Running UI test in Azure Devops and viewing the test (RDP) as different user - selenium

I'm trying to run Selenium tests on Azure devops.
I'm using self hosted agent. I've run the agent interactively. the agent is configured to run as USER1
Now when I run the pipeline the tests are running fine. When I try to view the running tests by rdp into the machine I am able to view them as well.
However when user2 runs the pipeline, the user is unable to see the running tests, but user1 is able to see the tests.
How can we configure the agent so that, any user (user1, user2, user3) that runs the pipeline should also be able to view the running tests when they rdp into that agent which is running the test

When your UI tests run, applications and browsers are launched in the context of the user specified in the auto-logon settings. So other users can not see the running test.
If you use Remote Desktop to access the computer on which an agent is running with auto-logon, simply disconnecting the Remote Desktop causes the computer to be locked and any UI tests that run on this agent may fail.
Check here:


Automation run viewed by all users?

We have a Jenkins job setup which runs all the automation scripts on vm. Is there a way for multiple people to view the tests running (chrome instance) when they are logged in to that vm?

Running tests on VM does not work unless window is open

We are attempting to do our testing remotely, so we set up some Virtual Machines to run our GUI tests and to free up our local machines. What we were hoping for was to have the tests run just like they would on a physical machine, however they seem to require an active Remote Desktop Connection up in order to run properly. These tests are written using LeanFT and it is a windows app so this is not mobile GUI testing.
Is there a certain way to configure this VM to set it up properly for automated GUI testing that does not require an active Remote Desktop Connection? It seems as if its sharing the controls on our physical machine..
Or am I completely wrong here.. Is a Remote Machine different than a Virtual Machine? Thanks!
It's possible to run a GUI test without an active Remote Desktop Connection
I achieved this with leanft through the following 2 steps:
Configure how you execute your tests
Whether you're running via a Jenkins slave or through another kind of "listener" (maybe ssh, or bamboo, etc.), you need to configure this listener to start after a specific user is logged on.
In my case I was running through the Jenkins slave, so I've configured the startup of the slave to launch as soon the user logged in.
Tell windows to login the user when the computer starts. You can achieve that via the following registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
The core requirement is that you need to have an active session (regardless of whether you are using Jenkins, TeamCity, Grid or other tools to launch the tests).
For your virtual machine, you will need to have access to the console. For VMWare vSphere, there is a native client or website. For VMWare Workstation or VirtualBox, these automatically display.
Using the console access, log into the system and set it up to never log out or sleep or hibernate. This is a variety of OS settings that you can look up.
Essentially, these boxes need to always be logged in. With this setup, you need to be sure access to these systems is controlled so that you don't have random people logging in / or logging out.

Running selenium on Windows server 2008

I'm trying to automate some selenium tests.
I can run them locally in my machine, but when I try to run them in windows server 2008 (the server in which our CI server runs) the Firefox window only opens if I open the cmd line with admin privileges. I don't wan't this to run with admin privileges, so the question is: what do I need to do to be able to open Firefox window with a regular user?
There is nothing you can do about that. Starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft locked down the "interactable" sessions and so running WebDriver grid hub as a service which starts browsers in a desktop session will not work unless you are using Windows XP. So, what you need to do is have multiple grid nodes running in the foreground and leave those desktop sessions open in Windows 2008. Also, with Jenkins, running Selenium tests (without a grid) will exhibit the same problem where you'd have to run Jenkins in the foreground.
Windows says "By default, services use a noninteractive window station and cannot interact with the user. However, an interactive service can display a user interface and receive user input.". Also, "All services run in Terminal Services session 0. Therefore, if an interactive service displays a user interface, it is visible only to the user who connected to session 0. " See this site for this info.
The holy grail would be to write a Java program using SystemTray and then have the tray application auto-start a grid node session in the foreground when a desktop session starts. Just an idea since VisGrid cannot do this.
On Linux, there is a way to use xvfb to run grid as a service and run browsers in a headless session, but its a complex setup I think and I have never tried it. It's not very much different that the Windows situation anyway and I think the windows setup is easier.

Selenium Grid 2 Jenkins CI automation Single sign on application

I am currently working on an application which has single sign on. You have to be logged in using the LAN or internal wireless Network to access the web page. My architecture team has created the Jenkin Job with Selenium Grid for the automation.
We have Jenkins slave created on a remote server. Now, when I try to run my tests, I get the error message and the tests does not run. But when I run the page, the tests run successfully. Has anyone faced this issue before?

