at all, it took a bit of sleuthing to figure out what was going on. Then I started reading into the systemd's EnvironmentFile directive to see if there was more to gain from the docs. It turns out it does not evaluate bash so export won't work. It expects a text file with variable assignments and herein lies one of the main issues that might keep this from being resolved.
I then devised a workable solution. Utilizing systemd's ExecStartPre directive I am able to run a script on startup of the httpd service. I then read in the environment file and write a new plain text one that will then be used by httpd's systemd unit. Here is the code:
Firstly, I moved my variables to /etc/profile.d/ directory rather than /etc/environment file.
file: /etc/profile.d/
This is where we store all our environment variables, this gets easily sourced on all interactive shell logins. In the rarer cases where we need to have these variables available non-interactively we can either provide --login flag to /bin/bash or source it manually.
export HTTP_VAR1=var1-value-with-a-back\slash
export HTTP_VAR2=var2-value
file: /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/environment.conf
Our drop-in unit file to extend how the httpd service works. I add in a script that runs before httpd starts up. This gets ran on all httpd restarts and starts. The script that runs generates a plain text file at /etc/profile.d/environment.env which we subsequently tell systemd to load as an EnvironmentFile.
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/bash -c "/usr/local/bin/generate-plain-environment-file"
file: /usr/local/bin/generate-plain-environment-file
Here is the script I am using, I whipped this together really fast, I really don't think it is that robust and it could be better. It just removes the export from the beginning of the lines and then escapes any backslashes since systemd drops single backslashes. A more proper solution might be to use bash to evaluate each line and obtain the variable value in case of usage of variables or other bash in the actual bash variables, then output them as plain text name=value assignments, however this is not part of my use-case so I didn't bother.
cd /etc/profile.d/
rm -rf "./environment.env"
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo $(echo "${line}" | sed 's/^export //' | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g') >> "./environment.env";
done < "./"
file: /etc/profile.d/environment.env
This is the resulting file generated by the described script.
Conclusion is that the I now have two files with the same thing in them but I only need to maintain the one, the other is generated each time we restart httpd. Also, we fix the backslash issue in the process. Hurray!

