Is there a way to populate column based on conditions stored as rows in a table - sql

I am working on a project that has a C# front end that will be used to select a file for importing into an MSSQL SQL Database. In the table there will be an additional column called 'recommendedAction' (tinyint - 0-5 only)
I would like to have sql fill in the 'recommendedAction' column based on criteria in a different table.
Is there a way that when SQL is importing (SSIS or pure TSQL) it could read the values of a table and fill in the 'action' based on the criteria? Or is this something that should be done in the C# frontend?
SQL table structure for imported data (with additional column)
Create Table ImportedData (
Column1 INT Identity,
Column3 CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
RecommendedAction TINYINT NOT NULL
Table structure of recommended action criteria
Create Table RecommendedActions(
ID INT Identity,
ActionID TINYINT NOT NULL, --value to put in the RecommendedAction column if criteria is a match
CriteriaColumn VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL --Criteria to match against the records
Example records for RecommendedActions
ID ActionID CriteriaColumn
1 2 'Column2 LIKE ''6%'''
2 3 'Column2 LIKE ''4%'''
Now when a new set of data is imported, if Column2 has a value of '6032' it would fill in a RecommendedAction of 2

Many ways exist. For example you can insert into the tb table a value selected from the ta table according to criteria.
Example setup
create table ta(
Id int,
val int);
insert into ta(ID, val) values
(1, 30)
,(2, 29)
,(3, 28)
,(4, 27)
,(5, 26);
create table tb
(Id int,
ref int);
Example insert
-- parameters
declare #p1 int = 1,
#p2 int = 27;
-- parameterized INSERT
insert tb(Id, ref)
values(#p1, (select from ta where ta.val=#p2));

Below added Stored procedure will do the job. It gets the Action column value based on the Column2 parameter and insert into the ImportedData table. You can execute this Stored procedure inside the C# code with required parameters. I added sample execute statements for to test the query.
Sample data inserted to the RecommendedActions Table:
INSERT INTO RecommendedActions
(2, 'Column2 LIKE ''6%''')
,(3, 'Column2 LIKE ''4%''')
Stored Procedure Implementation :
CREATE PROCEDURE Insert_ImportedData(
#Column2 AS VARCHAR(10)
,#Column3 AS CHAR(3)
DECLARE #RecommendedAction AS TINYINT
SELECT #RecommendedAction = ActionID
FROM RecommendedActions
WHERE SUBSTRING(CriteriaColumn, 15, 1) = LEFT(#Column2 , 1)
INSERT INTO ImportedData VALUES (#Column2,#Column3,#RecommendedAction)
This is the execute statement for the Above Stored procedure
EXEC Insert_ImportedData '43258' , 'ATT'
EXEC Insert_ImportedData '63258' , 'AOT'

you can use sqlalchemy in python and load your data into a dataframe then append the dataframe to the sql table. You can set the dtype for each of the field datatype in the read_csv using a dictionary. Loading data with Python is super powerful because the bulk load is fast. Use your c# code to build the csv file using stream io and use linq to for your conditions for data fields. Then use python to load your csv.
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(connectionstring)
df = pd.read_csv("your_data.csv", header=None)
df.columns = ['field1', 'field2', 'field3']
df.to_sql(name="my_sql_table", con=connection, if_exists='append', index=False)


