Locating GooglePay merchantId - google-pay

I cannot find the merchant id. I have set up a website integration in the Business Console and it has been apporoved. I can't find the merchantId though. I tried this but it public merchant profile is not visible on that page: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/7163092?hl=en

It is in the the top right corner of the Business Console contrary to the guides online.


Get vehicle registration details from apisetu.gov.in API

I am trying to implement a feature in my website where user can input the Vehicle's Registration Number and pull out the details of the vehicle and owner. Similar to https://jankari.loconav.com/rc
There is an API provided by the government of India to achieve this - https://ndh.digitallocker.gov.in/public/api/transport#/APIs/drvlc but there is no documentations involved. I am not even sure how to use it in postman. There are no options to generate an API key etc. When you click the "try" button it just shows you a pre-written json which gives error after you execute it. Can some help me find a way to build something similar to https://jankari.loconav.com/rc using the http://apisetu.gov.in
Thanks in advance

know the page rank for certain key words

I want to know the page rank for certain key words against my page. For example I wrote "best movies 2012" my page does come, but in 30th to 50th page. I want to query in the result set Google gave against my keywords so that I can see the rank of my page and my competitors against typical keywords.
I think you may be confusing PageRank with positions. PageRank is an algorithm that Google uses to determine the authority of your site. This doesn't always affect the positions of certain keywords.
There are plenty of good programs and web services around that you can use such as
Most of the good free web services have been closed down due to Google now limiting the amount of searches performed and charging for this data.
You could check out:
It's free but you have to register to get data.
There are several web services providing this functionality: http://raventools.com/ or http://seomoz.org/
Or, you can perform the task manually. Here is an example on how to query google search using Java: How can you search Google Programmatically Java API
You need to compare your webpage PageRank and website PR against those of the competition. The best indication we have of website PR is the HomePage PagRank.
Ensure that you do this for the appropriate Google domain - USA - Google.com - UK Google.co.uk etc
The technique is described in more detail on http://www.keywordseopro.com
You can repeat the technique for each keyword.

Foursquare places

We would like to be able to pull out certain places from foursquare an categorize them on our website along with comments from foursquare users. I have the following questions:
1- Can we pull out places and categorize them the way we want on our website? e.g: restaurants/bar/lounge/club/landmarks/others.
2- can we pull out as well phone numbers (when available) and addresses (longitude-lattitude) of places ?
3- Does foursquare have any general descriptive summaries of each place?
Thanks for the help.
Foursquare has an API, more information can be found at this link
To answer your questions:
Yes, check out the Venues Platform in 4sq API, specifically, the search. When you query the API, as part of the result set for each venue, you get a category
If available, you will get them back under the 'contact' field, check out the response venue object from the search function
Yes, description field, you will need to make an API request to get the complete venue object.
Edit: one last thing, attribute and play nice :)
From my experience, you do not get a lot of venues with 'contact' and 'description' information. But foursquare is not very popular where I test my application, so it might be bad experience - experiment with it yourself.
FourSquare has a great category tree that you can use for categorizing restaurants
Actually, I'm using this tree in my website:
Dishes Map

How to find the LIST_ID of user created list on Foursquare

If you look on this page https://foursquare.com/griekenlandnet you will see there are 55 tips in total, but there are also some user created lists. I can get everything at once through the api explorer on the foursquare site, but I would also like to be able to just get the content for 1 specific list.
According the docs at https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/lists/lists you can request them through this foursquare domain v2/lists/LIST_ID, the problem is that I can't find a way to get the LIST_ID.
Any tips on how to find the list_id? I can get the user_id, but not sure how that helps to get the list_id?
(I would have loved to include more urls, but not allowed to)
Once you have the userId, you can find the user's lists (and their IDs) via /users/USER_ID/lists
the matter is that you need to be authenticated to get results from /users/USER_ID/lists...

Accessing Mutual fund quotes

I have been looking for a while at how to retrieve financial quotes in c#, in this case, Canadian mutual funds.
It seems there are 2 main sources of information for this, Yahoo and Google! Also there seems to be 2 preferred methods, API and HTML scrapping. My preference would be for an API method, but I am open to any suggestion.
I have found the Yahoo api to be very nice to use, however although it works for stocks like "MSFT" it fails to retrieve the data for mutual funds like "RBCCANADIANI.TO". For some reason this symbol only works on the web site itself.
Google's API seems to requires to have a portfolio set up and login in order to retrieve quotes, I would prefer to avoid logins and use a completly opened api if possible.
HTML scraping introduce a totally new set of complications, asking the user to locate on an html page where the price is and such. Note that Google's html (http://www.google.com/finance?q=MUTF_CA:RBF556) returns the right page, but a look at the html source shows that the price is not in an easily identifiable tag (id not set!).
Has anybody tried similar things, I have the feeling I am missing something here :)
Many thanks
I am having success with the following YQL query:
select LastTradePriceOnly from yahoo.finance.quotes where symbol in ("F0CAN05NGC.TO")
This is for Royal Global Precious Metals fund.
Mutual funds have a LastTradePriceOnly field but no Bid field like stocks have. I got the symbol from the Symbol Lookup on the Yahoo finance page.
If you are looking for pricing data I would suggest a service like IQFeed. I have used them as a client for some time and they do have mutual fund data (although I don't use it). If you don't want to pay for it you will probably have to scrape it.