SSH – Force Command execution on login even without Shell

I am creating a restricted user without shell for port forwarding only and I need to execute a script on login via pubkey, even if the user is connected via ssh -N user#host which doesn't asks SSH server for a shell.
The script should warn admin on connections authenticated with pubkey, so the user connecting shouldn't be able to skip the execution of the script (e.g., by connecting with ssh -N).
I have tried to no avail:
Setting the command at /etc/ssh/sshrc.
Using command="COMMAND" in .ssh/authorized_keys (man authorized_keys)
Setting up a script with the command as user's shell. (chsh -s /sbin/ USERNAME)
Matching user in /etc/ssh/sshd_config like:
ForceCommand "/sbin/"
All work when user asks for shell, but if logged only for port forwarding and no shell (ssh -N) it doesn't work.
The ForceCommand option runs without a PTY unless the client requests one. As a result, you don't actually have a shell to execute scripts the way you might expect. In addition, the OpenSSH SSHD_CONFIG(5) man page clearly says:
The command is invoked by using the user's login shell with the -c option.
That means that if you've disabled the user's login shell, or set it to something like /bin/false, then ForceCommand can't work. Assuming that:
the user has a sensible shell defined,
that your target script is executable, and
that your script has an appropriate shebang line
then the following should work in your global sshd_config file once properly modified with the proper username and fully-qualified pathname to your custom script:
Match User foo
ForceCommand /path/to/
If you only need to run a script you can rely on pam_exec.
Basically you reference the script you need to run in the /etc/pam.d/sshd configuration:
session optional seteuid /path/to/
After some testing you may want to change optional to required.
Please refer to this answer "bash - How do I set up an email alert when a ssh login is successful? - Ask Ubuntu" for a similar request.
Indeed in the script only a limited subset on the environment variables is available:
If you want to get the user info from authorized_keys this script could be helpful:
# Get user from authorized_keys
# * [ssh - What is the SHA256 that comes on the sshd entry in auth.log? - Server Fault](
# * [bash - How to get all fingerprints for .ssh/authorized_keys(2) file - Server Fault](
# Setup log
b=$(basename $0| cut -d. -f1)
function timeStamp () {
echo "$(date '+%b %d %H:%M:%S') ${HOSTNAME} $b[$$]:"
# Check if opening a remote session with sshd
if [ "${PAM_TYPE}" != "open_session" ] || [ $PAM_SERVICE != "sshd" ] || [ $PAM_RHOST == "::1" ]; then
# Get info from auth.log
authLogLine=$(journalctl -u ssh.service |tail -100 |grep "sshd\[${PPID}\]" |grep "${PAM_RHOST}")
echo ${authLogLine} >> ${log}
PAM_USER_PORT=$(echo ${authLogLine}| sed -r 's/.*port (.*) ssh2.*/\1/')
PAM_USER_SHA256=$(echo ${authLogLine}| sed -r 's/.*SHA256:(.*)/\1/')
# Get details from .ssh/authorized_keys
while read l; do
if [[ -n "$l" && "${l###}" = "$l" ]]; then
authFileSHA256=$(ssh-keygen -l -f <(echo "$l"))
if [[ "${authFileSHA256}" == *"${PAM_USER_SHA256}"* ]]; then
PAM_USER_authorized_keys=$(echo ${authFileSHA256}| cut -d" " -f3)
done < ${authFile}
if [[ -n ${PAM_USER_authorized_keys} ]]
echo "$(timeStamp) Local user: ${PAM_USER}, authorized_keys user: ${PAM_USER_authorized_keys}" >> ${log}
echo "$(timeStamp) WARNING: no matching user in authorized_keys" >> ${log}
I am the author of the OP; I came to the conclusion that what I need to achieve is not possible using SSH only to the date (OpenSSH_6.9p1 Ubuntu-2, OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015), but I found a great piece of software that uses encrypted SPAuthentication to open SSH port and it's new version (to the date of this post, it's GitHub master branch) has a feature to execute a command always that a user authorizates successfully.
FWKNOP - Encrypted Single Packet Authorization
FWKNOP set iptables rules that allow access to given ports upon a single packet encrypted which is sent via UDP. Then after authorization it allow access for the authorized user for a given time, for example 30 seconds, closing the port after this, leaving the connection open.
1. To install on an Ubuntu linux:
The current version (2.6.0-2.1build1) on Ubuntu repositories to the date still doesn't allow command execution on successful SPA; (please use 2.6.8 from GitHub instead)
On client machine:
sudo apt-get install fwknop-client
On server side:
sudo apt-get install fwknop-server
Here is a tutorial on how to setup the client and server machines
Then, after it is set up, on server side:
Edit /etc/default/fwknop-server
Change the line START_DAEMON="no" to START_DAEMON="yes"
Then run:
sudo service fwknop-server stop
sudo service fwknop-server start
2. Warning admin on successful SPA (email, pushover script etc)
So, as stated above the current version present in Ubuntu repositories (2.6.0-2.1build1) cannot execute command on successful SPA. If you need this feature as of the OP, but it will be released at fwknop version (2.6.8), as can it is stated here:
So if you need to use it right now you can build from github branch master which have the CMD_CYCLE_OPEN option.
3. More resources on fwknop (project on GitHub) (project site) (tutorial on DO's community)
I am the author of the OP. Also, you can implement a simple logwatcher as the following written in python3, which keeps reading for a file and executes a command when line contains pattern.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Follow a file like tail -f.
import sys
import os
import time
def follow(thefile):,2)
while True:
line = thefile.readline()
if not line:
yield line
if __name__ == '__main__':
logfilename = sys.argv[1]
pattern_string = sys.argv[2]
command_to_execute = sys.argv[3]
print("Log filename is: {}".format(logfilename))
logfile = open(logfilename, "r")
loglines = follow(logfile)
for line in loglines:
if pattern_string in line:
Make the above script executable:
chmod +x logwatcher.python3
Add a cronjob to start it after reboot
crontab -e
Then write this line there and save it after this:
#reboot /home/YOURUSERNAME/logwatcher.python3 "/var/log/auth.log" "session opened for user" "/sbin/"
The first argument of this script is the log file to watch, and the second argument is the string for which to look in it. The third argument is the script to execute when the line is found in file.
It is best if you use something more reliable to start/restart the script in case it crashes.

