Maximum number of bindable descriptor sets via vkCmdBindDescriptorSets - vulkan

Is there a maximum amount of descriptor sets I can bind per draw call via vkCmdBindDescriptorSets? If yes, how do I find out the limit for my platform?

The maximum number of descriptor sets that can be bound to the current pipeline for an implementation can be read from the maxBoundDescriptorSets member of the VkPhysicalDeviceLimits. This structure is part of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties that can be queried via vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties.


what's the difference between .descriptorCount in VkDescriptorPoolSize and in VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding(VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo)? how set?

what's the difference between .descriptorCount in VkDescriptorPoolSize and in VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding(VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo)?
how to set them when there are many shaders, how to set them correctly?
layout(binding = 0) uniform Buffers {
uint x[];
} buffers[5];
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding.descriptorCount = 5,//not 1,
VkDescriptorPoolSize.descriptorCount = 5,//not 1,
what if this same uniform Buffers are in many shaders? should add 5 to descriptorCount when it exist in 1 more shader?
In the case of VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding::descriptorCount. The spec says:
descriptorCount is the number of descriptors contained in the binding,
accessed in a shader as an array, except if descriptorType is
is the size in bytes of the inline uniform block. If descriptorCount
is zero this binding entry is reserved and the resource must not be
accessed from any stage via this binding within any pipeline using the
set layout.
So most likely be 1, unless you have an array of textures or array of uniform buffers (which is not very common).
VkDescriptorPoolSize::descriptorCount has nothing to do with the previous one. A descriptor pool is used for allocating descriptors. So descriptorCount here is how many descriptors this pool can provide. The spec says:
descriptorCount is the number of descriptors of that type to allocate.
descriptorCount is the number of bytes to allocate for descriptors of
this type.
You can use the same pool for allocating multiple descriptor sets of multiple different layouts. So this most likely needs to be a fairly large number.
Anyways, I think you need to keep studying the general basic concepts around descriptors!

How HeapMemoryUsagePercent is Calculated in JDK Mission Control (JMC)?

I wrote a program using JMX API to calculate JVM Usage percentage. Code makes use of 2 attributes of java.lang:type=Memory MBean (used and max attribute).
When I use the formula (used/max * 100) to calculate JVM Used Memory Percent, it gives me very different value than what is displayed in JMC Software. For example:
In JMC I see the Percentage as 45.3%. But used = 708MB and max = 6GB, which in turn in my code gives very less percentile.
From Task Manager > Process Tab > Memory Column, I looked for the corresponding TomEE memory usage which is closed to the usage attribute in JMC.
Need some guidance here on what is the right way to calculate or look for the JVM Usage Percentage. Why there is a difference of percentage in JMC attribute (HeapMemoryUsagePercent) and the percentage calculation in my code?

Is VkDescriptorPoolSize struct really needed when creating descriptor pools?

I'm creating descriptor pool with poolSizeCount == 0 and pPoolSizes == nullptr and i still can allocate various number of descriptors of any type. There are no validation errors on Linux, only on Windows (but code works).
Another case: i'm providing VkDescriptorPoolSize with only 1 VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER, but can allocate more VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER or even descriptors of other types (in this case errors don't occur on both Linux and Windows).
Why is this happening?
It is not technically invalid usage to exceed the pool limits in general:
If a call to vkAllocateDescriptorSets would cause the total number of descriptor sets allocated from the pool to exceed the value of vkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo::maxSets used to create pAllocateInfo->descriptorPool, then the allocation may fail due to lack of space in the descriptor pool. Similarly, the allocation may fail due to lack of space if the call to vkAllocateDescriptorSets would cause the number of any given descriptor type to exceed the sum of all the descriptorCount members of each element of VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo::pPoolSizes with a member equal to that type.
Note the use of the word "may", which allows implementations to fail but doesn't require them to do so. This means that you're supposed to stay within those limits, but nobody's going to stop you if you exceed them and get away with it.
Now, it is a violation of valid usage to pass no sizes at all:
poolSizeCount must be greater than 0
And the appropriate layer should catch that. But outside of layers, you just achieve undefined behavior. Which can be "appears to work".

Coordinate of All Blocks in a given Selection - Minecraft

With reference to this minecraft: How to get coordinates of blocks inside selection
I was wondering if it was possible to generate a list of coordinates of all blocks present within a selection(a selection made by selecting pos1 and pos2 using world edit) of a certain type . thanks
See BlockPos#getAllInBox. It provides multiple variants which includes a version with BlockPos, BlockPos. And then you can filter through the blocks within (World#getBlockState) and compare with a blockstate instance from Blocks.SOMETHING.getDefaultState(), or by comparing Block instance by calling BlockState#getBlock().

How does ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy work? What does queueBrowserPrefetch mean?

I'm trying to use ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy but cannot quite understand how to use it.
I'm using queue, there are 3 params that I can define for PrefetchPolicy:
queuePrefetch, queueBrowserPrefetch, inputStreamPrefetch
Actually I don't get the meaning of queueBrowserPrefetch and inputStreamPrefetch so I do not know how to use it.
I assume that you have seen the ActiveMQ page on prefetch limits.
queueBrowserPrefetch sets the maximum number of messages sent to a
ActiveMQQueueBrowser until acks are received.
inputStreamPrefetch sets the maximum number of messages sent
through a jms-stream until acks are received
Both queue-browser and jms-stream are specialized consumers. You can read more about each one of them but if you are not using them it won't matter what you assign to their prefetch limits.