Using mailitem.PrintOut() to print a single page? - vsto

I'm working on a simple Outlook 2016/2019 VSTO plugin.
When an email is selected and a ribbon button is pressed, it needs to print just the first page of the email to the default printer. mailitem.PrintOut(); works, but will print the whole email. Is there a way to specify the first page only?
var m = e.Control.Context as Inspector;
var mailitem = m.CurrentItem as MailItem;
if (mailitem != null)
Update: See my answer for the code I used to get this working.

The Outlook object model doesn't provide any property or method for that. You need to parse the message body on your own and use .net mechanisms for printing this piece on your own.
Note, you may try using the Word object model for printing the message bodies (a specific range of pages). The Document.PrintOut method prints all or part of the specified document. Optional parameters allow specifying the page range.
The Outlook object model provides three main ways for working with item bodies:
Body - a string representing the clear-text body of the Outlook item.
HTMLBody - a string representing the HTML body of the specified item.
Word editor - the Microsoft Word Document Object Model of the message being displayed. The WordEditor property of the Inspector class returns an instance of the Document class from the Word object model which you can use to deal with the message body.
You can read more about all these ways in the Chapter 17: Working with Item Bodies.

As #Eugene said, there's no way to specify a single page using mailItem.PrintOut.
I've finally managed to find a way to do this. I save the document as a .doc file in the temp directory, then using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word to setup the page margins / size and then send the current page to the printer. Hopefully this helps someone as I couldn't find any working examples for c#!
private void btnPrintOnePage_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
string randFile = Path.GetTempPath() + "POP_" + RandomString(35) + ".doc";
var m = e.Control.Context as Inspector;
var mailitem = m.CurrentItem as MailItem;
if (mailitem != null)
mailitem.SaveAs(randFile, OlSaveAsType.olDoc);
Word.Application ap = new Word.Application();
Word.Document document = ap.Documents.Open(randFile);
document.PageSetup.PaperSize = Word.WdPaperSize.wdPaperA4;
document.PageSetup.TopMargin = 25;
document.PageSetup.RightMargin = 25;
document.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 25;
document.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 25;
Word.WdPrintOutRange printRange = Word.WdPrintOutRange.wdPrintCurrentPage;
document.Close(false, false, false);
public static string RandomString(int length)
Random random = new Random();
const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
.Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());


iTextShaprt make new line feed for each block in Header

I am trying to use the iTextSharp Library to read PDF files. The example code from devTo is as following:
var reader = new PdfReader(File.ReadAllBytes(#"..\..\..\sample.pdf"));
for (var pageNum = 1; pageNum <= reader.NumberOfPages; pageNum++)
// Get the page content and tokenize it.
var contentBytes = reader.GetPageContent(pageNum);
var tokenizer = new PrTokeniser(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(contentBytes))
var stringsList = new List<string>();
while (tokenizer.NextToken())
if (tokenizer.TokenType == PrTokeniser.TK_STRING)
// Extract string tokens.
// Print the set of string tokens, one on each line.
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\r\n", stringsList));
But this code just makes every found test in a new line feed. I need to get every block found in the PDF as a sentence or sentences. Any other block should be in new Line feed.
In the header of the PDFs I am testing, there is three columns (receiver of bill at left, information of organization at the middle and information of the sender at the right side). After that begins the body of the PDF.
How can I catch that in code? Does anyone have meet this problem before? I really appreciate any help!

