Trying to look up records based on a join - sql

I'm trying to work on a stored procedure that is somewhat tricky, let's say I have Table_1 with this data:
Num1 Name1 Code1 Desc
123B Apple 10 Text1
123B Apple 11 Text1
123C Google 20 Text2
I also have a lookup table that looks like this:
Num1 Code1
123B 10
123C 25
So what I am trying to do in this scenario is:
Select data from Table_1 WHERE:
There is a match between Table_1 and Tbl_Lookup on Num1
If there is a more than 1 record for a particular Num1 in Table_1, then only return the row where Table_1.Code1=Tbl_Lookup.Code1
Otherwise, if there is only 1 record for a particular Num1 in Table_1, then even if the Table_1.Code1 = Tbl_Lookup.Code1 does not work, still return the record.
Desired end result:
Num1 Name1 Code1 Desc
123B Apple 10 Text1
123C Google 20 Text2
123B is returned because there are multiple records for this Num1. One of them has the Code1 that corresponds to Tbl_Lookup.Code1
123C is returned, because although the Code1 does not match Tbl_Lookup, there is only one record, so in that case join doesn't matter, and we still want to return it.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Not sure if there is a better way to do this. But this should give you want you are looking for
select t.*
from table1 t
join Tbl_LookUp l on l.Num1 = t.Num1
where t.code1 = l.code1
or exists ( select count(1) from table1 i
where i.Num1= t.Num1
group by Num1
having count(Num1) = 1 )

One way is
select t.Num1, t.Name1, t.Code1, t.Desc
from (
select Num1, Name1, Code1, Desc,
count(code1) over(partition by Num1) cnt
from Table_1 ) t
join Tbl_Lookup tl on t.Num1 = tl.Num1
and (t.cnt = 1 or t.Code1 = tl.Code1)

This is a great place to use apply:
select t1.*
from tbl_lookup l cross apply
(select top (1) t1.*
from table1 t1
where t1.num1 = l.num1
order by (case when t.code = l.code1 then 1 else 2 end)

Yet another way to obtain the desired results - identify exact lookup matches with exists and count occurences of num1, then allow any with a count of 1 or only matches on both columns where more than 1:
select num1, name1, code1, [desc]
from (
select * , case when exists (select * from [lookup] l where l.num1 = t.num1 and l.code1 = t.code1) then 1 end lmatch, Count(*) over (partition by num1) cnt
from t1 t
where exists (select * from [lookup] l where l.num1 = t.num1)
where lmatch = 1 and cnt > 1 or cnt = 1;


SQL aggregate and filter functions

Consider following table:
Number | Value
1 a
1 b
1 a
2 a
2 a
3 c
4 a
5 d
5 a
I want to choose every row, where the value for one number is the same, so my result should be:
Number | Value
2 a
3 c
4 a
I manage to get the right numbers by using nested
SQL-Statements like below. I am wondering if there is a simpler solution for my problem.
SELECT number n , value k
FROM testtable
GROUP BY number, value
) a
You can try this
You can try also this:
SELECT DISTINCT t.number, t.value
FROM testtable t
LEFT JOIN testtable t_other
ON t.number = t_other.number AND t.value <> t_other.value
WHERE t_other.number IS NULL
Another alternative using exists.
select distinct num, val from testtable a
where not exists (
select 1 from testtable b
where a.num = b.num
and a.val <> b.val

SQL to return if value is double

I have a question on how to validate if a row's doubled when other columns meet criteria.
The table looks looks like this:
Type Name ID Am
O Name1 1234 1
O Name1 1235 1
O Name1 4569 2
X Name2 1234 1
X Name2 4569 2
C name3 1234 1
For type O, I have under Name1, 2 ID's for the same Am = 1.
I'd like to to do a query that would check if multiples IDs can be found under same type & name & am values and return if >1, but ignore the rest of the types.
Thank you!
Try this
select type, name, am
from table
group by type, name, am
having count(*)>1
most dbms support row_number,so you can use this
select * from
select *, row_number() over(partition by Type,Name,Am order by ID) as rn
from t
) t1 where t1.rn>1
Are you trying to check if a combination of type/name has more than one am value?
If so:
select type, name
from t
group by type, name
having min(am) <> max(am);
I would use NOT EXISTS :
FROM table t
FROM table t1
WHERE t1.Type = t.Type AND t1.Name = t.Name AND t1.Am = t.Am AND t1.ID <> t.ID

