Automapper mapping child properties in mapping profile class -

Is the below code achievable?
If not, is there a similar approach to get child properties through methods in same class.
The reason to do it this was is to check for null and at the same time avoid creating multiple mapping profiles. Please guide me to the right direction on this one. Thanks
Its giving me this error:
Client projection contains reference to constant expression of 'Project.Web.Dto.Mapper.ProviderMappingProfile' through instance method 'GetLastUpdate'. This could potentially cause memory leak. Consider making the method static so that it does not capture constant in the instance.
public ProviderMappingProfile ()
CreateMap<Provider, ProviderDto>(MemberList.Destination)
.ForMember(d => d.property1, opts => opts.MapFrom(s => GetLastUpdate(s)))
.ForMember(d => d.property2, opts => opts.MapFrom(s => GetPropertChild2(s)));
private DateTime? GetLastUpdate(Provider provider)
var LastUpdate = provider.childDetails?.FirstOrDefault().LastUpdate;
return LastUpdate;
private string GetPropertChild2(Provider provider)
if (provider.IsCombined)
return provider.CombinedNo;
return provider.Worker?.Work;

You should refactor your Get... methods into custom resolvers:
public class LastUpdateResolver : IValueResolver<Provider, ProviderDto, DateTime?>
public DateTime? Resolve(Provider source, ProviderDto destination, DateTime? member, ResolutionContext context)
return source.childDetails?.FirstOrDefault().LastUpdate;
and use it on the profile declaration:
.ForMember(d => d.property1, opts => opts.MapFrom<LastUpdateResolver>())