x-header missing for Outlook MeetingItems when received

I am using the following approach in a VSTO Outlook Addin (using Addin-Express library) to set a custom x-header attribute on mails and other items you can send from Microsoft Outlook, like meetings. It's a security classification which is evaluated by a mail gateway appliance for making sure encryption is activated on outgoing mails, depending on the classification. Inside the organization, it will just be displayed on the receiving side, which is Outlook 2016 desktop client.
Before sending, I set the x-header property like this:
string headerNamespace = " /{00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/";
public void SetHeader(PropertyAccessor acc, string header, string value)
acc.SetProperty(headerNamespace + "x-mycustomheader", value);
I always receive the header for mails, but not for Meetings. I know there is an associated appointment, but I tried reading the header from any object I could think of
On the receiving end, I get the current item from the explorer or inspector window and try to retrieve that header. The attribute is not visible in OutlookSpy and it's not inside the transport header. Is it possible that Outlook stored it somewhere else, or has it been removed? This process is working fine for MailItem types.
I stripped some parts like releasing the com objects for better readability. OutlookMeetingItem2 is a wrapper class. I have two alternative methods for reading the header, one is the PropertyAccessor and the other is used here, both can't find the header attribute.
using (OutlookMessageItemWrapper outlookItem = OutlookMessageItemFactory.GetMessageItem(currentItem))
object outlookitemMapi = outlookItem.MAPIOBJECT;
classificationString = mapi.GetHeader(outlookItem.MAPIOBJECT, Constants.CLASSIFICATIONHEADER);
if (classificationString == "" && outlookItem is OutlookMeetingItem2)
OutlookMeetingItem2 meetingItem = outlookItem as OutlookMeetingItem2;
MeetingItem meeting = meetingItem.Item;
object mapiObject = meeting.MAPIOBJECT;
classificationString = mapi.GetHeader(meeting.MAPIOBJECT, Constants.CLASSIFICATIONHEADER);
if (classificationString == "")
AppointmentItem appointment = meeting.GetAssociatedAppointment(false);
if (appointment != null)
classificationString = mapi.GetHeader(appointment.MAPIOBJECT, Constants.CLASSIFICATIONHEADER);

Javafx Hyperlink parameters on action

Thank you for reading my question and apologies for the noobness
I am writing my first JavaFX application in which I have an array of hyperlinks which have latitude longitude (e.g. "42N 7E") in the text value of the hyperlink which is being updated every second from another Thread and updates the hyperlink text in the Main Thread. (This works fine)
public static void setPosLatLong(String posLatLong, int SID) {
I am trying to use the value in the hyperlink text when clicking on the hyperlink to dynamically change the destination URL with the latest latlong values... but I get the error 'local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final'
int SID = 'id of the hyperlink corresponding to a machine'
posLatLong[SID] = new Hyperlink();
posLatLong[SID].setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
getHostServices().showDocument("" + posLatLong[SID].getText());
I have tried all kinds of ways to get around this but I am shamefully stuck. If anyone could point me in the right direction so that the last updated value in the hyperlink array is passed as a parameter when opening the browser it would be greatly appreciated.
I think I managed to find a solution myself so I'll post it in case it could be useful to someone
posLatLong[i].setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
String eventLatLong = "";
Object source = event.getSource();
if (source instanceof Hyperlink) {
Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink) source;
eventLatLong = link.getText();
getHostServices().showDocument("" + eventLatLong );
Tada !

