Reduce GoLand's editor's left margin width/padding - intellij-idea

Accidentally, by pressing an unknown combination of keys, something weird has happened to my GoLand IDE configuration, and now the space that wraps the line numbers in the left column of the editor tabs has became just too wide.
I've tried looking for a option in the settings that allow me to configure this, but without any success. Do someone know what has happened and how can I restore my previous setup?


How to deal with annoyingly large tabs in IntelliJ IDEA?

Working with some project I'd really like to keep like 8-10 tabs (=files) open at the same time within IntelliJ IDEA as I have to switch between those very often. However the space on the screen is limited especially if the Project Browser and the Remote Host Browser are also open at the same time.
Usually its not that much of a problem but as soon as some remote files are open the labels become very long and therefore the space for tabs decreases even more. Look at the following picture:
A maximum of four tabs at the same time is visible - sometimes only three.
Its not like others have not found very elegant solutions for this - look at the "pinned tabs" feature of google Chrome for instance:
Is there some setting, extension or other possibility how to deal with this problem in IntelliJ? After some research I have only found out that you can switch recent files with Ctrl + E but in my opinion this still is a quite clumsy way to deal with it (especially as it does not work for remote files) 🤕
You can play with Preferences | Editor | General | Editor Tabs settings. For example, if you untick Show tabs in one row, your extra tabs will be placed in several lines. Also you can untick Show file extension and Show directory for non-unique file names options.

visual studio editor expand collapse widgets are gone

The plus / minus signs are gone to expand / collapse regions. The vertical lines to indicate regions are gone too.
The regions are collapsing and all the commands under edit, outlining work fine.
It's just I have to double click on the collapsed region to expand and there's no way to collapse a region with the mouse. Only the shortcut keys (ctrl m, m) or the menu will do it.
I swear it was right this morning but I did something to mess it up. I can't find any option in tools to fix it either.
Now, some files are doing this and other files (both opened at same time) are not doing it. If anyone can explain, I'm all ears.
Press ctrl+, (control plus semicolon) to open the settings. And type Folding Strategy in the setting's search bar. It is set to auto by default. You can set it to always for the controls to be visible at all times, otherwise, it shows only on mouse over.
This same thing happens to me multiple times a day using VS.NET 2015 Pro version 14.0.24720.00 Update 1. Restarting the IDE always restores normal function for a while but the problem always returns, seemingly at random.
I tried changing the theme from dark to blue and it restored the outlining. I then changed back to dark from blue and the outlining continued to work normally. Still a pain but definitely a lot faster than restarting the IDE.
It happened with me also. One file was just fine and other file (js) was not. I searched it a lot.
Try selecting a method/if check etc and press ctrl+M+H which is short cut for right click outlining > Hide Selection.
You can do it on the whole document as well.
This might be helpful when working on a file which has too much code in it and you are going through different functions again and again. It is painful with scrolling mouse for so long.
You can use short cut for for moving at the start of the method or at the end of the method with the following :
select parenthesis { start or end } and press ctrl+}
Hope this helps.
It works again.
I closed all windows and reopened my code file.
Now it shows the plus minus glyphs again.
I know this is an old post, but I wanted to share a quick solution. if you right click and hover over 'Outlining' and then click 'Collapse to Definition', the widget comes back. Then just press [ctrl] + z to undo and continue where you left off.
With Golang, if the code has some syntactic mistakes that would prevent it from compiling, the language server cannot decide which parts of the code are collapsible, and which not.
Therefore the solution is either switching to the Folding Strategy in VSCode settings to indentation folding, or fixing the syntactic errors.
Simple solution : CTRL + M + O, then CTRL + Z
Thanks to SparrowEatsHawk

How Do You Stop Android Studio From Deleting Trailing Spaces?

My Android Studio will continuously and automatically delete trailing white spaces. Particularly if it's a blank line with nothing but white spaces. I can even add the spaces back in manually and it'll get rid of them again right in front of me within minutes.
This is causing an issue for me because I am working on a large project that has been around for a while and our diff system shows changes all over the place as a result (our diff system doesn't have an option to turn it off and we can't switch systems). This makes code review more difficult and is causing headaches as a result.
How can I prevent Android Studio from doing this? I can't find it in the settings.
You can disable it as follows:
Go to Settings (File -> Settings)
Find the Editor tab (under IDE Settings)
Select NONE from the dropdown list next to Strip trailing spaces on Save. You can also set it to Modified Lines since that would also fix the problem for your specific needs.
The reason it happens automatically is because it saves changes automatically when idle. You can change this behavious as follows:
Go to settings
Find the General tab (also under IDE Settings)
Check or uncheck the desired boxes under Synchronization
In Android Studio 2.0 you can find this setting in Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Other -> Strip trailing spaces on Save.

