Role of private & non-private initializers in (Dart) private & non-private class constructors? - oop

I'm new to OOP currently with intermediate level of understanding. I'm constantly gaining ground by learning Dart and C#. I'm also exploring the design patterns to really understand how it all clicks together based on different scenarios. As for now I'm trying to make sense of following 4 scenarios related to class constructors. I understand the implications of underscore at constructor level and at initializer level. But I am looking for something that may seem quite obvious and clear to experienced programmers out there. Please share your valuable insights as I don't know what I'm missing here.
Scenario 1: Private Constructor with no initializer
I know this is different from Singleton. Singleton allows single instantiation, this below does not even once. Is there something more to it?
Real World Example:
class Firebase {
// Ensures end-users cannot initialize the class.
Scenario 2: Private Constructor with optional public or non-private initializer
What's the use of this type of private constructor that has non-private initializer ( Why have a non-private initializer ( in a private constructor? What is achieved through this?
Real World Example:
class FirebaseAuth extends FirebasePluginPlatform {
/// The [FirebaseApp] for this current Auth instance.
FirebaseApp app;
: super(, '');
/// Returns an instance using the default [FirebaseApp].
static FirebaseAuth get instance {
FirebaseApp defaultAppInstance =;
return FirebaseAuth.instanceFor(app: defaultAppInstance);
Scenario 3: public Constructor with private initializer
Why have a private property in a non-private constructor? What is achieved through this?
Fictitious Example:
class Constructify {
Map<String,dynamic> _property;
Scenario 4: Private Constructor with private initializer
Why have a private initializer at all when the constructor itself is private? What is achieved through this?
Real World Example:
class FirebaseApp {
/// A [FirebaseApp] instance can only be accessed from a call to `app()` [FirebaseCore].
/// This constructor ensures that the delegate instance it is constructed with is one which extends [FirebaseAppPlatform].
FirebaseApp._(this._delegate) {
final FirebaseAppPlatform _delegate;

Scenario 1: _ in Dart means the variable/method/function/constructor is package private. So as long as we are inside the same package, we are allowed to use the field. So in Scenario 1 this actually means we can only create Firebase objects if we call the constructor from the package where Firebase has been declared. This will also prevent you from extending the class in another package since we cannot call the constructor on the Firebase class we are extending from.
Scenario 2: The package private constructor ensures that objects can only be created by code from the same package. The named app parameter is marked required so it is not optional. After the object has been created, you can in this case change the app variable. I don't know if this makes sense in this scenario but you can do it. I would properly in most cases mark app as final.
Scenario 3: The private field can be set to a value using the constructor but since the field is package private, we can ensure nobody outside our package can access the field afterwards.
Scenario 4: A package private constructor is used by some other code in the same package. If you want to ensure only your own package are allowed to create new objects of FirebaseApp and don't want code outside your package to get access to the field _delegate, you can do what this example does.


Implement class with private constructor in Kotlin

I'd like to write a little stub for a service class. The reason is, that I don't want to push the secret API keys that the service class needs to the CI and I don't want the service class in the CI to run against the external service anyways.
However, the service class is non-abstract and has a private constructor.
When I try to create my stub class like:
open class FirebaseMock: FirebaseMessaging {
// implemented functions go here
it says
This type has a constructor, and thus must be initialized here
If I try to initialize it like:
open class FirebaseMock: FirebaseMessaging() {
// implemented functions go here
it goes
Cannot access '<init>': it is private in 'FirebaseMessaging'
Which is true:
private FirebaseMessaging(Builder builder) {
All I want to do is make my stub class formally a subclass of FirebaseMessaging to use it as placeholder, that mocks the FirebaseMessaging-Functionality when the API keys are not present.
How can I just implement a non-abstract, non-interface class, that has a private constructor nonetheless.
My current solution is a wrapper, which works but is not as nice.
Mockito etc. does not seem like a good solution, since this is still in the productive code.

