Combining minimum number of days in a time interval - sql

I'm looking to only select values with columns x>0, y>0, z>0 if they are continuously like that for at least half the amount of time in a time interval to 2/3 of that time (interval being set by the user in a filter on a dashboard. So is from the current date to whenever they specify). The other proportion which could also be half the amount of time in the interval or 1/3 on the interval depending on the first condition, needs to have certain values as well like x= 0, y>0, z>0 for that period of time.
To re-iterate with example:
Condition 1: x>0, y>0, z>0 for minimum half the amount of time to max 2/3 in that time interval. ex. if range set by user is 14 days in filter, then needs to have those values continuously for minimum 7 days to a max of 9 days in those 14 days.
Condition 2: x= 0, y>0, z>0 for rest of remaining time which can be another half or 1/3 depending on how many days was in the first condition. ex. if range set by user is 14 days in filter, and condition 1 took up 8 days, then condition 2 has to have x=0, y>0, z>0 for 6 days continuously.


Converting duration in varchar to number type and minutes

I'm struggling with this.
I have a column in Snowflake called DURATION, it is VARCHAR type.
The values include basically number in days, hours, minutes, seconds. The value could include either just the number with one unit of time (day or hour or minute or second) such as 3 hours or 14 minutes or 3 seconds or it could include the combination of either all units of time or a few such as 1 day 3 hours 35 minutes or 1 hour 9 minutes or 45 minutes 1 second.
The value could also be blank or invalid such as text or it could be indicating day, hour or minute but without a number (see the last 3 rows in the table below).
I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could help me with the following:
in SNOWFLAKE, convert all valid values to number type and normalize them to minutes (e.g. the resulted value for 7 Hours and 13 Minutes would be 433).
Thanks a lot, guys!
1 Second
10 Seconds
1 Minute
3 Minutes
20 Minutes
1 Hour
2 Hours
7 Hours 13 Minutes
1 Hour 1 Minute
1 Day
1 Day 1 Hour
1 Day 1 Hour 1 Minute
1 Day 10 Hours
2 Days 1 Hour
3 Days 9 Hours
1 Day 3 Hours 45 Minutes
Duration (invalid)
Day Minute
I tried many things using regex_substr, try_to_number, coalesce functions in CASE statements but I'm getting either 0s or NULL for all values. Very frustrating
I think you would want to use STRTOK_TO_ARRAY in a CTE subquery or put into a temp table. Then you could use ARRAY_POSITION to find the labels and the index one less than the label should be the value. Those values could be put into separate columns with a case for each label pulling the found values. The case statements could be computed columns if you insert the results of the first query into a table. From there you can concatenate colons and cast to a time type and use datediff, or do the arithmetic to calculate the minutes.

Formatting a 'duration' column in the query

I have a column 'Duration' it holds the time the therapist spent with the client.
This is always entered as minutes so if the time was 3 hours it is entered as 180. I would like to set this in the query as 3.
This is how it is reporting from a canned report: Total duration time is the entered column, it is
defined as int,null. I would like to make this calculation and formatiing, in the sql for the shown column 'total duration'.
total_duration_num total_duration
10 0:10
120 2:00
30 0:30
5 0:05
60 1:00
One means of achieving this is to use:
the floor function to round down when dividing the minutes by 60 (for whole hours)
the mod function to get the remaining number of minutes after putting however many can fit into "whole" 60-minute hours
the lpad function to put a leading zero before that number of minutes, if <10, so that you see :05 rather than :5 for example
The query would look like this:
select duration,
concat( floor(duration/60) , ':' , lpad(mod(duration,60),2,'0') ) as hrs_mins
from duration_table;
This is a demonstration:!9/a52b6c/1/0