Using OUTPUT INTO with from_table_name in an INSERT statement [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is it possible to for SQL Output clause to return a column not being inserted?
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Microsoft's OUTPUT Clause documentation says that you are allowed to use from_table_name in the OUTPUT clause's column name.
There are two examples of this:
Using OUTPUT INTO with from_table_name in an UPDATE statement
Using OUTPUT INTO with from_table_name in a DELETE statement
Is it possible to also use it in an INSERT statement?
INSERT INTO T ( [Name] )
OUTPUT S.Code, inserted.Id INTO #TMP -- The multi-part identifier "S.Code" could not be bound.
Failing example using table variables
-- A table to insert into.
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1),
[Name] varchar(100)
-- A table variable to store inserted Ids and related Codes
Code varchar(10),
ItemId int
-- Insert some new items
WITH S ([Name], Code) AS (
SELECT 'First', 'foo'
UNION ALL SELECT 'Second', 'bar'
-- Etc.
INSERT INTO #Item ( [Name] )
OUTPUT S.Code, inserted.Id INTO #T -- The multi-part identifier "S.Code" could not be bound.
No, because an INSERT doesn't have a FROM; it has a set of values that are prepared either by the VALUES keyword, or from a query (and even though that query has a FROM, you should conceive that it's already been run and turned into a block of values by the time the insert is done; there is no s.code any more)
If you want to output something from the table that drove the insert you'll need to use a merge statement that never matches any records (so it's only inserting) instead, or perhaps insert all your data into #tmp and then insert from #tmp into the real table - #tmp will thus still be the record of rows that were inserted, it's just that it was created to drive the insert rather than as a consequence of it (caveats that it wouldn't contain calculated columns)

Select row just inserted without using IDENTITY column in SQL Server 2012

I have a bigint PK column which is NOT an identity column, because I create the number in a function using different numbers. Anyway, I am trying to save this bigint number in a parameter #InvID, then use this parameter later in the procedure.
ScopeIdentity() is not working for me, it saved Null to #InvID, I think because the column is not an identity column. Is there anyway to select the record that was just inserted by the procedure without adding an extra ID column to the table?
It would save me a lot of effort and work if there is a direct way to select this record and not adding an id column.
insert into Lab_Invoice(iID, iDate, iTotal, iIsPaid, iSource, iCreator, iShiftID, iBalanceAfter, iFileNo, iType)
values (dbo.Get_RI_ID('True'), GETDATE(),
(select FilePrice from LabSettings), 'False', #source, #user, #shiftID, #b, #fid, 'Open File Invoice');
set #invID = CAST(scope_identity() AS bigint);
P.S. dbo.Get_RI_ID('True') a function returns a bigint.
Why don't you use?
set #invId=dbo.Get_RI_ID('True');
insert into Lab_Invoice(iID,iDate,iTotal,iIsPaid,iSource,iCreator,iShiftID,iBalanceAfter,iFileNo,iType)
values(#invId,GETDATE(),(select FilePrice from LabSettings),'False',#source,#user,#shiftID,#b,#fid,'Open File Invoice');
You already know that big id value. Get it before your insert statement then use it later.
one way to get inserted statement is not clear which value you are trying to get,so created some example with dummy data
create table #test
id int
declare #id table
id int
insert into #test
output into #id
select 1
select #invID=id from #id

comparable varchar "arrays" in seperate fields but on same row

I have a table that looks like this:
memberno(int)|member_mouth (varchar)|Inspected_Date (varchar)
12 |'1;2;3;4;5;6;7' |'12-01-01;12-02-02;12-03-03' [7 members]
So by looking at how this table has been structured (poorly yes)
The values in the member_mouth field is a string that is delimited by a ";"
The values in the Inspected_Date field is a string that is delimited by a ";"
So - for each delimited value in member_mouth there is an equal inspected_date value delimited inside the string
This table has about 4Mil records, we have an application written in C# that normalizes the data and stores it in a separate table. The problem now is because of the size of the table it takes a long time for this to process. (the example above is nothing compared to the actual table, it's much larger and has a couple of those string "array" fields)
My question is this: What would be the best and fastest way to normilize this data in MSSQL proc? let MSSQL do the work and not a C# app?
The best way will be SQL itself. The way followed in the below code is something which worked for me well with 2-3 lakhs of data.
I am not sure about the below code when it comes to 4 Million, but may help.
Declare #table table
(memberno int, member_mouth varchar(100),Inspected_Date varchar(400))
Insert into #table Values
Declare #tableDest table
(memberno int, member_mouth varchar(100),Inspected_Date varchar(400))
The table will be like.
Select * from #table
See the code from here.
Declare #max_len int,
#count int = 1
Set #max_len = (Select max(Len(member_mouth) - len(Replace(member_mouth,';','')) + 1)
From #table)
While #count <= #max_len
Insert into #tableDest
Select memberno,
from #table
Where charindex(';',member_mouth) > 0
Select memberno,
from #table
Where charindex(';',member_mouth) = 0
Delete from #table
Where charindex(';',member_mouth) = 0
Update #table
Set member_mouth = SUBSTRING(member_mouth,charindex(';',member_mouth)+1,len(member_mouth)),
Inspected_Date = SUBSTRING(Inspected_Date,charindex(';',Inspected_Date)+1,len(Inspected_Date))
Where charindex(';',member_mouth) > 0
Set #count = #count + 1
Select *
from #tableDest
Order By memberno
You can take a reference here.
Splitting delimited values in a SQL column into multiple rows
Do it on SQl server side, if possible a SSIS package would be great.

