How to get the list of all the parameters for gurobi solver - gurobi

I am trying to add gurobi solver interface to a modeling language (in c++) and I was wondering if there is a list of all the available parameters somewhere. I found this page that describes some parameters but I am not sure if this is the exhaustive list or not.

All public parameters are listed in the header file include/gurobi_c++.h.


What is the equivalent cpp function for tf.train.import_meta_graph() in tensorflow?

I need to know the equivalent C++ function for
Can anyone please help with it?
There is no direct equivalent of tf.train.import_meta_graph() in C++, because its main role is to set up Python data structures that are useful in interpreting the low-level GraphDef that the MetaGraph contains.
There are a couple of related functions that might be useful, however:
In the C API, TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel() will import a "SavedModel" file, which contains one or more meta graphs, and instantiate a session using it. You can create a saved model in Python using the tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder class. See the SavedModel documentation for more details.
In the C++ API, the tensorflow::LoadSavedModel() function serves a similar role.

OCaml type-directed API search

Is there a type-directed search tool in OCaml (like Coq's SearchPattern command) where I can define a type constraint, e.g. _ * int -> float, and then the tool will search a given set of files for "all functions mapping pairs whose second element is an integer to floats"?
Either a stand-alone tool, or something integrated into an IDE would be fine. The idea is that, when exploring a new API, if I want for instance to obtain a value of type Foo.t, looking for all functions of the form _ -> Foo.t might be more efficient than browing the entire API.
Merlin helps finding the type of given expressions, but it has no such "API discovery" functions, as far as I know.
I found OcamlScope, but it seems to be a web-only service, and restricted to a set of fixed libraries. I wanted to be able to search my own files for existing functions.
ocamloscope's source can be found here You may succeed to use it locally. There's even an issue for making an OPAM package out of it.

Semantic Media Wiki (SMW) - Is it possible to nest property / value definitions?

I'm using Semantic Media Wiki in conjunction with the Lingo Extension and the Semantic Glossary Extension to build a glossary. Often definitions of a term include links to other terms. For example: Computer - A calculating machine which uses a -CPU- to execute calculations. The definition includes a link to the term 'CPU'.
Now I wonder: Is it possible to nest a link to a wiki page inside a property / value definition?
I tried the following without success:
A [[Glossary-term::Computer]] is a
[[Glossary-Definition::calculating machine
which uses a [[CPU]] to execute calculations.]]
Does anybody know how to reach this structure?
Thanks for your ideas an suggestions!
I found the solution through the SMW mailing list citing SMW Configuration Page :
You can use
A [[Glossary-term::Computer]] is a
[[Glossary-Definition::calculating machine
which uses a [[CPU]] to execute calculations.]]
but you have to add the following to your LocalSettings.php in the MediaWiki root:

Variable parameter in transform scale() svg document

In a SVG file, I want to define some global constants values in the defs section (or any other relevant node) to be reused as a scale parameter.
<svg:defs id="defs4">
xxxx value defined here
<svg:g id="id1" transform="scale(xxxx)">...</svg:g>
PS : there is no scripting involved here
I've tried the param() function without any success...
Is it even possible ?
There is an SVG parameters specification but it's still being written and not implemented by any UAs natively yet. There are some examples of how it would work in the primer but they are currently implemented using javascript. Future UAs that implemented the parameters specification once it is complete would not need scripting to be turned on for parameters to work.

How to determine where, or if, a variable is used in an SSIS package

I've inherited a collection of largely undocumented ssis packages. The entry point package (ie: the one that forks off in a variety of directions to call other packages) defines a number of variables. I would like to know how these variables are being used, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent of "right click/Find All References"
Is there a reliable way to determine where these variables are being used?
A hackish way would be to open the dtsx file in a text editor/xml viewer and search for the variable name.
If it's being used in expressions, it should show it and you can trace the xml tree back up until you find the object it's being used on.
You can use the bids helper add-in thats gives you visual feedback on where variables are used in your package. Thats makes it very fast and easy to detect them.Besides that, it offers several other valueable features.
Check out: