Keras accuracy not increasing - tensorflow

I am trying to perform sentiment classification using Keras. I am trying to do this using a basic neural network (no RNN or other more complex type). However when I run the script I see no increase in accuracy during training/evaluation. I am guessing I am setting up the output layer incorrectly but I am not sure of that. y_train is a list [1,2,3,1,2,4,5] (5 different labels) containing the targets belonging to the features in X_train_seq_padded. The setup is as follows:
padding_len = 24 # len of each tokenized sentence
neurons = 16 # 2/3 the length of the text that is padded
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(neurons, input_dim = padding_len, activation = 'relu', name = 'hidden-1'))
model.add(Dense(neurons, activation = 'relu', name = 'hidden-2'))
model.add(Dense(neurons, activation = 'relu', name = 'hidden-3'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation = 'sigmoid', name = 'output_layer'))
model.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
callbacks = [EarlyStopping(monitor = 'accuracy', patience = 5, mode = 'max')]
history =, y_train, epochs = 100, batch_size = 64, callbacks = callbacks)

First of all, in your above set up if you choose sigmoid in your last layer activation function which generally uses for binary classification or multi-label classification then, the loss function should be binary_crossentropy.
But if your labels are represented multi-class and transformed into one-hot encoded then your last layer should be Dense(num_classes, activations='softmax') and the loss function would be categorical_crossentropy.
But if you don't transform your multi-class label but integer then your last layer and loss function should be
Dense(num_classes) # with logits
SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits= True)
Or, (#Frightera)
Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax') # with probabilities


Keras Model fit throws shape mismatch error

I am building a Siamese network using Keras(TensorFlow) where the target is a binary column, i.e., match or mismatch(1 or 0). But the model fit method throws an error saying that the y_pred is not compatible with the y_true shape. I am using the binary_crossentropy loss function.
Here is the error I see:
Here is the code I am using:
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer, metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.Recall()])
history =[X_train_entity_1.todense(),X_train_entity_2.todense()],np.array(y_train),
My Input data shapes are as follows:
X_train_entity_1.shape is (700,2822)
X_train_entity_2.shape is (700,2822)
y_train.shape is (700,1)
In the error it throws, y_pred is the variable which was created internally. What is y_pred dimension is 2822 when I am having a binary target. And 2822 dimension actually matches the input size, but how do I understand this?
Here is the model I created:
in_layers = []
out_layers = []
for i in range(2):
input_layer = Input(shape=(1,))
embedding_layer = Embedding(embed_input_size+1, embed_output_size)(input_layer)
lstm_layer_1 = Bidirectional(LSTM(1024, return_sequences=True,recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(embedding_layer)
lstm_layer_2 = Bidirectional(LSTM(512, return_sequences=True,recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(lstm_layer_1)
merge = concatenate(out_layers)
dense1 = Dense(256, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal', name='data_embed')(merge)
drp1 = Dropout(0.4)(dense1)
btch_norm1 = BatchNormalization()(drp1)
dense2 = Dense(32, activation='relu', kernel_initializer='he_normal')(btch_norm1)
drp2 = Dropout(0.4)(dense2)
btch_norm2 = BatchNormalization()(drp2)
output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(btch_norm2)
model = Model(inputs=in_layers, outputs=output)
Since my data is very sparse, I used todense. And there the type is as follows:
type(X_train_entity_1) is scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
type(X_train_entity_1.todense()) is numpy.matrix
type(X_train_entity_2) is scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
type(X_train_entity_2.todense()) is numpy.matrix
Summary of last few layers as follows:
Mismatched shape in the Input layer. The input shape needs to match the shape of a single element passed as x, or dataset.shape[1:]. So since your dataset size is (700,2822), that is 700 samples of size 2822. So your input shape should be 2822.
input_layer = Input(shape=(1,))
input_layer = Input(shape=(2822,))
You need to set return_sequences in the lstm_layer_2 to False:
lstm_layer_2 = Bidirectional(LSTM(512, return_sequences=False, recurrent_dropout=0.2, dropout=0.2))(lstm_layer_1)
Otherwise, you will still have the timesteps of your input. That is why you have the shape (None, 2822, 1). You can also add a Flatten layer prior to your output layer, but I would recommend setting return_sequences=False.
Note that a Dense layer computes the dot product between the inputs and the kernel along the last axis of the inputs.

