Authenticating user without creating app manifest in teams app - authentication

Just because of authentication I need to create an app manifest and share the app manifest with users who want to test it .Is there a way to Authenticate user without creating app manifest so that I can directly share bot link with users.

Talking to your bot by ID is intended for basic testing purposes only. Any Teams-specific functionality you have added to your bot fails to work.
Doc ref: Talk to your bot directly by ID

In this example
Is is an OAUTH flow with Azure AD directory v2 without any app manifest.
This one is in java_springboot but you can find the same for your prefered langage in the samples directory. The number 18 (and all the others) in all samples is the example but in different langages.


Accessing own Dropbox storage from an application

I would very much like to enable users of my app to backup some of app data on their own Dropbox. I would like to direct users to login to their Dropbox account with their email and password and then the app would generate and store a file there without users having do anything on their own.
Is this possible?
I wouldn't want users to have to go to Dropbox App Console and then Create App and then fill in all the options and then copy the access token and paste in my app manually. That would repel a lot them.
I haven't seen anything in the docs suggesting that programmatic access to an account without an app created in the Console and generated access token is possible? Did I miss something?
Yes, this is possible. You as the developer would register the app once, and implement the Dropbox OAuth app authorization flow in your app to allow your end-users to then connect your app to their accounts.
You may want to check out the following guides:

Where to store PWA app data on OneDrive not to be accessible by user?

I want to write a PWA app (to run on Android and Windows 10) working with user's files and photos on OneDrive. I need to store some metadata and I prefer those to be inaccessible to the user.
What are my options?
OneDrive approot special folder is normal folder visible to the user.
I do not want to store the data locally on the device, as I want the app to be run on multiple devices.
I cannot use Windows 10 UWP roaming app data, as they would sync between Windows 10 devices, but not to Android devices.
I do not want to store the data at the PWA's backend, as it would need creating an extra user account. I want the user to log in to their MS Account to access their OneDrive, and to create another account for storing metadata. I prefer the app to be 100% client side.
Are there any other options I missed? I would prefer creating some hidden folder on OneDrive accessible by the app, but by the user. OneDrive does not seem to have such functionality, at least if I read it's API docs properly.
Depending on your exact use case you may want to check out Microsoft Graph:
Microsoft Graph is an cross-device experiences platform and available for nearly all platforms. Within the Microsoft Graph you can use Activities to share metadata between different devices:
There is also an demo project on Github of an PWA with usage of the Microsoft Graph:

Is it possible to upload files from an without asking the user to sign in?

I have a Dropbox account.
I would like to use it, so that an android app can upload photos to my Dropbox account, without the user of the app having to know my credentials to log in.
Is that possible ?
Is there a programmatic way, that I can get my app to do this, without the user of the app having to know my dropbox password ?
EDIT: I don't understand why this is down voted. If there are multiple posts asking how to do this, by different users, and it is with regard to finding a programmatic why to log in, then it is relevant and shouldn't be down voted.
Refer to this thread on dropbox forums which says that they did not include the file requests feature in their apis so its not possible through apis.
Since the native api does not support this feature you can redirect your user from your app to dropbox app to create file requests.

How to publish google apps script to cloud for public?

I have a apps script that uses bigquery service to fetch data from my bigquery account and builds visualizations/tables etc. I publish the app with following options
Execute App as: User accessing web app
Who has access to this app: Anyone
When I open the link (one ending in exec not dev) in chrome incognito, I expect it to show the web app but it asks for google credentials.
When I entering credentials of my other (different from the one hosting the project) account, I get a permissions error.
I added this other account from my primary one under permissions option of google console - even that wasn't enough.
I had to create a dummy project as this other user to accept the invitation from my primary account. After that the app showed up on this other account.
My question is, how do I publish my app for the consumers (even public) of this info without them having to create dummy project/accept my invite etc?
You have two errors:
1) Publish to run as you not the user, and2) make it anonymous access. *
People might consume your daily/per second quotas thou.
(*) anonymous access option might not be present if the google apps administrator disabled anonymous sharing in the console.

Is it possible to create dynamic user permissions in S3 and How?

I've a iOS app and I would like my users to upload images to S3 directly.
I need UserX to be able to upload folders to __MY_BUCKET__/UserX/* Only. So that each one of my users have their own folder and only they can modify content in them.
Given that scenario I need to create dynamic permissions to my S3 bucket
Is that possible?
If it is... maybe I am in the right path or not....
What I've done so far is
I am using this guide to create Elastic Beanstalk with a Token Vending Machine. Then I used this other guide to configure the TVM.
Now my issue with that in none of the guides it shows an example of how to register a dynamic user (my app user) or how get the token from the TVM or how to say "Hey TVM, this userID needs upload access to __BUCKET_/ThiUserID/*" from a iOS app.
So I guess what I wonder, is how do I fill the gaps if what I am trying to achieve is possible?
I'm one of the maintainers of the AWS Mobile SDKs. The page you linked to includes projects for both iOS and Android that show how to integrate the customized TVM code in a mobile application. I suggest you look there and if you need further clarification, please update your with specific questions about the code.
You may also want to look at our web identity federation sample which is included with the SDKs. In combination with IAM policy variables, you can generate dynamic policies without the use of a Token Vending Machine.