STM32F4 UART HAL driver 'save string in variable buffer' - uart

I am in the process of writing software for an STM32F4. The STM32 needs to pull in a string via a UART. This string is variable in length and comes in from a sensor every second. The string is stored in a fixed buffer, so the buffer content changes continuously.
The incoming string looks like this: "A12941;P2507;T2150;C21;E0;"
The settings of the UART:
Baud Rate: 19200
Word lengt: 8Bits
Parity: None
Stop Bids: 1
Over sampling: 16 Samples
Global interrupt: Enabled
No DMA settings
Part of the used code in the main.c function:
uint8_t UART3_rxBuffer[25];
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart3, UART3_rxBuffer, 25); //restart interrupt reception mode
int main(void)
HAL_UART_Receive_IT (&huart3, UART3_rxBuffer,25);
while (1)
Part of the code in stm32f4xx_it.c
void USART3_IRQHandler(void)
It does work to fill the buffer with the variable strings in this way, but because the buffer is constantly being replenished, it is difficult to extract a beginning and an end of the string. For example, the buffer might look like this:
[0]'E' [1]'0' [2]'/n' [3]'A' [4]'1' [5]'2' [6]'9' [7]'4' [8]'1' [9]';' [10]'P' etc....
But I'd like to have a buffer that starts on 'A'.
My question is, how can I process incoming strings on the uart correctly so that I only have the string "A12941;P2507;T2150;C21;E0;"?
Thanks in advance!!

I can see three possibilities:
Do all of your processing in the interrupt. When you get to the end of a variable-length message then do everything that you need to do with the information and then change the location variable to restart filling the buffer from the start.
Use (at least) two buffers in parallel. When you detect the end of the variable-length message in interrupt context then start filling a different buffer from position zero and signal to main context that previous buffer is ready for processing.
Use two buffers in series. Let the interrupt fill a ring buffer in a circular way that takes no notice of when a message ends. In main context scan from the end of the previous message to see if you have a whole message yet. If you do, then copy it out into another buffer in a way that makes it start at the start of the buffer. Record where it finished in the ring-buffer for next time, and then do your processing on the linear buffer.
Option 1 is only suitable if you can do all of your processing in less than the time it takes the transmitter to send the next byte or two. The other two options use a bit more memory and are a bit more complicated to implement. Option 3 could be implemented with circular mode DMA as long as you poll for new messages frequently enough, which avoids the need for interrupts. Option 2 allows to queue up multiple messages if your main context might not poll frequently enough.

I would like to share a sample code related to your issue. However it is not what you are exactly looking for. You can edit this code snippet as you wish. If i am not wrong you can also edit it according to option 3.
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
if (huart->Instance == USART2) {
rxBuffer[pos++] = rData;
if (rData == '\n') {
pos = 0;
Before start, in the main function, before while loop you should enable interrupt for one byte using "HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2,&rData,1);". If your incoming data has limiter like '\n', so you can save whole data which may have different length for each frame.
If you want data frame start with some specific character, then you can wait to save data until you get this character. In this case you can edit this code by changing '\n' as your character, and after you get that character, you should start to save following data to inside the buffer.


Can't get the analogue watchdog to trigger an interrupt on the DFSDM peripheral of a STM32L475

