What is the best approach for dealing with RabbitMQ DLQ messages in Spring AMQP - rabbitmq

I am using Spring AMQP to listen RabbitMQ queue. While listening queue, depending on business logic, my service can throw RuntimeException and in this case message will retry several times. After max count retries, message will stay in DLQ. And I am wondering, what is the best approach to deal with these messages in DLQ? I read from blogs that I can use ParkingLot Queue. But also in this case, how to monitor the queue and notify people about dead-letter messages?
P.S. Sorry for my English. Hope that I was able to explain my problem :)

You can use the RabbitMQ REST api (Hop client) to get the status of the DLQ.
You can also use Spring's RabbitAdmin.getQueueProperties("my.dlq") to get the message count.
Other options include adding another listener on the DLQ and run it periodically to either send it back to the original queue or send it to a parking lot queue if it fails too many times.
There's an example of that in the spring cloud stream documentation.


Aggregator pattern in RabbitMQ

Is it possible to implement the aggregator pattern in RabbitMQ?
I have A … N messages that I need to wait for/aggregate before sending off to another queue X.
So I'm thinking I will have some kind of unique ID that ensures that messages are routed exclusively to the same consumer and then wait for all the messages to arrive.
Is this possible in RabbitMQ?
Yes, it is possible.
But this is not RabbitMQ specific. Understanding what to aggregate and how to do it is beyond the responsibility of the message broker.
You need to write a service to subscribe to the relevant messages and then publish the result back. In the context of RabbitMQ, you could use routing keys to ensure the right consumer gets the messages, but that is not the only way.

Instruct RabbitMQ to resend undelivered messages periodically

We're using langohr to interact with RabbitMQ. We've tried two different approaches to let RabbitMQ resend messages that has not yet been properly handled by our service. One way that works is to send a basic.nack with requeue set to the true but this will resend the message immediately until the service responds with a basic.ack. This is a bit problematic if the service for example tries to persist the message to a datastore that is currently down (and is down for a while). It would be better for us to just fetch the undelivered messages say every 20 seconds or so (i.e. we neither do a basic.ack or basic.nack if the datastore is down, we just let the messages be retained in the queue). We've tried to implement this using an ExecutorService whose gist is implemented like this:
(let [chan (lch/open conn)] ; We create a new channel since channels in Langohr are not thread-safe
(log/info "Triggering \"recover\" for channel" chan)
(lb/recover chan)
(catch Exception e (log/error "Failed to call recover" e))
(finally (lch/close chan))))
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work (the messages are not redelivered and just remains in the queue). If we restart the service the queued messages are consumed correctly. However we have other services that are implemented using spring-rabbitmq (in Java) and they seem to be taking care of this out of the box. I've tried looking in the source code to figure out how they do it but I haven't managed to do so yet.
How do you instruct RabbitMQ to (re-)deliver messages in the queue periodically (preferably using Langohr)?
I am not sure what you are doing with your Spring AMQP apps, but there's nothing built into RabbitMQ for this.
However, it's pretty easy to set up dead-lettering using a TTL to requeue back to the original queue after some period of time. See this answer for examples, links etc.
However, Spring AMQP does have a retry interceptor which can be configured to suspend the consumer thread for some period(s) during retry.
Stateful retry rejects and requeues; stateless retry handles the retries internally and has no interaction with the broker during retries.
See this answer which has instructions: we Nack the message, the nack puts the message into a holding queue for N seconds, then it TTLs out of that queue and into another queue that puts it back in the original queue.
It took a little bit of work to setup, but it works great!

auto process with DLQ configuration in spring xd

1)I want to configure DLQ for my stream
stream create --name httptest7 --definition "http | http-client --url='''http://localhost:8080/mock-sentmessage/customers/send-email''' --httpMethod=GET | log"
stream deploy httptest7 --properties module.*.consumer.autoBindDLQ=true
2)I have made
I had one doubt if suppose spring xd fails to process my messages and post it to dlq .Will they me automatically moved to My original queue to retry or should i write a processor to move my DLQ messages to my original queue
3)Now i bring down my webservice http://localhost:8080/mock-sentmessage/customers/send-email i can see message filling in my dlq.
4)When i bring up my service up . But as per my understanding I thought from DLQ the message will be retried again when my service is up.
But From DLQ its not retried again .Any configuration I need to set for ?
As per documentation:
There is no automated mechanism provided to move dead lettered messages back to the bus queue.
I am not sure what your question is, or even if you have one; you seem to have answered your own question by quoting the documentation:
There is no automated mechanism provided to move dead lettered messages back to the bus queue.
So, no; there is no "setting" you can change.
There are a couple of things you can do - write your own code to move the messages back to the main queue from the DLQ; it would just take a few lines of Java using Spring AMQP, or in any language of your choice.
You can also use the technique described here whereby you set a message TTL on the DLQ, and configure it to route back to the main queue when the TTL expires.
Just so you know, You can use shovel plugin in Rabbitmq to do the movement from DLQ back to the bus queue.

