How to unpack Array to Rows in Snowflake? - sql

I have a table that looks like the following in Snowflake:
2 | [ { "list": [ { "item": "CODE1" }, { "item": "CODE2" } ] } ]
And I want to make it into:
2 | 'CODE1'
2 | 'CODE2'
So far I've tried
But that only gets me as far as:
2 | [ { "item": "CODE1" }, { "item": "CODE2" } ]
How can I break out every 'item' element from every index of this list into its own row with each CODE as a string?
Update: Here is the answer I got working at the same time as the answer below, looks like we both used FLATTEN:
SELECT ID,f.value:item
lateral flatten(input => MY_TABLE.CODES[0]:list) f

So as you note you have hard coded your access into the codes, via codes[0] which gives you the first item from that array, if you use FLATTEN you can access all of the objects of the first array.
WITH my_table(id,codes) AS (
SELECT 2, parse_json('[ { "list": [ { "item": "CODE1" }, { "item": "CODE2" } ] } ]')
FROM my_table,
table(flatten(codes)) c;
2 1 [0] 0 { "list": [ { "item": "CODE1" }, { "item": "CODE2" }]} [ { "list": [{"item": "CODE1"}, { "item": "CODE2" }]}]
so now you want to loop across the items in list, so we use another FLATTEN on that:
WITH my_table(id,codes) AS (
SELECT 2, parse_json('[ { "list": [ { "item": "CODE1" }, { "item": "CODE2" } ] } ]')
SELECT ID, c.value, l.value
FROM my_table,
table(flatten(codes)) c,
table(flatten(c.value:list)) l;
2 {"list":[{"item": "CODE1"},{"item":"CODE2"}]} {"item":"CODE1"}
2 {"list":[{"item": "CODE1"},{"item":"CODE2"}]} {"item":"CODE2"}
so you can pull apart that l.value how you need to access the parts you need.


Query an array element in an JSONB Object

I have a jsonb column called data in a table called reports. Here is what = 1 looks like
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Electronic123"
"Package": [
"groupID": "Electronic123"
"type": "Produce"
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Clothes123"
"Package": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"type": "Wearables"
and here is what = 2 looks like:
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"Package": [],
"type": "Wearable"
"Product": [
"productIDs": [
"groupID": "Clothes123"
"Package": [
"groupID": "Food123"
"type": "Wearables"
I am trying to get a list of all entries in reports table where at least one of data column's element has following:
type = Produce AND
where any elements of Product array OR any elements of Product array's groupID start with Food
So from the example above this query will only return the first index since
The type = Produce
groupID starts with Food for first element of Product array
The second index will be filtered out because type is not Produce.
I am not sure how to query to do AND query for groupID. Here is what I have tried to get all entries for type Produce
select * from reports r, jsonb_to_recordset( as items(type text) where items.type like 'Produce';
Sample structure and result: dbfiddle
select r.*
from reports r
cross join jsonb_array_elements( l1
cross join jsonb_array_elements(l1.value -> 'Product') l2
where l1 ->> 'type' = 'Produce'
and l2.value ->> 'groupID' ~ '^Food';

How to access json array elements (keys) , values in json nested dictionary type using postgresql?

