sql counting the number is not working correctly - sql

I make related queries and the counting does not work correctly, when I connect 4 and join and add a condition, it does not count correctly, but without the 4th joina and the condition it works correctly. first option result = 2
COUNT(directions.direction) procent
LEFT JOIN psixologs_direction ON pxixolog_details.id = psixologs_direction.psixolog_id
LEFT JOIN directions ON directions.id = psixologs_direction.direction_id
LEFT JOIN psixologs_weeks ON pxixolog_details.id = psixologs_weeks.psixolog_id
directions.direction IN(
'Трудности в отношениях',
'Проблемы со сном',
'Нежелательная агрессия'
AND birthday BETWEEN '1956-04-29' AND '2021-04-29' AND psixologs_weeks.week = '4'
and the second one doesn't work correctly. result = 4
COUNT(directions.direction) procent
LEFT JOIN psixologs_direction ON pxixolog_details.id = psixologs_direction.psixolog_id
LEFT JOIN directions ON directions.id = psixologs_direction.direction_id
LEFT JOIN psixologs_weeks ON pxixolog_details.id = psixologs_weeks.psixolog_id
LEFT JOIN psixologs_times ON pxixolog_details.id = psixologs_times.psixolog_id
directions.direction IN(
'Трудности в отношениях',
'Проблемы со сном',
'Нежелательная агрессия'
AND birthday BETWEEN '1956-04-29' AND '2021-04-29' AND psixologs_weeks.week = '4'
AND (psixologs_times.time = '09:00' OR psixologs_times.time = '10:00')
what am I doing wrong?

You get double the amount of results when doing 4 JOINs because through the new (4th) JOIN you allow 2 records (9:00 and 10:00 o'clock) for each of the other joined records in the first 3 JOINs. That can lead to the observed result.
Check your data and make sure that your 4th JOIN condition yields a 1:1 record matching with the other data.

The last table has psixologs_times matches multiple rows for each psixolog_id.
You can easily see this using a query:
select psixolog_id, count(*)
from psixologs_times
group by psixolog_id
having count(*) > 1;
How you fix this problem depends on what you want to do. The simplest solution is to use count(distinct):
COUNT(DISTINCT directions.direction) as procent
However, this might just be hiding the problem. You might want to choose one row from the psixologs_times table. Or pre-aggregate it. Or do something else.


Removing Duplicate Rows in SQL

I have a query that returns a list of devices that have multiple "moved" dates. I only want the oldest date entry. I used the MIN function to give me the oldest date, but I'm still getting multiple entries (I am, however, getting less than before). I tried to get a more precise JOIN, but I couldn't narrow the fields down any more.
If you'll look at the screenshot, the first three rows have the same "wonum" but three different "Moved Dates." I am thinking that if I can somehow take the oldest "Moved Date" out of those three and remove the other rows, that would give me the result I'm looking for. However, I'm not skilled enough to do that (I've only been working in SQL for a few months now). Would that work, or is there a better way to narrow down my results? I'm wondering if I need to perform some kind of sub-query to get what I need.
I've looked around but can't find anything that allows me to remove a row of data the way I'm looking to. Nor can I seem to find a reason my MIN function isn't paring down the data anymore than it is. Below is the code I'm currently using. Thanks for any help that can be given.
SELECT wo.wonum, wo.location, wo.statusdate, wo.status, l.subcontractor,
wo.description, MIN(ast.datemoved) AS 'Moved Date'
FROM workorder wo
JOIN locations l ON wo.location = l.location
JOIN asset a ON wo.location = a.location
-- AND wo.assetnum = a.assetnum
JOIN assettrans ast ON a.assetnum = ast.assetnum
-- AND a.assetid = ast.assetid
WHERE wo.description LIKE '%deteriorating%'
AND wo.status != 'close'
GROUP BY wo.wonum, wo.location, wo.statusdate,
wo.status, l.subcontractor, wo.description
ORDER BY wo.wonum;
DBV SQL Query Result
Update: Table Data
You need to do the grouping in your join statement inside a subquery(not tested, but you'll get the idea):
JOIN assettrans ast ON a.assetnum = ast.assetnum
inner join
select ast.assetnum,MIN(ast.datemoved) AS 'Moved Date'
from assettrans ast
group by ast.assetnum
) grouped
on a.assetnum = grouped.assetnum
So the full query looks like:
SELECT wo.wonum, wo.location, wo.statusdate, wo.status, l.subcontractor,
wo.description, grouped.MovedDate
FROM workorder wo
JOIN locations l ON wo.location = l.location
JOIN asset a ON wo.location = a.location
select ast.assetnum,MIN(ast.datemoved) AS MovedDate
from assettrans ast
group by ast.assetnum
) grouped
on a.assetnum = grouped.assetnum
WHERE wo.description LIKE '%deteriorating%'
AND wo.status != 'close'
ORDER BY wo.wonum;
Please test before using in production
--if you have id column and leave the oldest record
delete from T1 from MyTable T1, MyTable T2
where T1.dupField = T2.dupField (and add more filters if applies)
T1.uniqueField > T2.uniqueField
--if you want to delete the new "Moved Dates" and leave the oldest one
delete from T1 from MyTable T1, MyTable T2
where T1.dupField = T2.dupField (and add more filters if applies)
T1.Moved Dates > T2.Moved Dates

