How to convert date to String with 'ddmmyy' format? - sql

I'd like to convert a date to a string as 'mmddyy' in SQL Server. What I'm looking for is essentially what Excel can do with TEXT.

Depending on your version (2012 and up), FORMAT would do the trick.

Here is another way to get that formatted date. You can use CONVERT function. You can use it like below :
select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 5),'-','')
Here is the SQL



I want to insert a date like 31.12.2021 in SQL, and I get something wrong
what should I write to make it works?
In sql-server you can use convert(varchar, [date you want to convert], 104) if your column is a date datatype as shown in microsoft sql-server cast and convert docs.

Get DDMMYYYY format in SQL Server without periods or hyphens

I have a little task to do and I need to get ddmmyyyy format for my DateTime values in SQL Server.
I tried to do it with this code
SELECT convert(varchar, getdate(), 104)
and it works fine, but it returns or 01.11.2021. I need it to be 01112021 but I can't achieve this yet.
I am using this link for getting datetime format codes but I can't find any code that really helps me achieve my goal.
There's no exact match for the required format you need - you can either use
SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(20), SYSDATETIME(), 104), '.', '')
(use what you had and just strip out the . after first step of formatting)
or you can use FORMAT which is available in SQL Server 2012 and newer:
There is no defined format that fulfills your request. However, you can use the 'Replace' function to strip your value from date separators.
select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(),104),'.','')
OR use the newer FORMAT function (SQL server 2012+)
SELECT FORMAT(getdate(), 'ddMMyyyy')
You can use replace function to complete it.
select replace(convert(varchar, getdate(), 104),'.','')

How to get datepart from datetime in a Column

I want to convert the column (EXECUTION_LOCAL_DATE_TIME) which has datetime format as (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.nnnnnnn) to format (YYYY-MM-DD). Ho do i get this. I am working on SQL server management studio
If your intention is to just get the DATE part of a DATETIME then you can just convert the format to DATE (note that this will return a 'Date' datatype, not specifically formatted to a string 'YYYY-MM-DD'.)
DECLARE #Dt DATETIME = '2019-01-25T12:00:00'
Will return '2019-01-25'
You want the CAST() function:
Ideally you should return the datetime format from your query and let your presentation layer handle formatting.
However if you are using SQL server 2012 or higher then you can use the Format() function. See the below answer:
Convert Date format into DD/MMM/YYYY format in SQL Server
If you're using SQL Server 2012 or higher you can use the FORMAT() function.
In your case you'd need
You can find additional info here
Here Is the Code Worked For me
SELECT convert(varchar, EXECUTION_LOCAL_DATE_TIME, 111) from Tablename
The Execution_Local_Date_Time will be Converted to yyyy/mm/dd format.

Convert DateTime into desired format in SQL Server

In my project we are migrating from an Oracle database to SQL Server.
In Oracle, to get the required date format, we will use the to_char function - it will return the desired format as we mentioned in the second param:
TO_CHAR(TXNDT,'dd/MM/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
In SQL Server, the same thing can be achieved like below.
convert(varchar(255), TXNDT, 131)
My problem is: I want to get the date format dd-MM-yyyy hh24:mi:ss
I can do this in Oracle:
TO_CHAR(TXNDT,'dd-MM-yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
But how can I achieve the samething in SQL Server?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Use format(). I think this does what you want:
format(TXNDT,'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss')
If you need this as a varchar():
convert(varchar(255), format(TXNDT,'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss')
CONVERT(Transact-SQL) has all of the style codes for CONVERT. Note, also, that you need to CONVERT to a varchar, not a datetime. datetime has a fixed display format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.sss.
So, for you, it would be CONVERT(varchar(20),TXNDT,120). notice the use of varchar, rather than datetime.

MS Access - Select Char as Date and doing a date diff

I have two columns. ColA and ColB contains char(10) with data "20090520" and "20090521".
I want to select and get the date difference in days. I have tried using Format() and CDate()
but MS Access always display as #ERROR.
Access prefers its dates in this format:
You can convert your date to something Access understands with:
CDate(Format([ColA], "0000-00-00"))
Or alternatively:
And to display the result in your preferred format:
Format(<date here>, "dd-mm-yyyy")
Try using DateSerial() to convert the dates:
If at all possible, change the datatype to a date datatype. You should not store dates as character data.
I am connecting to another database which I have no control on. That is why this problem occurred. Thanks for the feedback.