I have string coordinates in my table but I want to do some geographical functionalities, So I need first to convert this string value to geography.like this:
geography::STGeomFromText('POINT([location])', 4326).MakeValid().STDistance(#p)
but for sure this code didn't work as it needs here point not string coordinates.
The full code:
geography::STGeomFromText('POINT([location])', 4326).MakeValid().STDistance(#p);
DECLARE #p geography;
SET #p = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT({$Lon} {$Lat})', 4326);
Select TOP 1 id, location from branches where {$location} <= {$this->radius} order by {$location}
It's a little difficult to provide a perfect solution without seeing how the code is interporlating the variables, but SQL could be having issues recognizing your long/lat as strings with the STGeomFromText method.
Could you try something like this:
SELECT geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(' + CAST([$Long] AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' ' + CAST([$Lat] AS VARCHAR(20)) + ')', 4326)
Or more succinctly:
SELECT geography::Point([$Lat], [$Long], 4326)
I am attempting to write an sql stored procedure that will determine if a point is within a buffer. So far I have been able to hard code the values in the query and they work as expected but when I attempt to replace the hard coded values with variables then I get problems.
This works:
DECLARE #g geography;
Declare #Latitude float;
declare #Longitude float;
Set #g = geography::STPointFromText('POINT(' + CAST(#longitude as VARCHAR(16)) + ' ' + CAST(#latitude as VARCHAR(16)) + ')', 4326)
declare #bufloc geography = geography::Point(52.677777, -1.280786,
SELECT CASE #g.STIntersects(#bufloc) WHEN 1 THEN '#g intersects #h'
ELSE '#g does not intersect #h'
But if I declare a second set of coordinates and the try to pass variables into the #bufloc I break the query.
Declare #BufLongitude float; Declare #DistanceInMeteres int;
declare #bufloc geography = geography::STPointFromText('POINT(' +
CAST(#BufLatitude as VARCHAR(16)) + ' ' + CAST(#BufLongitude as
VARCHAR(16)) + ')', 4326).STBuffer(1000)
How would I write this to get things working? Ultimatly I would like to pass two coordinates into a stored procedure along with a distance parameter to use in the construction of the buffer and return true or false if the point can be located in the resulting buffer.
The query returns a false value it returns '#g does not intersect #h' when the hard coded query returns '#g intersects #h' for the same value.
I'm new to SQL Server. I'm trying to figure out how I can get the below one done:
I have thousands of lat/long positions pointing to the same OR very close by locations. It's all stored flat in a SQL Server table as LAT & LONG columns.
Now to cluster the lat/longs and pick one representation per cluster, what I must be doing?
I read through a method called "STCentroid" :
But is it worth letting the Server do a polygon with all these million rows and find the center point? Which would implicitly mean a single representation for all the near by duplicates. Might be an in efficient/wrong way?
Only points around few meters must be considered as duplicate entries.
I'm thinking how I can pick the right representation.
In better words:
If there's a group of points G1{} (GPS positions) trying to point to a location L1. (Physical loc). & There's a group of points G2{}, trying to point to a location L2. How do I derive Center Point CP1 from G1{}. & CP2 from G2{}, such that CP1 is very close to L1 & CP2 is very close to L2.
And the fact is, L1 & L2 could be very near to each other say, 10 feet.
Just thinking how do I approach this problem. Any help please?
Clustering points will be problematic. You are going to have issues if you have two potential clusters close together, and if you need precision or optimization, then you will need to do some research on your implementation. Try: Wiki-Cluster Analysis
However, if the points clusers are fairly far apart, then you could try a fairly simple cluster and then find the envelopes.
Something like this may work, although you would be well served to actually make a spatial column and add a spatial index.
ALTER TABLE Recordset ADD (ClusterID INT) -- Add a grouping ID
DECLARE #i INT --Group Counter
DECLARE #g GEOGRAPHY --Point from which the cluster will be made
DECLARE #Limit INT --Distance limitation
SET #Limit = 10
SET #i = 0
WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Recordset R WHERE ClusterID IS NULL) > 0 --Loop until all points are clustered
SET #g = (SELECT TOP 1 GEOGRAPHY::STPointFromText('POINT(' + CAST(LAT AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' ' + CAST(LONG AS VARCHAR(20)) + ')', 4326) WHERE ClusterID IS NULL) --Point to cluster on
UPDATE Recordset SET ClusterID = #i WHERE GEOGRAPHY::STPointFromText('POINT(' + CAST(LAT AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' ' + CAST(LONG AS VARCHAR(20)) + ')', 4326).STDistance(#g) < #Limit AND ClusterID IS NULL--update all points within the limit circle
SET #i = #i + 1
SELECT --Clustered centers
GEOGRAPHY::ConvexHullAggregate(GEOGRAPHY::STPointFromText('POINT(' + CAST(LAT AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' ' + CAST(LONG AS VARCHAR(20)) + ')', 4326)).EnvelopeCenter().Lat AS 'LatCenter',
GEOGRAPHY::ConvexHullAggregate(GEOGRAPHY::STPointFromText('POINT(' + CAST(LAT AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' ' + CAST(LONG AS VARCHAR(20)) + ')', 4326)).EnvelopeCenter().Long AS 'LatCenter',
I have a column called 'response' that contains lots of data about a person.