SQL sum aggregate function gives wrong results

My data is given below
Right answer is Sum = 601,050.00
But SQL sum aggregate function gives me wrong answer that is 5078150.00000
15,000.00 27,950.00 24,750.00 11,550.00 7,400.00 7,500.00 14,650.00 12,500.00 32,800.00 35,700.00 94,100.00 10,100.00 19,700.00 22,100.00 35,450.00 28,050.00 50,150.00 69,750.00 13,800.00 3,600.00 18,600.00 2,350.00 7,200.00 21,600.00 7,700.00 4,500.00 2,500.00
select sum(SO_SalesOrder.OrderTotal),l.Name as [Store Name]
From SO_SalesOrder inner join BASE_Location l on
SO_SalesOrder.LocationId = l.LocationId
inner join SO_SalesOrder_Line on SO_SalesOrder.SalesOrderId =
inner join BASE_Product on BASE_Product.ProdId =
inner join BASE_Category on BASE_Category.CategoryId =
where SO_SalesOrder.OrderDate >= '2018-02-01' and
SO_SalesOrder.OrderDate <= '2018-02-28' and BASE_Category.Name = '1MHNZ'
group by l.Name
There is likely to be a problem with one (or more) of your joins, maybe you have duplicate rows or the joining conditions are not OK.
Remove the group by l.Name, the SUM() aggregate and see if the returned values for SO_SalesOrder.OrderTotal are what you are expecting them to be (you might need to filter with a particular l.Name in a WHERE clause). It's very likely you will see duplicate amounts, or amounts you are not considering when arriving to the value 601,050.00.
If so, try joining the tables 1 by 1 and see which ones are making your rows go comando.
In my opinion your problem depends on the logic of the query.
You have a master-detail relationship between SO_SalesOrder and SO_SalesOrder_line joined by SalesOrderId column.
So if you have three lines in your order you will sum up three times the same OrderTotal.
try with something like this:
select sum(SO_SalesOrder.OrderTotal) Total, l.Name as [Store Name]
From SO_SalesOrder
join BASE_Location l on SO_SalesOrder.LocationId = l.LocationId
where SO_SalesOrder.OrderDate >= '2018-02-01' and SO_SalesOrder.OrderDate <= '28-02-2018'
and exists (
select 0 x
From SO_SalesOrder_Line
join BASE_Product on BASE_Product.ProdId = SO_SalesOrder_Line.ProdId
join BASE_Category on BASE_Category.CategoryId = BASE_Product.CategoryId
where BASE_Category.Name = '1MHNZ'
and SO_SalesOrder_Line.SalesOrderId = SO_SalesOrder.SalesOrderId
group by l.Name
Check also the dates columns, if they contains also time fraction you should reconsider your upper bound filter.
I suggest you to use and SO_SalesOrder.OrderDate < '01-03-2018' instead of <= 28-02