Related on Custom Timer Job in sharepoint 2010

How to create a custom job to export an Excel file in a list which has only 2 columns(Title,Description) in a sharepoint 2010?i want the coding part of this question?
Reading Data from Excel and writing into a sharepoint list,this has to be done through custom job coding
Thanks in Advance...
Use OpenXMLSDK - a free download that needs to be installed on the server.
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;
public class OffBookAssetLibraryEventReceiver : SPItemEventReceiver
public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)
// This if statement is to work around the sharepoint issue of this event firing twice.
if (properties.AfterProperties["vti_sourcecontrolcheckedoutby"] == null && properties.BeforeProperties["vti_sourcecontrolcheckedoutby"] != null)
byte[] workSheetByteArray = properties.ListItem.File.OpenBinary();
Stream stream = new MemoryStream(workSheetByteArray);
Package spreadsheetPackage = Package.Open(stream, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(spreadsheetPackage);
SharedStringTablePart shareStringTablePart = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.SharedStringTablePart;
Sheets sheets = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets;
foreach (Sheet sheet in sheets)
var worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id.Value);
IEnumerable<Row> rows = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>().Elements<Row>();
if (rows.Count() > 0)
int rowNumber = 0;
foreach (Row row in rows)
IEnumerable<Cell> cells = row.Elements<Cell>();
Cell title = null;
Cell description = null;
title = cells.ToArray()[0];
description = cells.ToArray()[1];
// This is the code used to extract cells from excel that are NOT inline (Inline cells are decimal and dates - although dates are stored as int)
int index = int.Parse(title.CellValue.Text);
string titleString = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.SharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable.Elements<SharedStringItem>().ElementAt(index).InnerText;
index = int.Parse(description.CellValue.Text);
string descriptionString = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart.SharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable.Elements<SharedStringItem>().ElementAt(index).InnerText;
//Insert into your sharepoint list here!
I recommend putting this code into an event receiver on the document library (as seen above).
Have you looked at Excel REader for .NET
Open the Excel File
Take a look at the Excel Services for SharePoint 2010. There is a walkthrough explaining the required steps to open an excel file.
SharePoint Custom Timer Job
To create a custom SharePoint timer job, you have to create a class that inherits from SPJobDefinition. A complete tutorial can be found in this blog post: Creating Custom Timer Job in SharePoint 2010.

Creating a SharePoint 2010 page via the client object model

I am attempting to create pages in a Sharepoint 2010 pages library via the client object model but I cannot find any examples on how to do it. I have tried two approaches:
The first is to treat the Pages library as a list and try to add a list item.
static void createPage(Web w, ClientContext ctx)
List pages = w.Lists.GetByTitle("Pages");
//ListItem page = pages.GetItemById(0);
ListItemCreationInformation lici = new ListItemCreationInformation();
ListItem li = pages.AddItem(lici);
li["Title"] = "hello";
As expected, this failed with the error message:
To add an item to a document library, use SPFileCollection.Add()
The next approach I tried was to add it as a file. The problem is that the FileCreationInformation object is expecting a byte array and I am not sure what to pass to it.
static void createPage(Web w, ClientContext ctx)
List pages = w.Lists.GetByTitle("Pages");
FileCreationInformation file = new FileCreationInformation();
file.Url = "testpage.aspx";
file.Content = new byte[0];
file.Overwrite = true;
The piece of code above will add an item in the Pages library but opening the file brings up a blank page which I cannot edit. From reading various topics, I suspect that it may only be possible to add pages via server side code. Any thoughts?
The problem is that the
FileCreationInformation object is
expecting a byte array and I am not
sure what to pass to it.
You could you whatever method you want to get the page contents into a string (read it from a file, create it using a StringBuilder, etc) and then convert the string to a byte array using
First of all, Publishing API is not supported via Client Side Object Model (CSOM) in SharePoint 2010. But you could consider the following approach that demonstrates how to create a publishing page using SharePoint 2010 CSOM.
How to create a publishing page using SharePoint 2010 CSOM
public static void CreatePublishingPage(ClientContext ctx, string listTitle, string pageName, string pageContent)
const string publishingPageTemplate = "<%# Page Inherits=\"Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.TemplateRedirectionPage,Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c\" %> <%# Reference VirtualPath=\"~TemplatePageUrl\" %> <%# Reference VirtualPath=\"~masterurl/custom.master\" %>";
var pagesList = ctx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(listTitle);
var fileInfo = new FileCreationInformation
Url = pageName,
Content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(publishingPageTemplate),
Overwrite = true
var pageFile = pagesList.RootFolder.Files.Add(fileInfo);
var pageItem = pageFile.ListItemAllFields;
if (!ctx.Site.IsPropertyAvailable("ServerRelativeUrl"))
pageItem["PublishingPageLayout"] = string.Format("{0}_catalogs/masterpage/ArticleLeft.aspx, ArticleLeft",ctx.Site.ServerRelativeUrl);
pageItem["PublishingPageContent"] = pageContent;
using (var ctx = new ClientContext(url))
ctx.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain");
CreatePublishingPage(ctx, "Pages", "Greetings.aspx", "Welcome to SharePoint!");