How to Solve Circular Dependency

Hi I have a problem with the structure of my code, it somehow goes into Circular Dependency. Here is an explanation of how my code looks like:
I have a ProjectA contains BaseProcessor and BaseProcessor has a reference to a class called Structure in ProjectB. Inside BaseProcessor, there is an instance of Structure as a variable.
In projectB there are someother classes such as Pricing, Transaction etc.
Every class in ProjectB has a base class called BaseStructure i.e. Structure, Pricing and Transaction classes all inherited from BaseStructure.
Now in Pricing and Transaction classes, I want to call a method in BaseProcessor class from BaseStructure class which causing Circular Dependency.
What I have tried is:
Using Unity, but I didn't figure out how to make it work because I try to use function like:
unityContainer.ReferenceType(IBaseProcessor, BaseProcessor)
in BaseStructure then it will need a reference of BaseProcessor which also cause Circular Dependency.
And I've also tried creating an interface of IBaseProcessor and create a function(the function I want to call) declaration in this interface. And let both BaseProcessor and BaseStructure inherit this interface. But how can I call the function in Pricing and Transaction class without create an instance of BaseProcessor?
Can anyone please tell me how to resolve this problem other than using reflection?
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks :)
You could use the lazy resolution:
public class Pricing {
private Lazy<BaseProcessor> proc;
public Pricing(Lazy<BaseProcessor> proc) {
this.proc = proc;
void Foo() {
Note that you haven't to register the Lazy because Unity will resolve it by BaseProcessor registration.
Your DI container can't help solving the circular reference, since it is the dependency structure of the application that prevents objects from being created. Even without a DI container, you can't construct your object graphs without some special 'tricks'.
Do note that in most cases cyclic dependency graphs are a sign of a design flaw in your application, so you might want to consider taking a very close look at your design and see if this can't be solved by extracting logic into separate classes.
But if this is not an option, there are basically two ways of resolving this cyclic dependency graph. Either you need to fallback to property injection, or need to postpone resolving the component with a factory, Func<T>, or like #onof proposed with a Lazy<T>.
Within these two flavors, there are a lot of possible ways to do this, for instance by falling back to property injection into your application (excuse my C#):
public class BaseStructure {
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1) { ... }
// Break the dependency cycle using a property
public IBaseProcessor Processor { get; set; }
This moves the IBaseProcessor dependency from the constructor to a property and allows you to set it after the graph is constructed. Here's an example of an object graph that is built manually:
var structure = new Structure(new SomeDependency());
var processor = new BaseProcessor(structure);
// Set the property after the graph has been constructed.
structure.Processor = processor;
A better option is to hide the property inside your Composition Root. This makes your application design cleaner, since you can keep using constructor injection. Example:
public class BaseStructure {
// vanilla constructor injection here
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1, IBaseProcessor processor) { ... }
// Defined inside your Composition Root.
private class CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor : IBaseProcessor {
public IBaseProcessor WrappedProcessor { get; set; }
void IBaseProcessor.TheMethod() {
// forward the call to the real processor.
Now instead of injecting the BaseProcessor into your Structure, you inject the CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor, which will be further initialized after the construction of the graph:
var cyclicBreaker = new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor();
var processor = new BaseProcessor(new Structure(new SomeDependency(), cyclicBreaker));
// Set the property after the graph has been constructed.
cyclicBreaker.WrappedProcessor = processor;
This is basically the same as before, but now the application stays oblivious from the fact that there is a cyclic dependency that needed to be broken.
Instead of using property injection, you can also use Lazy<T>, but just as with the property injection, it is best to hide this implementation detail inside your Composition Root, and don't let Lazy<T> values leak into your application, since this just adds noise to your application, which makes your code more complex and harder to test. Besides, the application shouldn't care that the dependency injection is delayed. Just as with Func<T> (and IEnumerable<T>), when injecting a Lazy<T> the dependency is defined with a particular implementation in mind and we're leaking implementation details. So it's better to do the following:
public class BaseStructure {
// vanilla constructor injection here
public BaseStructure(IDependency d1, IBaseProcessor processor) { ... }
// Defined inside your Composition Root.
public class CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor : IBaseProcessor {
public CyclicDependencyBreakingBaseProcessor(Lazy<IBaseProcessor> processor) {...}
void IBaseProcessor.TheMethod() {
With the following wiring:
IBaseProcessor value = null;
var cyclicBreaker = new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor(
new Lazy<IBaseProcessor>(() => value));
var processor = new BaseProcessor(new Structure(new SomeDependency(), cyclicBreaker));
// Set the value after the graph has been constructed.
value = processor;
Up until now I only showed how to build up the object graph manually. When doing this using a DI container, you usually want to let the DI container build up the complete graph for you, since this yields a more maintainable Composition Root. But this can make it a bit more tricky to break the cyclic dependencies. In most cases the trick is to register the component that you want to break with a caching lifestyle (basically anything else than transient). Per Web Request Lifestyle for instance. This allows you to get the same instance in a lazy fashion.
Using the last CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor example, we can create the following Unity registration:
container.Register<BaseProcessor>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IStructure, Structure>();
container.RegisterType<IDependency, SomeDependenc>();
container.Register<IBaseProcessor>(new InjectionFactory(c =>
new CyclicDependencyBreakingProcessor(
new Lazy<IBaseProcessor>(() => c.GetInstance<BaseProcessor>())));