RNN LSTM network for inputting a sequence of numbers

I'm trying to use LSTM networks to input a simple dataset that has multiple different sequences of numbers that represent musical data. The data is just a bunch of numpy arrays of floating point numbers with each song being one array. The data looks like this:
Song 1: [0.00013487907, 0.0002517006, 0.00021654845, ...]
Song 2: [-0.007279772, -0.011207076, -0.010082608, ...]
Song 3: [-0.00060827745, -0.00082834775, -0.0006534484, ...]
..and so on
I have done this before for MIDI files before, but those require embeddings of the different characters, however this is more continuous data as opposed to discrete data, so I'm not sure what the input model will look like, and how the data can be loaded for this particular task. For example, for the MIDI file project the input had an embedding layer to the model:
batch_size = 16
seq_length = 64
num_epochs = 100
optimizer_ = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam()
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(input_dim = num_unique_chars, output_dim = 512, batch_input_shape = (batch_size, seq_length)))
model.add(LSTM(256, return_sequences = True, stateful = True))
model.add(LSTM(256, return_sequences = True, stateful = True))
model.add(LSTM(256, return_sequences = True, stateful = True))
model.compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = optimizer_, metrics = ["accuracy"])
I wanna know how to do the same without tokenization/embedding, and feed each song into the model separately, and then further be able to generate samples from it.
I've tried looking for examples of this but everything related to LSTM networks seems to be text-based. Would appreciate any help/guidance with this!
If you already have continuous values, you will not need an Embedding-layer. Either you directly pass the data into the LSTMs or you can use a Dense layer in-between. Additionally, you can also add a Masking-layer (depending on your data).
Also you have to adjust the shape of your data to (batch_size, seq_len, 1) as you only have one feature, but the time-series has to be "recognizable".
Here is a minimum working example with a Dense-layer instead the non-functioning Embedding-layer:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow.keras import Sequential
batch_size = 16
seq_length = 64
num_epochs = 100
num_unique_chars = 55 # I just picked any number
optimizer_ = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam()
model = Sequential()
model.add(layers.Dense(256, use_bias=False))
model.add(layers.LSTM(256, return_sequences = True, stateful = True))
model.add(layers.LSTM(256, return_sequences = True, stateful = True))
model.add(layers.LSTM(256, return_sequences = True, stateful = True))
model.compile(loss = "categorical_crossentropy", optimizer = optimizer_, metrics = ["accuracy"])
test_data = tf.random.normal(shape=(batch_size, seq_length, 1))
test_out = model(test_data)
Output: (16, 64, 55)
P. S.: With Dense layers the TimeDistributed-layer is optional. The Dense layer will just manipulate the last dimension of its input tensor.
P. P. S.: I think for your limited amount of features, three LSTM-layers with a dimension of 256 might easily result in over-fitting or some other unpleasant effects. So it might be useful to reduce the number of layers and their dimension. (Of course, this does not target your initial question)

Deep Learning model (LSTM) predicts same class label

I am trying to solve the Spoken Digit Recognition task using the LSTM model, where the audio files are converted into spectrograms and fed into an LSTM model after doing Global Average Pooling. Here is the architecture of it
#input layer
input_= Input(shape = (64, 35))
lstm = LSTM(100, activation='tanh', return_sequences= True, kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001),
recurrent_initializer = 'glorot_uniform')(input_)
lstm = GlobalAveragePooling1D(data_format='channels_first')(lstm)
dense = Dense(20, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001), kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform')(lstm)
drop = Dropout(0.8)(dense)
dense1 = Dense(25, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001), kernel_initializer= 'he_uniform')(drop)
drop = Dropout(0.95)(dense1)
output = Dense(10,activation = 'softmax', kernel_regularizer = l2(0.000001), kernel_initializer= 'glorot_uniform')(drop)
model_2 = Model(inputs = [input_], outputs = output)
Having summary as -
I need to calculate the F1 score to check the performance of the model, I have implemented a custom callback and used TensorFlow addons F1 score too. However, I won't get the correct result, for every epoch I get the constant F1 score value.
On further digging, I found out that my model predicts the same class label, for the entire epoch, whereas it is supposed to predict 10 classes in one epoch. as there are 10 class label values present.
Here is my model.compile and model.predict commands. I have used TensorFlow addon here -
from tensorflow import keras
opt = keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001, clipnorm=0.8)
model_2.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics = metric)
hist =[X_train_spectrogram],
validation_data= ([X_test_spectrogram], [y_test_converted]),
epochs = 10,
verbose =1,
callbacks=[tensorBoard_callbk2, ClearMemory()],
# steps_per_epoch = 3,
Here is what I mean by getting the same prediction, the entire array is filled with the same predicted values.
Why is the model predicting the same class label? or How to rectify it?
I have tried increasing the number of trainable parameters, increasing - decreasing batch size too, but it won't help me. If anyone knows can you please help me out?