While inserting data to two tables using stored procedure I am getting a mismatch error

I have a table called CompanyMaster_tbl with a table structure as follows.
Cid CompanyName Deleted
and another table named DepartmentMaster_tbl,with a table structure as follows.
dtld dtname dtphone dtemail cid deleted
I've written a stored procedure for inserting data into these tables as follows.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertDetails](
#companyName varchar(150),
#dname varchar(150),
#dphon varchar(150),
#deleted int,
#cid int OUTPUT
) AS
INSERT INTO [dbo].CompanyMaster_tbl
VALUES (#companyName)
select #cid=cid
from [dbo].CompanyMaster_tbl
WHERE ##ROWCOUNT > 0 AND cid = scope_identity()
insert into DepartmentMaster_tbl
When I execute this SP, i am getting error like this:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
try this , mention coloumn name
INSERT INTO [dbo].CompanyMaster_tbl (CompanyName )
VALUES (#companyName)
INSERT into DepartmentMaster_tbl (dname,dphon)
values(#dname, #dphon)
You are giving wrong number of values to the table i.e. you have two columns in table CompanyMaster_tbl(i think your cid is identity(auto generated) there fore i did not mention it) but you can give only one value to the table, and same thing applies for DepartmentMaster_tbl. if you can't give the values to the table then mention column names in the insert statement otherwise give all column value
Insert into CompanyMaster_tbl(CompanyName) values(#companyName)
Insert into CompanyMaster_tbl values(#companyName, #deleted)

Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

In the SQL Server, I am trying to insert values from one table to another by using the below query:
delete from tblTable1
insert into tblTable1 select * from tblTable1_Link
I am getting the following error:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
I am sure that both the tables have the same structure, same column names and same data types.
They don't have the same structure... I can guarantee they are different
I know you've already created it... There is already an object named ‘tbltable1’ in the database
What you may want is this (which also fixes your other issue):
Drop table tblTable1
select * into tblTable1 from tblTable1_Link
I want to also mention that if you have something like
insert into blah
select * from blah2
and blah and blah2 are identical keep in mind that a computed column will throw this same error...
I just realized that when the above failed and I tried
insert into blah (cola, colb, colc)
select cola, colb, colc from blah2
In my example it was fullname field (computed from first and last, etc)
for inserts it is always better to specify the column names see the following
works fine, changing the table def to causes the error
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 6
Insert Error: Column name or number of
supplied values does not match table
But changing the above to
INSERT INTO #Table (Val1) SELECT '1'
works. You need to be more specific with the columns specified
supply the structures and we can have a look
The problem is that you are trying to insert data into the database without using columns. SQL server gives you that error message.
Error: insert into users values('1', '2','3') - this works fine as long you only have 3 columns
If you have 4 columns but only want to insert into 3 of them
Correct: insert into users (firstName,lastName,city) values ('Tom', 'Jones', 'Miami')
Beware of triggers. Maybe the issue is with some operation in the trigger for inserted rows.
Dropping the table was not an option for me, since I'm keeping a running log. If every time I needed to insert I had to drop, the table would be meaningless.
My error was because I had a couple columns in the create table statement that were products of other columns, changing these fixed my problem. eg
create table foo (
field1 as int
,field2 as int
,field12 as field1 + field2 )
create table copyOfFoo (
field1 as int
,field2 as int
,field12 as field1 + field2) --this is the problem, should just be 'as int'
insert into copyOfFoo
The computed columns make the problem.
Do not use SELECT *. You must specify each fields after SELECT except computed fields
some sources for this issues are as below
1- Identity column ,
2- Calculated Column
3- different structure
so check those 3 , i found my issue was the second one ,
For me the culprit is int value assigned to salary
Insert into Employees(ID,FirstName,LastName,Gender,Salary) values(3,'Canada', 'pa', 'm',15,000)
in salary column When we assign 15,000 the compiler understand 15 and 000.
This correction works fine for me.
Insert into Employees(ID,FirstName,LastName,Gender,Salary) values(4,'US', 'sam', 'm',15000)
Update to SQL server 2016/2017/…
We have some stored procedures in place to import and export databases.
In the sp we use (amongst other things) RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK where we create a
table "#restoretemp" for the restore from file.
With SQL server 2016, MS has added a field SnapshotURL nvarchar(360) (restore url Azure) what has caused the error message.
After I have enhanced the additional field, the restore has worked again.
Code snipped (see last field):
CREATE TABLE #restoretemp
LogicalName nvarchar(128)
,PhysicalName nvarchar(128)
,[Type] char(1)
,FileGroupName nvarchar(128)
,[Size] numeric(20,0)
,[MaxSize] numeric(20,0)
,FileID bigint
,CreateLSN numeric(25,0)
,DropLSN numeric(25,0) NULL
,UniqueID uniqueidentifier
,ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0)
,ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0)
,BackupSizeInByte bigint
,SourceBlockSize int
,FilegroupID int
,LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier NULL
,DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0)
,DifferentialbaseGUID uniqueidentifier
,IsReadOnly bit
,IsPresent bit
,TDEThumbprint varbinary(32)
-- Added field 01.10.2018 needed from SQL Server 2016 (Azure URL)
,SnapshotURL nvarchar(360)
INSERT #restoretemp EXEC (#query)
SET #errorstat = ##ERROR
if #errorstat <> 0
if #Rueckgabe = 0 SET #Rueckgabe = 6
Print #Rueckgabe
Check your id. Is it Identity? If it is then make sure it is declared as ID not null Identity(1,1)
And before creating your table , Drop table and then create table.
The problem I had that caused this error was that I was trying to insert null values into a NOT NULL column.
I had the same problem, and the way I worked around it is probably not the best but it is working now.
It involves creating a linked server and using dynamic sql - not the best, but if anyone can suggest something better, please comment/answer.
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
[DatabaseName] NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
[FILEID] [smallint] NOT NULL,
,filegroup VARCHAR(128)
,maxsize VARCHAR(25)
SELECT #SQL ='SELECT [DatabaseName],
,maxsize FROM OPENQUERY('+ QUOTENAME('THE_MONITOR') + ','''+ ' EXEC MASTER.DBO.monitoring_database_details ' +''')'
exec sp_executesql #sql
This is working for me now.
I can guarantee the number of columns and type of columns returned by the stored procedure are the same as in this table, simply because I return the same table from the stored procedure.
In my case, I had:
insert into table1 one
select * from same_schema_as_table1 same_schema
left join...
and I had to change select * to select same_schema.*.
You're missing column name after TableName in insert query:
INSERT INTO TableName**(Col_1,Col_2,Col_3)** VALUES(val_1,val_2,val_3)
In my case the problem was that the SP I was executing returned two result sets, and only the second result set was matching the table definition.