How can I make some members available to only one object?

I have an EggSac object which contains references to >100 000 Egg objects. Some variables in the Eggs have to be maintained to be consistent with EggSac, so I want to make these only changeable by EggSac. However EggSac passes references to its Eggs all over the application, so if I use public methods then any other code could modify the secure parts of the Eggs by accident.
What's a proper OO way to make sure only the EggSac object can call the "secure" methods of the Eggs, but still make the "safe" methods available to everyone?
My idea is to split Egg's class into a base class containing only safe methods and a derived class containing the secure methods that only EggSac should have access to. Then EggSac has members of the type of the derived class, but it casts them to their base class whenever something else wants one.
Have EggSack hold references to EggImpl, which implements all the necessary methods. Then pass around wrappers over the impl (the Egg class) which only call the "safe" methods on the impl.
When you say security, do you mean avoiding accidental code modification?
A structured way can be something like below.
If you want to make it really 'secure', then you can modify the code to store a string*HashCode* inside the calling class and only if it's matched (inside called ) in Egg, modification is allowed.
Interface ISecureModifier
String GetSecureModifierKEY();
String GetSecureModifierVALUE();
class Egg
Dictionary Secure_ata;
public secureDataModifier( ISecureModifier modifyingObject)//note the interface being used
//Here, try a cast (if your compiler still allowed other type objects not implementing ISecureModifier ) and throw exception stating not authorized to modify.
/*Now write the code to modify Dictionary*/
class EggSac:ISecureModifier//implements interface
private string SecureModifierKEY;
private string SecureModifierVALUE
String GetSecureModifierKEY()//inteface impl
return SecureModifierKEY;
String GetSecureModifierVALUE();//interface impl
return SecureModifierVALUE;
ModifySecureData(Egg egg, string key, string value)
egg.secureDataModifier(this);//passing own reference
You may call like this
objEggSack.ModifySecureData(objEgg101, "firstKey","NewValue")

What is the use of making constructor private in a class?

