Trying to get a sql query working in PowerShell - sql

I am working on trying to pull information from a DB and compare against A.D. users, but cannot seem to get the syntax correct.
I am pulling all the users in A.D. where EmployeeID is not null (just the EmployeeID itself), and then converting to a string:
$aUsers = (Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(employeeID=*)" -Properties EmployeeID).EmployeeID
$b = ($aUsers -join ",")
I am then attempting to query the table for any users in the db that do NOT have a corresponding EmployeeID in A.D.:
"Select * from PS_WR_EE_CWR_CACHE Where EMPLID NOT IN (" + $b + ")"
But this gives me the error "Incorrect syntax near ','. If I do something manually, however, like so:
Select * from PS_WR_EE_CWR_CACHE Where EMPLID NOT IN (110, 111, 118)
it works perfectly. Not sure what in the syntax I am getting wrong that it won't take the list.


Importing OLAP metadata in SQL Server via linked server results in out-of-range date

Currently, I am trying to extract metadata from an OLAP cube in SQL Server (via a linked server) using this simple query:
select *
into [dbo].[columns_metadata]
from openquery([LINKED_SERVER], '
select *
But in the result set, there is a column named RefreshedTime with values 31.12.1699 00:00:00.
Because of this value, the query gives this error message:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 Error converting data type (null)
to datetime.
The problem is that I need to run the query without specifying the columns in the SELECT statement.
Do you know a trick to avoid this error?
I know you wanted not to have to mention the columns explicitly, but in case nobody can suggest a way to have it handle the 1699-12-31 dates, then you can fallback to this:
select *
into [dbo].[columns_metadata]
from openquery([LINKED_SERVER], '
,CStr([RefreshedTime]) as [RefreshedTime]

Multiple parameter values

I have a problem with BIRT when I try to pass multiple values from report parameter.
I'm using BIRT 2.6.2 and eclipse.
I'm trying to put multiple values from cascading parameter group last parameter "JDSuser". The parameter is allowed to have multiple values and I'm using list box.
In order to be able to do that I'm writing my sql query with where-in statement where I replace text with javascript. Otherwise BIRT sql can't get multiple values from report parameter.
My sql query is
select jamacomment.createdDate, jamacomment.scopeId,
jamacomment.commentText, jamacomment.documentId,
jamacomment.highlightQuote, jamacomment.organizationId,
jamacomment.userId,,,, userbase.firstName, userbase.lastName,
userbase.organization, userbase.userName,,, document.description,
user_role.userId, user_role.roleId,,
from jamacomment jamacomment left join
userbase on
left join organization on
left join document on
left join user_role on
right join role on
where jamacomment.scopeId=11
and in ( 'sample grupa' )
and userbase.userName in ( 'sample' )
and my javascript code for that dataset on beforeOpen state is:
if( params["JDSuser"].value[0] != "(All Users)" ){
this.queryText=this.queryText.replaceAll('sample grupa', params["JDSgroup"]);
var users = params["JDSuser"];
//var userquery = "'";
var userquery = userquery + users.join("', '");
//userquery = userquery + "'";
this.queryText=this.queryText.replaceAll('sample', userquery);
I tryed many different quote variations, with this one I get no error messages, but if I choose 1 value, I get no data from database, but if I choose at least 2 values, I get the last chosen value data.
If I uncomment one of those additional quote script lines, then I get syntax error like this:
The following items have errors:
Table (id = 597):
+ An exception occurred during processing. Please see the following message for details: Failed to prepare the query execution for the
data set: Organization Cannot get the result set metadata. SQL statement does not return a ResultSet object. SQL error #1:You have an error in
your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
server version for the right syntax to use near 'rudolfs.sviklis',
'sample' )' at line 25 ;
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'rudolfs.sviklis', 'sample' )' at line 25
Also, I should tell you that i'm doing this by looking from working example. Everything is the same, the previous code resulted to the same syntax error, I changed it to this script which does the same.
The example is available here:
If someone could give me at least a clue to what I should do that would be great.
You should always use the value property of a parameter, i.e.:
var users = params["JDSuser"].value;
It is not necessary to surround "userquery" with quotes because these quotes are already put in the SQL query arround 'sample'. Furthermore there is a mistake because userquery is not yet defined at line:
var userquery = userquery + users.join("', '");
This might introduce a string such "null" in your query. Therefore remove all references to userquery variable, just use this expression at the end:
this.queryText=this.queryText.replaceAll('sample', users.join("','"));
Notice i removed the blank space in the join expression. Finally once it works finely, you probably need to make your report input more robust by testing if the value is null:
if( params["JDSuser"].value!=null && params["JDSuser"].value[0] != "(All Users)" ){
//Do stuff...

