Screencapturer for Mac, Webrtc leaves impressions of closed menu - webrtc

Using desktop capturer in mac, leaves a impression when menu is closed. attached screenshot. The impression is majorly visible on a black background


MacOS High Sierra - Creating a window at the same level as the virtual accessibility keyboard & notifications

I'm trying to create a window that is on the same level as the accessibility keyboard and notifications on High Sierra. My desired result is to get a window that will appear above all other windows, including the screensaver and lock screen.
In el cap/sierra I was able to use window.level = NSWindow.Level(Int(CGWindowLevelForKey(.maximumWindow))) but now in High Sierra my code does not work and I cannot see my window over the screensaver or lock screen.
After some experimenting I noticed that notifications and the accessibility keyboard DO show up over the lock screen/screensaver and was wondering if it is possible to create a window on the same level.
I've included two pictures, one of the lock screen showing both the keyboard/notification. The second image shows what happens when I transition from one window to another - my demo window stays on the desktop but the keyboard/notification is shown above the desktops and transitions over the dividing bar from one to another.
Anyone know of a way I can create this type of behavior in my window?

How does PowerPoint reconfigure the screens on a portable PC?

I've developed a VBA-style add-on for PowerPoint in C# using NetOffice Framework, . The add-on is now working, and in fact my question is not really related to that.
On my desktop PC I have four screens, and when PowerPoint is in "slide show mode" it takes over two of the screens, one for the slide show and one for the presenter screen, both shown in full screen mode. The normal PowerPoint window is also still there on one of the other two screens.
On my old portable PC with an extra screen connected, the extra screen normally shows a mirror image of the built-in display. But when PowerPoint goes into "slide show mode" it somehow reconfigures the system and shows the slide show in full screen on the connected screen and the presenter screen on the built-in display. Very clever.
But what exactly has PowerPoint done, and how? Is this documented anywhere?
This is mostly just to satisfy my curiosity. I have now recoded my add-on so it works - I was previously using the .Net System.Windows.Forms.Screen class to figure out where to position the mouse cursor when I'd placed PowerPoint in "slide show mode", but that doesn't work on my portable PC because it maintains that there is still only one screen on the system.
Older versions of PPT behave differently but current versions, when you start a slide show, change your windows video settings from mirror to extend and put the slide show view on the second monitor unless you override the default settings. Then it resets the video to the previous setting when you end the slide show.
When you extend the display across multiple monitors, Windows sees it as one large screen, which explains why your PC reports only the one screen, I think.

Hide app icon in dock when minimized

I am new at Mac OSx development.
The app that I am creating requires removing the app icon from the dock throughout the application. The app allows minimizing and closing of the app window. Relaunching or reopening of the closed or minimized app window is done by clicking the app's icon from the status bar.
I was able to set the dock icon to be disabled during app launching; however, when the app is minimized (clicking the minimize button), it captures the image of the app's current window and adds it to the dock. I don't want that to occur. The app should not add any item to the dock.
Does Apple allow removal of the app's re-launcher image from the dock when minimized?
If Apple allows this, how can I hide or remove the app from the dock?
Any help would be a big help! Thanks!
You cannot disable the display of a proxy tile when your window is minimized -- that's the primary way that users will restore a minimized window. If you'd rather that the window disappear entirely when it's not being used, disable minimization (in the window's flags) and have the user close the window instead.

OSX Lion -- NSEvent when Launchpad is entered

I am writing a Mac app that uses a window which is glued to the foreground of the screen. I am listening for the NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification to detect when it is appropriate to hide the window.
For almost every purpose -- including when a different application enters focus -- this works perfectly.
On OSX Lion there is an idiosyncrasy. When my window is open and glued to the foreground, and then the user selects the Launchpad icon from the dock to expand the Launchpad, my window stays in the foreground, even over Launchpad. It appears that Launchpad is implemented as some sort of screen overlay rather than a window that would take focus.
Does anyone have any solution to detect when Launchpad enters focus so that I can dismiss my window?

menubar app behavior vs full screen app spaces (mac os 10.7/lion)

When you have an app in fullscreen mode (in a fullscreen space) the menubar is hidden unless you "nudge" the top of the screen. However if you hit the spotlight hotkey the menubar politely shifts down into the screen with the spotlight search bar. Excellent.
I am migrating a statusbar/faceless application that I wish to have emulate this spotlight's menubar handling. Under snow leopard the app responds to a system hotkey by displaying a menu (it has a NSStatusBar item and I call popUpStatusItemMenu). Under Lion when the app is in fullscreen mode/space however, the menubar remains hidden for the fullscreen app (note however that the hot key IS bringing up the statusbar item and using the keyboard I can activate individual actions on the menu -- I just can't see the menu pop up).
To reiterate - anyone know how spotlight (under lion) displays the menubar in response to a hotkey? Or should I be asking when a better way to handle my UI would be under Lion?
I feel reasonably certain that Spotlight is using private interfaces to change the presentation mode of the login session. You can change the presentation mode for an application using -[NSApplication setPresentationOptions:] (or the deprecated-but-still-available Carbon equivalent SetSystemUIMode()), but these explicitly only propagate to the login session from the “frontmost faceful application”.
I suggest filing a suggestion for an API to request that certain UI elements (menu bar, dock) are shown if they’re currently in autohide mode from the background.