I have an AMC1306 current shunt modulator feeding 1-bit PDM data at 10 MHz into a STM32L475. Filter0 takes the bit stream from Channel0 and applies a sinc3 filter with Fosr=125 and Iosr=4. This provides 24-bit data at 20 kHz and is working fine. The DMA transfers the data into a 1-word circular buffer in main memory to maintain fresh data.
I want to be able to call an interrupt function if the 24-bit value leaves a certain window. This would be caused in an over-voltage situation and needs to disengage the MOSFET driver. It would seem this functionality is offered by the analogue watchdog within the peripheral.
I am using STM32CubeIDE and the graphical interface within the IDE to configure the peripherals. Filter0 global interrupts are enabled. I have added this code:
HAL_DFSDM_FilterRegularStart_DMA(&hdfsdm1_filter0, Vbus_DMA, 1);
// Set up the watchdog
DFSDM_Filter_AwdParamTypeDef awdParamFilter0;
awdParamFilter0.DataSource = DFSDM_FILTER_AWD_FILTER_DATA;
awdParamFilter0.Channel = DFSDM_CHANNEL_0;
awdParamFilter0.HighBreakSignal = DFSDM_NO_BREAK_SIGNAL;
awdParamFilter0.HighThreshold = 250;
awdParamFilter0.LowBreakSignal = DFSDM_NO_BREAK_SIGNAL;
awdParamFilter0.LowThreshold = -250;
HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdStart_IT(&hdfsdm1_filter0, &awdParamFilter0);
I have also used the HAL callback function
void HAL_DFSDM_FilterAwdCallback(DFSDM_Filter_HandleTypeDef *hdfsdm_filter, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t Threshold)
But the callback function never runs! I have experimented with the thresholds (I even made them zero).
In the debugger I can see the AWDIE=0x1 (So the AWD interrupt is enabled). The AWDF = 0x1 (So the threshold has been crossed and the peripheral should be requesting an interrupt...). The code doesn't even trigger a breakpoint in the stm32l4xx_it.c filter0 interrupt. So it'd seem no DFSDM1_FLT0 interrupts are happening
I'd be enormously appreciative of any help, any example code, any resources to read. Thanks in advance.
I know the DMA conversion complete callbacks work
I have played around with various thresholds and note that the AWDF gets set when the threshold is crossed.

STM32F4-Discovery UART receive by DMA with included start-marker as well as an end-marker

Hi I am really new at embedded programming. I am using stm32cube IDE. I am trying to read a string to the DMA buffer but I need to implement start-marker as well as an end-marker. For example I only need to read the serial data in between '<' and '>' to the DMA buffer and when soon as it gets to the end-marker I want to call following call back function and process the data.
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
//Process Data
I want this to run in the background all the time. Is this possible?
No, the DMA controller cannot check the value of the data and stop or interrupt when a delimiter or marker byte is received. The DMA controller can only copy the received byte to memory. If you want to read variable length packets between delimiters then you need to use the CPU to check whether each byte is a delimiter. You can use the UART's RX interrupt to check for the delimiter as each byte is received.
DMA might be useful for receiving a continuous stream of bytes or a packet of known length.