Multiple "right margins" or guides in PHPStorm

PHPStorm has a vertical line on what they call the "right margin" which is set by default to 120 characters or columns...
Given that PSR standards state There MUST NOT be a hard limit on line length; the soft limit MUST be 120 characters; lines SHOULD be 80 characters or less., it'd be nice if I could get another visual indicator at the 80 character mark...
I'm well aware that it says what line/column you're on in the status bar, but I typically hide most panels (status bar included) while coding.
Therefore, is there a way (feature or plugin) that would allow me to add a 2nd vertical line to indicate the 80th column?
It is not currently possible .. and no plugin comes into my mind. -- star/vote/comment to get notified on progress.
P.S. Considering that this is rather PHP/Python specific (other languages do not care about this) .. I would not expect JB to have it implemented in nearest future...
I suggest the following workaround, it works for me on PhpStorm 9.0:
Open Settings page (usually Ctrl+Alt+S), go to Plugins -> Browse Repositories
Find and install BackgroundImage plugin
Restart IDE, it may output an error, something like "unknown protocol d" - don't worry, go forth
Make an image with height=1px, and width=(desired width of additional margin). Give it, say, white background and paint one rightmost pixel to say, black. I took a screenshot of an editor and cropped it in PS, to avoid annoying search and adjustment of the image width. Every change of background image requires to restart PhpStorm.
Open Settings again, goto Other settings -> BackgroundImage
Set Enabled checkbox, browse your created image, and check the FileSystem radio button
Restart IDE again and change the margin and you will get two margins
The image is left-aligned, so when you resize an editor on x-axis (move the splitter between Editor and Project View or File System View, etc.), the margin will remain truthy.
Some side-effects - it appears also on console window, event log, perhaps somewhere else.
If the plugin doesn't work, check out this page (there said that most JetBrains plugins should work on all products on IntelliJ Platform, and some workaround if they does not):
ADDED: Doesn't work with scaling an editor (Ctrl + MouseWheel) - the scale of the image (fake margin), remains the same and the margin becomes not truthy.
In the latest PHPStorm, this is now possible. This would be PHPStorm 2017.3. The instructions on the ticket mentioned in the accepted answer explains it quite well:
Will be available in the next EAP build. You can set it up at
Settings|Editor|Code Style|Visual guides for all languages or on
"Wrapping and Braces" tab for a specific language ("Other" tab for
XML/HTML). You can change the visual indent guide color at
Settings|Editor|Color Scheme|General|Guides|Visual guides. Please
submit separate reports if you find any problems.
I personally found the setting in Settings|Editor|Code Style|PHP|Wrapping and Braces|Visual guides. It should be there for every language.

Ignore whitespace changes in IntelliJ changebars

I have a file from our repository where I ran auto-indent (because it was a mess), and now the whole file is marked by blue changebars (down the right hand side of the editor window), making it difficult to find my changes.
I am already ignoring whitespace changes in the diff window (as described here: Intellij and changes tab), is there a way to also do this in the editor window?
I couldn't find a way to completely ignore whitespaces, but IntelliJ (I'm using version 2016) lets you set an option to color whitespace-only changes differentely:
Editor -> General -> Different color for lines with whitespace-only modifications
which helps tremendously.
At the moment [idea 13.5] it seems that is not possible to ignore spaces in the standard editor. You can open a support ticket
We also faced this in the company due the different codestyles used, at the end we settle for:
setting a common codestyle that everyone editing the code should [actually must] follow
reformat the whole codebase to the given codestyle
recommit the formatted code [without any addition or deletion, just the reformat]
It took just a bit of time, but at the end now we are working far better. In this way from that moment onward, we would have all the time the code that would aesthetically the same trough next versions.
You can completely disable the highlight of whitespace modified lines in :
Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> VSC -> Editor Gutter -> Whitespace-modified lines
And then uncheck the background color :
Essentially, you want Intellij to use the --ignore-all-space or --ignore-space-change upon a merge.
My developer team also deals with this challenge because we have different code formatting preferences. The result is every merge is painful for no reason. The team loves being able to have their code formatting, but this negates it.
As of now there is no solution. Intellij has the technology to ignore whitespace, so fixing this is really just adding a check box on the merge diff screen or even in the version control settings.
There is a feature requests IDEA-107714
Please up vote it!
Try this,
View --> Active Editor --> Show whitespaces
this is guaranteed to solve your problem