How to extract the hidden vector (the output of the ReLU after the third encoder layer) as the image representation

I am implementing an autoencoder using the Fashion Mnsit dataset. The code for the encoder-
class MNISTClassifier(Model):
def __init__(self):
super(MNISTClassifier, self).__init__()
self.encoder = Sequential([
layers.Dense(128, activation = "relu"),
layers.Dense(64, activation = "relu"),
layers.Dense(32, activation = "relu")
self.decoder = Sequential([
layers.Dense(64, activation = "relu"),
layers.Dense(128, activation= "relu"),
layers.Dense(784, activation= "relu")
def call(self, x):
encoded = self.encoder(x)
decoded = self.decoder(encoded)
return decoded
autoencoder = MNISTClassifier()
now I want to train an SVM classifier on the image representations extracted from the above autoencoder mean
Once the above fully-connected autoencoder is trained, for each image, I want to extract the 32-
dimensional hidden vector (the output of the ReLU after the third encoder layer) as the
image representation and then train a linear SVM classifier on the training images of fashion mnist based on the 32-
dimensional features.
How to extract the output 32-
dimensional hidden vector??
Thanks in Advance!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recommend to use Functional API in order to define multiple outputs of your model because of a more clear code. However, you can do this with Sequential model by getting the output of any layer you want and add to your model's output.
Print your model.summary() and check your layers to find which layer you want to branch. You can access each layer's output by it's index with model.layers[index].output .
Then you can create a multi-output model of the layers you want, like this:
third_layer = model.layers[2]
last_layer = model.layers[-1]
my_model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=(third_layer.output, last_layer.output))
Then, you can access the outputs of both of layers you have defined:
third_layer_predict, last_layer_predict = my_model.predict(X_test)

<NameError: name 'categorical_crossentropy' is not defined> when trying to load a model

I have a custom keras model built:
def create_model(input_dim,
Creates simple Conv-Bi-RNN model used for word classification approach.
input_dim - Integer, size of inputs (Example: 161 if using spectrogram, 13 for mfcc)
filters - Integer, number of filters for the Conv1D layer
kernel_size - Integer, size of kernel for Conv layer
strides - Integer, stride size for the Conv layer
padding - String, padding version for the Conv layer ('valid' or 'same')
rnn_units - Integer, number of units/neurons for the RNN layer(s)
output_dim - Integer, number of output neurons/units at the output layer
NOTE: For speech_to_text approach, this number will be number of characters that may occur
dropout_rate - Float, percentage of dropout regularization at each RNN layer, between 0 and 1
cell - Keras function, for a type of RNN layer * Valid solutions: LSTM, GRU, BasicRNN
activation - String, activation type at the RNN layer
model - Keras Model object
keras.losses.custom_loss = 'categorical_crossentropy'
#Defines Input layer for the model
input_data = Input(name='inputs', shape=input_dim)
#Defines 1D Conv block (Conv layer + batch norm)
conv_1d = Conv1D(filters,
conv_bn = BatchNormalization(name='conv_batch_norm')(conv_1d)
#Defines Bi-Directional RNN block (Bi-RNN layer + batch norm)
layer = cell(rnn_units, activation=activation,
return_sequences=True, implementation=2, name='rnn_1', dropout=dropout_rate)(conv_bn)
layer = BatchNormalization(name='bt_rnn_1')(layer)
#Defines Bi-Directional RNN block (Bi-RNN layer + batch norm)
layer = cell(rnn_units, activation=activation,
return_sequences=True, implementation=2, name='final_layer_of_rnn')(layer)
layer = BatchNormalization(name='bt_rnn_final')(layer)
layer = Flatten()(layer)
#squish RNN features to match number of classes
time_dense = Dense(output_dim)(layer)
#Define model predictions with softmax activation
y_pred = Activation('softmax', name='softmax')(time_dense)
#Defines Model itself, and use lambda function to define output length based on inputs
model = Model(inputs=input_data, outputs=y_pred)
model.output_length = lambda x: cnn_output_length(x, kernel_size, padding, strides)
#Adds categorical crossentropy loss for the classification model
model = add_categorical_loss(model , output_dim)
#compile the model with choosen loss and optimizer
model.compile(loss={'categorical_crossentropy': lambda y_true, y_pred: y_pred},
optimizer=keras.optimizers.RMSprop(), metrics=['accuracy'])
print("\r\ncompile the model with choosen loss and optimizer\r\n")
return model
and after training model:
checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=save_path+'tst_model.hdf5')
#Train the choosen model with the data generator
hist = model.fit_generator(generator=generator.next_train(), #Calls generators next_train function which generates new batch of training data
steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, #Defines how many training steps are there
epochs=epochs, #Defines how many epochs does a training process takes
validation_data=generator.next_valid(), #Calls generators next_valid function which generates new batch of validation data
validation_steps=validation_steps, #Defines how many validation steps are theere
callbacks=[checkpointer], #Defines all callbacks (In this case we only have molde checkpointer that saves the model)
Adter thet I am trying to load the latest checkpoint model as follows:
from keras.models import load_model
model = load_model(filepath=save_path+'tst_model.hdf5')
and get:
NameError: name 'categorical_crossentropy' is not defined
What i doing wrong?
Ubuntu 18.04
Python 3.6.8
TensorFlow 2.0
TensorFlow backend 2.3.1
You must import the library.
from tensorflow.keras.losses import categorical_crossentropy
When you load your model, tensorflow will automatically try to compile it (see the compile arguments of tf.keras.load_model). There's 2 ways to give away this warning:
If you provided a custom loss for the model you must include it in the tf.keras.load_model() function (see custom_objects argument; it is a dict object).
Set the compile argument to False.