Can't get my DAC(PT8211) to work correctly using a PIC32MX uc and SPI

I'm just trying to learn to use external ADC and DAC (PT8211) with my PIC32MX534f06h.
So far, my code is just about sampling a signal with my ADC every time a timer-interrupt is triggered, then sending then same signal out to the DAC.
The interrupt and ADC part works fine and have been tested independently, but the voltages that my DAC outputs don't make much sens to me and stay at 2,5V (it's powered at 0 - 5V).
I've tried to feed the DAC various values ranging from 0 to 65534 (16bits DAC so i guess it should be the expected range of the values to feed to it, right?) voltage stays at 2.5V.
I've tried changing the SPI configuration, using different SPIs (3 and 4) and DACs (I have one soldered to my pcb, soldered to SPI3, and one one breadboard, linked to SPI4 in case the one soldered on my board was defective).
I made sure that the chip selection line works as expected.
I couldn't see the data and clock that are transmissed since i don't have a scope yet.
I'm a bit out of ideas now.
Chip selection and SPI configuration settings
signed short adc_value;
signed short DAC_output_value;
int Empty_SPI3_buffer;
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Set() {LATDSET=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Clr() {LATDCLR=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define SPI4_CONF 0b1000010100100000 // SPI on, 16-bit master,CKE=1,CKP=0
#define SPI4_BAUD 100 // clock divider
DAC output function
//output to external DAC
void DAC_Output(signed int valueDAC) {
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPITBE); // wait for TX buffer to empty
SPI4BUF=valueDAC; // write byte to TX buffer
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait for RX buffer to fill
Empty_SPI3_buffer=SPI4BUF; // read RX buffer
ISR sampling the data, triggered by Timer1. This works fine.
ADC_input inputs the data in the global variable adc_value (12 bits, signed)
//ISR to sample data
void __ISR( _TIMER_1_VECTOR, IPL7SRS) Test_data_sampling_in( void)
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
//rescale the signed 12 bit audio values to unsigned 16 bits wide values
DAC_output_value = adc_value + 2048; //first unsign the signed 12 bit values (between 0 - 4096, center 2048)
DAC_output_value = DAC_output_value *16; // the scale between 12 and 16 bits is actually 16=65536/4096
main function with SPI, IO, Timer configuration
void main() {
TRISE = 0b00100000;
TRISD = 0b000000110100;
TRISG = 0b0010000000;
LATD = 0x0;
SYSTEMConfigPerformance(80000000L); //
INTCONSET = _INTCON_MVEC_MASK; /* Set the interrupt controller for multi-vector mode */
T1CONbits.TON = 0; /* turn off Timer 1 */
T1CONbits.TCKPS = 0b11; /* pre-scale = 1:1 (T1CLKIN = 80MHz (?) ) */
PR1 = 1816; /* T1 period ~ ? */
TMR1 = 0; /* clear Timer 1 counter */
IPC1bits.T1IP = 7; /* Set Timer 1 interrupt priority to 7 */
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; /* Reset the Timer 1 interrupt flag */
IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; /* Enable interrupts from Timer 1 */
T1CONbits.TON = 1; /* Enable Timer 1 peripheral */
while (1){
I would expect to see the voltage at the ouput of my DAC to mimic those I put at the input of my ADC, instead the DAC output value is always constant, no matter what I input to the ADC
What am i missing?
Also, when turning the SPIs on, should I still manually manage the IO configuration of the SDI SDO SCK pins using TRIS or is it automatically taken care of?
First of all I agree that the documentation I first found for PT8211 is rather poor. I found extended documentation here. Your DAC (PT8211) is actually an I2S device, not SPI. WS is not chip select, it is word select (left/right channel). In I2S, If you are setting WS to 0, that means the left channel. However it looks like in the extended datasheet I found that WS 0 is actually right channel (go figure).
The PIC you've chosen doesn't seem to have any I2S hardware so you might have to bit bash it. There is a lot of info on I2S though ,see I2S bus specification .
There are some slight differences with SPI and I2C. Notice that the first bit is when WS transitions from high to low is the LSB of the right channel. and when WS transitions from low to high, it is not the LSB of the left channel. Note that the output should be between 0.4v to 2.4v (I2S standard), not between 0 and 5V. (Max is 2.5V which is what you've been seeing).
Basically, I'd try it with the proper protocol first with a bit bashing algorithm with continuous flip flopping between a left/right channel.
First of all, thanks a lot for your comment. It helps a lot to know that i'm not looking at a SPI transmission and that explains why it's not working.
A few reflexions about it
I googled Bit bashing (banging?) and it seems to be CPU intensive, which I would definately try to avoid
I have seen a (successful) projet (in MikroC) where someone transmit data from that exact same PIC, to the same DAC, using SPI, with apparently no problems whatsoever So i guess it SHOULD work, somehow?
Maybe he's transforming the data so that it works? here is the code he's using, I'm not sure what happens with the F15 bit toggle, I was thinking that it was done to manage the LSB shift problem. Here is the piece of (working) MikroC code that i'm talking about
valueDAC = valueDAC + 32768;
valueDAC.F15 =~ valueDAC.F15;
Chip_Select_DAC = 0;
Chip_Select_DAC = 1;
From my understanding, the two biggest differences between SPI and I2S is that SPI sends "bursts" of data where I2S continuously sends data. Another difference is that data sent after the word change state is the LSB of the last word.
So i was thinking that my SPI is triggered by a timer, which is always the same, so even if the data is not sent continuously, it will just make the sound wave a bit more 'aliased' and if it's triggered regularly enough (say at 44Mhz), it should not be SO different from sending I2S data at the same frequency, right?
If that is so, and I undertand correctly, the "only" problem left is to manage the LSB-next-word-MSB place problem, but i thought that the LSB is virtually negligible over 16bit values, so if I could just bitshift my value to the right and then just fix the LSB value to 0 or 1, the error would be small, and the format would be right.
Does it sounds like I have a valid 'Mc-Gyver-I2S-from-my-SPI' or am I forgetting something important?
I have tried to implement it, so far without success, but I need to check my SPI configuration since i'm not sure that it's configured correctly
Here is the code so far
SPI config
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Set() {LATDSET=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define Chip_Select_DAC_Clr() {LATDCLR=_LATE_LATE0_MASK;}
#define SPI4_CONF 0b1000010100100000
#define SPI4_BAUD 20
DAaC output function
//output audio to external DAC
void DAC_Output(signed int valueDAC) {
valueDAC = valueDAC >> 1; // put the MSB of ValueDAC 1 bit to the right (becase the MSB of what is transmitted will be seen by the DAC as the LSB of the last value, after a word select change)
//Left channel
Chip_Select_DAC_Set(); // Select left channel
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPITBE); // wait for TX buffer to empty
SPI4BUF=valueDAC; // write 16-bits word to TX buffer
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait for RX buffer to fill
Empty_SPI3_buffer=SPI4BUF; // read RX buffer (don't know why we need to do this here, but we do)
//SPI3_Write(valueDAC); MikroC option
// Right channel
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPITBE); // wait for TX buffer to empty
SPI4BUF=valueDAC; // write 16-bits word to TX buffer
while(!SPI4STATbits.SPIRBF); // wait for RX buffer to fill
The data I send here is signed, 16 bits range, I think you said that it's allright with this DAC, right?
Or maybe i could use framed SPI? the clock seems to be continous in this mode, but I would still have the LSB MSB shifting problem to solve.
I'm a bit lost here, so any help would be cool