I'd like to only return the info after a specific string
But, using the method below I sometimes (when people have <100 IQ) get the | that comes directly after the required number..
I'd like any characters after the'PersonIQ=' but only before the pipe.
I'm not sure of the best way to achieve this.
Query speed is a concern and my idea of nested CASE is likely not the best solution.
Any advice appreciated. Thanks
This is my suggestion:
declare #s varchar(200) = 'aaa=bbb|cc=d|PersonIQ=99|e=f|1=2'
declare #iq varchar(10) = 'PersonIQ='
declare #pipe varchar(1) = '|'
select substring(#s,
charindex(#iq, #s) + len(#iq),
charindex(#pipe, #s, charindex(#iq, #s)) - (charindex(#iq, #s) + len(#iq))
Instead of the 3 in your formula you should calculate the space between #iq and #pipe with this last part of the formula charindex(#pipe, #s, charindex(#iq, #s)) - (charindex(#iq, #s) + len(#iq)), which gets the first #pipe index after #iq, and then substructs the index of the IQ value.
Assuming there's always a pipe, you could do this:
Or, you could convert your string to xml and reference PersonIQ directly, e.g.:
--assuming your string looks something like this..
declare #s varchar(max) = 'asdaf=xxx|PersonIQ=100|xxx=yyy'
select convert(xml, '<x ' + replace(replace(#s, '=', '='''), '|', ''' ') + '''/>').value('(/x/#PersonIQ)[1]','int')
In SQL Server 2014, I have a database with Geometry points - City
Driving from City A to City B gives me a line (we take an airplane).
I need to find points in my database - which are in certain distance (10 miles) "off-track" of this line.
I know how to find the closest points around a single point, how to calculate the distance between them - but - how can I search along this line? Like POI in your Navi...
DECLARE #g geography
SELECT #g = Geo_LatLong_deg
FROM airports
WHERE iata_code = 'MyAirportCode' -- radius 100km
FROM airports
WHERE #g.STDistance(Geo_LatLong_deg) <= 100000
Use the STBuffer method. Assuming that you've got some way to determine your path as a geography instance, it's as simple as:
declare #distance float = 16.09344 --10 miles in km
select *
from airports
where #path.STBuffer(#distance).STIntersects(Geo_LatLong_deg) = 1
By way of explanation, the STBuffer() method creates a region that is the set of points within 10 miles of your path. Then, we select all points from your table that intersect with that region with STIntersects().
Thank you for your help. I mixed up Long/Lat sequence in string... now I get the results as expected.
here the code - if others want to see how to combine two or more points - together with the area around the line(s).
SELECT #BuildString = COALESCE(#BuildString + ',', '') + CAST(longitude_deg AS NVARCHAR(50)) + ' ' + CAST(latitude_deg AS NVARCHAR(50))
FROM dbo.airports where iata_code='RLG' or iata_code='FRA'
SET #BuildString = 'LINESTRING(' + #BuildString + ')';
DECLARE #LineFromPoints geography = geography::STLineFromText(#BuildString, 4326);
declare #distance float = 50000
select *
from airports
where #LineFromPoints.STBuffer(#distance).STIntersects(airports.GEO_LatLong_deg) = 1 and type<>'heliport'
I am fluent in SQL but new to using the SQL Geometry features. I have what is probably a very basic problem to solve, but I haven't found any good resources online that explain how to use geometry objects. (Technet is a lousy way to learn new things...)
I have a collection of 2d points on a Cartesian plane, and I am trying to find all points that are within a collection of radii.
I created and populated a table using syntax like:
Update [Things] set [Location] = geometry::Point(#X, #Y, 0)
(#X,#Y are just the x and y values, 0 is an arbitrary number shared by all objects that allows set filtering if I understand correctly)
Here is where I go off the rails...Do I try to construct some sort of polygon collection and query using that, or is there some simple way of checking for intersection of multiple radii without building a bunch of circular polygons?