Matching values from two columns with the values of two columns in a sub-query

I have a problem I can't really figure out, even though I thought I had the solution.
I think this is DB2 SQL by the way.
I have a customer number and a country code (extracted from a string using SUBSTR) which I don't want to find in combination in a subquery, like so:
SELECT ku.orgnr AS customer ,
Substr(bu.bank_account_swiftadr,5,2) AS country
FROM db811.bet_utl bu
LEFT JOIN db811.henv_utl bh
ON bu.betaling_urn = bh.betaling_urn
LEFT JOIN db811.betaling_status bs
ON bu.betaling_status = bs.betaling_status
LEFT JOIN db811.kunde_orgnr ku
ON bu.kundenr = ku.kundenr
WHERE bu.kanal = 'N'
AND (ku.orgnr, Substr(bu.bank_account_swiftadr,5,2)) ;
Not in the results below
SELECT ku.orgnr AS customer ,
Substr(bu.bank_account_swiftadr,5,2) AS country ,
COUNT(*) AS numberof
FROM db811.bet_utl_hist bu
LEFT JOIN db811.kunde_orgnr ku
ON bu.kundenr = ku.kundenr
and bu.kanal = 'N'
AND bu.betalingsdato > '2016-01-01'
GROUP BY ku.orgnr ,
This should work I though, but it seems to match on just one of them, and I need both to be true in order for me to exclude it with the NOT IN.
I assume I am missing something basic since I am quite new at this.

Using summed field in query twice with IIF statement - have I missed some syntax somewhere?

Having a bit of a problem with my code and can't figure out where I'm going wrong.
Essentially this query will return all employees for a given employer for a given year, along with the amount of their allowances, tax withheld, and gross payments they've received, and their Reportable Employer Superannuation Contributions (RESC).
RESC is any amounts (tblSuperPayments.PaymentAmount) paid over and above the superannuation guarantee, which is gross payments (sum of tblPayment.GrossPayment) * super rate (tblSuperRate.SuperRate). Otherwise, RESC is 0.
The data that I currently have in my tables is as follows
SUM(tblPayment.GrossPayment) = 1730
SUM(tblEmployee.TaxPayable) = 80
SUM(tblSuperPayments.PaymentAmount) = 500
tblSuperRate.SuperRate = 9.5%
Therefore my query should be returning an amount of RESC of 500-(1730*9.5%)= 335.65.
However, my query is currently returning $835.65 - meaning that (1730*9.5%) is returning -335.65.
I can't figure out where my logic is going wrong - it's probably something simple but I can't see it. I suspect that it might be summing tblPayment.GrossPayment twice (edited on request)
tblEmployee.EmployeeID AS Id
SUM(tblPayment.Allowances) AS TotAllow,
SUM(tblPayment.TaxPayable) AS TotTax,
SUM(tblPayment.GrossPayment) AS TotGross,
((SUM(tblSuperPayments.PaymentAmount)) <= (SUM(tblPayment.GrossPayment)*tblSuperRate.SuperRate),
(SUM(tblSuperPayments.PaymentAmount) - (SUM(tblPayment.GrossPayment)*tblSuperRate.SuperRate))
)) As TotRESC
LEFT JOIN tblPayment // any reason for using left join over inner join
ON tblEmployee.EmployeeID = tblPayment.fk_EmployeeID)
LEFT JOIN tblSuperPayments // any reason for using left join over inner join
ON tblEmployee.EmployeeID = tblSuperPayments.fk_EmployeeID)
LEFT JOIN tblSuperRate // any reason for using left join over inner join
ON (tblPayment.PaymentDate <= tblSuperRate.TaxYearEnd) // these two conditions might be returning
AND (tblPayment.PaymentDate >= tblSuperRate.TaxYearStart) //two SuperRate rows because of using equals in both
tblEmployee.fk_EmployerID = 1
Looking at your query I recommend you to just group by primary key (EmployeeID) of tblEmployee and the use the result as a sub query and do a join later tham using many columns of tblEmployeein group by which might cause duplicate rows. I rewrote the query as I have mentioned above and added comments at places which might cause the error.
tblEmployee.EmployeeID AS Id
SUM(tblPayment.Allowances) AS TotAllow,
SUM(tblPayment.TaxPayable) AS TotTax,
SUM(tblPayment.GrossPayment) AS TotGross,
((SUM(tblSuperPayments.PaymentAmount)) <= (SUM(tblPayment.GrossPayment)*tblSuperRate.SuperRate),
(SUM(tblSuperPayments.PaymentAmount) - (SUM(tblPayment.GrossPayment)*tblSuperRate.SuperRate))
)) As TotRESC
LEFT JOIN tblPayment // any reason for using left join over inner join
ON tblEmployee.EmployeeID = tblPayment.fk_EmployeeID)
LEFT JOIN tblSuperPayments // any reason for using left join over inner join
ON tblEmployee.EmployeeID = tblSuperPayments.fk_EmployeeID)
LEFT JOIN tblSuperRate // any reason for using left join over inner join
ON (tblPayment.PaymentDate <= tblSuperRate.TaxYearEnd) // these two conditions might be returning
AND (tblPayment.PaymentDate >= tblSuperRate.TaxYearStart) //two SuperRate rows because of using equals in both
tblEmployee.fk_EmployerID = 1
tblSuperRate.SuperRate) temp // Does a single employee have more than one superrate why grouping by it?
JOIN tblEmployee ON tblEmployee.EmployeeID=temp.Id;