I want to parse GNSS data from NMEA sentence using STM32F0 and Truestudio

I am facing difficulty while parsing GPS data from NMEA sentence. I am using Quectel L89 GNSS module (baud rate: 115200) and Truestudio IDE. I had used CubeMX for making skeletal structure of program.
I had tried using both HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback with HAL_UART_Receive_IT and HAL_UART_Receive_IT independently. I am able to read data sometimes and sometimes not. The thing is that raw data starts from $GPRMC AND ends with $PSTMCPU while reading data from ST sometimes rec_buffer starts from $GPRMC(ok condition) and sometimes from $GNVTG(wrong condition).
How will I ensure that rec_buffer always starts from $GPRMC
I am calling this in while(1):
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, rec_buff, 2400); // from GPS UART
I also tried this:
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback( UART_HandleTypeDef * huart )
if (huart->Instance == USART2) //GPS UART
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, &rec_buff[0], 1, 10);
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart2, rrc_buff, 2400);
Any help/ suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks clifford for your suggestions. I need to parse data from RMC, VTG, GGA AND GSA. I am unable to change the baud rate and also being unable to stop proprietary sentences.
There is nothing "wrong" about the output from your GNSS; it is normal for such a device to output a number of standard and proprietary sentences. It is your responsibility to either configure the module to output only the sentences you need or parse the sentences and discard those you don't want.
Send the following command to the GNSS to disable all configurable sentences but the RMC sentence:
You need to either send this configuration every time on start-up, or save the configuration in the non-volatile memory by:
It is possible that the module will output other sentences that are not configurable (I am not familiare with the specific module); you may still need to perform parsing and filtering on the host. That is as simple as parsing the talker ID and format specifier and discarding sentences you are not interested in. There are nay number of ways to do that; your question shows no such attempt.
Your code is too "low-level" as it is - the IEC61162-1 (NMEA 0183) sentence format is line oriented, but HAL_UART_Receive_IT() will just grab a chunk of data without any knowledge of the protocol and entirely asynchronous to the sentence structure - you could as easily start and end mid-sentence. Moreover HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback() occurs in the interrupt context - that is not the place to be receiving large chunks of data and parsing it. You first need some higher-level serial I/O code that will buffer the incoming data into a queue and support line-oriented input.
You then need to process each line - discarding those that are of no interest. In that sense it is too broad a question and not specifically related to GNSS data parsing - that is not really your problem here, it is as I say lower-level than than - you need ot build a suitable serial I/O infrastructure.
Another issue is that of you wait for 2400 characters to be received, you will get the data in chunks, and only the most recently received will be valid. If real-time reception of current position is required; you cannot do it that way.
I am no ST HAL expert and would not choose to use it; it is poorly documented. What it seems you should do in HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback is place the received data into a FIFO buffer that will be processed by some other thread (i.e. not in the interrupt context); because of variable length of NMEA sentences, you will need to do that on a single character basis. A perhaps simpler method is to poll the HALL receive buffer with a zero timeout and accumulate characters until a line is available. You can then inspect that line to see if it is an RMC sentence and then process that. For example, the following allows non-blocking processing of serial input. If no other functions need be performed, the timeout can be extended to wait indefinitely for each character:
// Strictly NMEA0183 requires only 81 byte sentence buffer, but
// L89 appears to output non-compliant proprietary sentences.
static char line_buffer[1024];
int line_buffer_index = 0;
for (;;)
HAL_StatusTypeDef rx_status = HAL_OK ;
while( rx_status == HAL_OK )
// Receive a character if available (zero timeout)
char ch = 0;
HAL_StatusTypeDef rx_status = HAL_UART_Receive( &huart2, ch, 1, 0 ) ;
// If character received and not the LF following the previous CR
if( rx_status == HAL_OK && ch != `\n ` )
// If the end of the sentence...
if( ch == `\r ` )
// terminate the line
line_buffer[line_buffer_index] = `\0` ;
// Start a new line
line_buffer_index = 0 ;
// Check if line is an RMC from a GNSS
if( line_buffer_index > 6 &&
memcmp( line_buffer, "$G", 2) == 0 &&
memcmp( &line_buffer[3], "RMC", 3) == 0 )
// Process RMC
processRMC( line_buffer ) ;
// add character to line buffer
line_buffer[line_buffer_index] = ch ;
line_buffer_index++ ;
if( line_buffer_index > sizeof(line_buffer) - 1 )
// Line too long, discard all
line_buffer_index = 0 ;
// do other work here if necessary

