Need to parse response from the database using sequelize - sql

I am working on an endpoint with Node and sequelize, which sole responsibility is to provide the tags of a provided comma separated entities ids. So the expected response is:
"entity1_id": ["tag1", "tag2",],
"entity2_id": ["tag3", "tag4"],
and i had no trouble to achieve it but I realized i was instantiating the entities in a for loop and then asking for their tags, which is horrible for performance.
So instead of doing that i decided to use a raw query:
import { QueryTypes } from "sequelize";
await this.connection.query(
`SELECT tr.external_id, from transactions tr
INNER JOIN tag_taggable tt ON tt.taggable_id = AND tt.taggable_type = '${taggableType}'
INNER JOIN tags ta ON tt.tag_id = WHERE tr.external_id IN ('${ids.join("','")}'
);`, { type: QueryTypes.SELECT });
where ids is a string[] and external_id is the identifier of the entity i'm using.
Now I get a result like this:
{ external_id: 'entity1_id', name: 'tag1' },
{ external_id: 'entity1_id', name: 'tag2' },
{ external_id: 'entity2_id', name: 'tag3' },
{ external_id: 'entity1_id', name: 'tag4' }
and I was wandering about what i need to do to acheive the response i was sending before. Something in the SQL side??, and if not, what is the best approach to do it in the JS side?? (reducer? for of?).

For the JS side i came up to a for of and a reduce
const alreadyPushedIds: string[] = [];
const finalResult: { [key: string]: string[] } = {};
for (const result of results) {
if (alreadyPushedIds.includes(result.external_id)) {
} else {
Object.assign(finalResult, { [result.external_id]: [result.tag_name] });
results.reduce<{ [key: string]: string[] }>((
acc: { [key: string]: string[] },
val: { external_id: string; tag_name: string }
) => {
if (!acc[val.external_id]) {
acc[val.external_id] = [];
return acc;
}, {})


Detox get length of element

Hi i'm using detox and i would like to know how can I get the number of matches to
one element(length).
For example "card" match three times, how can I get the three.
const z = await element("card"))
They don't support it in the API /:
z output:
Element {
_invocationManager: InvocationManager {
executionHandler: Client {
isConnected: true,
configuration: [Object],
ws: [AsyncWebSocket],
slowInvocationStatusHandler: null,
slowInvocationTimeout: undefined,
successfulTestRun: true,
pandingAppCrash: undefined
matcher: Matcher { predicate: { type: 'id', value: 'card' } }
A workaround could be
async function getMatchesLength(elID) {
let index = 0;
try {
while (true) {
await expect(element(;
} catch (error) {
console.log('find ', index, 'matches');
return index;
then you can use
const length = await getMatchesLength('card');
Here is my solution in typescript:
async function elementCount(matcher: Detox.NativeMatcher) {
const attributes = await element(matcher).getAttributes();
// If the query matches multiple elements, the attributes of all matched elements is returned as an array of objects under the elements key.
if ("elements" in attributes) {
return attributes.elements.length;
} else {
return 1;
Then you can use it like this:
const jestExpect = require("expect");
jestExpect(await elementCount("some-id"))).toBe(2);

Strapi graphql mutation Syntax Error: Unterminated string

I always get Syntax Error: Unterminated string when I try to update my database using javascript strapi sdk. this.chapter.content is a html string generated by ckeditor. How can I escape this string to update my database using graphql?
async updateChapter() {
const q = `
mutation {
updateChapter(input: {
where: {
id: "${this.$route.params.chapterId}"
data: {
content: "${this.chapter.content.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&').replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\n')}"
title: "${this.chapter.title}"
}) {
const res = await strapi.request("post", "/graphql", {
data: {
query: q
this.chapter =;
Technically you could use block string notation to get around this issue. However, you really should supply dynamic input values using variables instead of string interpolation. This way you can easily provide any of sort of values (strings, numbers, objects, etc.) and GraphQL will parse them accordingly -- including strings with line breaks.
const query = `
mutation MyMutation ($chapterId: ID!, $content: String!, $title: String!) {
updateChapter(input: {
where: {
id: $chapterId
data: {
content: $content
title: $title
}) {
const variables = {
chapterId: '...',
content: '...',
title: '...',
const res = await strapi.request("post", "/graphql", {
data: {
Note that $chapterId may need to be of the type String! instead if that's what's called for in the schema. Since variables can also be input object types, instead of providing 3 different variables, you could also provide a single variable to be passed to the input argument instead:
const query = `
mutation MyMutation ($input: SomeInputObjectTypeHere!) {
updateChapter(input: $input) {
const variables = {
input: {
where: {
id: '...',
data: {
content: '...',
title: '...',
Again, just replace SomeInputObjectTypeHere with the appropriate type in your schema.
Another solution maybe help
Code with issue: For example mainReason and actionTaken fields are text inputs and data contains some white spaces. This action give error: Unterminated string
mutation { updateApplicationForm(input:{ where:{id:"${}"}
mainReason: "${ticketData.mainReason}"
actionTaken: "${ticketData.actionTaken}"
appStatus: ${ticketData.appStatus}
action: "${ticketData.action}"
Fix this problem with JSON.stringify method
mutation { updateApplicationForm(input:{ where:{id:"${}"}
appStatus: ${ticketData.appStatus}
action: "${ticketData.action}"