Why should we make the constructor private in class? As we always need the constructor to be public.
Some reasons where you may need private constructor:
The constructor can only be accessed from static factory method inside the class itself. Singleton can also belong to this category.
A utility class, that only contains static methods.
By providing a private constructor you prevent class instances from being created in any place other than this very class. There are several use cases for providing such constructor.
A. Your class instances are created in a static method. The static method is then declared as public.
class MyClass()
MyClass() { }
static MyClass * CreateInstance() { return new MyClass(); }
B. Your class is a singleton. This means, not more than one instance of your class exists in the program.
class MyClass()
MyClass() { }
MyClass & Instance()
static MyClass * aGlobalInst = new MyClass();
return *aGlobalInst;
C. (Only applies to the upcoming C++0x standard) You have several constructors. Some of them are declared public, others private. For reducing code size, public constructors 'call' private constructors which in turn do all the work. Your public constructors are thus called delegating constructors:
class MyClass
MyClass() : MyClass(2010, 1, 1) { }
MyClass(int theYear, int theMonth, int theDay) { /* do real work */ }
D. You want to limit object copying (for example, because of using a shared resource):
class MyClass
SharedResource * myResource;
MyClass(const MyClass & theOriginal) { }
E. Your class is a utility class. That means, it only contains static members. In this case, no object instance must ever be created in the program.
To leave a "back door" that allows another friend class/function to construct an object in a way forbidden to the user. An example that comes to mind would be a container constructing an iterator (C++):
Iterator Container::begin() { return Iterator(this->beginPtr_); }
// Iterator(pointer_type p) constructor is private,
// and Container is a friend of Iterator.
Everyone is stuck on the Singleton thing, wow.
Other things:
Stop people from creating your class on the stack; make private constructors and only hand back pointers via a factory method.
Preventing creating copys of the class (private copy constructor)
This can be very useful for a constructor that contains common code; private constructors can be called by other constructors, using the 'this(...);' notation. By making the common initialization code in a private (or protected) constructor, you are also making explicitly clear that it is called only during construction, which is not so if it were simply a method:
public class Point {
public Point() {
this(0,0); // call common constructor
private Point(int x,int y) {
m_x = x; m_y = y;
There are some instances where you might not want to use a public constructor; for example if you want a singleton class.
If you are writing an assembly used by 3rd parties there could be a number of internal classes that you only want created by your assembly and not to be instantiated by users of your assembly.
This ensures that you (the class with private constructor) control how the contructor is called.
An example : A static factory method on the class could return objects as the factory method choses to allocate them (like a singleton factory for example).
We can also have private constructor,
to enfore the object's creation by a specific class
only(For security reasons).
One way to do it is through having a friend class.
C++ example:
class ClientClass;
class SecureClass
SecureClass(); // Constructor is private.
friend class ClientClass; // All methods in
//ClientClass have access to private
// & protected methods of SecureClass.
class ClientClass
SecureClass* CreateSecureClass()
return (new SecureClass()); // we can access
// constructor of
// SecureClass as
// ClientClass is friend
// of SecureClass.
Note: Note: Only ClientClass (since it is friend of SecureClass)
can call SecureClass's Constructor.
You shouldn't make the constructor private. Period. Make it protected, so you can extend the class if you need to.
Edit: I'm standing by that, no matter how many downvotes you throw at this.
You're cutting off the potential for future development on the code. If other users or programmers are really determined to extend the class, then they'll just change the constructor to protected in source or bytecode. You will have accomplished nothing besides to make their life a little harder. Include a warning in your constructor's comments, and leave it at that.
If it's a utility class, the simpler, more correct, and more elegant solution is to mark the whole class "static final" to prevent extension. It doesn't do any good to just mark the constructor private; a really determined user may always use reflection to obtain the constructor.
Valid uses:
One good use of a protected
constructor is to force use of static
factory methods, which allow you to
limit instantiation or pool & reuse
expensive resources (DB connections,
native resources).
Singletons (usually not good practice, but sometimes necessary)
when you do not want users to create instances of this class or create class that inherits this class, like the java.lang.math, all the function in this package is static, all the functions can be called without creating an instance of math, so the constructor is announce as static.
If it's private, then you can't call it ==> you can't instantiate the class. Useful in some cases, like a singleton.
There's a discussion and some more examples here.
I saw a question from you addressing the same issue.
Simply if you don't want to allow the others to create instances, then keep the constuctor within a limited scope. The practical application (An example) is the singleton pattern.
Constructor is private for some purpose like when you need to implement singleton or limit the number of object of a class.
For instance in singleton implementation we have to make the constructor private
using namespace std;
class singletonClass
static int i;
static singletonClass* instance;
static singletonClass* createInstance()
instance =new singletonClass;
return instance;
void test()
cout<<"successfully created instance";
int singletonClass::i=0;
singletonClass* singletonClass::instance=NULL;
int main()
singletonClass *temp=singletonClass::createInstance();//////return instance!!!
Again if you want to limit the object creation upto 10 then use the following
using namespace std;
class singletonClass
static int i;
static singletonClass* instance;
static singletonClass* createInstance()
instance =new singletonClass;
return instance;
int singletonClass::i=0;
singletonClass* singletonClass::instance=NULL;
int main()
singletonClass *temp=singletonClass::createInstance();//return an instance
singletonClass *temp1=singletonClass::createInstance();///return another instance