Select rows having the same features than others

I've the following table with 3 columns: Id, FeatureName and Value:
Id FeatureName Value
-- ----------- -----
1 AAA 10
1 ABB 12
1 BBB 12
2 AAA 15
2 ABB 12
2 ACD 7
3 AAA 10
3 ABB 12
3 CCC 12
Each Id has different features and each Feature has a value for that Id.
I need to write a query which gives me the Ids that have exactly the same features and values than a given one, but only taking into account those whose name starts with 'A'. For example, in the top table, I can use that query to search for all the Ids that have the same features. For example, features with values where Id=1 would result Id=3 with same features starting with 'A' and same values for these features.
I found a couple of different ways to do this, but all of them go very slow when the table has lots of rows (more than hundred of thousands)
The way I obtain the best performance is using the next query:
select a2.Id
from (select a.FeatureName, a.Value
from Table1 a
where a.Id = 1) a1,
(select a.Id, a.FeatureName, a.Value
from Table1 a
where a.FeatureName like 'A%') a2
where a1.FeatureName = a2.FeatureName
and a1.value = a2.value
group by a2.Id
having count(*) = 2
select a.Id
from Table1 a
where a.FeatureName like 'A%'
group by a.Id
having count(*)= 2
where #nFeatures is the number of features starting by 'A' in Id=1. I counted them before calling this query. I make the intersection to avoid results that have the same parameters than Id=1 but also some others whose name starts with 'A'.
I think that the slowest part is the second subquery:
select a.Id, a.FeaureName, a.Value
from MyTable a
where a.FeatureName = 'A%'
but I don't know how to make it faster. Maybe I will have to play with the indexes.
Any idea of how could I write a fast query for this purpose?
So you want all rows where the combination of FeatureName and Value is not unique? You can use EXISTS:
FROM dbo.Table1 t
WHERE t.FeatureName LIKE 'A%'
WHERE t.Id <> t2.ID
AND t.FeatureName = t2.FeatureName
AND t.Value = t2.Value)
how could I write a fast query for this purpose?
If it's not fast enough create an index on FeatureName + Value.
I tried to eliminate the join with MyTable again to select the data for the ID's that have matching FeatureName and Value values. Here's the query:
with joined_set as
mt1.*, as mt2_id, mt2.featurename as mt2_FeatureName, mt2.value as mt2_value
select *
from mytable
where featurename like 'A%'
) mt1
left join
select *
from mytable
where featurename like 'A%'
) mt2
on <> and mt2.FeatureName = mt1.featurename and mt2.value = mt1.value
select distinct id
from joined_set
where id not in
(select id
from joined_set
group by id
having SUM(
WHEN mt2_id is null THEN 1
) <> 0
Here is the SQL Fiddle demo. It has an extra condition in the inline view mt2, to perform this search only for id = 1.
I'm a little dense this morning, I'm not sure if you wanted just the ID's or...
Here's my take on it...
You could probably move the where FeatureName like 'A%' into the inner query to filter the data on the initial table scan.
with dupFeatures (FeatureName, Value, dupCount)
select FeatureName, Value, count(*) as dupCount from MyTable
group by FeatureName, Value
having count(*) > 1
select MyTable.Id, dupFeatures.FeatureName,dupFeatures.Value
from dupFeatures
join MyTable on (MyTable.FeatureName = dupFeatures.FeatureName and
MyTable.Value = dupFeatures.Value )
where dupFeatures.FeatureName like 'A%'
order by FeatureName, Value, Id
A general solution is
With Rows As (
select id
, FeatureName
, Value
, rows = Count(id) OVER (PARTITION BY id)
FROM test
WHERE FeatureName LIKE 'A%')
FROM Rows a
INNER JOIN Rows b ON < and a.FeatureName = b.FeatureName
and a.rows = b.rows
to limit the solution to a group just add a WHERE condition on the main query for a.ID. The CTE is needed to get the correct number of rows for each id
SQLFiddle demo, in the demo I changed little the test data to have a another couple of ID with only one of the FeatureName of 1 and 3