How to run GUI tests on a jenkins windows slave without remote desktop connection?

I have a jenkins agent set up on window 7 and a jenkins server on Linux. I am running GUI testing on the windows agent. It runs fine if I have a remote desktop connection connected to it, but fails otherwise. I found this link, Jenkins on Windows and GUI Tests without RDC
But the solution provided there is pretty vague.. It seems like the only solution is to somehow make Jenkins server to have a remote desktop connection open at all times. But I can't find such an option to do so.
Could anyone please clearly teach me how to solve this issue?
Much appreciated!
Your slave machines have to be at a desktop before the test can run
properly. We had the same problem.
Solution was to have the test machine start up and auto-logon to the
desktop. To ensure that the test would ONLY start after the desktop
was available, we added a scheduled task, set to run at user login,
that would launch the Jenkins slave via Java Web Start. That way,
Jenkins would only see the slave once the desktop was running. After
that, everything worked fine.
This is the winning answer to the question you linked to and it is very clear on what to do. The whole setup is outside of Jenkins. Jason Swager discribed on how he automated a user logging into a windows desktop machine and then starting the Jenkins slave in the user session.
And now Step by step:
1. make sure you have a GUI evailable
Solution was to have the test machine start up and auto-logon to the desktop
Configure a standard Windows desktop to login a specific user automatically when windows start. This way nobody needs to physically log into the desktop. (see How to turn on automatic logon in Windows 7)
2. start Jenkins slave
You need to start the Jenkins slave within this user setting. Otherwise, the Jenkins slave won't have access to the Windows UI components (or in other words can not interact with the desktop).
To ensure that the test would ONLY start after the desktop
was available, we added a scheduled task, set to run at user login,
that would launch the Jenkins slave via Java Web Start.
So you have to create a scheduled task and configure it to start your Jenkins client using Java Web Start.
3. use it
That way, Jenkins would only see the slave once the desktop was running. After
that, everything worked fine.
When the slave is online, you can use it to run your UI tests.
To solve it, set Windows Auto-Logon as I explain here:
Then create a startup batch for Jenkins slave (place it in Jenkins directory), which will launch it's console on desktop, and will allow GUI jobs to run:
java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/computer/{Your Jenkins Node}/slave-agent.jnlp
(slave.jar can be downloaded from http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/jnlpJars/slave.jar)
If you're getting black screenshots (when using Selenium for example), create a batch file that disconnects Remote Desktop, instead of closing the RDP session with the regular X button:
%windir%\system32\tscon.exe %SESSIONNAME% /dest:console
The following thing did the trick for me:
In Jenkins execute windows shell command:
cmdkey /generic:TERMSRV/<servername> /user:<username> /pass:<password>
mstsc /v:<servername> /w:<width> /h:<height>
cd <path to your pom.xml>
<maven command>(e.g. mvn test -Dfiles_to_run=groupLaunch.xml
cmdkey /delete:TERMSRV/<servername>
It creates real mstsc session (Win-to-Win) with specified width and height in your virtual mstsc session (Jenkins-to-Win) powered by Jenkins.
I tried the solutions provided here but nothing worked for me. At the end, I came up with a workaround.
I opened an RDP connection to the VM in a different VM (VM2).
I left the first connection open inside VM2 and disconnected from it.
It worked but that implies having two virtual machines available.
You still need to use RDP but in my case, we can use loopback of the RDP in same VM.
The procedure:
In a VM, create two different accounts, and create Jenkins slave for both of account.
Now you'll have two Jenkins slave for two accounts in one VM
slave 1 - account 1
slave 2 - account 2
Enable multiple RDP follow guide
In slave 2(with account 2), run rdp command to connect to slave 1(with account 1), like following
Start /b "" "C:\RDP\rdp.exe" /v: /domain:\ /u:admin /p:xxxx /fullscreen /w:1920 /h:1200 is very important, it's a loopback connection for RDP
Put above command into Jenkins job with the name such as "OpenRDP_ToVMXXX, and then you can run any test on slave 1 with GUI enabled, enjoy.
As the solutions above seemed a bit overkill, I used this approach:
Disable Jenkins service
Start Jenkins from command line using java -jar C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jenkins.war
For some reason I had to install all plugins and everything when starting it this way, so I recommend creating a backup, there is a plugin for that. Good luck. :)