What happened with the FeatureGate attribute? - azure-app-configuration

I was checking the official documentation from Microsoft and it states that the FeatureGate attribute can be used to control whether a whole controller class or a specific action is enabled. I've installed the Microsoft.Azure.AppConfiguration.AspNetCore 4.2.1 and even 4.3.0-preview but I can't find it:
using Microsoft.FeatureManagement.Mvc;//doesn't recognize .Mvc it recognizes up to Microsoft.FeatureManagement
[FeatureGate(MyFeatureFlags.FeatureA)]//doesn't recognize FeatureGate either

FeatureGateAttribute is an API for ASP.NET Core applications. It's not included in the base feature management package (Microsoft.FeatureManagement). You need to install the Microsoft.FeatureManagement.AspNetCore package.
Instructions can be found at


GeoNode-Project: cannot find geonode base templates

I’m trying to customize the look of an instance of a GeoNode Project and I can’t find the base templates. The templates folder has only this file.
I have installed according to the official tutorial.
How can I access the base templates from GeoNode, in a GeoNode Project instance?
When starting with a geonode-project not all geonode templates appear.
Also, GeoNode behaves quite differently in versions <4 and >=4. Customizing in versions <4 will be more appropriate for those who are more familiar with Django and HTML templating, while in versions >=4 requires some more detailed knowledge in css/js and node-js.
Here is some material that may be useful for creating a geonode-project and customizing the interface in GeoNode 3.3.1.

What are the changes required in build setting when added share extension in app and submit Enterprise build

What are the necessary changes required in build setting when added share extension in app and submitting it to Enterprise distribution.
There are no required build setting changes for any type of iOS extension. However, depending on how you want your app and share extension to interact, there are entitlements and capabilities that you may want to set for your application. You should check out a tutorial. A quick google search gave me these:
Also, you don't have to submit builds for review for enterprise distribution.

WindowsAzure.AD.Graph.2013_04_05 - How long is this valid?

I have an MVC App which uses Azure AD, it works very well using the WindowsAzure.AD.Graph.2013_04_05 helper project that Microsoft made available. This project is now outdated, but looking at the new Nuget Package, the two require code changes.
I have two questions, How long can I use the old one before I find myself locked out of my own app. Second, has anyone migrated between them?
What I have is very simple, its just an Auth Filter which checks if a user is in one or more groups.
You should have at least a year from the announcement of a REST version being deprecated; a REST version is not the same as a NuGet package version, so you'll need to understand the underlying version in use.
Please refer to this Microsoft support policy on Azure-related REST APIs and libraries: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/azure-cloud-lifecycle-faq

Is it possible to build a sitecore data package from command line, or outside of a web context? i.e. using nant

The Sitecore package wizard can be used to build a package containing data and files for the local Sitecore instance.
Is it possible to build a Sitecore package (items only, files are not required) from the command line, or otherwise outside the context of a website? The idea is to use Nant to create a Sitecore data package. I'm aware of Hedgehog TDS, but this question is aimed at what can be done with the existing Sitecore api.
You should take a look at the Sitecore.Install.PackageGenerator class in the Sitecore.Kernel to see how you may go about creating traditional Sitecore packages.
However, you are looking to do this outside of a website context. How do you plan on getting items into the package if you don't have access to the Sitecore web site in which they exist? Before you try to create a package on your CI server I would think you would need to get the Sitecore items into source control so that you can work with them.
I think you have two real options here.
Roll your own solution, leveraging serialization APIs, for getting Sitecore items into source control and moving between environments
Hedgehog Development's Team Development for Sitecore
For more information on Sitecore serialization please check out the Sitecore Serialization Guide. Specifically, check out how Sitecore envisions you use "Sitecore Serialization with a Source Control System"
Also, do some digging around for others who have rolled their own solution around serialization. For instance, http://mcore.wordpress.com/2009/03/17/sitecore-serialization-for-version-control/
As skolima suggested... I've implemented and explained a solution using Sitecore Powershell Console here: http://blog.najmanowicz.com/2011/12/19/continuous-deployment-in-sitecore-with-powershell/
The PowerShell Console for Sitecore could be possibly extended for such scenarios (or simply scripted).
Check this link:
It describes a solution of creating and installing Sitecore packages using the API.
Check out Sitecore Courier Shared Source module. It compares two folders with serialized items and creates a diff package.
You can also browse the sources as an example of Sitecore.Update API usage.

Adding Dojo 1.6+ in Lotus Notes database v8.5.3

Lotus Notes 8.5.3 uses dojo 1.5.1. However I want to use dojo 1.6/1.7 library in my NSF database. How can I do it? I tried to use the technique suggested by Keith Strickland in his blog but no luck.
I need to include the dojo library in NSF database and not on server.
The reason I want to do this so as to use the advanced Dojo Mobile libraries (from dojo 1.6/1.7) in my XPages.
UPDATE: I even posted this question on XPages forum some time back but no replies.
The Domino 8.5.3 server uses Dojo 1.6.1 for XPages. You should see this if you view the HTML source of a test application.
As an example, I see this in one of my applications:
If you are going to create apps using Dojo Mobile then take a look at the Extension Library and the latest Upgrade Pack 1 for Domino 8.5.3. Both includes XPages Mobile controls.
Per's correct that the Dojo plugin that is loaded by default is 1.6.1 (the ".1" is because it includes IBM-specific code and this means it differentiates it from anything a developer has added in).
The files in the js folder on the server / client are 1.5.1 and this is needed for iNotes.
You can change the Dojo version in the xsp.properties by setting xsp.client.script.dojo.version in Package Explorer. Incidentally UP1 offers a nice visual editor for the xsp.properties file.
However, currently if you change this setting you need to uncheck "Use runtime optimized javaScript and CSS resources" or it will still use the plugin. I noticed this too late for anything to be done before the Gold release.
If you add 1.7 files to the server and include the IBM folder from 1.5.1 it may work. AFAIK there's no way to get the IBM folder from the plugin code.
See my blog post for more details: http://www.intec.co.uk/domino-8-5-3-greater-power-over-dojo-thanks-ibm-for-your-work/