You can have more than one constructor. C++ provides a default constructor and a default copy constructor if you don't provide one explicitly. Suppose you have a class that can only be constructed using some parameterized constructor. Maybe it initialized variables. If a user then uses this class without that constructor, they can cause no end of problems. A good general rule: If the default implementation is not valid, make both the default and copy constructor private and don't provide an implementation:
class C
C(int x);
C(const C &);
Use the compiler to prevent users from using the object with the default constructors that are not valid.
Quoting from Effective Java, you can have a class with private constructor to have a utility class that defines constants (as static final fields).
(EDIT: As per the comment this is something which might be applicable only with Java, I'm unaware if this construct is applicable/needed in other OO languages (say C++))
An example as below:
public class Constants {
private Contants():
public static final int ADDRESS_UNIT = 32;
Again, below explanation is applicable in Java : (and referring from the book, Effective Java)
An instantiation of utility class like the one below ,though not harmful, doesn't serve
any purpose since they are not designed to be instantiated.
For example, say there is no private Constructor for class Constants.
A code chunk like below is valid but doesn't better convey intention of
the user of Constants class
unit = (this.length)/new Constants().ADDRESS_UNIT;
in contrast with code like
unit = (this.length)/Constants.ADDRESS_UNIT;
Also I think a private constructor conveys the intention of the designer of the Constants
(say) class better.
Java provides a default parameterless public constructor if no constructor
is provided, and if your intention is to prevent instantiation then a private constructor is
One cannot mark a top level class static and even a final class can be instantiated.
Utility classes could have private constructors. Users of the classes should not be able to instantiate these classes:
public final class UtilityClass {
private UtilityClass() {}
public static utilityMethod1() {
You may want to prevent a class to be instantiated freely. See the singleton design pattern as an example. In order to guarantee the uniqueness, you can't let anyone create an instance of it :-)
One of the important use is in SingleTon class
class Person
private Person()
//Its private, Hense cannot be Instantiated
public static Person GetInstance()
//return new instance of Person
// In here I will be able to access private constructor
Its also suitable, If your class has only static methods. i.e nobody needs to instantiate your class
It's really one obvious reason: you want to build an object, but it's not practical to do it (in term of interface) within the constructor.
The Factory example is quite obvious, let me demonstrate the Named Constructor idiom.
Say I have a class Complex which can represent a complex number.
class Complex { public: Complex(double,double); .... };
The question is: does the constructor expects the real and imaginary parts, or does it expects the norm and angle (polar coordinates) ?
I can change the interface to make it easier:
class Complex
static Complex Regular(double, double = 0.0f);
static Complex Polar(double, double = 0.0f);
Complex(double, double);
}; // class Complex
This is called the Named Constructor idiom: the class can only be built from scratch by explicitly stating which constructor we wish to use.
It's a special case of many construction methods. The Design Patterns provide a good number of ways to build object: Builder, Factory, Abstract Factory, ... and a private constructor will ensure that the user is properly constrained.
In addition to the better-known uses…
To implement the Method Object pattern, which I’d summarize as:
“Private constructor, public static method”
“Object for implementation, function for interface”
If you want to implement a function using an object, and the object is not useful outside of doing a one-off computation (by a method call), then you have a Throwaway Object. You can encapsulate the object creation and method call in a static method, preventing this common anti-pattern:
z = new A(x,y).call();
…replacing it with a (namespaced) function call:
z = A.f(x,y);
The caller never needs to know or care that you’re using an object internally, yielding a cleaner interface, and preventing garbage from the object hanging around or incorrect use of the object.
For example, if you want to break up a computation across methods foo, bar, and zork, for example to share state without having to pass many values in and out of functions, you could implement it as follows:
class A {
public static Z f(x, y) {
A a = new A(x, y);;;
return a.zork();
private A(X x, Y y) { /* ... */ };
This Method Object pattern is given in Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck, pages 34–37, where it is the last step of a refactoring pattern, ending:
Replace the original method with one that creates an instance of the new class, constructed with the parameters and receiver of the original method, and invokes “compute”.
This differs significantly from the other examples here: the class is instantiable (unlike a utility class), but the instances are private (unlike factory methods, including singletons etc.), and can live on the stack, since they never escape.
This pattern is very useful in bottoms-up OOP, where objects are used to simplify low-level implementation, but are not necessarily exposed externally, and contrasts with the top-down OOP that is often presented and begins with high-level interfaces.
Sometimes is useful if you want to control how and when (and how many) instances of an object are created.
Among others, used in patterns:
Singleton pattern
Builder pattern
On use of private constructors could also be to increase readability/maintainability in the face of domain-driven design.
From "Microsoft .NET - Architecing Applications for the Enterprise, 2nd Edition":
var request = new OrderRequest(1234);
Quote, "There are two problems here. First, when looking at the code, one can hardly guess what’s going
on. An instance of OrderRequest is being created, but why and using which data? What’s 1234? This
leads to the second problem: you are violating the ubiquitous language of the bounded context. The
language probably says something like this: a customer can issue an order request and is allowed to
specify a purchase ID. If that’s the case, here’s a better way to get a new OrderRequest instance:"
var request = OrderRequest.CreateForCustomer(1234);
private OrderRequest() { ... }
public OrderRequest CreateForCustomer (int customerId)
var request = new OrderRequest();
return request;
I'm not advocating this for every single class, but for the above DDD scenario I think it makes perfect sense to prevent a direct creation of a new object.
If you create a private constructor you need to create the object inside the class
enter code here#include<iostream>
//factory method
using namespace std;
class Test
cout<<"Object created"<<endl;
static Test* m1(){
Test *t = new Test();
return t;
void m2(){
int main(){
Test *t = Test::m1();
return 0;

