React native flatlist footer - react-native

I am new to react native. How can I pass some data to flat list's footer component? I tried extraData property of flat list but it is not working.

There are different ways to do this:
you can make your footer component a sub-component of your other component and use the state of the parent component to modify the footer as well (most easy)
you can use a global state like with Context, Redux, Recoil, etc.


React native flatlist nested child component issue

enter image description here
I am using react-native-modalizar with flatlist props, when I open custom made modal type component, it renders behind the next flatlist component. any solution please

Update props on child component with FlatList and Navigation

I am using functional components and have implemented the following workflow using React Native. I have a parent component that retrieves the current location via a custom hook (using the useState and useEffect hooks) and has registered watchPositionAsync. The location is updated on the parent component. On the parent component, I use a FlatList with onPress that navigates to the next screen as a child component with some props. One of them is the "updated" location.
When I click on the list item, the current location is sent to the child component.
Now the location changes by the listener, but the updated location will only be sent to the parent component and not to the child component. How do I have to use hooks to register the updated location at the child?
The implementation is a bit like on
just with a dynamic url from the home component as a prop of Detail.
you can use the redux or the context api. here is the simple solution has already been answered here.

How to get states of multiple rendered component in react native?

I am developing a mobile app with react native. I have a component "Period" which has a couple of TextInputs, each TextInput is stored as state. This component gets rendered in a flatlist multiple times. Now I wonder how i can get the state values of each instance of "Period" that gets rendered in Flatlist?
Any Explanation how this works in React Native. I thought every component instance has its on states?
Thanks alot
I would suggest to put all your inputs states and onchange functions callbacks in the parent component containing the Flatlist, then you can pass your states as props to children components "Period"s.
I would suggest also working with a library such as Formik to handle dynamic forms with multiple inputs

How to pass data between same level classes/component without using Navigation in React Native?

Pass data from one class to another class that resides on the same level without navigating in react native.
Passing props or state between two components that are on the same level within your component tree is not possible in React. As a general rule of thumb in React: when two adjacent components need the same data, it is probably better to "lift" the property up a level in your hierarchy and pass the props to both components separately.

What classifies a container in React Native?

I have started working with flex box on React native, on CSS you should set the display to flex but on RN, this is set by default.
What classifies a container object where you can set alignItems, justifyContent?
Does it only need to be a view? or is every single component a potential container?
In my experience objects that honour flex box are ones you would expect to such as View and ScrollView - whereas views like Text do not and are likened to display: inline-block or <span />.
In the example here, The View within the ScrollView honours it's parents flex properties, and similarly the Text inside the View. However the Text objects do not behave in the same way and if I'm not mistaken, would not appear to change when adjusting it's flex properties.
Container components are those React Native components which have access to the store. These components make API calls, do processing and contain the business logic of the app. Container components shouldn't have the view logic or presentational logic. The job of container components is to compute the values and pass them as props to the presentational components.
Difference between Presentational Components Container Components
Purpose How things look (markup, styles) How things work (data fetching, state updates)
Aware of Redux No Yes
To read data Read data from props Subscribe to Redux state
To change data Invoke callbacks from props Dispatch Redux actions
Are written By hand Usually generated by React Native Redux