STM32 SPI dropping data while using interrupt

I'm trying to send a variable size array of bytes over SPI using interrupts. The system is composed by two nucleo STM32L432 boards. The sender board works fine, but I'm having issue with the receiver board. Specifically, I noticed that very often some bytes are dropped. Beyond the default initialization provided by CubeMX, I have also the following settings in my init function:
// Trigger RXNE when the FIFO is 1/4 full
// Enable RXNE interrupt
// Enable SPI
if((SPI3->CR1 & SPI_CR1_SPE) != SPI_CR1_SPE)
// If disabled, I enable it
SET_BIT(sw.spi_sw2pc->CR1, SPI_CR1_SPE);
The SPI is set to work at 10 Mbit/s. Can it be that the communication speed is too fast?
Following are the IRQ handler and the callback.
IRQ handler
void SPI3_IRQHandler(void)
/* Check RXNE flag value in ISR register */
/* Call function Slave Reception Callback */
void SW_rx_callback(void)
// RXNE flag is cleared by reading data in DR register
recv_buffer[recv_buffer_index++] = LL_SPI_ReceiveData8(SPI3);
// If there are no more data
new_data_arrived = true;
recv_buffer_index = 0;
Thank you in advance for your help.
SPI on 10 Mbits mean that you will have 1.25 millions interrupts per second (in case of 8bit transfer) and this is quite enough to process by interrupts especially in combination with HAL.
STM32L4xx is quite fast (80MHz) but in this case it mean that every interrupt call can't take longer than 64 cycles. but calling interrupt take 12 cycles, exit interrupt 10 cycles (it is in ideal state with no wait states on bus) so if your interrupt code will take 42 or more cycles then you can be sure that you miss some bytes.
Here are my suggestions:
First try to enable some compiler optimizations, to speed-up the code.
Change interrupt routine and remove everything unnecessary from interrupt handler (use SW FIFO and process received data in main loop)
But best solution in your case can be to use DMA transfer.