FluentValidation - Validate interfaced child properties

I'm trying to apply FluentValidation (v 9.1.1) on a tree structure, using the visitor pattern. The special thing about it is, that a couple of different tree elements all implement an interface and the child properties of the elements are of this interface type. In other words, the child properties are not strongly typed. Simplified model see below. Each validator goes on the specific implementation and I don't get the point, how to attach child validators for interface children.
Here is a demo model (working code):
public interface IElement
Type ResultType { get; }
TResult Accept<TResult>(IElementVisitor<TResult> visitor);
public class ConstElement : IElement
public object Value { get; set; }
public Type ResultType => Value?.GetType();
public TResult Accept<TResult>(IElementVisitor<TResult> visitor)
return visitor.VisitElement(this);
public class BinaryElement : IElement
// Child properties are not strongly typed.
public IElement Left { get; set; }
public IElement Right { get; set; }
public Operand Operand { get; set; }
public Type ResultType => Operand switch
Operand.Equal => typeof(bool),
Operand.GreaterThan => typeof(bool),
Operand.Plus => Left.GetType(),
Operand.Multiply => Left.GetType(),
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),
public TResult Accept<TResult>(IElementVisitor<TResult> visitor)
return visitor.VisitElement(this);
public enum Operand { Equal, GreaterThan, Plus, Multiply }
public class ConstElementValidator : AbstractValidator<ConstElement>
public ConstElementValidator()
RuleFor(ele => ele.Value).NotNull().Must(value => (value is double) || (value is TimeSpan));
public class BinaryElementValidator : AbstractValidator<BinaryElement>
public BinaryElementValidator()
// Rules for the element itself
RuleFor(ele => ele.Left).NotNull();
RuleFor(ele => ele.Right).NotNull();
RuleFor(ele => ele).Must(ele => IsValidResultTypeCombination(ele.Left.ResultType, ele.Right.ResultType, ele.Operand));
// Add rules for child elements here? How?
private bool IsValidResultTypeCombination(Type left, Type right, Operand operand)
if (left == typeof(bool) && right != typeof(bool))
return false;
// other result type validations...
return true;
public interface IElementVisitor<TResult>
TResult VisitElement(ConstElement element);
TResult VisitElement(BinaryElement element);
public class ValidationVisitor : IElementVisitor<ValidationResult>
public ValidationResult VisitElement(ConstElement element)
return new ConstElementValidator().Validate(element);
public ValidationResult VisitElement(BinaryElement element)
// How to add validation of element.Left and element.Right,
// taking into account, that their type is IElement, while Validators are bound to the implementation type?
var result = new BinaryElementValidator().Validate(element);
var leftResult = element.Left.Accept(this);
var rightResult = element.Right.Accept(this);
// merge leftResult and rightResult with result
return result;
In general, there are two ways to add child validation. Either calling child validators directly in the validators, which would make the ValidationVisitor obsolete, or let focus the validators on their own logic and adding child validation in the ValidationVisitor, as shown in the code.
The only way I am able to proceed right now is by using the visitor and merging the validation results of an element and its child elements.
Is there a way to add child validators to the BinaryElement in this scenario? Either in the visitor or in the BinaryElementValidator directly.
There's a couple of different ways to do this. You can either define multiple rules for each of the interface implementors, or you can use a custom property validator to do runtime inspection on the type. This is similar to this answer.
Option 1: Multiple rule definitions with a type filter
With this option, you create a specific rule definition for each potential implementor of the interface:
// Inside your BinaryElementValidator use a safe cast inside the RuleFor definition.
// If it isn't the right type, the child validator won't be executed
// as child validators aren't run for null properties.
RuleFor(x => x.Left as BinaryElement).SetValidator(new BinaryElementValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.Left as ConstElement).SetValidator(new ConstElementValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.Right as BinaryElement).SetValidator(new BinaryElementValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.Right as ConstElement).SetValidator(new ConstElementValidator());
This is the simplest approach, but by having a more complex expression within the call to RuleFor you will be bypassing FluentValidation's expression cache, which will be a performance hit if you're instantiating the validator many times. I'll leave it for you to decide if that would be an issue in your application.
You may need to call OverridePropertyName for each rule too, as FluentValidation won't be able to infer the name of the property with this approach.
Option 2: A custom property validator
A slightly more complex solution, but means you can stick with simple property expressions inside RuleFor, meaning you won't bypass the cache. This makes use of a custom validator called PolymorphicValidator, which will inspect the type of the property at runtime.
RuleFor(x => x.Left).SetValidator(new PolymorphicValidator<BinaryElement, IElement>()
.Add<BinaryElement>(new BinaryElementValidator())
.Add<ConstElement>(new ConstElementValidator())
RuleFor(x => x.Right).SetValidator(new PolymorphicValidator<BinaryElement, IElement>()
.Add<BinaryElement>(new BinaryElementValidator())
.Add<ConstElement(new ConstElementValidator())
And here's the code for the PolymorphicValidator:
public class PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> : ChildValidatorAdaptor<T, TInterface> {
readonly Dictionary<Type, IValidator> _derivedValidators = new Dictionary<Type, IValidator>();
// Need the base constructor call, even though we're just passing null.
public PolymorphicValidator() : base((IValidator<TInterface>)null, typeof(IValidator<TInterface>)) {
public PolymorphicValidator<T, TInterface> Add<TDerived>(IValidator<TDerived> derivedValidator) where TDerived : TInterface {
_derivedValidators[typeof(TDerived)] = derivedValidator;
return this;
public override IValidator<TInterface> GetValidator(PropertyValidatorContext context) {
// bail out if the current item is null
if (context.PropertyValue == null) return null;
if (_derivedValidators.TryGetValue(context.PropertyValue.GetType(), out var derivedValidator)) {
return new ValidatorWrapper(derivedValidator);
return null;
private class ValidatorWrapper : AbstractValidator<TInterface> {
private IValidator _innerValidator;
public ValidatorWrapper(IValidator innerValidator) {
_innerValidator = innerValidator;
public override ValidationResult Validate(ValidationContext<TInterface> context) {
return _innerValidator.Validate(context);
public override Task<ValidationResult> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext<TInterface> context, CancellationToken cancellation = new CancellationToken()) {
return _innerValidator.ValidateAsync(context, cancellation);
public override IValidatorDescriptor CreateDescriptor() {
return _innerValidator.CreateDescriptor();
This approach is actually going to be added to the library in a future version - you can track its development here if you're interested:

