In numpy, I have a 4-D array A of shape (10, 10, 5, 5) and a 2-D array B of shape (10, 5).
I want to do two broadcast sum operations.
A[i][.] += B[i][:,np.newaxis]
A[.][j] += B[j][:,np.newaxis].T
Is there any convenient way to do that using NumPy?
I know for a 4D vector, shape should be (4, 1) which is actually represented in 4D space but ndim is 2, and for some ndarray to be in 4 dimension, its shape should be something like (2, 3, 4, 5).
So, Is it like dimensional concept differs between vector and matrices (or arrays)? I'm trying to understand from mathematical perspective and how it's derived to pandas programming.
The dimensionality of a mathematical object is usually determined by the number of independent parameters in that particular object. For example, a 4-D vector is mathematically 4 dimensional because it contains 4 independent elements (unless some relation between them has been specified). Such a vector, if represented as a column vector in numpy, would have a shape (4, 1) because it has 4 rows and 1 column. The transpose of this vector, a row vector, has shape (4, ) because it has 4 columns and only 1 row, and the row-style view is default, so if there is 1 row, it's not explicitly mentioned.
Note however, that the column vector and row vector are dimensionally equivalent mathematically. Both have 4 dimensions.
For a 3 x 3 matrix, the most general mathematical dimension is 9, because it has 9 independent elements in general. The shape of a corresponding numpy array would be (3, 3). If you're looking for the maximum number of elements in any numpy array, ndarray.size is the way to go.
ndarray.ndim, however, yields the number of axes in a numpy array. That is, the number of directions along which values are placed (sloppy terminology!). So for the 3 x 3 matrix, ndim yields 2. For an array of shape (3, 7, 2, 1), ndim would yield 4. But, as we already discussed, the mathematical dimension would generally be 3 x 7 x 2 x 1 = 42 (So this is a matrix in 42-dimensional space! But the numpy array has just 4 dimensions). Thereby, as you might've already noticed, ndarray.size is just the product of the numbers in ndarray.shape.
Note that these are not just concepts of programming. We are used to saying "2-D matrices" in mathematics, but that is not to be confused with the space in which the matrices reside.
I want to implement a neural network in Keras of this architecture: say if I have some inputs and they belong to some groups. Then the neural network is like this:
input -> some layers -> separate inputs by groups -> average inputs by groups -> output
In brief, I want to separate inputs by groups then take the average of inputs by groups.
For example, if I have some inputs tensor [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and they are belonging to two groups [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]. Then I want to the output tensor is like this: [3.333, 3.666, 3.666, 3.333, 3.333, 3.666]. Here 3.333 is the average of group 0 [1, 4, 5] and 3.666 is the average of group 1 [2, 3, 6].
I am not sure if you can separate the inputs as you described above directly in Keras or Tensorflow. Here is what I could come up with:
Create a mask corresponding to each class where 1 is for the element at the index being in the class and 0 for any element of another class. So in your example, you would do [0,1,1,0,0,1] for one class and [1,0,0,1,1,0] for the other. ( if you have more classes, you will correspondingly have more masks )
Stack those vectors to get a 3-D tensor and do 1D convolution with 0 stride. Use tf.nn.conv1d(). Think of those masks as filters of a Convolution operation and it's separating the classes. Be sure to reshape your Tensors to match the operation requirements.
After the convolution, you will have a 3-D Tensor where each vector would contain a classes elements. For your example you should get a Tensor with two vectors as [0,2,3,0,0,6] and [1,0,0,4,5,0]. Use tf.reduce_mean() on the correct axis to get the average of each class.
Multiply the Tensor of the mean : [[3.333], [3.666]] with the masks using tf.multiply() and add the vectors using tf.reduce_sum() on the correct axis. And it should result in the vector you desire.
I have figured out a method. It can be archived by matrix manipulation. First turn the cluster vector to a categorical matrix, for example, if the batch size is 6, the categorical matrix (cluster) is like:
1, 0
1, 0
0, 1
0, 1
1, 0
0, 1
then we generate a cluster_mean matrix:
1/3, 0
1/3, 0
0, 1/3
0, 1/3
1/3, 0
0, 1/3
If we have an input matrix n*b (n is the number of features and b is the batch), then we can get average by cluster by using
cluster * t(cluster_mean) * input
Transpose, average and dot product can be archived by using tensorflow functions.
I am new to numpy, I guess the return of np.array() is a row vector, Because the dot product between two vectors is commutative, is my guess right? Any respone is grateful.
vx = np.array([1, 2])
vw = np.array([3, 5]), vw), vx)
The arrays are 1d ('vectors', not row/column vectors).
First paragraph from dot docuentation:
For 2-D arrays it is equivalent to matrix multiplication, and for 1-D
arrays to inner product of vectors (without complex conjugation). For
N dimensions it is a sum product over the last axis of a and
the second-to-last of b
So you are getting the inner product, which is commutative.
In [118]: vx = np.array([1, 2])
In [119]: vx.shape
Out[119]: (2,)
dot returns a scalar:
In [120]:,vx)
Out[120]: 5
For a 2d 'row vector', shape matters. dot is matrix multiplication, and last dim as to match 2nd to the last, e.g. 2 matches with 2.
In [121]: vx2 = np.array([[1,2]])
In [122]: vx2.shape
Out[122]: (1, 2)
In [123]:, vx2)
ValueError: shapes (1,2) and (1,2) not aligned: 2 (dim 1) != 1 (dim 0)
In [124]:, vx2.T)
Out[124]: array([[5]])
In this case the result is 2d (1,1).
What happens when I numpy.append two 3-D matrices?
a is a matrix of shape (662, 887, 3), b is a matrix of shape (77, 103, 100).
I used numpy.append to create a matrix c, which is of shape (2554682,).
What does this mean? What happened here?
(662 * 887 * 3) + (77 * 103 * 100) = 2554682
It squished all the elements into a 1-Dimensional vector with the amount of elements being the sum of the amount of elements of a and b.
Say a.shape is (2, 3, 1), b.shape is (2, 1, 4). They both represent an array of matrix, how to element-wise multiply those two arrays of matrix so that the result's shape is (2, 3, 4).