bundle not found via ssh

If I ssh into my VPS as the deployment user and run bundle -v I get Bundler version 1.1.5 as expected.
If I run ssh deployment# bundle -v, then I see bash: bundle: command not found
Why isn't bundle being shown running commands via ssh?
More Info
$ cat ~/.bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
if [ -d "${RBENV_ROOT}" ]; then
export PATH="${RBENV_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
When you run:
ssh deployment#
You get a login shell on the remote host, which means that your shell will run (...for bash...) .bash_profile or .profile or equivalent AS WELL AS your per-shell initialization file.
When you run:
ssh deployment# some_command
This does not start a login shell, so it only runs the per-shell initialization file (e.g., .bashrc).
The problem you've described typically means that you need something in your .profile file (typically an environment variable setting) for everything to work.

How to shorten an inittab process entry, a.k.a., where to put environment variables that will be seen by init?

I am setting up a Debian Etch server to host ruby and php applications with nginx. I have successfully configured inittab to start the php-cgi process on boot with the respawn action. After serving 1000 requests, the php-cgi worker processes die and are respawned by init. The inittab record looks like this:
50:23:respawn:/usr/local/bin/spawn-fcgi -n -a -p 8000 -C 3 -u someuser -- /usr/bin/php-cgi
I initially wrote the process entry (everything after the 3rd colon) in a separate script (simply because it was long) and put that script name in the inittab record, but because the script would run its single line and die, the syslog was filled with errors like this:
May 7 20:20:50 sb init: Id "50" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
Thus, I got rid of the script file and just put the whole line in the inittab. Henceforth, no errors show up in the syslog.
Now I'm attempting the same with thin to serve a rails application. I can successfully start the thin server by running this command:
sudo thin -a -e production -l /var/log/thin/thin.log -P /var/run/thin/ -c /path/to/rails/app -p 8010 -u someuser -g somegroup -s 2 -d start
It works apparently exactly the same whether I use the -d (daemonize) flag or not. Command line control comes immediately back (the processes have been daemonized) either way. If I put that whole command (minus the sudo and with absolute paths) into inittab, init complains (in syslog) that the process entry is too long, so I put the options into an exported environment variable in /etc/profile. Now I can successfully start the server with:
sudo thin $THIN_OPTIONS start
But when I put this in an inittab record with the respawn action
51:23:respawn:/usr/local/bin/thin $THIN_OPTIONS start
the logs clearly indicate that the environment variable is not visible to init; it's as though the command were simply "thin start."
How can I shorten the inittab process entry? Is there another file than /etc/profile where I could set the THIN_OPTIONS environment variable? My earlier experience with php-cgi tells me I can't just put the whole command in a separate script.
And why don't you call a wrapper who start thin whith your options?
/usr/local/bin/thin -a -e production -l /var/log/thin/thin.log -P /var/run/thin/ -c /path/to/rails/app -p 8010 -u someuser -g somegroup -s 2 -d start
and then:
init.d script
Use a script in
and set the runlevel
Here are some examples with thin, ruby, apache
Which provide example initscripts to use.
Asker pointed out this will not allow respawning. I suggested forking in the init script and disowning the process so init doesn't hang (it might fork() the script itself, will check). And then creating an infinite loop that waits on the server process to die and restarts it.
It seems init will fork the script. Just a loop should do it.