How do I select attributes from another selection of elements - sql

I am using Excel's Power Query in order to test a SQL query that I am eventually going to use in order to make a pivot table that stays updated with the database. The database is accessed through an ODBC.
The problem is not related to Power Query itself but simply the SQL request.
Here I am trying to select all bills from the "facturation" (French database) table that are from the current year (2021). I am naming this selected data FACTURES_ANEE_COURANTE.
Then I want to also select some attributes of those items from 2021 in order to display them in the pivot table, but only on the selection that I just made in order to only select (and show) bills from the current year.
from facturation
where year(date_fact)=2021 limit 3, select date_fact from FACTURES_ANNEE_COURANTE
I only have very basic knowledge of SQL and therefore this does not seem to work, the second part of my request that is (the first one works). I'm trying to do this in order to be able to show these specific attributes in the pivot table. What's the proper way to select attributes only from my first selection of elements from my table facturation?
Thank you for your help.

A major advantage of Power Query is being able to generate complex logic without needing to be able to code in SQL. So I would abandon writing hand coded SQL - there's no need.
Before PQ came out I had 2 decades of experience writing complex SQL. After PQ came out I've written almost none - the SQL code generated by PQ is good enough, you can easily add complex transformations that are hard/impossible in SQL, and overall developing and debugging is 10x easier.
For your scenario, I would build a PQ query just using the navigation to select your facturation table. Then I would use the PQ UI to Filter (instead of a SQL where clause) and Choose Columns (to restrict the columns returned).
Whatever other transformations you need are likely met using a button in the PQ UI.


Adding New Fields via LEFT JOIN in Running ETL from SQL to MongoDB

I need to run an ETL to get data from a Sybase/SQL back-end into my MongoDB environment. We already have data from Sybase, but now there are a couple of additional fields we want to pull data in for. So with my familiarity being with Mongo (not so much Sybase), I'm trying to determine how I need to adjust our ETL to get this additional data.
The current SELECT statement looks like this:
`SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 d.*, d10.code code10, d10.id_number as Code10ID FROM diagnosis d LEFT JOIN diagnosis_icd10 d10 on d.icd10_id = d10.id_number ORDER BY d.id_number`
Now, within the diagnosis_icd10 table that we're doing the LEFT JOIN on, there are now a couple of extra fields available.
So, my question is, do I need to explicitly include these additional fields here in the SELECT statement in order for them to be available in the ETL process? Or is this only the case if I want to rename the fields? What should this look like?
Yes you need to explicitly request them, as your current query only gets all columns from the diagnosis table (aliased to d via the d*).
This has nothing to do with Sybase though this is basic SQL so would be the same for most databases. You just add them to the select statement as in d10.column_name like the others.

How do you "unpack" a query that queries views in Google BigQuery?

Suppose that I have a view in BigQuery, e.g. [views.myview] defined as follows:
Id AS Id,
MAX(Time) AS MostRecentTime
And then another query that queries that view:
[dataset.mytable] tbl
JOIN [views.myview] view ON tbl.Time = mview.MostRecentTime
Is there a way to automatically generate a query where the [views.myview] in the second query is replaced with the query that generates it - basically "unpacking" the views so you have just one query that queries tables directly?
(The underlying problem: I have a query which queries many different views, including several layers of views-querying-other-views, and I want to put this query in my application. I don't want a user to be able to mess with the results of the query by changing the definition of one of the views, so I want to put the whole query in a fixed form in the application.)
This is not possible to do 'automatically'. You could try writing some script or code to do this through the BigQuery apis -

SQL query / SQL Reporting Services

Been rattling my brain for a while and I could not get pass how to do the SQL query that will show the relationship/connections between my two tables.
I'm working on an IT equipment inventory program. I have two tables;
SELECT serial_number, model, ship_dat, status FROM items_list
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial FROM connections
All items like desktops, laptops, monitors, etc are on the items_list table. To track down the relationship/connections of the items, I created the connections table. IE, Monitor with serial_number=Screen#1 is connected to a Desktop with serial_number=Serial#1. It works ok with my Window Form application because I
used a datagridview control to list all devices simple SQL query.
However, when trying to show the relationship/connection on SQL Reports I've ran out of ideas how to do it. I'm aiming to get the report look like below or something along the lines. I just need to show the connections between the items.
Thank you
You should be able to do this with a table in SSRS if that is what you are using. The query you would need to drive the table of all related items would be:
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial, mainItem.*, connectedItem.*
FROM connections
INNER JOIN items_list mainItem ON connections.item_serial = items_list.serial_number
INNER JOIN items_list connectedItem ON connections.connected-to_serial = connectedItem.serial_number
You can of course tailor the SELECT statement to your needs, mainItem.* and connectedItem.* will not give you the most descriptive column names. Using column aliases (found under column_alias here) you can give a more descriptive name to each column.
From here you should be able to use a table and create a row group on the main item (either name or serial number) to get the type of look you are looking to achieve here. I believe the Report Wizard actually has most of the functionality you are looking for and should handle the bulk of this. You may have to move some of the cells around to get the look you are going for though.

Use a Query from the Destination db to limit OLE DB Source task in SSIS 2008

I have a package that I'm building as a data importer so I can copy sets of data from my production environment and develop on another instance.
I have two tables that contain header and detail rows for service tickets. Those service tickets are tied back to orders.
I am pulling the service tickets from a certain time window, however, the originating orders fall outside of the date range that I'm pulling for the tickets.
I want to be able to take the following steps in an SSIS package:
Import the header and detail rows within the given date range from prod to dev
Select the relevant order numbers from dev tables
Use the list of order numbers to import only the relevant orders from prod
I poked through other answers and couldn't find answers that addressed this directly, so I apologize if there is an answer out there and I missed it. I may not have been asking the question correctly. I'm assuming that I would need to pull those order numbers into a temp table or variable in order to apply them as a filter.
As I write this, it just crossed my mind to use a join on the source system with the ticket to order tables and still use the date range to limit, but I'm still posting the question to see if anyone has dealt with this before.
Your steps are already fairly clear, are you asking how to actually implement them? It looks like you can do all three steps by using SELECT statements in your data sources:
Build a SELECT statement dynamically with the correct dates to use in your data source. The dates could be programmatically generated in a script task, or saved in a database table and populated into variables. Then you copy the data across to the dev system.
Run a SELECT statement in the dev system that returns the order numbers, and copy the results to a table in the prod database.
Run a SELECT statement in the prod database that joins on the table from step 2 and copy the results back to dev.
An alternative to the table in steps 2 and 3 would be a lookup transformation, but if you have a large number of rows then using a table will probably be faster.

Access database query locks ability to edit table?

I created a query in Microsoft Access like the one below:
SELECT Deliverables.ID, Deliverables.Title, Deliverables.Summary,
Deliverables.Header_Code, Deliverables.Header_Code.Value, Deliverables.Sort_order,
Deliverables.Pillar, Deliverables.Pillar.Value, Deliverables.Misc_ID
FROM Deliverables
WHERE (((Deliverables.Pillar.Value)="Link Building"));
But my problem is that this query locks my fields and I cannot make changes to the table using the query view.
Any suggestions? I am using Microsoft Access 2007
I'm not very experienced with multi-value fields. However, I experimented with it a little, and I think the fields in your query might be editable if you can eliminate Header_Code.Value and Pillar.Value from your output field list. Can this version work for you?
SELECT d.ID, d.Title, d.Summary, d.Header_Code, d.Sort_order, d.Pillar, d.Misc_ID
FROM Deliverables AS d
WHERE (((d.Pillar.Value)="Link Building"));