Not able to run SQL queries in AS400, run into Invalid Token errors

In AS400, how can i perform arithmetic operations (like +, -) on fields.
For the query Select id, sum(field1+field2) as Total from table
group by id, getting the following error msg in German "[IBM][System
i Access ODBC-Treiber][DB2 für i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token & ungültig.
Gültige Token: + - AS <IDENTIFIER>." English Translation is something
like "[IBM] [System i Access ODBC Driver] [DB2 for i5/OS] SQL0104 -
Token <END Instruction> invalid. Valid tokens: CL AS IN LOG OUT DATA
For the query Select count(*) from (select distinct field1 from table where field2="abc", getting the following error msg "[IBM][System i Access ODBC-Treiber][DB2 für i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token <ENDE DER ANWEISUNG> ungültig. Gültige Token: AS CL IN LOG OUT DATA <IDENTIFIER>."
For a query with sub-query got the following error msg
"[IBM][System i Access ODBC-Treiber][DB2 für i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token & ungültig. Gültige Token: < > = <> <= !< !> != >= ¬< ¬> ¬= IN NOT."
Could someone please tell me what's wrong with my sql queries.
TABLE is a reserved word. SQL Reference: Reserved schema names and reserved words.
Single quotes escape a string literal
Double quotes escape a reserved word (similar to brackets in TSQL)
SQL Reference: Identifiers
The queries could be re-written as:
DB/2 for i does not support your method of numeric to character conversion or the type of character comparison used in your LIKE query.
The query can be re-written as:
SELECT eds, SUM(INT(sds)) AS totalh
FROM tbl1
WHERE eds BETWEEN 20130500 AND 20130599
AND siteds IN (
FROM tbl2
WHERE H_04 IN ('1234') AND PERIOD = 201305
You may need to use DEC instead of INT depending upon the definition of field sds.
SQL Reference:
Is the table's name really 'table'?
Odd as it seems, if I use the SQL statement you indicated as is, I get the same error... but if I change 'table' to 'table1', it just complains that it can't find 'table1'.

Active Record query causing SQLException near "," syntax error

I'm trying to display all such rows of a table STUDENTS which have a value of an attribute, such as COURSE IN a set of given values e.g. 'MS', 'PhD'.
I get the values in the students_controller.rb file using params. I tried to run an Active Record query using where to do the job:
#all_courses = ['MS', 'PhD', 'BA', 'MSc']
#students = Student.where("course IN :courses" , {:courses => params.has_key?(:courses) ? params[:courses].keys : #all_courses})
But I get the following error:
SQLite3::SQLException: near ",": syntax error: SELECT "students".* FROM "students" WHERE (course IN 'MS', 'PhD', 'BA', 'MSc')
I think the error might be due to the absence of ; at the end of the SQL query generated by Active Record, but I cannot do anything to get that semicolon at the end.
You need to use parentheses: "course IN (:courses)"

Advantage Database 8.1 SQL IN clause

Using Advantage Database Server 8.1 I am having trouble executing a successful query. I am trying to do the following
WHERE LastName IN ('Hansen','Pettersen')
To check for multiple values in a column. But I get an error when I try to execute this query in Advantage.
Edit - Error
poQuery: Error 7200: AQE Error: State = 42000; NativeError = 2115; [iAnywhere Solutions][Advantage SQL Engine]Expected lexical element not found: ( There was a problem parsing the
WHERE clause in your SELECT statement. -- Location of error in the SQL statement is: 46
And here is the SQL i'm executing
select * from "Pat Visit" where
DIAG1 IN = ('43644', '43645', '43770', '43771', '43772', '43773', '43774',
'43842', '43843', '43845', '43846', '43847', '43848', '97804', '98961',
'98962', '99078')
Does anyone have any Idea how I could do something similar in advantage that would be efficient as well?
You have an extraneous = in the statement after the IN. It should be:
select * from "Pat Visit" where
DIAG1 IN ('43644', '43645', <snip> )