graphql mongoose returning null

I am using graphql with express and mongoose. for some reasons, I am getting null value for embedded documents. tried both async/await and promise.
const typeDefs = `
type Patient{
type Order {
_id: ID!
orderName: String!
orderDate: Int,
type Query {
allOrders: [Order]
module.exports.schema = makeExecutableSchema({
module.exports.resolvers = {
Query: {
async allOrders() {
return await db.cpoeDataModel.CpoeOrder.find();
Order: {
patient: async (order) => {
console.log("patient Id##", order.patientId);
return await db.domainModel.Patient.findById(order.patientId);
the query:
allOrders {
patient {
"allOrders": [
"orderName": "order1",
"patient": null
"orderName": "order2",
"patient": null
expected result
"allOrders": [
"orderName": "order1",
"patient": {
"orderName": "order2",
"patient": {
the problem was with my order collection not with code. there was some reference of patient Ids that does not exist anymore. that's why getting null values that are acceptable. I was confused just bcoz it's on the top of results.

Filter data using lodash

How can filter the data with some inner attribute value.
var result=, function (item) {
// return only
You can use the lodash#matchesProperty variant of lodash#filter to filter out objects that you need using the path of the property. The variant is in the 3rd example of the lodash#filter documentation.
var result = _.filter(self.list, ['', updated_id]);
var self = {
list: [
{ User_Info: { id: '4321' } },
{ User_Info: { id: '4321' } },
{ User_Info: { id: '1234' } },
{ User_Info: { id: '3214' } },
{ User_Info: { id: '2143' } }
var updated_id = '1234';
var result = _.filter(self.list, ['', updated_id]);
<script src=""></script>
lodash has a filter method:
const updated_id='1234';
const result= _.filter(self.list, item => === updated_id);
Use lodash _.filter method:
_.filter(collection, [predicate=_.identity])
Iterates over elements of collection, returning an array of all elements predicate returns truthy for. The predicate is invoked with three arguments: (value, index|key, collection).
with predicate as custom function
_.filter(myArr, function(o) {
return == 'john';
with predicate as part of filtered object (the _.matches iteratee shorthand)
_.filter(myArr, {name: 'john'});
with predicate as [key, value] array (the _.matchesProperty iteratee shorthand.)
_.filter(myArr, ['name', 'John']);

GraphQL queries with tables join using Node.js

I am learning GraphQL so I built a little project. Let's say I have 2 models, User and Comment.
const Comment = Model.define('Comment', {
content: {
type: DataType.TEXT,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
notEmpty: true,
const User = Model.define('User', {
name: {
type: DataType.STRING,
allowNull: false,
validate: {
notEmpty: true,
phone: DataType.STRING,
picture: DataType.STRING,
The relations are one-to-many, where a user can have many comments.
I have built the schema like this:
const UserType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'User',
fields: () => ({
id: {
type: GraphQLString
name: {
type: GraphQLString
phone: {
type: GraphQLString
comments: {
type: new GraphQLList(CommentType),
resolve: user => user.getComments()
And the query:
const user = {
type: UserType,
args: {
id: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString)
resolve(_, {id}) => User.findById(id)
Executing the query for a user and his comments is done with 1 request, like so:
As I understand, the client will get the results using 1 query, this is the benefit using GraphQL. But the server will execute 2 queries, one for the user and another one for his comments.
My question is, what are the best practices for building the GraphQL schema and types and combining join between tables, so that the server could also execute the query with 1 request?
The concept you are refering to is called batching. There are several libraries out there that offer this. For example:
Dataloader: generic utility maintained by Facebook that provides "a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching"
join-monster: "A GraphQL-to-SQL query execution layer for batch data fetching."
To anyone using .NET and the GraphQL for .NET package, I have made an extension method that converts the GraphQL Query into Entity Framework Includes.
public static class ResolveFieldContextExtensions
public static string GetIncludeString(this ResolveFieldContext<object> source)
return string.Join(',', GetIncludePaths(source.FieldAst));
private static IEnumerable<Field> GetChildren(IHaveSelectionSet root)
return root.SelectionSet.Selections.Cast<Field>()
.Where(x => x.SelectionSet.Selections.Any());
private static IEnumerable<string> GetIncludePaths(IHaveSelectionSet root)
var q = new Queue<Tuple<string, Field>>();
foreach (var child in GetChildren(root))
q.Enqueue(new Tuple<string, Field>(child.Name.ToPascalCase(), child));
while (q.Any())
var node = q.Dequeue();
var children = GetChildren(node.Item2).ToList();
if (children.Any())
foreach (var child in children)
q.Enqueue(new Tuple<string, Field>
(node.Item1 + "." + child.Name.ToPascalCase(), child));
yield return node.Item1;
Lets say we have the following query:
query {
getHistory {
product {
category {
subCategory {
subAnything {
We can create a variable in "resolve" method of the field:
var include = context.GetIncludeString();
which generates the following string:
and pass it to Entity Framework:
public Task<TEntity> Get(TKey id, string include)
var query = Context.Set<TEntity>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(include))
query = include.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Aggregate(query, (q, p) => q.Include(p));
return query.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id.Equals(id));