MVC Ninject into Automapper Profile

I'm trying to inject my dependencies into an automapper profile; the profile is like so;
public class UserProfile : Profile
private IIdentityService _identity;
public UserProfile(IIdentityService identity)
_identity = identity;
protected override void Configure()
Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserViewModel>();
Mapper.CreateMap<List<User>, UsersViewModel>()
.ForMember(d => d.Users, o => o.MapFrom(s => s))
.ForMember(d => d.Domains, o => GetDomains());
public List<string> GetDomains()
return _identity.AvailableDomains();
Several articles suggest using code like so;
kernel.Bind<IMappingEngine>().ToMethod(ctx => Mapper.Engine);
I've tried adding this in NinjectWebCommon (both in CreateKernel and RegisterServices), but i'm still getting runtime errors as AutoMapper can't resolve without a default (empty) constructor. I'm guessing the issue is with the Ninject side of things (my implementation of it that is).

Fluent NHibernate table naming convention not working

I have the following convention which I load into my FNH config
public class TableNameConvention : IClassConvention, IClassConventionAcceptance
public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IClassInspector> criteria)
criteria.Expect(x => x.TableName, Is.Not.Set);
public void Apply(IClassInstance instance)
var tableName = instance.EntityType.Name.Pluralise();
I do not specify table names on any of my mappings, yet this convention is not applied. I'm using Fluent NHibernate Can anyone spot anything I might have done wrong?
The conventions are loaded in the following manner:
public static NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration BuildConfiguration()
var connectionStringName = "mydb";
return Fluently.Configure(new NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration())
.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey(connectionStringName))
.Mappings(m =>
m.FluentMappings.Conventions.Add(DefaultLazy.Always(), DynamicUpdate.AlwaysTrue(), DynamicInsert.AlwaysTrue());
.ExposeConfiguration(config => config.SetProperty(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.CurrentSessionContextClass, typeof(ManagedWebSessionContext).AssemblyQualifiedName))
All conventions sit in the same assembly and namespace as the HiLoConvention referenced above in the .AddFromAssembly() method call.
The problem is in the Accept() method, because if I remove this method (and also the IClassConventionAcceptance interface from the class declaration) then the convention is applied. I have also tried this expectation to no avail
criteria.Expect(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.TableName))
The original code worked with Fluent 1.2.1...
This question is old, but perhaps this can help someone else:
I assume you wanted to set the convention on each entity, unless a table name was specified explicitly in the map. So to achieve that, you can simply do the following:
public class TableNameConvention : IClassConvention
public void Apply(IClassInstance instance)
var tableName = instance.EntityType.Name.Pluralise();
This will apply the convention on all entities, unless TableName was specified explicitly in the map.
Have you tried
in place of

Fluent validation - group two validators in one custom validator

I have the following validator class:
public class FranchiseInfoValidator : AbstractValidator<FranchiseInfo>
public FranchiseInfoValidator()
RuleFor(franchiseInfo => franchiseInfo.FolderName).NotEmpty().Matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+$").WithMessage("Invalid characters");
RuleFor(franchiseInfo => franchiseInfo.ExeIconName).NotEmpty().Matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+$").WithMessage("Invalid characters");
RuleFor(franchiseInfo => franchiseInfo.FullName).NotEmpty().Matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+$").WithMessage("Invalid characters");
RuleFor(franchiseInfo => franchiseInfo.ShortName).NotEmpty().Matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+$").WithMessage("Invalid characters");
NotEmpty() and Matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+$").WithMessage("Invalid characters") validators with the custom message are the same for all properties. Is it possible to group them in one custom validator and then write something like this:
RuleFor(franchiseInfo => franchiseInfo.FolderName).SetValidator(new CustomValidator());
I have done some custom validators but not in this scenario. Is this possible? I have found no such example in the documentation. Furthermore, I wonder if this is possible to be done generic so if I have another validator class with properties to apply the same custom validator? Thanks.
yes, it should work with something like that
public class MyCustomValidator : PropertyValidator
public MyCustomValidator()
: base("Property {PropertyName} has invalid characters.")
protected override bool IsValid(PropertyValidatorContext context)
var element = context.PropertyValue as string;
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(element) && Regex.IsMatch(element, "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]+$");
usage :
with your code, or create your own extension
public static class MyValidatorExtensions {
public static IRuleBuilderOptions<T, string> CheckIfNullAndMatches<T>(this IRuleBuilder<T, string> ruleBuilder) {
return ruleBuilder.SetValidator(new MyCustomValidator<TElement>());
then usage would be
RuleFor(franchiseInfo => franchiseInfo.FolderName).CheckIfNullAndMatches();
You could also have a regex as a parameter, if you need a more generic validator...
doc here

How do you map an enum as an int value with fluent NHibernate?

