Vue - Form inside another form and submit event trigger - vue.js

I have a form inside another form and I want to prevent default action for both forms on submit event:
Vue component:
<div v-show="isActive" #submit.prevent="onSubmit">
<slot :form="form"></slot>
<form method="POST" action="/update-user">
// form fields part 1
<form method="GET" action="/delete-user">
<button type="submit">
<span>{{ $is_deleted ? 'Cancel Delete' : 'Delete Account' }}</span>
// form fields part 2
<button type="submit">
When I submit update-user form then the component onSubmit method is hit and prevents default action. However, when I hit delete-user form then the onSubmit method is not hit and the page gets reloaded.
If I get the second form outside of the first one, then it works.
How I can trigger onSubmit method for the second form?

No, This looks like nested form and it violates the spec as outlined in Prohibitions.
Form must not contain another form. I think you should design your app differently. May be two different forms. Or just use plain ajax request as its a vue app anyway?


How to submit a form from another component outside of the form container Vue

I have a form on my page which I wish to trigger the submit from another button outside of the form how can I do this?
You have to add a ref to the HTML form
<form ref="form">
<input name="field" v-model="value">
Then inside your methods you can use the reference to submit the form
methods: {
send: function(){
and you can call the send method wherever your want.
You can learn more about ref attribute here

Vuejs - How to submit only the visible elements in a single form (with Vuelidate)

I have a form which includes some hidden and visible elements inside of it and I want to submit some of the elements without validating the hidden ones. At the top of my form there are three radio buttons and they control my form elements. When radiobutton1 selected, some of my form elements become visible and when another radio button is selected, there are some other form elements are visible and some of them are hidden. My question is how am I going to submit my form elements if only they are visible? All of the inputs should be in a single form so I am not allowed to separate them into different forms or different components. What I need to do is when I click the submit button of my form, the form should only submit the visible elements, and it shouldn't send me any error because I left some of the inputs empty (the hidden ones).
I also use Vuedalite so I couldn't figure out how to handle this problem. All of the input fields in the form has the required rule but this rule should be active ONLY IF THEY ARE VISIBLE.
Here is a little code.
<form #submit.prevent="submitForm">
<!-- Content Section -->
<div v-show="showContent">
<!-- Name Field-->
<input v-model="name" :class="{'is-invalid' : $v.networkname2GHz.$error }" type="text"/>
<small class="errorMessage" v-if="!$ && $$dirty">Name field is required.</small>
<!-- Surname -->
<!-- Content Section -->
<div v-show="showContent">
<!-- Surname Field-->
<label>Surname </label>
<input v-model="surname" :class="{'is-invalid' : $v.surname.$error }" type="text"/>
<small class="errorMessage" v-if="!$v.surname.required && $v.surname.$dirty">Surnamefield is required.</small>
<div show="showContent">
<button type="submit">Save</button>
What I want to do is when the user selects the Name radio button only the Name field of the form will be visible and Surname will be hidden, I've done that, no problem. But how do I submit only the name field when surname still empty and has the required rule?
You can use v-if instead of v-show.
The main difference between the two is that, v-if - Only renders the element to the DOM if the expression passes. v-show - Renders all elements to the DOM and then uses the CSS display property to hide elements if the expression fails.

VueJs handle Form Submit on Enter press

I have a background in Angular. Starting with vue was an okay experience for me until I came across a problem which VueJS developers seem to have shit on and slid under the carpet.
How can we create a form in which user can press enter from an input field to submit the form
This was seriously disappointing.
and please if you know the answer be kind enough to post in the Official vue documentation as well.
my workaround: I used v-on:keydown.enter.prevent='loginUser' on every input field.
is there any way to not use it this way ( on every input field).
With button type as submit as well, form gets submitted when Enter key is pressed on any input.
No explicit binding is required on keypress.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
title: "Vue 2 -Form submission on Enter",
console.log('submitted', this.formInput)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"><h2>{{title}}</h2>
<form v-on:submit.prevent="onSubmit" class="form">
<input v-model="formInput.fname" #keydown.enter.prevent placeholder="first name"/>
<input v-model="formInput.lname" placeholder="last name"/>
<input v-model="formInput.gender" name="gender" placeholder="Gender" type="radio" value="male"/>male
<input v-model="formInput.gender" name="gender" placeholder="Gender" type="radio" value="female"/>Female
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
I'd urge you to check out this page on the VueJS documentation.
It explains how to set events on certain interactions. For example, you can trigger a function call on pressing the Enter key within an input field by doing this:
<input type="text" #keyup.enter="submit">
This will call the submit() method when the Enter key is pressed and released (keyup). On press, you can use keydown instead.'
In fact, the example I've taken is directly from this section in the page I linked above.
EDIT: A pure-HTML way to do this is to set your input type as submit, which will allow Enter to submit the form
You need to wrap your inputs within <form> ... </form> tag

How to reset vue modal component working with vue-show to use autofocus

I made modal component using v-show options live below.
<registerModal v-show="register.etcCompanyVisible" />
Thus, when register.etcCompanyVisible is true, this modal appears.
And this modal has some input like this.
<input type="text" v-model="etcCompanyName" placeholder="name" autofocus />
When this modal is opened at first time, the autofocus works well.
And then, this modal can be closed with cancel button by changing register.etcComapnyVisible to false.
<button class="btn secondary" v-on:click="etcCompanyVisibleClosed()">Cancel</button>
When I open modal again, the autofocus doesn't work. I think it needs some reset option for this modal, but I don't know how it can be done.
Could you give me some recommendation? Thank you so much for reading.
My understanding is that the autofocus attribute is only reliable on page load, so you need to handle the focus event yourself.
The easiest way to do this is to put a ref on your input.
<input ref="companyName" type="text" v-model="etcCompanyName" placeholder="name"/>
Then when you launch your modal, maybe you are using a button, call the focus on that $ref.
<button #click="focusInput">launch modal</button>
foucusInput() {
Note that you could use the same method to dynamically focus inputs in a certain order. Here is a fiddle demonstrating that using button clicks but you could easily use this to move from one input to the next automatically after a certain condition is met.

Validate a form with fields wrapped in another components in Aurelia

I'm wondering if I can validate a form with input fields that are wrapped in another components.
Something like this:
<require from="./inpWrap"></require>
<form submit.delegate="submit()">
<div class="form-group">
<inp-wrap value.bind="firstName & validate"></inp-wrap>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
Here's the full gist:
Visually, in this example, the validation will run only on running the .validate() method (by clicking on the submit button) for the wrapped element.
Would it be possible to have the same validation behaviour for the component-wrapped elements?