Addendum: If nobody has the answer to the multiple radii question, what is the single radius solution?
Here are some examples I have worked up, using an imaginary star database where stars are stored on a x-y grid as points:
Selects all points in a box:
DECLARE #polygon geometry = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(('
+ CAST(#MinX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(#MinY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ','
+ CAST(#MaxX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(#MinY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ', '
+ CAST(#MaxX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(#MaxY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ','
+ CAST(#MinX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(#MaxY AS VARCHAR(10)) + ','
+ CAST(#MinX AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' ' + CAST(#MinY AS VARCHAR(10)) + '))', 0);
SELECT [Star].[Name] AS [StarName],
[Star].[StarTypeId] AS [StarTypeId],
FROM [Star]
WHERE #polygon.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
using this as a pattern, you can do all sorts of interesting things, such as
defining multiple polygons:
WHERE #polygon1.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
OR #polygon2.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
OR #polygon3.STContains([Star].[Location]) = 1
Or checking distance:
WHERE [Star].[Location].STDistance(#polygon1) < #SomeDistance
Sample insert statement
GEOMETRY::Point(#LocationX, #LocationY, 0),
This is an incredibly late answer, but perhaps I can shed some light on a solution. The "set" number you refer to is a Spatial Reference Indentifier or SRID. For lat/long calculations you should consider setting this to 4326, which will ensure metres are used as a unit of measurement. You should also consider switching to SqlGeography rather than SqlGeometry, but we'll continue with SqlGeometry for now. To bulk set the SRID, you can update your table as follows:
UPDATE [YourTable] SET [SpatialColumn] = GEOMETRY.STPointFromText([SpatialColumn].STAsText(), 4326);
For a single radius, you need to create a radii as a spatial object. For example:
DECLARE #radiusInMeters FLOAT = 1000; -- Set to a number in meters
DECLARE #radius GEOMETRY = GEOMETRY::Point(#x, #y, 4326).STBuffer(#radiusInMeters);
STBuffer() takes the spatial point and creates a circle (now a Polygon type) from it. You can then query your data set as follows:
SELECT * FROM [YourTable] WHERE [SpatialColumn].STIntersects(#radius);
The above will now use any Spatial Index you have created on the [SpatialColumn] in its query plan.
There is also a simpler option which will work (and still use a spatial index). The STDistance method allows you to do the following:
DECLARE #radius GEOMETRY = GEOMETRY::Point(#x, #y, 4326);
DECLARE #distance FLOAT = 1000; -- A distance in metres
SELECT * FROM [YourTable] WHERE [SpatialColumn].STDistance(#radius) <= #distance;
Lastly, working with a collection of radii. You have a few options. The first is to run the above for each radii in turn, but I would consider the following to do it as one:
DECLARE #radiiCollection TABLE
[RadiusInMetres] FLOAT,
INSERT INTO #radiiCollection ([RadiusInMetres], [Radius]) VALUES (1000, GEOMETRY::Point(#xValue, #yValue, 4326).STBuffer(1000));
-- Repeat for other radii
MIN(R.[RadiusInMetres]) AS [WithinRadiusDistance]
[YourTable] X
#radiiCollection RC ON RC.[Radius].STIntersects(X.[SpatialColumn])
DROP TABLE #radiiCollection;
The final above has not been tested, but I'm 99% sure it's just about there with a small amount of tweaking being a possibility. The ideal of taking the min radius distance in the select is that if the multiple radii stem from a single location, if a point is within the first radius, it will naturally be within all of the others. You'll therefore duplicate the record, but by grouping and then selecting the min, you get only one (and the closest).
Hope it helps, albeit 4 weeks after you asked the question. Sorry I didn't see it sooner, if only there was only one spatial tag for questions!!!!
Sure, this is possible. The individual where clause should be something like:
DIM #Center AS Location
-- Initialize the location here, you probably know better how to do that than I.
Dim #Radius AS Decimal(10, 2)
SELECT * from pointTable WHERE sqrt(square(#Center.STX-Location.STX)+square(#Center.STX-Location.STX)) > #Radius
You can then pile a bunch of radii and xy points into a table variable that looks like like:
Dim #MyCircleTable AS Table(Geometry Circle)
INSERT INTO #MyCircleTable (.........)
Note: I have not put this through a compiler, but this is the bare bones of a working solution.
Other option looks to be here:
And there's a demo of seemingly working syntax here:
The second post implies the syntax:
SELECT Distinct pointTable.* from pointTable pt, circletable crcs
WHERE crcs.geom.STContains(b.Location) = 1