How does one get number of full days and half days from a start and end date

I've been working on some reporting views that get a multi-day work shift and are supposed to do some calculations based on data, but I'm a bit stuck here.
A typical shift is either 3 calendar days usually 1 half-day and two full days, or a whole week consisting of 2 half-days (end and start) and 5 full days.
I have the following specifications for what is a full day and half-day. These rules are based on regulation and can't be changed.
2 half-days != 1 full-day, the 2 halves is more "valuable"
Given a started_at iso datetime and end_at iso datetime
I want to get two numbers, full_days, and half_days
A half day is
A day at the start of the range starting at or after 12.00
A day at the end of the range which ends before 19.00
A full day is
A day within the range (traditional 24hours)
A day at the start of the range starting before 12.00
A day at the end of the range which ends at or after 19.00
I'm thinking either a row per full-day and half-day or an aggregated row with half_days and full_days as two separate columns would be ideal in the view to connect it with my other views.
Simplified model
I simplified the data model to leave out unnecessary columns.
create table if not exists [trip]
trip_id integer
constraint trip_pk
primary key,
started_at text default (datetime('now')),
end_at text default (datetime('now'))
And I'm a bit stuck with how I should design this query. A simple time delta doesn't work.
SQLFiddle with sample data and answers:!5/de7551/2
You can solve this with a CTE which calculates the day span (number of days the shift spans). Since half days are always 1, 2 or 0 (only occur on end and start) we don't actually need to consider each day by itself.
You can use julianday to get the day as a number, however julian days start at noon so you'll need to subtract 0.5 to get the "actual" day for your calculation. Floor the ending day to avoid a to long span if the end time is later then the start time on each respective day, and round up the result to include partial days as a spanned day.
At this point we can calculate number of half days by checking the end and start. To get the number of full days we simply subtract the half days from the result.
with trip_spans as (
ceil(julianday(end_at)-0.5 - floor(julianday(started_at)-0.5)) day_span
, t.*
, (
iif(time(started_at) > time('12:00'), 1, 0)
iif(time(end_at) <= time('19:00'), 1, 0)
) half_days
from trip t
, day_span-half_days full_days
from trip_spans

Optimization: How to get TimeId from time for each minute in a week?

I am creating a table which will have 2 columns:
Day_time (time from 1978-01-01 00:00:00 Sunday, till 1978-01-07 23:59:00.0 Saturday, Granularity: Minute)
Time_id (a unique id for each minute), to be populated
I have column one populated. I want to populate column two.
How I am doing it right now:
EXTRACT(dayofweek FROM day_time) * 10000 + DATEDIFF('minutes', TRUNC(day_time), day_time)
I basically want a function where I pass any date and it tells me where I am in a week. So, I need a function, just like the function above. Just more optimized, where I give a date and get a unique ID. The unique ID should repeat weekly.
Example: ID for Jan 1, 2015 00:00:00 will be same as Jan 8, 2015 00:00:00.
Why 1978-01-01? cuz it starts from a Sunday.
Why 10,000? cuz the number of minutes in a day are in four digits.
You can do it all in one fell swoop, without needing to extract the date separately:
SELECT DATEDIFF('minutes', date_trunc('week',day_time), day_time) which I'd expect to be marginally faster.
Another approach that I'd expect to be significantly faster would be converting the timestamp to epoch, dividing by 60 to get minutes from epoch and then taking the value modulus of 10,080 (for 60 * 24 * 7 minutes in a week).
SELECT (extract(epoch from day_time) / 60) % 10080
If you don't care about the size of the weekly index, you could also do:
SELECT (extract(epoch from day_time)) % 604800 and skip the division step altogether, which should make it faster still.

SQL simple selection of rows according to their time

I have a table with measures and the time this measures have been taken in the following form: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM. I have measures over many days starting at the same time every day.The datas are minute by minute so basically the seconds are always = 0. I want to select only the measures for the first 5 minutes of each day. I would have used the where statement but the condition would only be on the minutes and note the date is there a way to do this?
You could try something like this:
DATEPART(hh, timestamp_col) = 0 AND -- filter for first hour of the day
DATEPART(mm, timestamp_col) <= 5 -- filter for the first five minutes
Careful! 0 means midnight. If your "first hour" of the day is actually 8 or 9 AM then you should replace the 0 with an 8 or 9.