Question says it all really, the default is for it to map as a string but I need it to map as an int.
I'm currently using PersistenceModel for setting my conventions if that makes any difference.
Found that getting onto the latest version of the code from the trunk resolved my woes.
The way to define this convention changed sometimes ago, it's now :
public class EnumConvention : IUserTypeConvention
public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IPropertyInspector> criteria)
criteria.Expect(x => x.Property.PropertyType.IsEnum);
public void Apply(IPropertyInstance target)
So, as mentioned, getting the latest version of Fluent NHibernate off the trunk got me to where I needed to be. An example mapping for an enum with the latest code is:
Map(quote => quote.Status).CustomTypeIs(typeof(QuoteStatus));
The custom type forces it to be handled as an instance of the enum rather than using the GenericEnumMapper<TEnum>.
I'm actually considering submitting a patch to be able to change between a enum mapper that persists a string and one that persists an int as that seems like something you should be able to set as a convention.
This popped up on my recent activity and things have changed in the newer versions of Fluent NHibernate to make this easier.
To make all enums be mapped as integers you can now create a convention like so:
public class EnumConvention : IUserTypeConvention
public bool Accept(IProperty target)
return target.PropertyType.IsEnum;
public void Apply(IProperty target)
public bool Accept(Type type)
return type.IsEnum;
Then your mapping only has to be:
Map(quote => quote.Status);
You add the convention to your Fluent NHibernate mapping like so;
.Mappings(mappingConfiguration =>
./* other configuration */
Don't forget about nullable enums (like ExampleEnum? ExampleProperty)! They need to be checked separately. This is how it's done with the new FNH style configuration:
public class EnumConvention : IUserTypeConvention
public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IPropertyInspector> criteria)
criteria.Expect(x => x.Property.PropertyType.IsEnum ||
(x.Property.PropertyType.IsGenericType &&
x.Property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>) &&
public void Apply(IPropertyInstance target)
this is how I've mapped a enum property with an int value:
Map(x => x.Status).CustomType(typeof(Int32));
works for me!
For those using Fluent NHibernate with Automapping (and potentially an IoC container):
The IUserTypeConvention is as #Julien's answer above:
public class EnumConvention : IUserTypeConvention
public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IPropertyInspector> criteria)
criteria.Expect(x => x.Property.PropertyType.IsEnum);
public void Apply(IPropertyInstance target)
The Fluent NHibernate Automapping configuration could be configured like this:
protected virtual ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
return Fluently.Configure()
.Mappings(mappingConfiguration =>
protected virtual IPersistenceConfigurer SetupDatabase()
return MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.UseOuterJoin()
.ConnectionString(x =>
x.FromConnectionStringWithKey("AppDatabase")) // In Web.config
protected static AutoPersistenceModel CreateAutomappings()
return AutoMap.AssemblyOf<ClassInAnAssemblyToBeMapped>(
new EntityAutomapConfiguration())
.Conventions.Setup(c =>
// Other IUserTypeConvention classes here
*Then the CreateSessionFactory can be utilized in an IoC such as Castle Windsor (using a PersistenceFacility and installer) easily. *
.UsingFactoryMethod(() => CreateSessionFactory()),
.UsingFactoryMethod(k => k.Resolve<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession())
You could create an NHibernate IUserType, and specify it using CustomTypeIs<T>() on the property map.
You should keep the values as int / tinyint in your DB Table. For mapping your enum you need to specify mapping correctly. Please see below mapping and enum sample,
Mapping Class
public class TransactionMap : ClassMap Transaction
public TransactionMap()
//Other mappings
//Mapping for enum
Map(x => x.Status, "Status").CustomType();
public enum TransactionStatus
Waiting = 1,
Processed = 2,
RolledBack = 3,
Blocked = 4,
Refunded = 5,
AlreadyProcessed = 6,