vue cli, production built files but use develop env file - vue.js

I am using vue 2 to build a firefox extension - the same codebase is also being used to build the chromium extensions.
I want to be able to build using the dev urls.. however when adding the develop flag to vue-cli, the output contains the usual webpack "eval"... which firefox doesn't support in extensions.
How can i use the .env.development values while ensuring the code output is no using eval with vue cli?
Related answer (2018) How to remove eval and Function constructor from webpack build to avoid CSP issues


Possible to create a kotlin js app gradle config without webpack/npm/yarn?

Is it possible to create a gradle config that uses the kotlin multiplatform plugin to create a project with a kotlin js client (and ktor/jvm back end) that does required the webpack/npm/yarn gymnastics which I have little use for? Even if I remove the webpack element from the config the build still seems to fail because of the yarn lock problem. (Can be worked around of course, but it just seems for simple apps all this complexity ideally could be avoided.)
Solutions that don't use gradle at all - like just calling the compiler(s) and other tools directly in a script - would also be welcome!

Why to use project scripts instead cli global scripts?

Why it's convenient to create scripts on the package.json of a project, instead of using the same script via the CLIs or any other tools that you have installed locally?
Because the scripts in package.json are version controlled with your source code, so they're available to anyone using/forking that package.

How do you get ESLint working with VSCode, NVM, and Vue?

TL;DR: ESlint loads, but doesn't lint my files in VSCode. I've tried:
ensuring the plugin is enabled
ensuring Eslint is running in lint output window in VSCode
disabling ESLint in VSCode, reloading it, enabling it, reloading it - no change
ensuring it's enabled, and then restarting machine
Running it on the command line - which works
I'm working in VSCode. Can't get ESLint to work (the way I want) on my project within VSCode, with one exception. There are some library files that it lints relentlessly - all the ones in src/ or other Vue project dir's, not so much. So I thought it was the eslintrc. To disprove this, however, I run yarn lint - and it lints all the files in the vue directories specified by my eslint.
So definitely seems like an integrating with VSCode issue. Here are the details that are likely getting in the way:
I use NVM for node version management. Maybe VSCode isn't using the right version?

How do I get WebdriverIO autocomplete on VS Code

Is there a way I can get autocomplete on VS Code for webdriverio?
Other code editors like Intellij provide something like Settings -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Libraries
From there we can add a directory with webdriverio commands
How can I do similar thing with VS Code?
my understanding is, vscode is built with typescript and by default it does not support autoComplete(Intellisense) on a package that is built with javascript. So all the js package creators would provide an #types file. These #types file help vscode to find all the function definitions, object properties. etc., etc., of your JS package and show as suggestions. Which in case here is webdriverio package.
So adding a #types dependency that is related to your JS package will mostly fix the issue.
npm install #types/webdriverio --save-dev
After adding the package, i started getting the browser object suggestions.
All the above works fine for v4 version of WDIO.
If you are using v5 version: Then as per their official documentation we need to create a jsconfig.json file on the root directory.
Above answer worked well :
you need to install below dependency :
if you are using webdriverio v4 (for cucumber BDD ) use below
npm install #types/webdriverio#4 --save-dev
or use :
npm install #types/webdriverio --save-dev
VSCode Intellisense
Using #types/webdriverio is not suggested by webdriverio and it is now deprecated:
npm WARN deprecated #types/webdriverio#5.0.0: This is a stub types definition. webdriverio provides its own type definitions, so you do not need this installed.
I would suggest to follow the official documentation by WebDriverIO here:

How to Serve an app without using Gulp watch

How do you run an Aurelia app without running gulp watch and just going to localhost:9000. Ideally I would like to just run my nodejs server and it all just works without having to run a separate task (a gulp task).
I would like to build Aurelia and just start using it in the same way that I can with Durandal.
take a look at the Aurelia-Node Repo for a quick start. It uses ExpressJS to provide a simple REST api as well as static serve the Aurelia App.
You'd still need the Gulp task (inside public/app) to build your es6 modules etc. but the hosting then works from node itself, so gulp build should be enough.
The repo provides a gulpfile in the root as well. The big difference using this one is that it not only transpiles the frontend code but also browserSyncs the node application via nodemon. Again all of this is not necessary for final hosting. A normal node app.js would be enough. Gulp etc. is just used during the development process.
I download Aurelia repository from
And run project successfully via webstrom on different port not on localhost:9000 without "gulp watch" .
But I installed Aurelia dependency then started project on webstorm its run successfully.
Steps for run project without "gulp watch"...
Run given command on command line from project folder.
Install the Apps dependencies - **npm install**
Install JSPM dependencies - **jspm install -y**
Install Gulp - **npm install gulp**
then explore your index.html page on chrome. Make sure you running Aurelia in Chrome, IE and Firefox.
I tested Aurelia application in Chrome, IE , Safari and Firefox result
Chrome - Pass
IE - Pass
Firefox - Pass
Safari - Fail
But in safari that was fail.