Starting and ending position of swiper? - swiper.js

I'm wondering if there's a way to position a swiper (slider) that is offset from center. So not all the way across the screen initially, nor in the center, but offset. Thanks!

SOLVED! I needed to add the parameters:


ReactNative - Find views absolute position after it is scrolled/moved?

I am trying to find the absolute position of a view. I can easily get its position using onLayout (#1 #2)
But this only gives the initial rendering position, but if the view is moved around due to scrolling, onLayout function is not firing again.
Can anyone please tell me if there is a way to get the absolute position after a change in view's position?
It will be awesome if there is a function or something that I can call with the view and, it will give its position.
RCTUIManager does this same thing. Check out this example.

Alpha overlay not rendering correctly in Eevee Blender, but display correctly in viewport

I have two textures with transparency overlaying on top of each other (the hair, as a multiple alpha overlay) via Material nodes. At first the overlay would not display correctly (one texture would cancel the other out), which I solved following this thread:
I solved the problem in the viewport, however when I render the image the alpha textures again display incorrectly, see screenshot:
Alpha Render Problem Screenshot
Playing with the material settings did not change the rendered result. I'm not sure how to go about solving this - any help is appreciated and thank you!
The Solidify Modifier (for correct backface culling) wasn't enabled in the render view, only in viewport 🤦🏻‍♀️

Is it possible to make a vertical slider in Qualtrics?

The documentation of slider questions within Qualtrics can be found here, but there is no mention of being able to have the slider run vertically as opposed to horizontally in the page. Does anyone know if it's possible to have the slider run vertically in the question block?
Not with a Slider question. There is a Graphical Slider question type that has the option of vertical sliders, but it also contains graphics.

How keep table header positions fixed with vertical scroll and horizontal scroll in a html page

How could keep the table headr position fixed, when I scroll the html with horizontal or vertical scroll?
Thanks a lot.
Example Page:
My Failed Case
This question was raised already by some other. Just go through these links hope u will get what you are trying to look for.

How to create rotating wheel control in iOS?

I want to create a rotating widget for iPhone application. Something similar here. But in this selected section is at left (0 degrees). It starts populating sections form left (0 degrees). I want selected section at top (90 degrees).
Please note number of sections are odd in my case. So adjusting top section must be properly adjusted at top center.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
You can use the iCarousel library for that. It is very customizable.
Or maybe you want to try out the new UICollectionView, you can customize its layout as well so that it looks like a wheel.
If you look carefully at the source you cite, it explains exactly where it sets the starting point. When filling in first the labels and then the images, it is really irrelevant where you start.
The only difference is the graphic surrounding the wheel with the indicator on the left. Simply rotate that and you are done.