A SQL case statement or two

I have a SELECT statement that pulls these two different product strips. When I delete one of them from the website and rerun my statement I still have two rows, the first column has the ARMCODE twice (two results) and the second column has the description for the first but then no description for the second (because it has been deleted).
Problem is it's still showing two results in SQL studio with the ARMCODE.
If there is a a.CODE_,a.strips from intake it needs to show, if there is an A.ARMCODE and B.DESCRIPTION it needs to show. If there is only A.ARMCODE and B.DESCRIPTION and the other has been deleted why is it still showing two results with a.CODE_ being the second result and an empty a.strips.
select a.ARMCODE,
left outer join ARE.AAS.PTDME b on a.PTCODE=b.CODE_
where a.ARMCODE = 'ADSMANZS03'
and b.MEDICAREID ='A4253'
union all
select a.CODE_,a.strips
from event.dbo.intake a
where a.CODE_ = 'ADSMANZS03'
I started on a new statement using case and am now using some nested joins:
select case when b.ARMCODE is null then a.strips
from (select *
from ev.dbo.intake a
where a.CODE_ = 'ADSMANZS03') a
left outer join(select a.ARMCODE,
left outer join ARE.AAS.PTDME b on a.PTCODE=b.CODE_
where a.ARMCODE = 'ADSMANZS03'
and b.MEDICAREID ='A4253') b on a.CODE_=b.ARMCODE
I'm not getting any rows or columns and it's returning (no column name) and inside NULL
Hope that is not too confusing. Thanks in advance.
IMAGE 1 Strips and description, two different products, same patient
IMAGE 2 When i delete strips, still showing two results with empty description, should not show a second result.
IMAGE 3 case statement
Just an fyi so this question can be closed. I used coalesce to determine what i needed.
from ev.dbo.intake a
where a.CODE_ = 'ADSMANZS03'
left outer join(
left outer join ARE.AAS.PTDME b on a.PTCODE=b.CODE_
where a.ARMCODE = 'ADSMANZS03'
and b.MEDICAREID ='A4253'
)b on a.CODE_=b.ARMCODE