Ensuring only factory can create instance

class XFactory {
private XFactory() {}
static void getX() {
return new A(new XFactory());
return new B(new XFactory());
class A {
private A() {}
public A(XFactory xf) {}
class B {
private B() {}
public A(XFactory xf) {}
By this way I can ensure only Factory can create instances of it's belonging Classes.
Is this right approach or there is any other alternative/good approach?
The common approach (in C++) is to make the "belonging classes" constructors private, and have them declare the factory class as friend.
I would make classes A and B friends of XFactory, and keep all their constructors private. Therefore, only XFactory has access to their constructors.
That is, in C++. In Java or C#, I don't see any clean way of enforcing that at compile-time. Your example is far from fool-proof and even a bit confusing, since as long as one has an instance of XFactory, he can pass it to the constructor of A or B and instantiate them directly like that.
If you were up for hacks and could not make your constructors private, you could:
Make your factory a global singleton and to create an object:
Create a random key
Add that key to a private list in the factory object of keys in use
Pass the key to the constructor
Have the constructor retrieve the global factory object and call it to validate the key.
If they key validation fails, scuttle your program (call exit, die, ... whatever is appropriate). Or possibly email a stack tract to an admin. This is the kind of thing that should be caught quickly.
(Do I get hack points?)
In Java you can make the constructors private and provide the factory in the form of a public nested class, since nested classes have access to the private members of the class in which they are declared.
public class ExampleClass {
private ExampleClass() {
public class NestedFactory {
public ExampleClass createExample() {
return new ExampleClass();
Anyone who wanted to could create an instance of ExampleClass.NestedFactory and through it instantiate ExampleClasses.
I haven't been able to figure out a way to do this that lets you then inherit from ExampleClass since the Java compiler demands that you specify a constructor for the superclass... so that's a disadvantage.