SQL: selecting unique values based on conditions

I have a table containing 5 columns. The first column contains an ID, two columns contain parameters for those IDs with the values 0 or 1, a third column contains a parameter which I need as output, the last column contains a date. The same ID can appear in several rows with different parameters:
ID parameter1 parameter2 parameter3 date
001 0 1 A 01.01.2010
001 0 1 B 02.01.2010
001 1 0 C 01.01.2010
001 1 1 D 01.01.2010
002 0 1 A 01.01.2010
For each unique ID I want to return the value in parameter3, the decision from which row to return this value is based on the values in parameter1 and parameter2 and the date:
If there is a row with both parameters being 0, I want the value in this row.
If there is no such row, I want the value from the row where parameter1 is 0 and parameter2 is 1,
If there is no such row, I want the row where parameter1 is 1 and parameter2 is 0.
Finally, if there is no such row, I want the value from the row with both parameters being 1.
If there is more than one row matching the required conditions, I want the row with the most recent date.
e.g., for the table above, for the ID 001 I would want the second row with the value B in parameter3.
What would be the most effective / fastest way to accomplish this? I tried two approaches so far:
the first one was to select all distinct IDs and then loop through the distinct IDs, using a select statement with the ID in the where clause and then loop through all the rows matching the ID while storing the necessary values in variables.:
select distinct ID into i_ID from table1
let o_case = 5
select case
when parameter1 = 0 and parameter2 = 0 then 1
when parameter1 = 0 and parameter2 = 1 then 2
when parameter1 = 1 and parameter2 = 0 then 3
when parameter1 = 1 and parameter2 = 1 then 4
end, parameter3, date
into i_case, i_p3, i_date
from table3
where table3.ID = i_ID
if i_case < o_case
then let o_p3, o_case, o_date = i_p3, i_case, i_date;
else ( if i_case = o_case and i_date > o_date
then let o_p3, o_date = i_p3, i_date;
end if;
end if;
end foreach;
insert into table_output values(i_ID; o_p3);
end foreach;
The second approach was to left join the table four times with itself on the ID and apply the different combinations of the parameter1 & parameter2 as described above in the left joins, then selecting the output via nested nvl clauses:
select ID,
nvl(t4.parameter3)))) parameter3
from table1 t0
left join table1 t1
on t0.ID = t1.ID and t1.parameter1 = 0 and t1.parameter2 = 0
and = (select max(date) from table1 t1a where t1a.ID = t1.ID)
left join table1 t2
on t0.ID = t2.ID and t2.parameter1 = 0 and t2.parameter2 = 1
and = (select max(date) from table1 t2a where t2a.ID = t1.ID)
left join table1 t3
on t0.ID = t3.ID and t3.parameter1 = 1 and t3.parameter2 = 0
and = (select max(date) from table1 t3a where t3a.ID = t3.ID)
left join table1 t4
on t0.ID = t4.ID and t4.parameter1 = 1 and t4.parameter2 = 1
and = (select max(date) from table1 t4a where t4a.ID = t4.ID)
Both approaches basically worked, however, as the table is really long, they were much too slow. What would you recommend?
PS: DBMS is IBM Informix 10, this unfortunately restricts the range of available functions a lot.
I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, but this could work:
SELECT id, parameter3
SELECT id, parameter3, RANK() OVER (
PARTITION BY id, parameter3
ORDER BY parameter1 ASC, parameter2 ASC, date DESC
FROM tab
) AS x
WHERE x.rank = 1;
ID parameter1 parameter2 parameter3 date
001 0 1 A 01.01.2010
001 0 1 B 02.01.2010
both of the above rows having same ID, paramaeter1, parameter2 but different paraameter3, it can create trouble for you.

Exclude rows if column values are equal of same table

Hello All,
I have a table with above records where you can 2 entries for each N_ID. I would like to get the records from this only if below condition is satisfied.
Say for example
Status column value is 1 & 2 for N_ID =2 and 2 & 1 for N_ID=5 which means status value is different(i.e Both 1 & 2).
But if you see N_ID=3, Status column has 1 & 1 which is same.
So i want the records excluding N_ID which has same status value(i.e Which has 1 & 1 or 2 & 2 and so on).
In above case, i want only the records with N_ID=2,5.
You can use EXISTS
SELECT * FROM dbo.TableName t1
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.TableName t2
WHERE t1.N_ID = t2.N_ID
AND t1.Status <> t2.Status
You can exclude the rows where you have more than one occurrence of the same status per ID
Try option with EXISTS() and check COUNT(*)
FROM dbo.test16 t
WHERE t.Config_Type != 2 AND EXISTS (
FROM dbo.test16 t2
WHERE t.Networkelemenid = t2.Networkelemenid
GROUP BY t2.Networkelemenid, t2.Config_Type
This script grouped data on t2.Config_Type. HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT t2.Status) specifies that only unique rows can appear in the result set.(e.g. 1,2 = 2; 1,1 or 2,2 = 1)
For second condition you need this script
FROM dbo.test41 t
WHERE t.Config_Type != 2 AND EXISTS (
FROM dbo.test41 t2
WHERE t.Networkelemenid = t2.Networkelemenid
GROUP BY t2.Networkelemenid, t2.Config_Type, t2.Status
HAVING COUNT(t2.Status) > 1