I have a nested structure json .
How to extract the specific elements(keys) and values?
How to access " sky: selling":"1"
Or "U1":"0000" ?
I tried json_object_keys and json_array_elements for extracting the array .
But I don't know exactly how to do this query.
Example code:
Table- record and column name : report
"PIname": {
"n1": "x1",
"n2": "x2",
"params": {
"S1": {
"code1": "y1",
"Code2": "y2",
"id": "2d",
"Dest": {
"Code3": "mi"
"PIDataArea": {
"m1": null,
"PInven": {
"head": {
"Code4": "Increase",
"line": "2020-01"
"PILine": [
"u1": "0000",
"u2": "0",
"u3": "1",
"modes": {
"#cID": "Sng",
"#txt": "12.21"
} },
"Qualify": ".0001",
"QOrder": "1",
"UPriceAmt": {
"#cID": "sng",
"#txt": "13" },
"sky:Qa": ".000",
"sky:Partcode": {
"#c1ID": "a"
"sky:SCode": "Ni",
"sky:PItem": {
"sky:ID": "h"
"sky:Forest": {
"sky:q1": [
"sky:selling": "1"
"sky:selling": "0"
} } }} }}
I tried lot ,one example query here like,
Select * from record r
Where exists( select report->'sky: selling' from json_each( b where b.value->>'sky:selling' Ilike '0');
You can use the json_path_query or jsonb_path_query function. Example to extract the element with key = "sky:selling" :
json_path_query(, $.** ? (#.key == 'sky:selling'))

BigQuery concat nested array json

I have data that looks like
"Attributes": [
"values": [
"value": "20003"
"value": "30075"
"value": "40060"
"name": "price"
"attr2" : "val"
The output I want is concat all the values in the nested json array
price, "20003, 30075, 40060"
I tried some queries but failed to get the correct output.
WITH test_json AS (
"Attributes": [
"values": [
"value": "20003"
"value": "30075"
"value": "40060"
"name": "price"
"attr2" : "val"
}''' AS json_string
values_concatenated AS (
SELECT JSON_VALUE(json_values, '$.value')
FROM UNNEST((SELECT JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY(json_string, '$.Attributes[0].values') AS json_values FROM test_json)) as json_values
', '
) as values
(select json_value(json_string, '$.Attributes[0].name') from test_json),
(select values from values_concatenated)

Removing null/empty values from an array

I'm struggling to understand arrays and structs in BigQuery. When I run this query in Standard SQL:
with t1 as (
select 1 as id, [1,2] as orders
union all
select 2 as id, null as orders
from t1
order by 1
I get this result in json:
"id": "1",
"orders": [
"id": "2",
"orders": []
I want to remove to remove the orders value for id = 2 so that I instead get:
"id": "1",
"orders": [
"id": "2"
How can I do this? Do I need to add another CTE to remove null values, how?

RavenDb facet search in string array field with wildcard

Is it possible to have a RavenDb faceted search, in a string[] field, where I would want to show facets (counts) for only values starting with a particular string, rather a range?
I'll try to explain myself better to with a simple example, imagine having an index with the below entries
ID | Values
1 | CatPersian, CatNormal, DogLabrador
2 | CatPersian, Camel, DogPoodle
3 | CatNormal, CatBengali, DogNormal
4 | DogNormal
I would perform a query on the above documents, and the Facet search would include a range of 'Cat*', on the 'Values' field. Is this possible? Then, I would get a result based on just the different values for cats, like:
CatPersian [2]
CatNormal [2]
CatBengali [1]
Yes, you can do that. Index the array, and then just use facets normally.
Let's see the full example. You have the following documents:
"Name": "John",
"FavoriteAnimals": [
"#metadata": {
"#collection": "Kids"
"Name": "Jane",
"FavoriteAnimals": [
"#metadata": {
"#collection": "Kids"
Now, you create the following index:
from k in docs.Kids
from animal in k.FavoriteAnimals
select new { Animal = animal }
And run this query:
from index 'YourIndex'
where startsWith(Animal , 'ca')
select facet('Animal')
And the result will be:
"Name": "Animal",
"Values": [
"Count": 2,
"Range": "cats"
Alternatively, you can use this index:
from k in docs.Kids
select new { k.FavoriteAnimals }
And run this query:
from index 'YourIndex'
where startsWith(FavoriteAnimals , 'ca')
select facet('FavoriteAnimals')
The difference here is that you'll get all matches for the documents that have a match.
So in this case
"Name": "Animal",
"Values": [
"Count": 2,
"Range": "cats"
"Count": 1,
"Range": "dogs"// also, snails, rabbits