How does RabbitMQ send messages to consumers?

I am a newbie to RabbitMQ, hence need guidance on a basic question:
Does RabbitMQ send messages to consumer as they arrive?
Does RabbitMQ send messages to consumer as they become available?
At message consumption endpoint, I am using com.rabbitmq.client.QueueingConsumer.
Looking at the sprint client source code, I could figure out that
QueueingConsumer keeps listening on socket for any messages the broker sends to it
Any message that is received is parsed and stored as Delivery in a LinkedBlockingQueue encapsulated inside the QueueingConsumer.
This implies that even if the message processing endpoint is busy, messages will be pushed to QueueingConsumer
Is this understanding right?
TLDR: you poll messages from RabbitMQ till the prefetch count is exceeded in which case you will block and only receive heart beat frames till the fetch messages are ACKed. So you can poll but you will only get new messages if the number of non-acked messages is less than the prefetch count. New messages are put on the QueueingConsumer and in theory you should never really have much more than the prefetch count in that QueueingConsumer internal queue.
Low level wise for (I'm probably going to get some of this wrong) RabbitMQ itself doesn't actually push messages. The client has to continuously read the connections for Frames based on the AMQP protocol. Its hard to classify this as push or pull but just know the client has to continuously read the connection and because the Java client is sadly BIO it is a blocking/polling operation. The blocking/polling is based on the AMQP heartbeat frames and regular frames and socket timeout configuration.
What happens in the Java RabbitMQ client is that there is thread for each channel (or maybe its connection) and that thread loops gathering frames from RabbitMQ which eventually become commands that are put in a blocking queue (I believe its like a SynchronousQueue aka handoff queue but Rabbit has its own special one).
The QueueingConsumer is a higher level API and will pull commands off of that handoff queue mentioned early because if commands are left on the handoff queue it will block the channel frame gathering loop. This is can be bad because timeout the connection. Also the QueueingConsumer allows work to be done on a separate thread instead of being in the same thread as the looping frame thread mentioned earlier.
Now if you look at most Consumer implementations you will probably notice that they are almost always unbounded blocking queues. I'm not entirely sure why the bounding of these queues can't be a multiplier of the prefetch but if they are less than the prefetch it will certainly cause problems with the connection timing out.
I think best answer is product's own answer. As RMQ has both push + pull mechanism defined as part of the protocol. Have a look : https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html
Rabbitmq mainly uses Push mechanism. Poll will consume bandwidth of the server. Poll also has time gaps between each poll. It will not able to achieve low latency. Rabbitmq will push the message to client once there are consumers available for the queue. So the connection is long running. ReadFrame in rabbitmq is basically waiting for incoming frames

Stopping consumers from consuming messages from queue

I am starting with ActiveMQ and I have a usecase. i have n producers sending messages into a Queue Q1. I want to stop the delivery of messages (i.e. i do not want consumers to consume those messages). I want to store the messages for sometime without those being consumed.
I was looking at ways this can be achieved. These two things came into my mind based on what i browsed through.
Using Mirrored queues, so that I can wiretap the messages and save into a virtual queue.
Possibly stop consumers from doing a PULL on the queue.
Another dirty way of doing this is by making consumers not send ack messages once its consumed a message from the queue.
We are currently not happy with either of these.
Any other way you can suggest.
Thanks in advance.
If you always want message delivery to be delayed you can use the scheduler feature of ActiveMQ to delay delivery until a set time or a fixed delay etc.
Other strategies might also work but it really up to you to design something that fits your use case. You can try to use Apache Camel to define a route that implements the logic of your use case to either dispatch a message to a Queue or send it to the scheduler for delayed processing. It all really depends on your use case and requirements.